In that case, that letter is also...

Yes, I was asked to bring it by Duke Aldiaru.

After Yukina heard Sayaka's words, 740 suddenly realized that few people knew about this shikigami. It would not be surprising if someone who was also a member of the Lion King's organization appeared here.

Ahem, Xuecai, who is she? Lin Mo coughed twice deliberately. If he didn't make a sound, the two of them would completely ignore him.

Ah, senior, let me introduce her. She is Sayaka Kosaka, and she was my former roommate. Xuena then remembered that Lin Mo existed, so she quickly introduced her to Sayaka.

Sayaka-chan, he is...

Needless to say, I know who he is, the Fifth True Ancestor. The Lion King agency is really going too far. Since they sent my lovely Shelley to the Fifth True Ancestor's side silently, how can he be hurt? Is that so? Sayaka's expression suddenly changed as soon as she talked about the Fifth True Ancestor, and she didn't give Lin Mo any face.

She was unambiguous about Xue Cai.

You were the one who attacked me last time, right? Lin Mo saw that Sayaka was very indifferent to him, so he was not angry, but shrugged and said.

So what? Sayaka admitted without hesitation, her eyes were cold. If it weren't for Xuecai by her side, she would probably be in love with Lin Mo.

The two of us shouldn't have any grudges. Lin Mo looked at Sayaka lazily.

Sayaka is quite good-looking, with ash-brown hair tied behind her back, a flower hairpin on her head, and a red cheongsam. She is much taller than Shelley, and has a pair of The slender thighs are vaguely visible under the cover of the cheongsam.

It's true that there is no grudge, but when it comes to Shelley, there is. Besides, I don't allow you to call Shelley that close. Sayaka's eyes were sharp, and her aura could be said to be quite powerful.

But Lin Mo didn't seem to hear Sayaka's words, and said with interest: Could it be...are you jealous?

Huh? Am I jealous of Xuecai? How is that possible!

Sayaka said with a cold face, but the jealous fire in her eyes almost burst out. This look confirmed Lin Mo's words.

I understand. Lin Mo suddenly looked at Sayaka with a look of pity: I know there may be some minor issues with your sexual orientation, but I don't care.

I understand. Lin Mo suddenly looked at Sayaka with a look of pity: I know there may be some minor issues with your sexual orientation, but I don't care.

What did you say! Sayaka's eyes suddenly froze.

Huh? Isn't it? Sorry, I said the wrong thing. Lin Mo spread his hands, not paying attention to Sayaka's murderous gaze.

Okay, you two, stop arguing. Xuecai stopped him with a look of helplessness and said to Lin Mo. Sayaka is Wuweiyuan, my very good friend.

The implication is that she hopes Lin Mo can take her into account, argue less and be more warm.

I know, since you are Xuecai's friend, you are also my friend. Lin Mo said with a smile.

Don't! I don't know a friend like you. Sayaka said with disgust on her face, her skin almost getting goosebumps.

Sayaka, do you know why Dimitriye Wattola came here? Seeing that the atmosphere between the two had improved, Yukina immediately changed the topic 0...

I don't know either. Sayaka shook her head, and her voice when speaking to Shelley couldn't help but soften a lot, without the previous confrontational atmosphere.

Actually, I came here not only because I wanted to see Shelley, but also to take you to meet him. Sayaka said softly. Of course he was referring to Dimitriye Vatola.

Xuecai said with a surprised look on her face: Dimitriye Wattola already knows that Lin Mo is the fifth true ancestor?

Well, that's right. There is also the Fourth True Ancestor inside. Sayaka nodded.

Tsk, tsk, if Xiao Gucheng meets that guy, he will probably be very unlucky. Lin Mo suddenly thought of something interesting and made a sound with a smile on his face.

Senior, do you know anything? The two turned their eyes to Lin Mo, and Xuecai couldn't help but asked curiously.

Of course I know! In fact, Dimitriye Vatola is the suitor of the former Fourth True Ancestor. Now that his predecessor has disappeared, and the Akatsuki who inherited his blood, Demitriye Vatola naturally turns his attention to It turned on him. Lin Mo thought about that scene and grinned.

5.5 Sayaka and Yukina looked at each other. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. Doesn't that mean...thinking about the scene of two gay men, Sayaka and Shelley both felt horrified.

Without further ado, let's go meet Duke Aldialu first! Sayaka also understood that this was not the time to argue with Lin Mo, so she suggested to Xuena.

Okay! Xuecai nodded, then her eyes turned to Lin Mo and said softly: Senior, let's go together!

OK! Lin Mo was not a Moji person, so he agreed boldly.

Ps: One more update. .

479 The bitter Xiao Gucheng

On the plywood of the Poseidon's Tomb, Lin Mo and others came here. The surroundings were quiet, and no one was there except the sea breeze. Oh no! To be precise, there was someone there, and as soon as Lin Mo and others arrived here, they saw an extremely alarming scene that shocked their eyes.

You...what are you doing? The corners of Lin Mo's mouth were twitching as he looked at the handsome blond man and said strangely. And underneath the handsome blond man was Xiao Gucheng, who looked panicked.

Xuecai and Sayaka stood beside Lin Mo silently, their faces showing deep shock. They didn't expect that what they said before would be performed so quickly!

Don't get me wrong! Xiao Gucheng broke away from the blond handsome man and was explaining something in a panic. However, not to mention Lin Mo, not even Shelley and Sayaka heard anything.

Xiao Gucheng, there's no need to say anything. We all understand. I'm sorry to disturb you. 09 Lin Mo patted Xiao Gucheng who rushed over, sighed slightly, and showed an expression that we all understand.

You understand! I really had nothing to do with him, we just had a fight! Xiao Gucheng said loudly as he swept away the hand on his shoulder.

An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth. I won't tell Nagisa about this. Lin Mo's eyes suddenly became extremely deep at this moment.

Looking at the expressions of several people, Xiao Gucheng really felt like crying. He shouldn't have come to this broken ship today. There was no point in explaining. After all, seeing is believing.

The blond man, on the other hand, always maintained an elegant smile, but in the eyes of Shelley and Sayaka, he looked even more disgusting!

Oh? Are you Lin Mojun? The blond man's eyes lit up slightly after seeing Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo heard this, he took a few steps back cautiously: I don't like this, thank you.

Haha, I'm not very interested in you either. The only person I love is the Fourth True Ancestor... The blond man stared at Xiao Gucheng affectionately.

Xuecai's pretty face turned pale. Without saying a word, she picked up Xuexialang and stood in front of Lin Mo. She was really afraid that the blond man would fall in love with Lin Mo.

As for Akatsuki, goosebumps fell all over his body. He was as disgusting as he wanted. If Nagisa knew about this, he didn't know what kind of eyes she would look at him.

I'll say it again! I have nothing to do with this pervert. Listen clearly, it's just because of a little accident! Xiao Gucheng shouted, excitedly grabbing Lin Mo's shoulders and shaking them. I know you will believe me, right? Don't let Nagisa know about this!

Facts speak louder than words. I will definitely not let Nagisa know about this, don't worry. Lin Mo gave him a knowing expression.

Xiao Gucheng lowered his head in pain. He knew that it was impossible to explain what happened today.

Duke, I have brought them here. Sayaka said coldly.

The blond man raised his hand: In that case, this is not the place for chatting. Please come with me.

As soon as he finished speaking, the blond man walked towards another exit. Seeing this, Lin Mo and others had no choice but to follow.

As soon as he finished speaking, the blond man walked towards another exit. Seeing this, Lin Mo and others had no choice but to follow.

Although Xiao Gucheng wanted to leave now, he could not escape the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth. He gritted his teeth and could only walk beside Lin Mo, constantly explaining what happened before.

Along the way, Lin Mo finally believed in the painstaking efforts of Mapo Xiao Gucheng.

Welcome to my Poseidon's Tomb! Let me introduce myself. My name is Dimitriye Wattola, my true ancestor. The Forgotten War King gave me the title of Duke of Aldiaru. The huge living room In the middle, the blond man smiled slightly and made an aristocratic courtesy to everyone.

Wattola, why did you invite us here? Xuecai frowned slightly and said straight to the point.

Don't be so anxious, I just want to invite you to be my guests. Wattola smiled.

Then what is the purpose of your visit to Xian Kami Island? Shelley asked.

Of course I'm here to find my lover, the Fourth True Ancestor. Wattola's pupils looked directly at Xiao Gucheng.

Hey, I don't know you at all! Don't act like you're familiar with me. There was a black line on Xiao Gucheng's head, and his eyes suddenly turned to Lin Mo. Lin Mo, did he invite you too? Regarding my identity...

Lin Mo waved his hand: I know, you told me that month.

Really? Xiao Gucheng breathed a sigh of relief. The identity of the Fourth True Ancestor would not be easy to explain later. If Lin Mo knew about it in advance, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Lin Mo 673, I have just started to wonder what you are doing here. Xiao Gucheng said with some confusion.

Hmph! Fourth True Ancestor, you'd better stay away from your senior. Shelley raised the Xuexia Wolf without hesitation. The warning was very obvious. She didn't want Lin Mo to have any interaction with this pervert.


Seeing the silver gun in Xuecai's hand, Xiao Gucheng smiled coquettishly, and his expression when he looked at Lin Mo was completely different, with a hint of envy.

You know, Yukina and Sayaka are both first-class beauties. The two beauties actually accompanied Lin Mo on such an occasion. As long as you use your brain a little, you can understand anything.

As for the replacement that his good friend helped him find earlier, she had left him long ago and disappeared to nowhere. Yes, that woman is the kind who can accompany you to various occasions after paying for it.

It can be said that because of the arrival of Lin Mo, the fourth true ancestor of this world is really miserable.

Ps: 2 more updates, there will be 2 more updates coming soon! I was finally able to finish it today, otherwise the author would feel a little guilty. .

480 Collision! The crushing power of magic!

Me? I just came here to have fun. Lin Mo waved his hand and replied to what Xiao Gucheng said before.

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Wattola cast his gaze on Lin Mo: the corners of his mouth raised slightly: Oh? Xiao Gucheng, don't you know the other party's identity yet?

Him? What is his identity? Isn't he just an ordinary person? Xiao Gucheng said with a blank look on his face.

Wattola was startled, then burst out laughing: Interesting, it's really interesting! You actually don't know the identity of the other party! That's right, in this world, perhaps only a few people know the existence of the Fourth True Ancestor, let alone Needless to say, the Fifth True Ancestor.”

The fifth true ancestor? Xiao Gucheng murmured, his pupils widened in an instant, and he was so shocked that he was speechless.

He is the fifth true ancestor? Impossible! Xiao Gucheng still can't believe it.

Haha, do you still want to hide it? To be honest, if I hadn't deliberately investigated your identity, even I wouldn't have known it. Wattola chuckled.

How are you sure that I am a true ancestor? Maybe I am an unknown vampire. Lin Mo said with interest.

The sword wizard next to you betrayed you! Vatola put his eyes on Shelley, or to be precise on the silver weapon, and smiled faintly: The Lion King mechanism actually used the seven moves The Demon-Suppressing Assault Rifle was given to a little girl, and she was also assigned to monitor a black household. This alone makes me curious! Why do you think it is? Xiao Gucheng?

Seeing that Wattola brought the topic to him, Xiao Gucheng was a little at a loss.

It's very simple, because the Seven-Type Demon-Conquering Assault Rifle Xuexialang has the ability to kill the True Ancestor! To be able to hand over such a precious weapon to a little girl is not enough to attract attention. Vatola told the reason. .

Hearing this, Xuecai looked at Lin Mo apologetically: Senior, I'm sorry, it's all because of me...

Lin Mo stopped what Xuecai was about to say and shook his head: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you know your identity anyway.

Haha, you may feel that it doesn't matter now, but in the next few days, your name will appear on various forces. Wattola said with a smile.

So what? Lin Mo curled his lips: If they take the initiative to come to me for trouble, I don't recommend letting them stay on Xian Shen Island forever. With so many illegal household registrations suddenly appearing, Nangong must be very worried that month. Be happy.

Xiao Gucheng looked at Lin Mo in a daze, then smiled bitterly without saying anything. He originally thought that Lin Mo was just an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that fate would play such a trick on him.

What a shameless statement! Although I know what kind of strength you, the fifth true ancestor who suddenly appeared, has, I just hope that you will not harm the lovely Xuecai'. Sayahua said unceremoniously.

Sayaka, stop talking. Even when that time comes, I will accompany senior to overcome the difficulties. Yukina said firmly.

Snow vegetables...

This was the first time that Sayaka saw Yukina showing such determination. She knew that there was nothing she could do to persuade her to go in, so she could only look at Lin Mo angrily: If you dare to let Shelley have an accident, I can't get around you!

Stop talking about you, even I won't allow anything to happen to Shelley. Lin Mo's seemingly casual words were strangely persuasive.

Xuecai's face gradually turned red. Being able to say this in front of so many people not only reflected Lin Mo's determination, but also had an ambiguous meaning in it.

After Sayaka saw Xuecai's expression, she hated Lin Mo even more. It was this man! Taking Shelley from me is unforgivable!

Haha, why don't you give it a try now? How is your strength? As soon as Vatola finished speaking, everyone fell into silence.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly: Are you provoking me? Even Xuena and Sayaka were shocked when they heard Sayaka's words.

Wattola, what do you want to do? Xuecai asked.

What I don't want to do is just to see how the Fifth True Ancestor is different from the Fourth True Ancestor. Wattola laughed, but everyone knew that a battle could happen at any time.

To be honest, I'm also a little curious about the strength of the person closest to the true ancestor. The corners of Lin Mo's mouth curved into a nice arc.

That's just right. I've been a little bored lately! Just let me see your beast! Wattola said with an elegant smile.

Familiar beast? That kind of thing is not very useful to me. You are not qualified to let me use a familiar beast. Lin Mo said mockingly.

Familiar beast? That kind of thing is not very useful to me. You are not qualified to let me use a familiar beast. Lin Mo said mockingly.

Really? It seems that I have really been underestimated! In this case, come with me outside, I don't want a big hole to be poked in my Poseidon's Tomb. Wattola was not angry either. Instead, he just walked outside.

as you wish.

Lin Mo also followed Wattola. Seeing this, Xuena gritted her teeth. Although she didn't know why things developed like this, she had to follow.

Because she was the only one who knew that Lin Mo's beast had not yet awakened, and she was worried that even if she couldn't defeat it, she would be able to stop it when the time came. Of course, Sayaka couldn't leave here and followed Shelley closely.

Only Xiao Gucheng, who had been forgotten, was still hesitating on the spot. He looked at the empty hall around him. To be honest, it was impossible not to be curious. Besides, he still had many questions to ask Lin Mo, so he walked up the stairs. , came to the plywood.

When Xiao Gucheng came to the splint, a strong wind swept across the surroundings wantonly, and the tyrannical magic turned into a substantial shock wave, spreading out from Wattola like a hurricane.

Immediately afterwards, a giant snake with flashing blue light sprang out from the bottom of the sea like a dragon. Its body was made of strong magic power, and the extremely hot temperature caused the void to deform slightly.

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