Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 409: The Pitchfork Knights

These soldiers under Qin Ming were not created out of thin air. They also have their own families and their own pasts in this world.

If they really couldn't survive, how could a group of farmers who didn't even have leather armor and only some farm tools dare to assemble to resist.

This so-called hundred-man army is, to put it bluntly, just a group of trapped beasts who are completely unable to survive and must not get together to try for a last-ditch effort.

The normal ending should be that they failed to snatch food and were killed by the regular army.

The old, weak, sick and disabled who were waiting for them to bring back food starved to death.

Refugee villages and refugee forces like this can be seen everywhere in this war-torn era.

But this time, their desperate fight was rare and they won.

After stopping the carriage, the militiamen looked at the families approaching from the opposite side and did not dare to approach casually.

They just raised their heads and glanced at Qin Ming cautiously. It wasn't until Qin Ming, who was riding a tall horse, nodded that everyone cheered and began to carry the food on the car and distribute it to the crowd.

Set up a pot, boil water, and cook on the spot.

Some of the refugees were so hungry that they even ate the black bread that could kill someone.

This so-called brown bread is actually a pile of pasta baked with wheat and wild vegetables. In order to increase the weight, the millers responsible for baking them even mix sand and sawdust into it.

You can only imagine how bad the taste of this kind of food is, but now everyone is starving to death, let alone black bread, they even dare to chew the bark of a tree.

Looking at the people around him who were desperately eating, Qin Ming got off his horse and stood against the wall with his arms folded, his eyebrows furrowed.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from the side, and the current leader of the village, the most heroic man, took the initiative to approach him.

After approaching, he glanced at Qin Ming first, then hurriedly took the plate from his daughter's hand and handed it to Qin Ming respectfully.

"Your food, Lord Knight."

When Qin Ming heard this, he lowered his head and looked at the piles of bacon and a jar of rare ale on the plate, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You guys can eat, I'm not hungry."


"After eating, gather everyone who can fight. Let's have a meeting to discuss how to deal with the matter in the future."

"What happens next?"

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man raised his head in confusion.

Qin Ming rolled his eyes fiercely.

"The food was robbed by a group of refugees. Did you think that the other party would just give up? If you don't think about how to deal with them, why don't you just wait to be hacked to death by them!"

"Oh! I'm going to gather people right now! I'm going right now!"

The village chief finally reacted after hearing this. He quickly put down the food and ran towards the crowd, shouting as he ran.

After a while, the hundred-man team gathered together again.

Seeing the darkness in front of him, holding farm tools and looking at his soldiers, Qin Ming still crossed his arms.

"Everyone is here?"

"It's all ready!"

"Okay, let's get down to business. The enemy's soldiers should be coming soon. Now I'll give you two choices. One is to give up the food and run away, the other is to fight with them for the food. Which of the two options do you choose?"

After Qin Ming finished speaking, the militiamen in front looked at each other.

After a few seconds of silence, the big man took the lead and cautiously spoke first.

"Well, Sir Knight, can't we run away with the food?"

"Yes, but the carriage can only go on the main road. When the time comes, just pray that they won't catch up. Otherwise, with so many old, weak, sick and disabled people, we will chase each one to death."


Turning around to look at the food they had just received, the militiamen looked troubled.

They didn't dare to fight the regular army, but they were really unwilling to give up the food.

Finally, the big man looked up at Qin Ming, gritted his teeth and said.

"Lord Knight! We listen to you!"

Although I have not known Qin Ming for a long time, to be precise, I have just met him.

They just chose to follow a passing knight and rebel together when they couldn't survive. There was no affection or trust between the two parties.

However, the combat prowess Qin Ming had shown before, as well as his magical strengthening magic, shocked the militiamen.

They were really undecided and instinctively chose to listen to Qin Ming's opinion.

Qin Ming was waiting for this scene.

Nodding vigorously, Qin Ming spoke seriously.

"Okay! Then I will take the command! The ugly words will come from the front! If anyone dares to disobey the command again! Don't blame me for killing someone!"


"Gather together all the people in the village who can fight! Others who can't fight take some food and hide in the mountains! Send some people to bring all the weapons in the village to me! Remember! It's all !”


"There are also the trophies from before! Those armors that were ripped off the enemy's corpses! Get them all over to me!"

As Qin Ming commanded loudly, the soldiers dispersed in all directions, and the old, weak, sick and disabled who had eaten and drank enough began to walk up the mountain carrying food.

Ten minutes later, the militiamen gathered together again, and in front of Qin Ming, there were a lot of weapons that could not be called weapons at all.

A large number of broken farm tools were piled up in one place, some of which were damaged beyond use.

And there are also iron pots, iron hooks, and even some iron items removed from the house.

The militiamen really brought in everything that could be called weapons. It was obvious that they really wanted to keep the food they had just obtained.

After picking through the rags on the ground for a long time, Qin Ming found the equipment that was recognized by the space but could not be taken out of this world, and began to synthesize it one by one.

While doing so, they distributed weapons and equipment to the soldiers.

"Can you use a sword?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Where's the bow?"

Everyone continued to shake their heads.

"The knife will always be used, right?"

Everyone still shook their heads.

"Then what do you know?!"

The militiamen looked at each other and neatly raised their farm tools...

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming had a look of collapse on his face. He was too lazy to say anything and began to strengthen the pitchforks and armor in batches.

If you have iron armor, strengthen the iron armor; if you don't have it, strengthen the leather armor.

If you don't even have leather armor, then you have reinforced cloth.

After a lot of selling out, Qin Ming, who mobilized the resources of the entire village, finally managed to arm his cannon fodder troops.

And through his modification and strengthening, the appearance of the Hundred-Man Militia at this moment is not as good as it was at the beginning!

This one was wearing tattered leather armor, holding a pitchfork, and actually had a barrel on his head.

The one wearing cloth armor actually had two cutting boards tied with ropes hanging on his body.

The guy next to me was even more exaggerated. He was actually carrying a big iron pot on his back!

The leader of the hundred-man group, the middle-aged man, was wearing the horn armor ripped off from the horn knight, and he was dressed quite decently.

It's a pity that what he holds in his hand is still a pitchfork, it just has an extra shield.

After all, they have been dealing with the land all their lives, and they really don't know how to use weapons. It would be too difficult to expect them to be able to play with swords in a hurry.

So Qin Ming simply let them use pitchforks, since they could use them easily anyway.

Raising his hand to straighten the horn helmet, which was a little too big and had been severely deformed, the leader looked at Qin Ming nervously.

"Sir, what should we do next?"

Qin Ming's eyes flashed when he heard this.



"Yes! Wait here to ambush them! Kill their people! Take off their armor! Arm yourself!"

Looking around the crowd, Qin Ming spoke coldly.

"You will be so miserable that you can't even afford to eat! It's because you have no knives in your hands! No armor on your body! If all of you were wearing heavy armor! Riding on tall horses! They dare to come and burn the village to steal food! And slander you! They're from the Knights of the Round Table! I'll take credit from you!"

Qin Ming's words made the militiamen bow their heads and remain silent.

Qin Ming held a pitchfork in his hand and roared.

"There is no knife in your hand! There are two different concepts from having a knife in your hand! If you are weak, you will be beaten! They can snatch our food! Why can't we snatch it! We not only want to snatch the food! We also want to snatch the weapons! We also want to snatch the territory! We We want to live in the castle! We want to hang them on the tree just like they did to us before!”

Hearing Qin Ming's roar, the militiamen looked at each other, and the leader suddenly spoke cautiously.

"But they have troops, knights, and even magic. Can they beat them?"

When Qin Ming heard this, he lowered his head suddenly and narrowed his eyes to look at him.

"What? Are you afraid of death?"


"It's normal to be afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death. But now that you can't even afford food and only die, what are you afraid of? Starving to death is death! Fighting to death is also death! Why are you still afraid! Even if you die! Not for yourself! Just for your family! Don’t you dare to take a chance! What are you afraid of?”

As soon as these words came out, the militiamen below perked up and raised their heads.

The village was burned down, the land was gone, and it was even labeled as a rebel village for no reason. The nearby knights used it to claim credit from the higher-ups, which turned them into rioters. It seemed that they really had nothing to worry about. .

After whispering to each other, the crowd suddenly erupted in shouts.

"It's done! It's reversed!"

"Rebel them! Steal their castle!"

"Hang those knights on the city gate! Hang them!"

The roars gradually became one, and with the excitement of the crowd, more and more people were shouting.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, suddenly raised the pitchfork in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Then from today on! Our Pitchfork Knights are officially established! Everyone here is a knight! A knight who fights for his family! Our slogan from now on is: Resist to the end! Share the food and the fields!"

“Divide the grain and divide the fields!!!”

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