Why do you say that?

Because every time the two of them meet, there will be an invisible sense of tit-for-tat in it, but their feelings needless to say.

Are you the Fifth True Ancestor? I've heard about it from Na Yue's mouth. Misaki Sasaki looked at Lin Mo with curious eyes. Something strong and majestic had been attracting Lin Mo's eyes. Compared with Nangong's With Yue's flat chest, Lin Mo sighed slightly.

Boy, where are your eyes?

Seeing Lin Mo's appearance, Nangong Nayue couldn't help but said angrily. The body shape has always been one of the things Nayue hated the most. Now comparing Misaki Sasaki and Nangong Nayue together, they are really the same. One place!

I think he is quite knowledgeable. Misaki Sasaki not only did not feel embarrassed, but also looked at Nazuki provocatively.

Nangong Nayue snorted coldly. Naturally, she was unhappy with what Misaki Sasaki said, but she still said, I heard you went to a snake charmer yesterday?

Nangong Nayue snorted coldly. Naturally, she was unhappy with what Misaki Sasaki said, but she still said, I heard you went to a snake charmer yesterday?

Almost. Lin Mo found someone to sit down casually with a casual look on his face.

Is there anything worthy of attention? Nangong Nayue asked with squinted eyes. She knew that Lin Mo would not join in others' fun for no reason.

Well, yes, let me deal with the Black Death Emperor faction. Lin Mo shrugged.

Oh? The Black Death Emperor's faction has already sneaked into the island? Misaki Sasaki asked from the side.

Well, it seems that they are planning to cause a big destruction. It is estimated that the college will also be affected by then. Lin Mo took the black tea made by the blue-haired girl and drank it leisurely.

Then you still want to stay here? Don't you want to find the stronghold of the Black Death Emperor faction? Nangong looked at the leisurely Lin Mo that month, wishing to just hit him with a fan, but unfortunately, the distance hindered her thoughts .

Why are you so anxious? Lin Mo glanced at Nangong Nayue and said, I don't know where the remnants of the Black Death Emperor's faction are, and I don't even know their number. Looking for them now will undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack.

So what can you do? Misaki Sasaki looked at the young man with interest.

There is no way, just wait until they show their flaws and solve it. Lin Mo said very calmly.

Nangong Nayue frowned slightly. She knew that Lin Mo was waiting for the Black Death Emperor to send him out, but Nalak Bella still made her a little worried.

If it's true, they are now looking for ways to control Nalak Bella. Do you have any ideas to deal with this kind of thing? Nangong Nayue asked.

The problem is not big and can be solved. Lin Mo thought for a while and gave a short answer.

Nangong Nayue sighed quietly, suddenly remembered something, and said: Isn't your familiar beast awakened yet?

Misaki Sasaki was startled and looked at Lin Mo in surprise. She thought the beast had awakened.

No. Lin Mo shook his head. Although he said this, he was definitely not worried.

The corner of Nangong Nayue's mouth twitched. She really felt that the Fourth True Ancestor and the Fifth True Ancestor were just two weirdos. One had only awakened a companion beast and could not control it, and the other could not even awaken a companion beast. However, Lin Mo's own strength was still very strong, so Nangong Nayue was just complaining about the beasts.

If possible, find a time to awaken the beast! As for the psychic, the little girl given to you by the Lion King Agency is very good. Nangong Nayue 330 said looking at Lin Mo.

This matter itself depends on Shelley's wishes. I don't force it. Lin Mo shook his head and said. The time the two of them got together is still a bit short. Even if their relationship is growing day by day, some things still can't be done so quickly. It was decided.

Nangong's moon-jewel-like pupils revealed a strange color, and he was thinking carefully in his heart. It seemed that he had to find a time to invite Shelley out to have a good talk. But as Lin Mo said, if Shelley disagreed, She won't insist on it either.

If the Black Death Emperor Faction really makes trouble on Genkami Island, I wonder if it will affect Akai Academy. Misaki Sasaki looked a little worried.

I think it should be. After all, if they want to get Nalakbela, they must have someone. Lin Mo said.

Who are you talking about? Nangong Nayue's carefully carved face was a little surprised.

Lan Yu Qian Cong. Lin Mo said. Nangong Nayue frowned: Lan Yu? I see, I understand. I'll call Qing Cong later. You can tell her yourself!

Na Yue still knew a little about Lan Yu Qiancong's identity. She was called the Electronic Empress. Even her parents' identities were not simple, even if she didn't pay attention.

I have always said that Caihai College is a college for ordinary people, but it can also be said to be a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, with all kinds of characters gathered inside. That's why Lin Mo came here in the first place. Facts have proved that his decision was right. .

Nangong Nayue immediately stood up and left the luxurious office. In less than two minutes, he brought Qian Cong, ready to ask something.

Lan Yu Qiancong, on the other hand, stared blankly at Lin Mo, who was looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile. There was only one thought in his mind, why did he meet this guy again?

Ps: 3/3, two chapters in one. .

484 Discuss countermeasures

Why are you here? When Lan Yu Qiancong saw Lin Mo, he subconsciously asked, right? Yesterday's crow's mouth became effective so quickly? Qian Cong looked in disbelief.

Hearing this, Lin Mo crossed his arms and said speechlessly: Can't I be here?

Um... What Lan Yu Qiancong was about to say stopped abruptly. Thinking about it carefully, it was none of her business where Lin Mo was, and the two of them only met once, and they couldn't be considered friends. of.

After thinking about this, Qian Cong nodded: Indeed, it was me who broke up the conversation. Then, Teacher Yue, what's the reason why you came to me here? In addition, I wanted to ask just now, is this office Mr. Yue's? Qian Cong pointed to the rather spacious office inside and said with a surprised look on her face.

This was her first time here. Usually when Nangong came to see her that month, he would directly ask her to go to the teaching room. She had never seen the room on the top floor of Caihai Academy.

You can understand it that way. Na Yue, who was sitting in the main seat of the office, paused and continued: Lan Yu, we came to you to ask about Nalak Bella. You know this thing? ?

Nalak Bella? Qian Cong lowered her head and pondered for a while, then suddenly raised her head. She remembered, Nalak Bella, wasn't it the thing she deciphered last night?

I know. In fact, an email was sent to me yesterday, asking me to help crack it. At first, I thought it was some game challenge or something like that, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Is there something wrong with this Narakbela? ? The light green and ruby-like pupils revealed a hint of confusion.

Nangong Nayue and Misaki Sasaki looked at each other, and Nayue's eyes immediately turned to Lin Mo with deep meaning. She was curious about how Lin Mo knew Qian Cong's identity.

Lin Mo noticed Na Yue's gaze and smiled faintly, but this smile made Na Yue unable to see through.

It’s okay to know his true identity, but he didn’t expect that he also knew Asakusa’s true identity, which is really incredible.

But now is not the time to dwell on this. Nangong Nayue said with a serious face: Actually, the thing you cracked yesterday was sent by a criminal organization called the Black Death Emperor Faction. They want to use Nalak Bella to There’s a big fuss on Genkami Island¨¨.”

It should be...impossible, right? Lan Yu Qianqing smiled coquettishly, but when he saw the solemn expression on Nangong Nayue's face, he knew that it was true!

We don't need to lie to you, we just want to come to you and ask you where the Black Death Emperor Faction is. Lin Mo looked into Qian Cong's eyes and said.

I don't know about this. The other party just asked me to crack the program. Qian Cong shook her head and asked confusedly: What exactly is this Nalakbela? Can't even attack the magician? Qian Cong knew. , Misaki Sasaki and Nangong Nazuki in front of them are demon attack officers awarded by the country!

You are too impressed with the Attacking Magician! This Nalakbela is a weapon of the gods that has destroyed countless civilizations. It was unearthed in ancient ruins and smuggled there by some companies along with recorded document tablets. This String God Island. Nayue opened and closed her eyes and looked at Asakusa.

No wonder the Black Death Emperor faction wants to sneak into Xian Shen Island to capture Nalak Bella. Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly realized.

That's right! It's very likely that Nalak Bella has been snatched away by the Black Death Emperor Faction, but there is a question. How did this Nalak Bella get transported into the heavily guarded Xian Shen Island. Nangong frowned in that month. Lock, this is what she has always been concerned about.

That's right! It's very likely that Nalak Bella has been snatched away by the Black Death Emperor Faction, but there is a question. How did this Nalak Bella get transported into the heavily guarded Xian Shen Island. Nangong frowned in that month. Lock, this is what she has always been concerned about.

Lin Mo raised his brows slightly, and suddenly recalled something in his mind: Tell me, is it possible that Vatola brought it in?

Vattola...I see, why didn't I think of it? Damn it. Nangong Nayue immediately thought of something, with anger on his pretty face, biting his lips and said: I have been thinking about that trick of Wattola before. Why did Snake's bastard suddenly come to visit Genkami Island? It seems that he has already made his own plans.

Then what should we do next? Misaki Sasaki asked from the side.

At that time, Nalak Bella can only be left to Lin Mo to handle it. Nangong Nayue said without hesitation. Now only the Fifth True Ancestor can do it here, and even Nayue himself can do it. It cannot be said that Nalakbela can be solved 100%.

Him? Qian Cong looked at Lin Mo with suspicious eyes.

No problem. Lin Mo agreed without any objection.

Oh, by the way! If you meet Wattola, don't show mercy. I've always been unhappy with him, but his abilities are a bit tricky. Nayue said with a bad attitude.

Among the people present, only Qian Cong didn't know Lin Mo's true identity. Nangong Na Yue and Sasaki Misaki would not tell anyone, so Qian Cong didn't know much about Lin Mo's abilities, but he could make the country's demon attack officer You've already spoken, so your strength shouldn't be much weaker, right?

Looking at Lin Mo's harmless expression, Qian Cong felt a little unsure. After all, this matter itself has a lot to do with her.

'Okay, Lan Yu, you go back first! Na Yue said to her.

Wait a minute! If there's anything I can do to help. Qianqing said hurriedly. Speaking of it, she was the one who printed it, so calling her the culprit was almost the same, but Nangong Nayue just waved her hand impatiently: This It’s better that you don’t get involved in this matter, and just go to school honestly as an ordinary student.”

Natsuki is right, but there is a question, that is whether the Black Death Emperor faction will set their sights on Asakusa again. (The one who gets the money) Misaki Sasaki said suddenly.

At this time, the huge office fell silent for an instant.

It is indeed possible. Since the Black Death Emperor faction sent Narakbela's documents to Qian Cong's email, it means that no one before could decipher it. They were forced to do it out of helplessness. Therefore, to a large extent, they will find Come to Qian Cong's door. Lin Mo said.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Qian Cong felt a little uneasy. Although she had some talents in computers and it was not an exaggeration to be called a queen, in reality, she was just an ordinary female high school student. If I have to say she has any other advantages, it is her good looks.

Ps: There is one update, and there are seven more updates. I didn’t save any manuscripts before, so it is very likely that I will update overnight these two days. If you have flowers and monthly votes, please vote for it! These things are of no use to me, but I can see your enthusiasm T,T. .

485 Protect Blue Feather Onion

This incident put Na Yue in a difficult position. It would be okay if it was inside Akaihai Academy. With Misaki Sasaki and her protection, the Black Death Emperor faction would not dare to mess around. But the difficulty was, what if it was outside? They can't always protect Lanyu Qiancong, right? And sometimes they have to be sent out to do branch work.

Let's do this. Thinking of this, Nangong thought for a while and said, During this period, Lin Mo will protect Lan Yu!

Lin Mo, who was originally careless, was shocked when he heard Na Yue's words: Me? To protect her? Are you kidding me?

Even Qian Cong himself widened his eyes: Can he do it? No matter how you look at it, he is a person of unknown origin! And the last time we met, he even told the fact that he had a black registered permanent residence.

Hey, hey, it's okay to have a black household registration, but it's also unavoidable. Do you think I like it? Lin Mo said speechlessly.

Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly felt powerless. She now wished she could travel back in time and stop her stupid self from deciphering this document. She thought it was fun, but now she is almost hooked on it!

Do you have any better candidates besides this? Na Yue narrowed her eyes slightly and drank the tea calmly.

163 As national demon attack officers, Nazuki and Misaki Sasaki already have a lot to do, and it is impossible to split their efforts. Even though Genkami Island is heavily guarded, the security personnel are all ordinary people. The hail of bullets is not a big threat to some demons at all.

If you really encounter some trouble, you have to rely on these magic attack masters to deal with it, and Nangong Nazuki and Sasaki Misaki are the people in charge of this area.

One has the title of Gap Witch and the other is the Fairy Girl among the Four Fist Immortals. It can be said without hesitation that both of them are famous figures even among the magicians.

But don’t think that the so-called title can scare some restless elements! Nothing is absolute.

Some people know the consequences of committing a crime, but they still do it without hesitation, especially in this demonic zone.

No, the only person I know is Shelley, but Shelley said to keep an eye on him, so it's impossible to think about it. Lin Mo spread his hands (ajbh), with an expression that said, don't count on it , I am alone. As for Xiao Gucheng, don’t be kidding, he can’t even protect himself, how can he protect others?

Isn't it? You don't even have any decent friends? I feel sad for you, young man! Hearing this, Misaki Sasaki opened his mouth and said in surprise.

Lin Mo curled his lips and would not retort by saying something like I have two or three friends. That would make him look even more pitiful.

This matter has been settled. You and Xuecai will protect her. We will wait and see for a few days before making any decisions. If your guess is wrong, we will revoke the protection of Lan Yu. Na Yue looked at Lin Mo. The expression is like saying, if you dare to reject me, I will not be polite.

Lin Mo helplessly spread his palms: Don't ask me, you have to ask her too! Do you agree? Lin Mo pointed at the girl next to him who was dressed a bit pretty but not too unusual.

That's...ok! But he can't affect my life. Qianqing gritted her teeth and agreed.

Do you still have any questions? Na Yue stared at Lin Mo.



Lin Mo sighed, just protect, it's not a big deal anyway.

Qian Cong looked at Lin Mo who was a little confused and couldn't help but feel angry. She was a beautiful girl after all, so why did she end up suffering like he did?

Qian Cong really doubted her own charm, but she was not a narcissistic girl, she was just dissatisfied with Lin Mo's indifferent expression.

Very good, you can go out. Let's set the time for 4 days! If the Black Death Emperor faction wants to cause damage, it will probably be carried out within these few days. Nalakbela's role is indispensable, and it is estimated that it will be very long. I will go find Lan Yu soon. If something happens to my students under your protection, you should know. Nangong Nayue glanced at Lin Mo and said.

I got it, Nazuki-chan.

Lin Mo replied weakly.

Don't add the word magic to the teacher's name! Na Yue glared at Lin Mo with extremely dissatisfied eyes.

Okay, Natsuki-chan.

Nangong Nayue: “…”

Lin Mo was kicked out by Nangong Nayue as he should be. Following him was Lan Yu Qiancong. The two came out of Nayue's office together, and Nangong Nayue himself had to discuss some things with Misaki Sasaki.

Lan Yu Qiancong looked at Lin Mo and said first: I'm going back to class first, by the way! I forgot to ask just now, does your so-called protection mean all day long?

Well, it depends on the situation. Lin Mo touched his chin and said: I can leave a spatial coordinate on you first. As long as I want, I can appear next to you instantly, or exchange phone numbers or something, anyway. Just notify me when it's dangerous. Lin Mo looked at Qian Cong and explained lazily.

Let's just exchange phone numbers! Qian Cong shuddered when she thought about Lin Mo appearing next to her while she was taking a shower.

Whatever you want! Lin Mo said. His phone number was given to him by Nangong that month. After all, sometimes when he needed to notify Lin Mo, it was very inconvenient to have no means of transportation.

After the two exchanged phone numbers, Asakon left first. She didn't think the attack would come so soon.

However, this is indeed the case. It will take at least a day or two before the Black Death Emperor sect comes. But because of Lin Mo's arrival, many things are quietly changing...

Ps: For the second update, it is more likely that 8 will not be completed. Let’s update 5 or 6 today! There are 2 more updates to be made next Saturday or Sunday. .

486 The remnants of the Black Death Emperor Faction

Lin Mo told Xuecai about this matter, and Xuecai herself didn't have any objections. After all, the Black Death Emperor faction's matter really needed them to solve, and it was natural to protect Lanyu Qiancong, but she felt that Qiancong could decipher Narak. curious.

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