Ubolo, this is its name. Vatola stood not far from Lin Mo and said with a faint smile, while the ferocious giant snake was above his head, staring at Lin Mo.

Stop hiding, just let all your beasts come out! Lin Mo calmly faced the pressure emanating from the giant snake.

It doesn't matter. As long as you can defeat my snake, you will win. Wattola said.

Is that just that? Lin Mo made a sneer, and his body suddenly disappeared in front of everyone. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the giant snake. Suddenly, it was like a roaring wind, and a horrifying wave surged out of his body. magic.


This magical power was controlled by Lin Mo and struck the giant snake without any hesitation.

¨. Ubola! Feeling the pure magic power in Lin Mo, Vatola's expression finally changed. He didn't expect that Lin Mo's magic power was even more powerful than his master! Then he ordered Ubolo to open his big blue mouth and bite Lin Mo suddenly.

But it didn't help.

If Vatola's magic power is like an endless river, then Lin Mo's magic power can really be said to be an unfathomable ocean!

There was no unnecessary collision. Lin Mo faced the biting giant snake and collided with it close to the magic power. The violent magic power devoured the magic power that originally belonged to Vatola.

But how could Wattola get what he wanted? Suddenly communicating with the giant snake, the blue magic power on the giant snake became much stronger in an instant, trying to swallow the magic power brought by Lin Mo. Under the collision of the two forces, ripples were created in the space.


A roar came from the mouth of the giant snake. Ubolo himself had the ability to control space, so the space around Lin Mo was constantly vibrating. Colorless crystals exploded around Lin Mo. A piece will fall off.

The sea surface where the giant snake was originally seemed to be affected by something. Water vapor kept coming out, and the waves hit Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo's figure appeared in the sky like a stream of light, but what was waiting for him was a fanged mouth flashing with blue light.

Want to swallow me? Lin Mo snorted, and his magic power surged again. With a rumbling roar, the magic power aimed at Ubolo's big mouth like a ball of light and pushed forward. Lin Mo's own figure took a few steps back.

No! This magic power... Wattola quickly communicated to the beast to retreat, but it was already too late. The ball of light condensed with magic power exploded the moment it came into contact with Upala.

The dazzling magic power enveloped the gray sky, and the sharp whistling sound spread like a tornado. The entire body of Upala was cut into pieces at the moment when it hit the ball of light, without even a trace of magic power remaining! Nirvana directly in the void.

The sea level was also shaking violently at the same time. Fortunately, the Tomb of Poseidon was big enough, otherwise, it would have been directly overturned by the waves!

Xuecai watched the scene in front of her silently. In fact, she had already seen Lin Mo's magic power, and this time she was even more shocked when facing Vatola.

Just relying on magic power, Lin Mo is enough to crush the so-called person closest to the true ancestor. Although this is not the full strength of Vatola, why not Lin Mo?

Ps: 4 updates, two chapters in one. .

481 confused

The handsome blond man's face wasn't that good-looking. He didn't expect that Lin Mo was much stronger than he thought. Even if he was the Fourth True Ancestor, he was definitely not Lin Mo if only based on the amount of magic power stored. opponent.

But when it came to the actual fight, no one could tell. Vatola's best fused beast was not used, but Ubolo was actually crushed by Lin Mo's magic power, while Lin Mo only showed his strength. The vast magic power, based on this alone, makes a judgment call.

Your Majesty's magic power is really shocking.

Suddenly, Wattola clapped his hands and bowed with a smile. Shelley glanced at Vatola suspiciously, wondering what this person was paying attention to.

You're pretty good too. To be honest, I'm curious about how your combined beast is doing. Do you still want to fight? Lin Mo fell from the sky. Even though he defeated Wattola, he was not happy on the surface.

No need, I have seen the strength of the Fifth True Ancestor, and I have a preliminary judgment. Even if I use my best skills, I will not be able to win 207 times! Vatola always had a hypocritical look on his face. smile.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, then relaxed: In that case, let's do it! It's not too late. If you still have something to say, just say it. I don't like to beat around the bush.

Your Excellency is so generous, so let me tell you frankly. I wonder if you have heard of Christophe Galdecius. Vatola said.

Christophe Galdecius... Xue Cai muttered, with a confused look on his face.

Is he from the Black Death Emperor's faction? Lin Mo said directly.

Vatola looked at Lin Mo with surprise: You know?

Lin Mo snorted slightly: I know a little bit, he is lurking on this island now.

Oh? It seems that you know a lot. Vatola's expression changed from surprise to astonishment. He glanced at the bewildered man standing by and sighed in his heart. Compared to the fourth As far as true ancestors are concerned, Lin Mo, the fifth true ancestor, is easier to get around.

The Fourth True Ancestor will probably be reduced to a lining after this.

In fact, Lin Mo had already inquired about the other party's details when he was at Nangong Nayue. He also knew that the Black Death Emperor faction seemed to be targeting him for some reason, so he had to pay more attention.

Vatola continued: He was once a retired soldier from the King of War field. He was a well-known terrorist in Europe and an extremist member of the Black Death Emperor Faction. It was just because I killed the leader of the Black Death Emperor Faction. So he was roped in by the remnant party.

Then what is his purpose? Shelley couldn't help but ask.

It's very simple. They are a pure orc racial group with discrimination. Their purpose is to abrogate the Holy Land Treaty and seize the control of the War King's Domain from the First True Ancestor. In order to achieve the first step, it is here. An accident occurred in the Demon Zone, telling the world that the Black Death Emperor Faction is still alive. Sayaka replied.

It's very simple. They are a pure orc racial group with discrimination. Their purpose is to abrogate the Holy Land Treaty and seize the control of the War King's Domain from the First True Ancestor. In order to achieve the first step, it is here. An accident occurred in the Demon Zone, telling the world that the Black Death Emperor Faction is still alive. Sayaka replied.

Wait a minute! There are so many demon special zones, why would the Black Death Emperor faction like this island? Xuecai said with a confused look.

Who knows! Vatola raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Lin Mo with a deep look, and said.

I just don't know if you are interested in this. If you are interested, I will leave this matter to you. If you are not interested, then I can only do it. (ajdf) But in case I There are three advantages and two disadvantages, the familiar beast under my hand might destroy the entire Xiangami Island.

Are you threatening me? Lin Mo looked at Wattola coldly.

How could it be! I am a subordinate of the First True Ancestor, and I was just ordered to capture Christopher Galdecius. If I cannot capture him, I will be very troubled. Although Vatola said this, He didn't look bothered at all, all he wanted to do was watch a good show!

Lin Mo curled his lips, couldn't Lin Mo understand his thoughts? Wattola wanted to test how powerful he, the fifth true ancestor, was!

The Fourth True Ancestor doesn't matter, but the Fifth True Ancestor is too mysterious, so the disputes brought to him are inevitable. This is also something that many people want to see.

In order to maintain the stability of the world situation, of course it is necessary to have a rating for the Fifth True Ancestor, and the Black Death Emperor Faction can be used to find out the truth. If there is a need to fan the flames, Wattola will not hesitate. By doing this, who told his master, the First True Ancestor, to forget the War King?

When Lin Mo first watched the series Blood Devouring Attack, it was a long time ago. Some things couldn't be remembered easily. All he knew was that the purpose of the Black Death Emperor faction was to use Nalak Bella here. There was a big fuss on the island, and the rest is unknown.

Not to mention that Nalakbela is currently hiding in the tomb of the Poseidon!

Okay! This matter is left to me and the seniors. Duke Aldiaru, all you have to do is wait aside. Xuecai stood up and said without hesitation.

Haha, I forgot to ask before, who are you to him? Wattola looked at Shelley and said with interest.

Who... After Xuena heard Wattola's words, she didn't know how to answer. Even she herself was confused.

Blood companion? Or a monitor? Or...a psychic? Vatola glanced at Lin Mo with interest.

The difference between a blood partner and a psychic is that one is a person who can go on together, and the other is a person who can be discarded at any time. The Lion King Agency initially sent Shelley to Lin Mo's side just to get closer to him. It’s just his psychic!

Blood companion, no need to think about it.

Ps: One more update. .

482 The most important person

This... Xuena hesitated and didn't know what to say. Even Sayaka was nervously watching Shelley's every move. She knew very well that the Lion King agency sent Shelley to Lin Mo's side. , there must be a intention to make good friends, but there is nothing to be done about it, after all, the matter itself depends on Shelley's own wishes.

Probably only Xuecai was kept in the dark.

However, from the current perspective, there is no doubt that Shelley has a great affection for Lin Mo. Although they haven't reached the stage of being lovers, they are almost there.

Sayaka, who has been with Yukina for so many years, can clearly feel it. There is something different in Yukina's eyes when she looks at Lin Mo. Zero Seven-Three, but what the specific difference is, even her best friend can't answer. .

Therefore, Sayaka still cares about Shelley's wishes in this matter, and she is extremely doting on Yukina. Even if she is wronged, Shelley will not be harmed in the slightest.

At this time, Wattola suddenly spoke, and said with an unknown meaning: Haha, if you don't suggest it, can I pursue the fifth true ancestor?

Hearing this, Lin Mo suddenly felt horrified and almost felt sick to his stomach. Then he unabashedly glanced at Vatola with murderous eyes.

It's a joke, don't take it seriously. Locked in by a terrifying aura, Vatola smiled, but judging from the twitching face, the smile seemed a bit involved.

Lin Mo had just shown his intention to kill, and with just a hint of momentum, Vatola's heart suddenly stopped for a moment. Only now did he clearly realize that magic power did not represent everything about Lin Mo.

The Fifth True Ancestor...it seems that he still has some hidden strength. Vatola felt the chill.

Xue Cai, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer. Lin Mo shook his head and stopped this somewhat ambiguous topic.

Senior, I... Xuecai's thin lips were lightly bitten by her, as if she had made up her mind, but before she could speak, Lin Mo interrupted the topic and said to Wattola.

We've taken over the matter of Christophe Galdecius! I don't want Xian Kami Island to be destroyed. After all, he asked me for help that month, but... Lin Mo changed the topic and glanced coldly. He glanced at Wattola and said, If you dare to take action on String God Island, you are not far from death.

Oh? Vatola looked at Lin Mo in surprise, and then said with a hint of meaning: Since you have spoken, I will not interfere with the affairs of Xian Shen Island.

Lin Mo's words vaguely revealed the meaning of the ownership of Xian Shen Island. After all, the three true ancestors all have their own empires, and Lin Mo, the fifth true ancestor, must not be too bad, right?

Lin Mo's words vaguely revealed the meaning of the ownership of Xian Shen Island. After all, the three true ancestors all have their own empires, and Lin Mo, the fifth true ancestor, must not be too bad, right?

This matter was settled directly because of Lin Mo's intervention. The two came out of Poseidon's Tomb. Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Shelley who was still in silence, touched her head and said.

Let's go! It's not too late. We have to get up early tomorrow. As for Wattola, don't worry too much. Anyway, in my opinion, Xuena, you are the most important person to me in this world. It doesn't matter. That’s easy to say.”

The most important person? Xuecai's eyes suddenly brightened, and she nodded lightly. Looking at Lin Mo who was already walking in front, she quietly made the most important decision in her life, and this decision , can affect her life...

On the other side, a girl with light yellow hair stretched, her pretty face showed an undisguised look of exhaustion. There were several screens in front of her, but the other ones were useless. Her eyes were dead. Staring at the center screen, at a certain moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and put a smile on his lips0...

Although the thing I sent you before is a challenge, it's really not that challenging. But what is this Nalakbela? It's a bit curious...

Lan Yu Qiancong glanced at the words on the screen in confusion, but this small matter was quickly forgotten by her: Never mind it! The first priority is to sleep well first.

Lan Yu Qiancong stood up and left the chair, fluttering onto the bed. Her alluring figure was clearly on display, her yellow hair was casually placed on her fair shoulders, and her slender calves were moving restlessly.

Lan Yu Qiancong, who was lying on the bed, reached out to pick up a pillow and hugged it in her arms. Her breasts were squeezed gently. Her beautiful eyes with slightly turned eyes were looking at the ceiling in a relatively spacious room. , only a few screens revealed a faint light.

Lan Yu Qian Cong recalled that night again, when a young man with a slightly abnormal mind saved him. Thinking about him who had a black household registration at that time, Lan Yu Qian Cong couldn't help but feel funny, and he didn't know that he was still alive. Are you on this Xiankami Island?

It wasn't that she fell in love with Lin Mo, but that he made such a profound impression on people at that time! So much so that even now, Qian Cong is still vivid in my mind.

Hey! I don't know if I can see him again, eh? Why do I want to see him? Have I become a little abnormal? Sure enough, it's because I'm too tired. Qian Cong muttered, and then fell into a deep sleep. .

However, what she didn't expect was that this meeting came so suddenly.

Ps: 1/3, updated overnight, my updates are usually at night, please don't worry....

483 Meeting again with Lan Yu Qian Cong

The dawn gradually rises, and the golden brilliance shines on the earth, dispelling the desolation of the night and bringing hot vitality. It is already hot in the summer on Genkami Island. Even in the early morning, this heat is clearly reflected.

Lin Mo, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt something dazzling in front of his eyes. His sleepy eyes opened slightly, as if he hadn't woken up, and narrowed into a gap.

Senior, get up quickly!

A crisp voice with a hint of seriousness came from beside Lin Mo. Lin Mo's eyes were narrowed and he glanced sideways slightly. When he saw Xuecai staying in the room, he was startled.

How did you get in? Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

How else can I get in? Of course I have to pick the lock! Xuecai said in a matter-of-fact tone, then put her hands on her hips and said angrily: If you don't hurry up, you'll be late!

Originally, Lin Mo was speechless when he heard the first half of Xuecai's sentence, and even more speechless when he heard the second half! He said to Xuecai seriously.

Am I a student?

Xuecai was stunned for a moment, and almost blurted out this sentence: No.

That's it! Lin Mo said angrily, then turned his head impatiently, tightened the quilt tightly, and said in a lazy voice: Xue Cai, I am a security guard! Again I’m not a student, why should I get up so early?”

Uh... Xuecai was speechless. It seemed that this was really the case, but it was impossible for her to watch Lin Mo fall asleep. Then she walked forward and took off Lin Mo's quilt. Pulling it open, although it doesn't matter if you don't cover yourself with a quilt in this weather, Lin Mo is still uncomfortable with it after many years of habit.

Senior, don't sleep. We agreed to find out the whereabouts of the Black Death Emperor Faction. Xuecai looked at Lin Mo and said.

It's not a rush. ​​Being so noisy by Shelley, Lin Mo's remaining sleepiness was gone, and he could only helplessly get up and walk forward to the bathroom.

While Lin Mo was washing up, Xuecai carefully arranged the furniture for Lin Mo and made some beds and other things. Shelley often did these things before, so he was so good at it that When Lin Mo came out, he saw the bed that had been folded.

Let's go! Lin Mo was not too surprised after seeing this, and went out with Shelley. Coincidentally, as soon as Lin Mo went out, he met Akatsuki Kojo who had just come down the stairs and Akatsuki Nagisa, who had a lively attribute.

Good morning! Lin Mojun, and Yukina-chan. Nagisa greeted the two of them.

When Xiao Gucheng saw Lin Mo, his brows twitched unconsciously. Yesterday's scene still appeared in front of his eyes. Xiao Gucheng didn't know how to deal with Lin Mo, the fifth true ancestor.

However, Lin Mo didn't have much to do with Xiao Gucheng, so he walked lazily on the way to Caihai Academy.

When he came to Caihai Academy, Lin Mo went to Nangong Nayue's office as usual. After all, first life, second time acquaintance, Nangong Nayue also acquiesced to his behavior. Looking at Lin Mo in the office, he always felt... It would be easier than letting him out and causing trouble.

Therefore, we can often see Nangong Nayue and Lin Mo staring at each other in the office, but today, Nangong Nayue's office welcomed an unexpected person.

A woman wearing a cheongsam, with one slender thigh exposed, was sitting in Nangong Nayue's office. Her appearance was a little more heroic, less weak, and she had a pair of slim breasts. She was almost the most attractive. Eyes.

Seeing Lin Mo come in, Nangong Nayue put away her fan and said, You are here. Let me introduce you. She is Misaki Sasaki, Shelley's class teacher.

The name seems a bit awkward and difficult to understand, but she is the same demon attacker as Nangong Nayue. Not only the demon attacker, the two of them have known each other since college, and they can be said to be a pair of happy enemies.

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