This was the reason why Lin Mo chose to give up joining the guild.

After touching the 'Abyss Devourer' behind him, Lin Mo had a faint smile on his lips.

After a day of hard work, Lin Mo finally no longer carried it as hard as he did on the first day.

After killing a B29OSS in the jungle, this weapon exploded.

Its performance made him even more satisfied.

If you insist on using it, you can use it up to level 50 or so. Weapons below level 50 pale in comparison to this 'Abyss Devourer'.

'The Devourer of the Abyss'

As the name suggests, it devours other people's lives like a sea, until it falls into an abyss where no light can be seen forever.

This is one of the reasons why Lin Mo likes this weapon so much.

A figure in a gray cloak in front caught his attention.

There was no one around, which meant that the other party was here to find him.

But Lin Mo was a little unsure. Since the other party didn't take the initiative to come over to say hello, he wouldn't take the initiative to go over and clarify his intentions.

They passed each other and rushed toward the maze area step by step.

Wait a moment!

A voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Mo.

Lin Mo glanced around, and finally fixed his gaze on the figure standing at the city gate.

What's up?

Lin Mo said indifferently.

Are you... a beta player?

The black figure in a cloak hesitated for a long time, and then asked.

Lin Mo was amused for a moment. Although the other person's voice made him feel particularly familiar, he did not jump to conclusions before seeing the other person's face.

If you say yes, it's true. If you say no, it's not. Although I would like to refute this level of identity, but at this point, will you believe it?

The beautiful eyes hidden under the cloak wrinkled slightly, looking at Lin Mo who didn't care, not knowing what to say.

For a moment, the two fell into silence.

Lin Mo looked at the time and saw that it was getting closer to midnight. He had to rush to the maze area to clear the wild.

I don’t know how many levels that Kirito guy is now, he should be about the same as me, right? Lin Mo murmured to himself.

You must know that in this 'SAO', there is also an existence comparable to Lin Mo. That’s right! That is Kirito, the protagonist of the original work.

You must know that in this 'SAO', there is also an existence comparable to Lin Mo. That’s right! That is Kirito, the protagonist of the original work.

As a true beta player, if Lin Mo doesn't step up his leveling, he will definitely be surpassed by him soon.

You must know that the tasks given by the system are closely related to defeating the BOSS! Without a strong level as a backing, running alone to attack the BOSS is no different from seeking death!

If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.

Lin Mo casually dropped a sentence and started running towards the maze area.

Only with competitors can we have the motivation to move forward!

This is an eternal law since ancient times!

Lin Mo also knew this deeply. However, after walking for a few minutes, the figure he saw before was still following him.

He turned around impatiently.

I asked you how long do you want to stay with me? If you want to peek at the equipment on my body, then please go and train for a few more years!

Lin Mo's arrogant tone made the figure startled slightly, and he realized that he was a bit obsessed with him. But in order to find the true purpose of coming to this world, I subconsciously ignored what Lin Mo said.

A stream of light blue light instantly flashed in front of the black figure, and a fluorescent sword mark suddenly appeared at his feet.

He subconsciously took a few steps back.

Seeing that his intimidation had worked, Lin Mo smiled with satisfaction, and then put the sword in his hand back into the scabbard behind him.

But I'd better not follow you. There's a maze area ahead of you. I don't need to tell you. You should know what this means, right?

Of course the figure knew what the maze area Lin Mo said represented.

Represents harvest!

Human life becomes worthless once it enters the maze area.

A powerful wild monster, a lord who commands a party. It makes people tremble in fear after seeing these words.

Especially early on in the game. No one wants to take huge risks by entering the maze area to brush mobs.

But the girl stepped over the shocking sword marks on the ground as usual and followed Lin Mo.

Hey, I really lost to you. If you have any questions, just tell me. Let me make it clear first that I will not join the guild.

Lin Mo said with pain.

Why...why do you accept this world so openly that death may occur at any time?

As soon as she opened her mouth, it was a pretty female voice, but there was a hint of desolation in the voice.

The girl's first question made Lin Mo frown slightly, and then he answered her without hesitation.

Because I want to protect the people around me! So even if the road is difficult, I must move forward without hesitation.

Lin Mo fell into memories, Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki and others flashed through his mind. His eyes were filled with determination.


The girl looked at him and the figure with a determined look in a daze.

Well, although this world seems so cruel, if you observe carefully, you will find that this world is not as bad as you think. It will also have its own beautiful side.

Lin Mo smiled.

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199 Madness in the Maze District

Really? The girl fell into deep thought.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the figure in front of him had long since disappeared. The figure hidden under the cloak finally returned along the original route.

Lin Mo looked at the empty place behind him and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he got rid of her.

The next step is to break into the maze area to practice leveling. I hope I can get something better today.

However, after several hours of bloody fighting, the touching explosion rate once again pulled Lin Mo into the bottomless abyss.

Only the improvement in level made Lin Mo's bitter face reveal a smile of relief.

Level 9...

When everyone was still at level 3.4, Lin Mo got rid of them in more than one street early!

The proud level also brings rich attribute values.

Lin Mo dared to say that the monsters on the first level no longer posed much of a threat to him. Of course the maze area is an exception.

But as the level increases, the experience points required in the future are several times, or even more than ten times, than before.

The experience points brought by the wild monsters on the first level are only a little bit, which cannot satisfy the experience points he needs now. So Lin Mo had no choice but to run to the extremely threatening maze area. This is simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

You know, it’s only less than two days before the server opens!

Someone ran into the maze area without authorization. What is the concept? That means his fighting power must be dozens of times stronger than others! That's why you can survive in the maze area.

After two days of sleepless fighting, Lin Mo could reach this point. Without strong mental support, he would have fallen long ago.

So this is also one of the benefits of becoming a LV6 space envoy again!

…. .

Lin Mo's figure flickered elegantly in the maze area, leaving traces of afterimages along the road. At the same time, the light blue sword light was also flickering.

The cold sword light harvested the life of the wild monster, and the body was as light as a butterfly.

Lin Mo looked at the two elite monsters wrapped in armor in front of him and smiled disdainfully. On the heads of the elite monsters, there was a big LV11 level, telling others that their combat power was better than that of the outsiders. The power!

The battle broke out in an instant, and Lin Mo roared, holding the mace in his hand, and rushed forward.

Generally, at their level, they have already learned the basics of combat awareness. Understand how to harvest the enemy's life more quickly.

Two figures intertwined, one figure rushed forward, while the other figure formed an irregular arc and wrapped up from the flank.

Lin Mo sneered, and the 'Abyss Devourer' in his hand was already ready to go.

With a basic sideways movement, he avoided the attack of the wild monster in front of him, and then the long sword in his hand slashed behind him.

Jian 々ˇ!

The sparks from the collision of the weapons suddenly made a loud sound.

Lin Mo's face looked a little surprised. It seemed that the elite wild monsters really couldn't be compared with those little monsters. He can clearly sense various attributes from the collision of the swords in his hands.

But! If you want to kill me, this is far from enough!

The body holding the long sword in his hand pushed forward, and something shocking happened. Since the monster's body was unable to reach it, he took a few steps back.

Lin Mo dodged the attack of another wild monster, bowed, and then turned into an arrow and rushed forward!

The dazzling sword light cut through the air in beautiful arcs one after another, and the fierce collision of weapons sounded in the open space.

The dazzling sword light cut through the air in beautiful arcs one after another, and the fierce collision of weapons sounded in the open space.

It was accompanied by the insignificant sound when it penetrated the flesh.

The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword! Hot-blooded battles can always inspire the most primitive ambitions in people's bodies.

Lin Mo can feel it the most!

A pleasant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the fist in his hand blasted away the wild monster attacking from the right with a smart wind. The long sword in his hand took advantage of this short control time and pounced forward! The sharp sword tip pierced the wild monster's body with a chilling light that made people tremble!

The body of the wild monster was scattered like fragments!

The battle is over!

Lin Mo placed a gorgeous sword flower in his hand, and finally fell steadily into the scabbard.

I found a deserted place, sat down, took out the food in my backpack, and started to replenish it.

Even though Lin Mo's previous battles were so gorgeous, the consumption was also extremely huge!

Lin Mo was not strong enough to ignore these wild monsters.

A figure slowly approaching from the front made Lin Mo's expression flash.

After seeing Lin Mo, the figure also stopped in his tracks.

After Lin Mo saw the person coming, he immediately thought of the other person's identity.

.Kirito! The protagonist of the original work!

While Lin Mo was guessing the other party's identity, the other party was also guessing Lin Mo's identity.

The white coat and the light blue sword hilt made Kirito suddenly confused.

Yo, hello!

Kirito said hello.


Lin Mo also said aloud.

I thought I was the first person to enter the maze area. I didn't expect you to come here so quickly. If my guess is correct, you have been here for a few days, right?

Kirito said slowly.

Roughly the same!

Lin Mo was in a daze. Even he himself didn't know how many days he had been in the maze area. Here, there was only endless fighting!

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