Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 411: The Stick and Date Tactics

"You want to join the Knights, too?"


"You're so old, can you still hold a weapon?"

"Sir Knight, actually, when I was young, I always had a dream of fighting in battle! I just lacked an opportunity to realize my dream!"

"Okay, okay, you're one of them. That guy, give him a set of armor and a pitchfork, next one!"

Looking at the white-haired old man, Qin Ming frowned as he walked over to get the armor. He looked back at the guy in front of him.

"Hiss, you want to be a soldier too?"

"That's right!"

"Are you an adult then?"

"I'm an adult! It's just that I don't look old!"

"Not... okay, okay! Then you're one of them! Next one! You... How come there are female soldiers too! Torred! Isn't this your daughter? How did you recruit soldiers!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't hold back his emotions, and suddenly turned around and roared.

The leading man who was distributing armor to people nearby, Qin Ming's adjutant at the time: Torred, hurriedly dropped his weapon and ran over.

When he saw the girl standing in front of Qin Ming, his face suddenly turned black.

"Torretia! What are you doing here for no reason! Don't disturb the knight's work! There will be a fight later! Go back and cook!"

As he spoke, Torred stepped forward and tried to pull his daughter away, but his daughter Torretia shook his hand away.

"I won't! I can also go to the battlefield!"

"Don't make trouble! How can a woman go to the battlefield!"

"Why can't you do that! You fight only because you have good armor! Your physical fitness is not much better than mine! I can also fight with armor on!"

After pushing her father away, the girl named Torretia strode to Qin Ming with a very stubborn expression.

"Sir Knight! You are not going to lead people to fight! You need soldiers! I can also serve as a soldier and go to the battlefield! And I swear to be braver than anyone! I can even not receive food from the soldiers!"

After these words came out, Qin Ming, who was sitting behind the shabby table, suddenly flickered his eyes and looked at the brown-haired girl in front of him with a strange look.

He originally thought that this woman would come to serve as a soldier because she was attracted by the special supplies for the soldiers, but she never thought that she really came to serve as a soldier.

"Okay, count you in, Torred, find a better set of armor for your daughter and give her a pitchfork."

"No! I want a sword!"


"Yes! I want knights' weapons! No farm tools!"

"Okay, give her a sword."

After giving the order, Qin Ming watched Torred and his daughter leave, and then looked up at the group of crooked people who were queuing in front of him, waiting to join the army, and couldn't help but sighed with some melancholy.

He is now gathering people to try to expand the army.

The target of the call is the old, weak, women and children in the village who are still able to fight.

It is obviously not easy to get them to join the battle. After all, even if they were about to starve to death, they did not take up arms to resist.

So Qin Ming publicly improved the treatment of the soldiers! Different treatment from the farmers!

First of all, the clothing treatment. Soldiers can wear the best clothes and wear armor.

Of course, ordinary people don’t care about this at all. After all, they don’t want to fight, so why wear armor for no reason.

What really makes them excited is the second special treatment, that is, food treatment.

Qin Ming mixed a batch of various foods in his hand and made a lot of high-quality black bread, wheat and dried meat.

It was just upgraded to a higher level. The black bread that was originally mixed with sawdust and was very difficult to swallow, and at most could only ensure that the eater would not starve to death, suddenly became sweet and tasted very similar to modern bread.

And this kind of bread, let alone ordinary people, even the knights of this era have never eaten it.

After taking out some and letting everyone taste it, Qin Ming immediately set a rule in public.

That is, this kind of bread is only distributed to soldiers! Each soldier can receive one kilogram of this bread every day! There are also 100 grams of upgraded dried meat! One pound of upgraded wheat! And a bottle of upgraded malt wine!

If a soldier unfortunately dies in battle, he, Qin Ming, the Knight Qin, is willing to give an additional upgraded version of food equal to the weight of the deceased as a pension!

In addition, if the soldiers kill the enemy or bring refugees back to the village, they can also get extra points.

When the score reaches a certain level, they can be promoted and receive extra food.

That's right! Qin Ming is doing a military merit system! He is using food to lure these refugees to join the army!

And it turns out that this method is very effective. Some old men who are already old and have no more years to live have responded to the call first.

The rest of the young and strong who were afraid to go to the battlefield because they were afraid that their death would cause their families to die, also ran over to prepare to join the army.

As for whether they came for promotion and wealth or for pension, Qin Ming didn't care at all. He only cared about whether he could increase the troops!

After a busy period, when it was almost dark, Qin Ming's Pitchfork Knights finally expanded their army.

The original less than 100 people increased to more than 200 people. Although there were many misfits among them, the morale was still good.

After leading these troops and arming them, Qin Ming immediately led the team to set off.

After leaving all the food they had just obtained to their families, this group of soldiers who had been put together followed Qin Ming to the scene with the determination to die.

Target! Castle Meade!

Medieval castles were very strong and each was a military fortress. It was not easy to take it down.

But at this time, Castle Meade was leaderless and had no troops.

The defenders who stayed here didn't even know that Sir Meade had died. When they saw the troops wearing their own armor coming out of the darkness, they thought they were Sir Meade who had returned from the expedition.

Then, under the confused gaze of Qin Ming and the determined soldiers, as they approached, the defenders slowly lowered the drawbridge.

Qin Ming and others who entered the city directly with pitchforks looked confused and the defenders on the opposite side looked confused. They just looked at each other and fell into silence...

The first castle belonging to the Knights of the Pitchfork was obtained in such a muddle.

Qin Ming, who had seized a large amount of food stored in the castle, decided on the spot to continue to expand his army.

Gather refugees! Notify the village! Recruit soldiers!

At the same time, call on troops to attack the city! Seize the territory and even the castle of other knights around!

Fight! Kill! Seize territory! Strengthen equipment! Expand the army! Then fight again! Kill again! Seize territory again...

Relying on his special talent and the combination of armor + bread, in just one month, Qin Ming, who had only more than a hundred cannon fodder refugees at the beginning, quickly owned a large area of ​​​​territory and became another group of forces that suddenly appeared besides the evil grand duke and the Knights of the Round Table.

What? He is a centurion under King Arthur? Who is talking nonsense!

What is a centurion of the Knights of the Round Table? He Qin Ming is clearly the leader of the Knights of the Pitchfork! The great Duke of Justice! His Majesty the King of Qin! The chosen son with 300,000 knights under his command!

Even like the legendary Son of God King Arthur! His Majesty the King of Qin also pulled out his King's Fork under the watchful eyes of the crowd! And led the masses on the road to pursue freedom and justice!

And in the eyes of the evil Grand Duke's troops at this time, this so-called Pitchfork Knights, who suddenly appeared from nowhere and grew bigger like a snowball, are more threatening than the mortal enemy, the Knights of the Round Table!


"No! Lord Mayor! The Pitchfork Knights are coming!"

With a terrified cry, a knight rolled and crawled in.

And in the castle, the mayor, who was desperately putting gold and silver into the box, also raised his head in panic.

"How many people came?"

"It seems like 3,000! It also seems like 5,000!"

"What do you mean by seems! How many exactly!"

"I don't know! They came with carts! Food carts! They are shouting slogans outside now!"

"Slogans? Don't let them shout slogans! Shut them up! Shut them up!"

Hearing the word slogan, the expression of the city lord who owned a big city, eight castles, more than 30 villages, and more than 5,000 soldiers suddenly became extremely terrified.

He pushed the adjutant away and ran out to try to stop the enemy's behavior. As soon as he broke open the door, he heard a tsunami-like shouting in his ears.

And while shouting, things kept flying into the city from outside the city, just like rain.

And the things flying into the city were food! Qin Ming's upgraded food!

The so-called 5,000 hayfork knights outside the city were actually not that many. The most important thing was that there were actually less than a few hundred real soldiers, and more were farmers, farmers who ran over with carts.

At this moment, they were stuffing bread into their mouths while using the small catapults that were pushed over to throw food into the city, shouting the slogan of their Pitchfork Knights.

"Open the city gate! Welcome the King of Qin! When the King of Qin comes, we will give you food! Open the city gate! Welcome the King of Qin! When the King of Qin comes, we will give you food!"

In the city, the defenders and farmers in the city were all scrambling for the food thrown into the city.

When had they ever eaten the soft and glutinous bread, the cooked fragrant rice, and the delicious dried meat? Now they were scattered all over the sky like they were free.

The city lord who rushed out of the city gate looked at his own soldiers who were scrambling for food in the city, and his face turned pale for a while.

Because he couldn't help but be pale. The guys outside had no idea how many soldiers and farmers had rebelled without any injuries by using this trick.

The most important thing was that everyone knew now that if this trick didn't work, they would face a massive enemy attack next.

The enemy will wear armor that is not very good in appearance but extremely sophisticated. With the advantage of several times or even dozens of times in numbers, they will kill all the soldiers here from the front, leaving no one alive.

The peasants want to get food, but the soldiers don't want to die.

As long as they surrender to the other side, they can become the other side's soldiers and get better treatment.

If they choose to stay here and defend, the peasants will not be in any danger, but the soldiers who resist to the end will not be able to escape. The other side will not even take prisoners and will kill them all.

Under this dual means of coercion + inducement, the soldiers and peasants may join forces.

And once they join forces, it is already imaginable who will be unlucky in the city...

"Don't take it! Put it down! Throw it back! Don't eat it! Don't eat it!"

Hurriedly running into the crowd, the city lord waved his whip, constantly whipping the farmers and soldiers who were picking up food around him, and ordered them to disperse.

Due to his reputation, the people he beat ran away.

But the problem was that he beat the people on this side away, but the people on the other side ran over again.

After beating the soldiers on the other side away, the soldiers on this side came back again.

Unable to beat or whip them all, the city lord who ran around in the crowd, waving his whip desperately, was busy sweating for a while.

Even if his guards quickly ran into the crowd and drove the crowd away together, it would be useless.

After all, compared to the people in the city, this army of only a hundred people was too much of a drop in the bucket.

"Enough! I said you are not allowed to take it!"

Looking at the crowd who surrounded him and continued to pick up food as soon as he left.

The city lord, who was hit in the face by the flying bread, finally went crazy and completely lost his mind.

He suddenly threw down his whip, drew out the sword from his waist, and chopped to death two farmers who were still bending over to pick up things, and a soldier who was following to grab food, and roared at the same time.

"Who dares to disobey orders! I will kill him! No one is allowed to eat! No one is allowed to eat!!!"

The sudden death here made the originally chaotic crowd suddenly fall into silence.

Whether it was the soldiers or the farmers, they all turned their heads to look at the city lord in the middle with rice balls in their hands and bread in their mouths.

Looking at his ferocious appearance at this time, and the bloody weapon, he suddenly obediently threw the food in his arms to the ground.

Then he reached out and slowly grabbed the weapons and farm tools on the side...

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