Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 408: The Refugee Team Counterattacks

Looking at the dozens of soldiers on the opposite side who were fully armed, holding weapons, and looking at him aggressively.

He also looked at his own soldiers who were so cowardly that they gathered together and dared not even get close.

Qin Ming, who had already rushed to the front of the convoy, suddenly fell in face.

Seeing the leader of the opposite side, holding a shield in one hand and a hammer in the other, rushing towards him with a roar, he suddenly raised his hand to signal.

"Wait a minute! Don't rush to do it! Wait until I finish my own business first!"

Hearing this, the Bullhorn Knight braked suddenly and stopped with his hammer raised.

Qin Ming, who was standing in front of him, held the pitchfork with his hands hanging down, turned to face the Hundred Man Team in the distance, and suddenly yelled.

"What are you doing! There is a fight here! Why are you so cowardly! Didn't you say you haven't eaten for two days! Isn't there food on this car! Grab it!"

Hearing this, the soldiers standing at the front of the crowd on the opposite side, holding the upgraded pitchforks in their arms, looked very tangled.

"But you can't beat them."

"What do you mean you can't beat them? You didn't even start fighting! How come you can't beat them! There are only more than 30 people on the opposite side! You have more than 100 people! You can't beat 30 with 100 people! What are you doing?"

"They have armor."

"What armor? It's just the armor made of canned luncheon meat! It can't even withstand a pitchfork! Why are you so cowardly!"

While speaking, Qin Ming turned around and knocked hard on the armor of the bull-horned knight next to him, and his palms kept hitting it, making a dong dong dong sound.

The bull-horned knight, who was hit several times in a row, suddenly turned black when he heard the words.

"Boy! I'm a knight! Show some respect! Are you going to fight or not?"

"Go, go, go, go away! I'm busy training soldiers here! You have no right to talk! What were we talking about just now? Right! This kind of armor is very fragile! You can't poke the armor! You poke the gap! If you can't beat him alone, five of you will come together! Pull his arms and legs! If it doesn't work, kick his crotch! You... Ouch!"


Qin Ming, who hadn't finished speaking, suddenly heard a muffled sound from his head.

Seeing that the guy who brought people to rob food in front of him ignored him in person, he kept making moves and even wanted to slap his crotch.

The Bullhorn Knight, who couldn't stand it anymore, finally chose to attack.

He suddenly swung a hammer on Qin Ming's head, making a dull sound, and the Bullhorn Knight who hit him hard with a hammer had a fierce look in his eyes.

Qin Ming, who was hit on the back of the head, did not fall down as he expected. Instead, he subconsciously covered his head with his hands and turned to look at him with a confused look.

The scene suddenly became silent. Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Qin Ming and the Bullhorn Knight stared at each other for a long time.

After three or four seconds of silence, Qin Ming finally spoke.

"Did you hit me just now?"

Hearing this, and seeing that Qin Ming was not dead, the Bullhorn Knight widened his eyes in disbelief.

He looked down at the one-handed hammer in his hand, and then looked up at Qin Ming.

At this time, the Bullhorn Knight was a little uncertain.

After all, this was the first time he had met someone who could survive a hammer with his head.

The Bullhorn Knight, who was a little confused by the question, even picked up the hammer and tapped his helmet lightly. After finding that the hammer was real and had not been replaced by someone, he spoke hesitantly.

"Hit......... right."


Qin Ming, who got a positive answer, went berserk instantly, grabbed the horns on the helmet of the bull-horned knight with both hands, and began to swing him and hit him hard.

"I haven't hit you yet! How dare you hit me first! You're a traitor!"

The bull-horned knight, who was suddenly attacked and couldn't raise his head because his helmet was pulled, struggled to resist while being pulled back and forth, and swung the hammer in his hand and kept hitting Qin Ming, making a dull sound of "dong dong dong".

The two leaders here suddenly got together, which also shocked the people on both sides.

The grain transport team looked at each other and rushed up without hesitation with their weapons drawn.

The hundreds of refugee soldiers gathered in the distance were holding their weapons with a look of panic.

In the end, it was the burly man who took the lead who made up his mind first, raised his pitchfork and rushed towards this side, and then led the large army to charge towards this side.

Accompanied by bursts of screams, the two sides immediately fought together.

This is not the first time that the soldiers of the evil grand duke have encountered such a so-called guerrilla force composed of refugees.

When the village was destroyed and there was no food to eat, they often tried to rob the food of the grain team.

However, although there were many people, the success rate of robbing was pitifully low. After all, as the refugees said before, the evil grand duke's troops were armored.

When wearing armor and having better physique and weapons, it was easy for regular soldiers to fight ten.

So these grain transport soldiers actually did not take the refugees in front of them seriously.

But as the two sides collided at this moment, the aggressive grain transport team suddenly found that something seemed wrong this time!

The heavy armored swordsmen carrying two-handed swords roared and led the crowd, trying to ignore the enemy's resistance as before and enter the crowd to kill.

However, as the two sides collided, a puffing sound came into the ears, and the eyes of the heavy armored swordsman who rushed to the front suddenly widened.

The heavily-armored swordsman lowered his head and looked at his chest in disbelief, a look of shock on his face.

Because the sleeveless breastplate he wore, which was made of fine iron and could not be penetrated by ordinary swords, was actually pierced from the front by a pitchfork!

The iron spikes on the pitchfork were all pierced into the armor, causing blood to flow out along the pitchfork.

The iron armor was actually pierced by farm tools? !

The giant sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and the heavily armored swordsman grabbed the pole of the pitchfork with both hands in disbelief.

The big man on the opposite side, who also had an unbelievable look on his face, looked up at him, and suddenly roared after reacting, pushing the pitchfork with all his strength, and forcibly lifted up the heavily armored swordsman and pushed him forward frantically.

Looking at the heavily armored swordsman whose body was completely penetrated by the farm tool and completely stuck on the pitchfork.

The soldiers of the grain transport team who were originally following the charge stopped running in a panic.

The militiamen on the opposite side, who finally mustered up the courage and rushed over in a swarm, also stopped.

The two sides were several meters apart, staring at each other with wide eyes, until the big man who led the charge of the militia team pulled out the pitchfork fiercely and threw the body of the heavily armored swordsman on it to the ground. The two sides finally woke up from the dream after hearing the muffled sound.

A series of shrill screams rang out, and the militia team suddenly raised the pitchforks in their hands and rushed towards this side frantically.

Looking at the shining steel forks standing upright, the members of the grain transport team who finally reacted turned around and ran away.

The grain transport team didn't care about the large number of militia teams, the main reason was that they had good armor and could completely ignore the opponent's farm tools.

But now suddenly found that even the armor of the heavily armored swordsman was useless, how could more than 30 people fight more than 100 people!

The heavily armored swordsman couldn't stand the opponent, and the ordinary swordsman wearing only leather armor would be skewered on the spot!

Are the farm tools in these guys' hands made of fine steel! There is such a material! Why would it be used to make farm tools!

The sudden change caused the battlefield to quickly fall into chaos.

The grain transport team, which found that something was wrong, fled for their lives, while the militia team holding farm tools chased them desperately. The refugee troops, who had been chased by the other side, now became the chasing party.

As for the leaders of both sides? Qin Ming is still swinging the grain bag and slapping the bull-horned knight frantically.

…………Ten minutes later, the chaotic battle was finally over. The militia team, which had chased and killed more than a dozen people on the other side and drove away all the remaining guys, had returned to the grain cart and was frantically snatching the grain on the cart.

And Qin Ming was still whipping the bull-horned knight who had already moved.

He didn't raise his head until he broke the bag completely, but when he looked up, he found that his useless brothers around him were actually snatching things randomly!

Some were desperately stuffing bread into their clothes, some were pouring rice into their tattered backpacks, some were hanging pork around their necks, and they were eating while taking it, stuffing things into their mouths frantically.

Looking at the people who looked like starving ghosts, Qin Ming's face suddenly darkened. He threw away the torn bag in his hand and walked over to kick everyone he saw.

"What are you doing! You only know how to eat! I told you to eat! Put everything back! The one over there! I'm talking to you! Put the bread in your hand back! Hey, you dare to roll your eyes at me! You... Hurry up and get him some water! This guy is choking to death! Hurry up!"

After a round of punches and kicks, the messy food on the militiamen was finally put back on the car.

The soldier who almost choked to death by eating dry bread was also rescued urgently.

Throw the wounded on the car and give everyone some bread, dried meat and water.

Qin Ming, who commanded the soldiers, led the team away with the carriage.

On the way back, he rode the only warhorse, holding a piece of bread in his hand and looking carefully.

He looked left and right, and even knocked his head with it.

Hearing the thumping sound in his ears, Qin Ming grinned and threw the bread back to the car.

Good guy! This black bread is not bread at all! It's just a stone!

It's amazing that these guys can chew it! And they can eat so much in one breath! Their teeth are good enough!

As the vehicles moved forward, the convoy turned a few times and soon arrived in front of a village.

To be precise, it was in front of the ruins of a village.

The village had been burned down long ago, and the surrounding wheat fields had been robbed, leaving only devastation and a piece of building debris.

Hearing the movement here, several figures appeared vaguely at the entrance of the village.

After seeing that it was the militia team that came back, they quickly ran back to the village.

In a moment, a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled people came out from all corners of the village.

And they were the former villagers of this abandoned village and now refugees.

They were also the family members of the 100-man refugee team under Qin Ming.

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