This Wild Boar really poor!

(3/4, there is another update that will be a little late, please be considerate.).

194 The second time traveling!

Early the next morning, Lin Mo decided not to tell Shixiang and the others that they were going to travel through time. After all, Lin Mo didn't want the girls to worry too much about him.

And for Lin Mo, although time passed extremely slowly, for Shixiang and the others, it was only a blink of an eye.

System, what is the next world?

Now that he has decided, Lin Mo naturally has to ask carefully.

Ding! The next world copy is 'Sword Art Online'

Sword Art Online?

Lin Mo groaned. He had also seen the Sword Art Online series, but he clearly remembered that Sword Art Online should be just an ordinary world, right? Then why did the system select it as the next dungeon world?

Lin Mo was puzzled.

Even if there is any danger, it is still in the virtual game. Things in reality are no different from ordinary daily life.

At the same time, Lin Mo is also particularly interested in the legendary virtual reality. After all, this is something that he could not see before! Even in a technologically advanced academy city, true virtual reality cannot be created.

The host is right, and the main purpose this time requires you to obtain the 'Seed of the World' from Kayaba Akihiko, the system said in Lin Mo's mind.

The seed of the world? What do you want that for?

Lin Mo recalled the setting of the seeds of the world in the original work, and said strangely,

'The Seed of the World'

To put it bluntly, all the conditions needed to make a server are in it. As long as it works properly, it is not particularly difficult to create a virtual game by yourself.

The system was silent and gave no further answer. But Lin Mo didn't know why, he just had an urge to trust it, as if it was innate...

Lin Mo shook his head unrealistically, why bother with so many things, as long as he knew that the system had no intention of harming him, it was enough.

Then let's set off now, so that we can complete the mission and sleep. After all, after returning from Sword Art Online, you will answer the questions for me, right? Lin Mo said optimistically.

The system did not speak, but coldly began to read the countdown to the world.

When the countdown reaches 0, the world is once again dyed with a gray veil.

And in the deepest part of the universe, a figure that flickered and appeared stood in the void.

Aiwass' face wrinkled. She was very familiar with this kind of power. It was this invisible power that stopped the time of the world last time.

She wanted to find the source of this power, but it seemed like there was a big invisible hand that was closely monitoring her.

She wanted to find the source of this power, but it seemed like there was a big invisible hand that was closely monitoring her.

As long as she dares to leave this area, she will be killed without hesitation!

The owner of that power makes Aiwass deeply afraid. After all, in the universe he governs, there is an unknown existence, and the power of this unknown existence far exceeds that of Aiwass himself. Even if it were replaced by If you were someone else, you would be terrified every day.

And all this has nothing to do with Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo opened his eyes, he found that he had arrived in a city with a constant flow of people, and his figure was almost buried in the swarming crowd.

In the vast sea of ​​people, Lin Mo quickly broke out and accidentally glanced at an LCD screen hanging on the wall. The host's voice inside caught his attention.

Everyone! 'Sword Art Online' developed by Kayaba Akihiko starts its official open beta today! Let's take a look at a PV first, which is the sales situation last week. Wow! It's really an exaggeration, it's almost lined up A long line from beginning to end.

And you have heard of their purpose, right? That's right, it's 'Sword Art Online'! Players who have played the closed beta almost expressed their admiration for this game. If there weren't too many people, I would still I really want to play it!”

He stopped paying attention to the next words. Lin Mo got all the information he wanted from the few words that just passed by.

Today is the first day of open beta! It is also the beginning of the death game! At that time, the player's login button will activate the game. Only by clearing 100 floors can players escape alive!

Looking at the expectant and excited eyes of the people around him, Lin Mo remained indifferent. I didn't say anything in a big way.

He is not that kind-hearted! Even if you say it, others will only treat you as a lunatic. Besides, Lin Mo only needs to complete the system's tasks, that's enough.

The topic suddenly changed 110 times, if I wanted to get the 'seed of the world'. Then you have to enter SAO, because the 'seed of the world' is in the hands of Kayaba Akihiko.

Finding a person in reality is undoubtedly more difficult than reaching the sky. In this case, it is better to sit quietly and watch what happens, waiting for him to jump out on his own.

Knowing the plot well can be said to be Lin Mo's second biggest advantage!

Now there is another problem that gives Lin Mo a headache. How to enter SAO? You can't just follow others and wear a helmet too!

Ding! The host does not need to worry about this now. The body enters the game directly and is virtualized with the help of the system. When the task is completed, the host's body will exit the virtual world on its own and return to normal.

That's good.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he had the help of the system, everything was easy to talk about.

Ding, the host has a new mission now, do you need to check it?


Lin Mo said without hesitation.

(1/4, please subscribe, flowers, I stopped updating for a day yesterday, I will make up for it today!).

195 Enter the game!

The tasks are as follows

Task 1; Obtaining the 'Seed of the World' task was successful; then an ability was obtained to unlock a new application in the system.

Mission 2: Seal strength, enter the world of SAO and conquer Aincrad. There is no limit to the floor. You can complete this mission by clearing the only BOSS. Mission completion reward: For each floor conquered, 1% of the limiter will be released. The current lifting progress 4%. Failure: Unknown. (Note: When defeating the BOSS, the host must be present. If not, it will be deemed invalid. At the same time, for a single player strategy, the limiter will be released by 2%).

The system said calmly.

Only two tasks?

Lin Mo murmured, and then thought carefully.

If one's sealed strength enters 'SAO', the level of danger will undoubtedly be much higher. If you are not careful, you will be completely ruined. You must know that Lin Mo entered the world of 'SAO' with his body!

Lin Mo didn't need to ask the system to tell him what would happen if he failed. But at the same time, the rewards of the mission also made Lin Mo covet. After all, this is the only chance to free the limiter.

Lin Mo could clearly feel that his body's strength was growing every day. Although it was insignificant, it was indeed growing. It's just that the growth rate is a bit slow, almost like a snail.

But the benefits are also huge. If Lin Mo can liberate more than 50% of the limiter, then he will be worthy of anyone in Academy City!

But... the so-called high returns definitely bring high risks. After Lin Mo's power was sealed, his strength was not much different from that of ordinary people in 'SAO'. It's just that the body is stronger than them.

Mission 1 can be successfully completed while doing mission 2, but how to get this 'seed of the world' is more difficult.

Lin Mo sighed quietly towards the sky.

System, enter SAO!

Arriving at a deserted place, Lin Mo said to the system.

Ding! Identity transfer in progress, transfer completed...

A light blue light suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes, and he came back to his senses. I don’t know where and when, I came to an unknown place.

The style of the surrounding buildings is almost the same as that of ancient European style.

At the same time, while Lin Mo was observing his surroundings, bright lights kept flashing by. Each flash of bright light meant that a player had entered the game.

From the moment players entered the game, their eyes were filled with expressions of disbelief and ecstasy.

Its liveliness is no less than that of a vegetable market. Even worse.

Most of what he wears is novice equipment, poor linen fabrics, better armor and weapons.

No one knows where these armors and weapons come from, so they represent their unique identities. That’s the closed beta player!

Lin Mo glanced at the people passing by him. Most of the men had handsome faces, but as for that small part... they were filled with ladyboys.

Lin Mo glanced at the people passing by him. Most of the men had handsome faces, but as for that small part... they were filled with ladyboys.

Handsome men and beautiful women...

Lin Mo had to sigh, the world is really in decline!

But now is not the time to talk about this. You have to get familiar with your body first.

Lin Mo thought painfully.

He has decided to go it alone to the end. After all, the liberating limiter is doubled, which is extremely fast. If he teamed up with others, the progress would undoubtedly be much slower.

Moreover, Lin Mo's temperament is indeed not very suitable for living in groups.

The most important thing is that there is no towing oil bottle! This is why he made the decision!

Now that I have decided, I must quickly control my current body. If I am defeated in the game world by then, I will really cry without tears.

Lin Mo looked around helplessly. Now I only have the advantage of knowing the plot well.

But Lin Mo remembered that in the game world, there were very few parts about fighting monsters and upgrading. Most of them were about the protagonist encountering event lines and the like.

¨Looks like the road will be very long!

Lin Mo murmured to himself, then tapped lightly in the void, and a menu fell out. According to the guidance of the map, we walked towards a certain place bit by bit.

The shouts of the vendors kept coming. If they knew what would happen to them later, they probably wouldn't be so happy.


On a certain green grassland, a man (Wang Haozhao) was wandering here with a long sword in his hand and an angry face.

Fuck, what kind of boss, a novice sword cost me so much money.

Lin Mo looked at the weapon in his hand and thought with a look of collapse. Just a newbie sword would cost all the gold coins given by the system.

When he thought of that smooth-talking boss, he really couldn't get angry.

Looking at the wild boar on the left, Lin Mo laughed coldly.

I am in a bad mood right now, so I will operate on you. You should die!!!

The wild boar seemed to sense something and roared at Lin Mo twice, then rushed over fiercely,

(2/4, please subscribe and give me flowers!!! In the three days before and after the Chinese New Year, there will be 8 updates, please reward T...T).

197 The death game begins!

As the sun set, Lin Mo looked up at the sky dyed red by the red clouds, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

For being able to perfectly integrate real-life scenes into SAO games, I have to say that Kayaba Akihiko is really a genius.

It's just that we have embarked on a path of no return...

Lin Mo said with slight regret.

After playing for nearly a day, Lin Mo's level slowly began to rise. I don't know if it was his illusion or something, but he always felt that this game was maliciously targeting him.

After fighting more than a dozen wild monsters, I didn't find a good weapon. Most of the things I got were wild boar meat and Cole coins, and the rest were either things Lin Mo couldn't appreciate.


Lin Mo suddenly felt so-called tired.

He was finally able to understand the pain of those non-Chiefs.

Dang Dang Dang...

A loud ringing of bells pulled him out of his thoughts. Looking around, Lin Mo found that he had arrived at a square without knowing when and where.

There were constant bright lights flashing around, and players appeared here one after another.

Most of them had a trace of confusion and confusion on their faces.

Only a small number of people had fear on their faces, either because they couldn't exit the game or because they appeared here inexplicably.

Especially when the color of the sky becomes as red as blood, this emotion is infinitely amplified. Then, several streaks of red liquid suddenly slowly fell from the gaps on the sky control.

A huge figure formed.

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