The face was obscured by the cloak, making it impossible to see clearly.

The huge body looked down at everyone present.

The players looked at the huge red figure, and the square was almost filled with noise.

Suddenly, the huge figure slowly opened his hands and spoke slowly.

Dear players, welcome to my world!

My name is Kayaba Akihiko. So far, I am the only one who can control the world. Everyone has also discovered that the logout button in the game has disappeared. Pay attention! This is not a system failure, but SAO The original way to play!”

Players were in great shock, but most players still thought that this was just an event. I don’t know at all, from the moment the man who calls himself Kayaba Akihiko appears! This death game has come to all of them.

Lin Mo just looked at the huge figure in the sky quietly and explained,

The curiosity slowly turned into fear that could no longer be concealed on the players' faces. Lin Mo reflected these emotions in his eyes.

What a joke! Let me out!

What kind of event is this supposed to be, right? Why would Kayaba Akihiko do such a thing!

However, the figure in the sky ignored them and slowly began to explain the rules of this death game.

Then they were given a mirror, and everyone's real faces finally appeared one by one in SAO.

Finally, all the players remained calm as before.

Fear, desperation, and the faintest idea that this was some kind of prank. But it was shattered with the disappearance of Kayaba Akihiko...

Everyone in the audience was silent, as if they couldn't believe it. The death game... had just begun? My own destiny...was also placed in the hands of others?

Everyone in the audience was silent, as if they couldn't believe it. The death game... had just begun? My own destiny...was also placed in the hands of others?

Immediately afterwards, a voice of controversy and anger that was louder than before almost spread throughout the entire venue.

And all of this is not just about Lin Mo.

Looking at the beast in front of him, Lin Mo stretched out his hand expressionlessly and slowly placed it on the novice sword behind him.

Now that this farce has begun, then... All we can do is fight to the death!

The one who survives to the end is the winner, and the loser will be devoured. The laws of the forest, the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest, are also fully reflected in SAO.

While the players were still immersed in panic, Lin Mo rushed to the next location overnight.

The beginning of the death game means that in the next period of time, resources will become everyone's priority.

But Lin Mo didn't have the unique innate advantage of the beta players, and he didn't know how to reach the second city as quickly as possible.

So we can only rely on the system map. Although there were plenty of dangers ahead, Lin Mo had no choice but to press forward.

Fortunately, after a day of clearing the jungle, Lin Mo's level advantage successfully helped him reach the second city without any danger.

·· ··········Please ask for flowers·· ······

Looking at the somewhat deserted city, Lin Mocai breathed a sigh of relief. Most of the players were still staying in the starting city, and only a small number of players had reached the second city. Most of the people here are beta players. There are probably only a few people like Lin Mo who are very easy to accept reality.

Lin Mo accidentally caught a glimpse of several black figures wearing cloaks. After nodding slightly, he left in different directions.

Next, it’s time to make a choice! Did you spend your life smoothly, or did you move forward bravely and take your first step?

Lin Mo suddenly sneered. Wasn't this kind of thing already decided? Now that things have happened, there is no choice!

.. .. . . . . . . .

After replenishing the equipment, continue to the next map brushing point!

It's not Lin Mo's style to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Is it dangerous? This kind of thing had already disappeared when I met Aiwass!

Become stronger! Become more powerful than anyone else! Only in this way can Lin Mo not be restricted by all aspects.

Therefore, he has to work a hundred times harder than ordinary people!

Lin Mo's figure moved quickly across the dark night. Accompanied by hysterical roars and long swords flashing with light blue light!

He couldn't remember how many wild monsters he had killed, but he knew clearly that this... was not enough!

There must be more!

Lin Mo looked at the wild monsters that appeared in groups in three groups, with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

That's right! This way I don't have to look for you one by one!

The wild monster seemed to be greatly provoked, and felt extremely angry at this human being's disdain.

He roared at his companions, and then approached Lin Mo step by step from all directions and different directions.

The one-handed sword on Lin Mo's back had already been unsheathed, and the tip of the sword was pointing diagonally at the ground. Starting at an unknown moment, a brilliant red light flashed forward!

(4/4, please subscribe, flowers, about the 3-day update of the Spring Festival, at least 7 stable updates, if you have to deal with some things, it will be slightly reduced to 4 updates. Just ask for rewards and subscriptions! It’s the Chinese New Year, which means There are a lot of things going on, and the author is still updating here. I just ask for subscriptions, rewards, and flowers!).

197 Provoking trouble?

The morning sky had a dull aftertaste in it. It had been one day since the death game began. The players in the starting town also began to accept the reality one after another and began to rush to the second city.

After Lin Mo endured a day and night of fighting, due to the shortage of medicine bottles and his not being in particularly good condition, he had already withdrawn to the city and started supplying supplies.

Fortunately, Lin Mo's body has now been virtualized. There is no special need to eat, drink, poop or sleep. If he is tired, a fatigue value will appear, and he can recover immediately with a little rest. The same goes for eating. When you are hungry, a hunger value will appear. Just add it.

Unlike in reality, if you don’t rest immediately after a day and night of high-intensity activity, your body will definitely collapse.

A figure slowly appeared outside the town. His body was wrapped in a white coat. In the bag behind his back was a rather impressive light blue sword.

The strange combination attracted the attention of players.

Lin Mo frowned. After looking at the looks of the players around me, I felt a little uncomfortable.

greedy? envy? disgust? Hatred? Lin Mo couldn't remember when he had disputes with these players.

However, when he noticed that most of the players were looking at his clothes and sword, he suddenly realized.

However, this sudden realization also revealed ridicule and disdain.

In this way, under the eyes of the people around him, he slowly walked towards the direction of the hotel.


Generally speaking, as a place to stay, a hotel will definitely have a place for people to rest and chat. The tavern below is a good solution to the needs of players.

The tavern, which used to be bustling with activity in the past, welcomed a very disturbed person today.

After the players saw who was coming, the sound suddenly stopped. There was only the sound of tapping, tapping walking on the plywood. Other than that, there was no sound!

Hey, look at the long sword behind him and the clothes he's wearing. Is he a legendary beta player?

One player said cautiously to his companion. But it attracted looks of contempt.

Internal beta player? What a joke! Don't confuse him with the word 'player', okay? Don't you know how many resources he has occupied by relying on his internal beta qualification? This kind of person no longer deserves to be called a player. ! They essentially affect the balance of the game!

An extremely angry voice immediately made everyone almost applaud.

As if Lin Mo didn't hear it, he found a seat and sat down on his own. He ordered two dishes and started to replenish his body's hunger level.

Likewise, there was a hint of ridicule on the corner of his mouth without hesitation. And that ridicule corresponded to everyone in the tavern!

Closed beta player? Let’s not talk about whether I am or not. But he would only inflict his inner anger and jealousy on others. This kind of person should not be discussed by Lin Mo.

He chuckled lightly and then started to deal with the food on his own table.

And it was this chuckle that was particularly conspicuous in the tavern.

Lin Mo doesn't cause trouble, but that doesn't mean others won't come and mess with you!

While Lin Mo was eating, several strong men surrounded him from all directions, betting that Lin Mo's position would be perfect.

The surrounding players quietly watched what was about to happen here. There is neither so-called sympathy nor the so-called desire to help, only gloating that fills the heart...

Lin Mo raised his head slightly, glanced at the other person with a flat look, and then lowered his head again.

The eyes of several big men were filled with anger.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo didn't give them face so much and didn't even look at them head on.

A big hand as thick as an arm slapped heavily on the table.

A big hand as thick as an arm slapped heavily on the table.

The water glass Lin Mo placed on the table almost spilled, but fortunately it shook a few times and finally fell steadily in the air.

This time, Lin Mo started to raise his head and look at each other squarely.

Is something wrong?

Boy, are you a beta player? Looking at your equipment, you must have received a generous mission reward yesterday. Hand over all your things obediently, and maybe I will spare you for everyone's sake. The big man Shen Said loudly.

What if I

Lin Mo said calmly, not taking the people around him seriously at all.

Boy! You don't seem to understand your current position.

The big man said with a gloomy look on his face. His eyes signaled his men to surround him again...

What? Do you want something stronger?

Lin Mo curled his lips disdainfully.

So what if it is?

After hearing the answer, Lin Mo sighed quietly, slowly stood up from his seat, and looked directly at the other person with cold eyes. An invisible pressure fell on the other party instantly.

Then you can come and try!

The big man was startled. Looking at the scarlet-like eyes flashing in his eyes, he subconsciously took a few steps back. Then he looked at the eyes of the people around him and his face turned slightly red.

Since you were scared off?

Lin Mo laughed and shook his head, took the long sword on the side and crossed over to the opponent.

Asshole! I want to duel with you!

The big man looked at Lin Mo angrily and shouted loudly.

Lin Mo paused for a moment, and then said something that everyone present could hear.

You do not deserve!

The big man's face was red from suppressing the pressure. If it weren't for the town protection system inside, maybe he would have rushed forward, right?

You only rely on game equipment to win. What kind of man are you! You have the guts to take off your equipment and fight me to the death!

In order to save face, the big man shouted loudly in desperation.

Seeing Lin Mo's figure paused, his face looked overjoyed. I think my provocation worked.

You can't even match my equipment? How can you fight me? With brute force? Tsk!

Lin Moxiao 5.4's smiling words surrounded the ears of everyone present.

I'm not talking about anyone, I'm saying that all of you here...are not qualified to ask me to take action! Exclusive resources for internal beta players? It's really funny. Even if they have exclusive access to resources, so what? You can kill them The other party?

You don't even know the difference in strength and you come up to challenge me. I can only say that you are so stupid! I guess your only guard of honor is your mouth. The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest are fully reflected in this world. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you should just stay in your 'mother's' arms! Instead of imposing your inner dissatisfaction on the so-called closed beta players!

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he sneered, turned his back, and walked out of the door.

(Please subscribe, flowers!).

198 The troubled girl?

The news that Lin Mo was a closed beta player accidentally spread by itself, but later on, it was spread to ten people, and then to a hundred people. Especially his extremely arrogant words left a deep impact on people.

He was wearing a white coat and carrying a light blue sword on his back. As long as someone sees it, they will involuntarily call out words like beta tester.

After rejecting invitations from each guild, Lin Mo looked at the gradually darkening sky and sighed helplessly.

How could he not know what those guilds were thinking? There are really too many things represented by beta testers, such as jungle resources, tasks, how mobs change, etc.

As long as there is a closed beta player in the guild, his status will rise like the sea water.

But if you have no value, in the end, those self-proclaimed guilds will abandon you without hesitation.

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