Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 410: Victory in the First Battle

The sound of violent footsteps rang out, and the troops of the evil grand duke arrived as expected.

This time, their reaction speed was faster than ever before, after all, they were now fighting fiercely with the Knights of the Round Table.

In this case, any team with a certain combat power that appeared in their hinterland would arouse their extreme vigilance.

Because if it is not handled well, this group of refugees with a certain combat power may become bigger and bigger like a snowball.

By then, they will grab food, weapons and armor, and gather the refugees around them, and they will really become stronger.

Then, if you want to deal with them at that time, it will not be so easy.

The leader who was walking in the front with an axe and riding a tall horse was a knight.

The style was exactly the same as the big boss that Qin Ming had fought when he came to the world of the Knights of the Round Table before.

And this kind of dress with an axe and a gun and wearing plate armor is also the standard dress of the high-level knights under the evil grand duke, also known as the knight dress.

Through the gap of the closed helmet, he scanned the ruined village in front of him. After receiving the news, he quickly led his troops to suppress it. Sir Med, whose territory was nearby, frowned.

Especially when he saw the grain carts piled up in the middle of the village, which looked extremely conspicuous, he snorted coldly.

"Hmph, catching a turtle in a jar, a low-level trick."

Raising his hand and waving suddenly, Sir Med quickly gave orders on horseback.

"Go! Defend and move forward!"

Hearing his order, an adjutant on the side nodded vigorously, holding a hammer shield, led dozens of soldiers to form a circle, and began to advance cautiously.

Slowly coming to the grain cart, looking at the neatly stacked grain above and the quiet village around, everyone did not wait for the expected enemy sneak attack, which made the adjutant look a little surprised.

Standing at the entrance of the village, leading the remaining dozens of soldiers, looking at this side from a distance, Sir Med couldn't help but be stunned.

The crossbowmen behind him, who had already raised their light crossbows and aimed at the front, also looked at each other subconsciously.

Before everyone could figure out what was going on and why the enemy did not show up for the sneak attack as expected, a series of chaotic sounds suddenly sounded around.

The next second, the sneak attack soldiers that everyone was waiting for finally appeared, but they did not rush out from the abandoned buildings in the village, but from the grass on both sides!

Amid the rustling sound! Dust flew! A large number of soldiers of the Pitchfork Knights who had buried themselves in the soil suddenly broke out of the ground, grabbed the pitchforks next to them, raised the pitchforks and roared towards this side.

And the target of their charge! It was Sir Med!

Sir Med, who did not expect that this group of mud legs would dare to directly attack him, was shocked by this sudden situation.

The crossbowmen wearing leather armor around them hurriedly turned their weapons to try to stop the enemy from approaching.

However, the distance between the two sides was too close at this time. Although their round of volleys shot down several people, more soldiers rushed directly into their faces.

The roar sounded, the pitchforks charged, and the pitchfork knights who pierced through the leather armor and the enemy's body continued to sprint frantically against the enemy, and in a blink of an eye, they broke the enemy's line.

Sir Med, riding on a tall horse, tried to stabilize the situation with his personal force, but he just swept down two pitchfork knights with his axe and gun, and was quickly stabbed off the horse by the pitchforks stabbed from all sides.

Don't look at this pitchfork as just a farm tool, but its lethality is actually very terrifying, and it is very restrained from other weapons.

To be precise, the practicality of most farm tools is ridiculously strong.

The flail for threshing, the shovel for shoveling soil, the pitchfork for inserting grass, and the iron rake for plowing.

The performance of these weapons is actually not worse than that of ordinary weapons. In fact, because of their special uses and strange shapes, they are very difficult to resist.

Their real flaw is that the material is too low-quality and the shape is too special, resulting in insufficient hardness.

Now that Qin Ming has made up for the shortcoming of insufficient hardness, the pitchfork, which has become extremely hard, has become a real killer.

Sir Med, who was forcibly stabbed off his horse by the pitchfork, rolled over and tried to stand up.

However, facing the pitchforks that gathered from all directions and kept stabbing at him, he was a little overwhelmed.

After finally standing up, he was hooked by a sickle and a hoe on his legs and forcibly dragged to the ground.

Even the axe gun that was swung to block was directly stuck because it was chopped hard in the gap between the pitchforks.

As a knight, no less than the boss of the first level, Sir Med was beaten and crawling by more than 20 farmers at this time.

He was locked by various hoes and sickles, and he couldn't even stand up for a while.

The sudden situation here made the adjutant who had led the team into the middle of the village terrified.

He did not expect the enemy to choose to attack the boss directly, so he immediately led the infantry to try to get back to the rescue.

However, he had just run a few steps before he suddenly stopped again.

Because in the middle of the road ahead, a burly figure was slowly walking out of an abandoned house.

Qin Ming, with one hand behind his back, held a floating blood ball in the other hand, and looked extremely ferocious.

Looking at the burly Qin Ming who was blocking the road, the adjutant and the soldiers next to him turned their heads and looked at each other.

The next second, everyone suddenly roared in unison and charged towards this side with their weapons raised.

Hearing the chaotic footsteps coming from the front, Qin Ming, who was facing this side, had a stern face and his pupils shrank, and his raised palms suddenly clenched.

With a splash, the blood ball that was originally rotating slowly exploded, and a large amount of blood splashed and turned into small flying knives, which shot forward at high speed.

In an instant, the sword lights and shadows were connected.

The soldiers wearing armor who were charging at full speed screamed almost at the same time.

The shields were cut into pieces, the armor was pierced, and a large amount of blood arrows exploded on the bodies of the soldiers in the first two rows, and they were directly shot back by countless blood-colored flying knives.

And before their bodies fell to the ground, the blood-colored flying knives that pierced through them from behind had already dragged blood and turned into more small blades, and continued to swarm out to the back.

The blood blades whistled in the sky, and the bodies of dozens of soldiers who were chopped by the blades shuttled back and forth were constantly shaking, and they fell one after another.

Before they could recover from the shock brought by the horrific and intensive shooting, a figure suddenly appeared on the half-collapsed sentry tower behind Qin Ming.

Kasamoto Eri, wearing a military uniform and holding a light machine gun, fired wildly at the crowd below.

The combination of machine gun shooting and blood blade baptism, two violent attacks, was obviously not something these ordinary soldiers could withstand.

In just a blink of an eye, there were corpses everywhere in front of Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri.

And behind them, on another battlefield, the battle was also coming to an end.

The duel between more than a hundred pitchfork knights and dozens of imperial soldiers ended with the pitchfork knights winning.

The imperial soldiers who usually relied on equipment to crush others became the crushed party this time.

A sword slashed at a pitchfork knight, but found that his blade was blocked by cloth armor. The ordinary swordsman had a look of seeing a ghost on his face.

In addition, there were those who couldn't chop the chopping board, those who chopped the knife on the wooden barrel helmet, and a pitchfork knight carrying a large iron pot, even waving his weapon and rushing through the crowd.

The black pot behind him was hard! The heavy-armored swordsman couldn't chop it with all his strength!

Sir Madd, the leader, died directly at the hands of more than 20 elite pitchfork knights led by the leading man, and died under the random pitchforks.

The leader died in battle and the elite troops were wiped out, which made the remaining soldiers' morale collapse and began to flee.

The pitchfork knights chased for two miles and killed more than a dozen people, dragging the enemy's bodies back to the village again.

Looking at the enemy's bodies lying on the ground, they still couldn't believe that this was the result they created.

Not only did they beat the regular army and protect the food, but they even killed a high-ranking knight? !

Holding the pitchforks, everyone turned to look at the leader Qin Ming. Qin Ming stood up and nodded suddenly after checking the equipment on the ground.

"This performance is not bad. I allow you to cheer."


Deafening cheers rang out and spread throughout the abandoned village.

The so-called pitchfork knights holding pitchforks kept roaring loudly.

Seeing their excitement, Qin Ming crossed his arms and felt very satisfied.

It was just a team of 100 people, and the leader was just an ordinary boss. With this level of enemy, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri could easily solve it.

After all, their current strength is no longer what it used to be.

But Qin Ming still chose to lead the Pitchfork Knights to fight, and set them as the main force of this battle. He and Kasamoto Eri were responsible for dealing with the more difficult heavy armored troops.

He! Is deliberately training these mud-legged knights!

Because this duel is a country, and the other side has many soldiers.

No matter how good Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri are, how many people can they kill on the battlefield?

So he urgently needs assistants, troops, and a usable force.

Only by letting these pitchfork knights know that they are also strong and giving them the courage to fight the enemy, can they be regarded as a real army.

And now it seems that the effect of this battle seems to be quite good.

"Everyone, organize your weapons! At the same time, organize the food! Let's gather people and prepare to counterattack the knight's castle!"


The pitchfork knights who roared in unison immediately dispersed, and this time, their spirit and spirit were obviously different.

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