Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 439 A World of Despair

Nearly a day later, Qin Ming sent a large number of adventurers away.

When I left, I kept promising to help them and try my best to help them.

This is mainly because Qin Ming looks too pitiful towards them, but not because once these guys get angry, they can punch him to death on the spot, and they can really do it in the nightmare space.

After receiving Qin Ming's affirmative reply, these big guys in the nightmare space immediately responded.

They were very generous and gave Qin Ming a lot of top-quality props and equipment, and even top-quality skill books.

As for how excellent it is? Let's put it this way, Qin Ming received a total of thirteen S-level skill books alone!

There is even a double SS level skill book in it!

Taking these skill books and sending everyone away, Qin Ming couldn't help but fall into silence for a while.

He looked at the skill books in his hand and felt that these were not treasures at all, but more like a group of time bombs!

Good guy! If only this were strengthened! Qin Ming had to die on the spot for everyone to see!

Looking through the skill books in his hand, especially the SS-level skill book, Qin Ming grinned more and more.

[Name: The Power of the Alien Queen]

[Grade: SS]

[Effect: You can condense alien eggs by consuming nutrients and parasitize them in other people's bodies. The ability to hatch aliens depends on the parasitic host]

[Introduction: My descendants are endless. 】

Are the double S-level skills strong? Of course it’s stronger! It can even be said to be frighteningly strong!

Depending on the situation of the parasitized person, descendants can be hatched to fight for themselves, and there is no limit on the number. This is terrifying just thinking about it. They are definitely good at positional warfare.

But the problem is that this kind of power is too evil. Since it will be sent out by others, it is almost a no-brainer. It will definitely conflict seriously with other skills.

If Qin Ming dares to strengthen, the consequences will be disastrous.

Stacking these skill books on the table, Qin Ming sat down again and began to rub his forehead and think about what to do next.

Regarding the third S-level skill, he still wanted to strengthen the wave of killing intent. After all, this ability is quite famous.

But the state of this group of top adventurers sounded the alarm for him again.

Indiscriminate strengthening is definitely a dead end. Once the body is really in trouble, it will be difficult for Qin Ming to regain his strength even if he wants to.

But finding special abilities that can balance the power within the body is not an easy task. After all, this type of skill has probably been acquired and monopolized by top adventurers regardless of level.

Now it's either a matter of cooperating with them and acquiring a special skill as a foundation, but it's easy for them to trick you.

Or you just have to figure it out yourself.

But this matter is not urgent. It reflects that he is only an intermediate adventurer now and has countless time to slowly plan his strengthening route...

In the blink of an eye, another few months passed.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the room, took a deep breath and suddenly stepped forward towards the door the next second.

As he raised his hand to push open the door, a dazzling light lit up, and Qin Ming's next adventure officially began.

[World Name: Midnight Killing]

[Task Difficulty: Level A]

【Number of people entering: 100】

[Main mission requirement: Survive 90 days]

[Complete to get 10,000 points and 10 free attribute points]

[Optional mission requirement: Kill a plot BOSS]

[Earn 10,000 points and 10 free attribute points upon completion]

[Introduction to the world: One night, hundreds of ghosts roamed the night, and countless monsters appeared out of thin air, causing the whole world to fall into chaos. Humanity was on the verge of extinction in just a few months. At this time, the night killers finally appeared... ………]

In a room, Qin Ming, who was sitting on a chair, slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the world information appearing on the TV opposite, he frowned.

Midnight killing? This is also a very classic old arcade game, with a bloody and comic style.

The summary of the background story is that the end of the world suddenly comes, humans can't bear it anymore, and three heroes suddenly stand up to save the world.

And the identities of these three heroes are completely different. One is a monster hunter from the United States, one is a vampire hunter from Europe, and the other is a Chinese ghost-hunting Taoist priest.

Three unrelated professions are just pieced together, which makes them look very different.

Especially the ghost-catching Taoist among them is a super beauty, with amazing boxing and kicking skills, and good Taoist skills. She is the main fighting force of the team.

He actually entered this world, and the difficulty of this world was so high, which was somewhat beyond Qin Ming's expectations.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is normal for this world to be more difficult. The entire human force is about to be quickly killed by monsters. How can these monsters be so easy to mess with?

I didn’t see the main task this time, and even just asking Qin Ming to survive, there was no penalty for failure.

Just as Qin Ming's mind was spinning and he was constantly recalling the information about this world, a loud noise suddenly hit his ears.

The next second, the door in front exploded, and a large number of rotting zombies rushed in from the door with roars.

And rushing at the front was a tall, half-human, half-wolf creature covered in hair. It was a very famous monster in Western legends: the werewolf!

"Human! Blood!"

As the howl sounded, the werewolf opened its mouth and rushed towards Qin Ming madly.

Sitting on the chair, Qin Ming, wearing sunglasses on his face, also saw the other party's attributes in an instant.

[Name: Werewolf]

[Strength: 35]

[Constitution: 40]

[Agility: 20]

[Spirit: 10]

[Skills: Bloodthirsty Killing (C-level) Werewolf Bloodline (B-level)]

[Introduction: Since it involves Western legends, how could there not be a classic existence like werewolf! ]

An elite monster that is not even a small boss! It actually has a high attribute of 40 points! There is also a B-level passive skill!

Qin Ming, who saw the attributes of the werewolf clearly, was shocked. He finally realized the difficulty of this century and understood why the task this time was to survive.

The degree of danger in this world! It's extraordinary!

Qin Ming, who was sitting on the chair, was running at high speed, but his body was not slow.

Seeing that the werewolf had already pounced on him, he sat upright on the chair and suddenly flicked his fingers on the armrest.

As blood spurted from his fingers, a blood bead shot out with a whoosh, hitting the werewolf's chest.

With a bang, the werewolf's chest was pierced by the blood bead, and the next second, the body exploded, and countless blood arrows burst out directly.

The powerful impact caused the werewolf, an elite monster, to fly backwards instantly.

Qin Ming, who forced the enemy back with one blow, slowly stood up with his hands on the armrest.

"Blood? That's right! I really need blood!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and grabbed it. A large amount of blood scattered on the ground gathered towards Qin Ming's palm like a tide, and condensed into a blood ball in an instant.

Raising his hand to hold the blood ball, Qin Ming silently watched the werewolf lying on the ground opposite him, looking at him in astonishment, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up a little.

"Hello, werewolf... and goodbye."

He squeezed his palm hard! Blood ball! Explosion!

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