Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 441 The Strong Protagonist

Howls continued, and the fighting on the street continued.

Facing these elite monsters and the corpse tide, Kasamoto Eri and Angel, who seemed a little restrained, finally had a place to use their skills.

Especially Angel, a muscular and violent girl, her fists and feet were just like heavy artillery, and her lethality was extremely amazing.

Now that she has been soaked in the dream water of Dream Island, her attributes have soared again.

Several elite monsters rushed from the front, even the most resistant werewolves, could not withstand her heavy whip kick.

After more than ten minutes, the street melee finally stopped.

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground and the debris around them that were shattered by the blood storm, Qin Ming frowned.

Coming to the corpse, as he raised his hand and grabbed it, a lot of blood began to gather in his hand, and was quickly absorbed and replenished by him.

With the blood injection, Qin Ming's body began to become more and more swell and burly, and once again returned to his peak state.

Even the Muramasa Demon Sword in his hand began to become more and more colorful as the amount of blood absorbed increased.

But just as Qin Ming was madly absorbing blood, an accident suddenly happened.

With a roar, a motorcycle rushed over from a distance at a high speed.

The motorcycle was so fast that it had just approached and had already swung sideways.

The person who was controlling the motorcycle let go of the handle and jumped up.

The motorcycle slid along the ground and brought sparks, crashing straight into Qin Ming who was lowering his head to draw blood.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he threw his robe without thinking.

As the iron beads on the robe whistled past, the heavy motorcycle that was rushing over from the front was actually split into two, brushing Qin Ming and crashing into the back, exploding into a huge fireball.

The sudden attack was easily blocked by Qin Ming.

But before his robe fell, the sneak attacker who jumped off the car had already roared and charged at him.

And while charging, he threw away his coat.

That coat was not a coat! It was a yellow Taoist robe! A Chinese Taoist robe!

"Fire Phoenix Summon!"

He took off his Taoist robe, revealing the modified yellow tight Taoist robe underneath.

The beautiful female Taoist priest raised her hand to draw the peach wood sword behind her while running. Before she rushed to Qin Ming's vicinity, she had already made a spell with her hand and roared.

As the peach wood sword lit up, a huge flaming phoenix actually shot out directly from the peach wood sword, turning into a rain of fire and rushing towards Qin Ming.

Facing this high-temperature flame, Qin Ming finally didn't dare to take the battle robe hard this time. Instead, he swung his arm and controlled the blood next to him to become a barrier to cover himself.

At the moment when the blood was condensed here, the fire phoenix had already killed from the front. The raging fire collided with the flame, and the harsh burning sound was connected in an instant. The two fought evenly.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the female Taoist gritted her teeth, swung the peach wood sword in her hand, and stabbed out with a sword while putting away her moves.

I don’t know what material the peach wood sword in her hand is made of, but it is definitely worthy of the four words "cutting iron like mud".

With a flash of cold light, the peach wood sword actually pierced through the blood shield and stabbed in front of Qin Ming.

However, at the critical moment, it was forcibly swung away by Qin Ming's village sword.

Looking at the peach wood sword that was trembling slightly beside him, Qin Ming frowned.

With a swing of his hand, the blood wall in front suddenly exploded, turning into countless fragments, shooting towards the enemy.

The female Taoist was startled when she saw this scene. She spun and drew her sword back while igniting a talisman in her hand.

As the fire lit up, a ball of fire wrapped around her, burning countless blood fragments.

As they flew to the ground, the two of them distanced themselves again.

The female Taoist priest raised her hand and held the peach wood sword, and took a fierce stance. She also held the Taoist yellow talisman in her other hand.

Qin Ming, who had recovered the blood, had a stern face and a solemn look in his eyes.

Because he had seen the attributes of the newcomer clearly! Those attributes were terrifying!

[Name: Zhao Honghua]

[Strength: 50]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 60]

[Spirit: 80]

[Skills: Longhu Mountain Secret Record (S-level skill) Dragon and Tiger Fist (A-level) Fire Phoenix Summoning (S-level) Thunder Dragon Summoning (S-level)]

[Introduction: The descendant of this generation of Longhu Mountain, proficient in the secret teachings of dragons and tigers, and with the help of fire phoenixes and thunder dragons, he is known as a rare genius in a thousand years. ]

Three S-level! One A-level! And none of the attributes are lower than 50!

The attributes of Zhao Honghua, one of the three protagonists in front of him! It is not worse than Qin Ming at all! The skill configuration is even more luxurious than his!

Before Qin Ming could recover from the shock brought by the opponent's attributes, Zhao Honghua on the opposite side had already swung the peach wood sword and roared to charge again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming hurriedly retreated while raising his hand.

"Stop! Wait a minute! I have no grudge against you! Why are you fighting with me!"

Hearing this question, Zhao Honghua quickly stopped, holding the sword and shouted.

"Hey! Evil demons! Everyone can kill them!"

"Why do you say I am an evil demon!"

Hearing Zhao Honghua's words, Qin Ming was instantly unhappy. He opened his mouth to refute, turned his head and looked at the corpses around him that he had sucked dry. After a second of silence, he suddenly added another sentence.

"Besides, I didn't mean you! Why are you meddling in other people's business!"

"Humph! You dare to be stubborn when you are about to die! You are looking for death!"

Opposite Zhao Honghua, who is good at controlling thunder and fire, obviously has a bad temper and is unwilling to communicate too much with evil creatures.

She shouted loudly and raised the weapon in her hand again.

But before she could take action, a figure suddenly slipped into the middle of the two of them.

"Qiaodou Sack! Pause! I think we may have had a misunderstanding before! Beauty, wait a minute!"

Seeing a human suddenly entering the room, Zhao Honghua hurriedly stopped and looked at the other person up and down.

Looking at Angel's revealing look, Zhao Honghua couldn't help but frown.

"Who are you?"

Angel immediately grinned when he heard this.

"He's my boss."

"Boss? Humph! Helping the tyrants! Helping the tigers! And wearing such revealing clothes! You deserve to die too! Look at the sword!"

"What the hell!"

Looking at the sword thrust towards him with a whoosh, Angel was startled.

After hurriedly escaping, she jumped back to Qin Ming, with her hands on her hips in anger.

"Oh damn you! You really do it! Boss! Grab her legs and tear her alive!"

As soon as Angel finished speaking, Miles Kasamoto stood next to him holding a machine gun and quickly added.

"No! That would be such a waste! Sleep with her!"

"Yes! Sleep first! Then grab her legs and tear her alive!"

"That's right!"

The two guys, one on the left and one on the right, quickly reached a consensus with each other.

This made Qin Ming, who was standing in the middle, confused. Looking at the menacing Zhao Honghua on the other side with increasingly angry eyes, he suddenly felt that the other party didn't think the three of them were good people, and it was not without reason.

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