Xuecai trotted over from the front. Lin Mo's eyes lit up slightly when he saw Shelley in front of him. Shelley is now wearing a white and blue dress. Her long black hair hangs straight down behind her shoulders. She has a light and petite figure with delicate beauty. Her white calves under the skirt have the moisture of a young girl. Tender.

Her slim breasts were tightly restrained, her body curves were perfect against the clothes, and her face had a calm and steady expression, which added a different style to her.

Senior, don't keep looking at her with that obscene look. Seeing Lin Mo staring blankly at her, Xuecai pulled the edge of her skirt down and said with a blush.

Sorry, sorry, because Xuecai is so cute. If you don't pay attention, you will... Lin Mo came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject: Why are you here?

My shikigami sensed an offensive spell nearby, so I came here. Xuecai felt a little happy after hearing the first half of Lin Mo's words, but she still extended her hand in explanation. , and then a crystal clear butterfly floated from a distance and landed on her index finger.

I almost forgot, you still have this ability... Lin Mo smiled. He also knew that Xuecai had this ability, but he usually asked Shelley not to spy on him all the time, otherwise, he would have no privacy at all.

Those were Shikigami just now, weren't they? Shikigami are generally not aggressive and are used to send some files to friends far away. How come they are attacking you, senior, for no reason now? Xuecai said full of doubts.

I don't know about this. Lin Mo shook his head, walked to the vending machine and bought two bottles of drinks. At this moment, two girls came up the corridor.

When the two girls saw Shelley's weird costume, they were startled for a moment, then smiled softly and walked away without caring.

But Xue Cai bit her pink lip as if she was facing a formidable enemy: 'They saw Xue Xia Lang, I have to catch them and erase their memories.

That's not necessary. There are a lot of costumes like yours at the Comic Exhibition. They might have been misunderstood by others, and most of the people here are ordinary people. You don't need to be wary. Lin Mo walked over with two bottles of drinks. He spoke.

Can you explain to me the attack just now? Xuecai glanced at Lin Mo, but still put away Xuexialang.

Accident, purely accidental. Lin Mo twitched the corner of his mouth twice and handed Shelley a bottle of drink.

I still think we should first figure out why this shikigami attacked senior! Xuecai took the cold drink without refusing.

No need to figure it out, I probably know why. Lin Mo raised the black letter that he had just bent down to pick up from the ground.

No need to figure it out, I probably know why. Lin Mo raised the black letter that he had just bent down to pick up from the ground.

Xue Cai came over and took a closer look, and said with some confusion on her face: This engraving, is it...impossible? There should be no intersection between the two.

Of course Lin Mo knew who Xuecai was referring to. He curled his lips and said, Since it's something we don't recognize, let's just throw it away, right?

Don't! Xue Cai exclaimed, deeply afraid that Lin Mo would do such a thing, and then explained: If I am correct, this is the Duke of Aldialu, Dimitriye Wattola's letter.

Dimitoriya Wattola? I don't know him. Lin Mo replied lazily.

When Xuecai heard this, her bright big eyes couldn't help but glare at him: Dimitriye Wattola is the subordinate of the First True Ancestor, the Forgotten War King. He has a direct line of pure blood and is known as the closest to the True Ancestor. people.

The closest to the True Ancestor? Lin Mo sneered, his eyes full of disdain. It was probably just a random title given by some people. The real True Ancestor is not as weak as he appears on the surface. He has enough strength to completely defeat ten Vatora. .

Shelley didn't pay attention to the disdain in Lin Mo's eyes. Instead, he lowered his head and pondered for a while, and said, It's true that this is his thing, but what makes me question is why he invited you. You two should not know each other.

Xue Cai suddenly knew something and said in surprise: 'Does the other party know the identity of your true ancestor? If this is really the case, it makes sense.

Lin Mo sat aside and said nonchalantly: Whatever it is, I looked at it and it said it invited me to a party. It also said that I must bring a companion.

Companions... Xue Cai thought about it for a moment and said, Parties in Europe and the United States are basically where couples or partners go to dinner together.

Couple? Lin Mo couldn't help but look at Shelley strangely and said, Then do you think it is necessary for me to attend this party.

Even if you ask me, I don't know. Xuecai stared at Lin Mo: This decision lies with senior.

That's it. Lin Mo touched his chin and said as if he had made up his mind: Then let's go to this party and have fun. With my strength, it won't be a problem to deal with Wattola.

Now that senior has decided, let's go to this party! It's just that (Nuo Li Zhao) has to find someone to replace the companion mentioned above. Xuecai looked at Lin Mo, as if she was expecting something in her eyes.

Lin Mo looked at Shelley and seemed to understand what she meant. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and said, Then let's go together!

But I didn't prepare a dress for the party. After Xuecai heard Lin Mo's answer, there was a hint of unmistakable joy in her eyes, but she felt embarrassed when she thought about her clothes reserves.

It's okay, someone has probably sent it to us... Lin Mo smiled mysteriously.

Ps: Second update, and two more to be made up on Sunday. It was originally scheduled for Saturday, but after thinking about it, I decided to put it on tomorrow. In addition, regarding Shelley's title for the protagonist, either Senior or Lin Mo is fine. Let's use Senior to describe it, which gives a more sense of substitution. Anyway, both have almost the same meaning. In addition, in order to express my procrastination in updating these days, there will be a big burst next Saturday, at least 8 updates. .

476 Tomb of Poseidon

As soon as Lin Mo got home, he saw a package in his room, which said it was from the Lion King agency. Xuecai poked her head from behind Lin Mo and said curiously: What is this?

Lin Mo smiled slightly. Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, open it and take a look! Although I have already guessed what is inside.

Lin Mo opened the package neatly. There was an exquisite dress inside, and a card on the right that seemed to have something written on it. Lin Mo picked it up and muttered to himself: Customized banquet dress, bust 76, waist 55 , arm circumference 78, C60, is this your size Shelley, right?

Wait, it seems there is one for me. Lin Mo glanced at the attic room on the first floor under Xuecai's clothes. When he took it away, he saw a white suit placed inside.

The Lion King's organization isn't bad. You even took mine into consideration, eh? Xuecai, why don't you say anything? Lin Mo turned his head and saw the shy pretty face that was about to bleed for the first time.

Lin 443 Mo was stunned. After seeing the card in his hand, he nodded thoughtfully, then said with a gentle smile: I won't have any delusions.

Who needs you to have such delusions? Xuecai shouted angrily, and quickly snatched the card with her own size engraved on Lin Mo's hand, as if protecting a treasure, which made Lin Mo dumbfounded.

Don't worry about these details. It seems that the Lion King agency is monitoring us all the time. We even found out what happened in the afternoon so quickly. Lin Mo finished speaking and handed over a cute dress with a blue bow. To Shelley.

After Xuecai took it, she glanced at Lin Mo angrily. She was usually very conservative. This was the first time someone knew her body size. Although it was a small matter, she was still embarrassed.

Senior, please don't be late for the party tonight. Xuecai glanced at Lin Mo and went back to her room (ajaf).

Lin Mo shrugged and looked out the door without closing the door. He just walked straight inside. Anyway, it won't be long before Shelley, as a foodie, will come back.

At night, Lin Mo and Xuecai put on their formal clothes and took a car to the beach. Lin Mo glanced at the harbor and said, The party will be held on the Tomb of Poseidon. It is probably the boat in front of us. Lin Mo Looking at the extremely luxurious cruise ship, I couldn't help but clicked my tongue.

The cruise ship in front of you is really eye-catching. The level of luxury and luxury is so breathtaking that even if you don't notice it, you probably won't be able to do it. Lin Mo stared at it for a while before moving his gaze to Xuecai.

I have to say that the clothes Xuecai is wearing now have a unique charm. The blue dress and the blue bow hanging around her waist look extremely cute.

The decorative cross hairpin on the head also adds a lot of temptation, and the shy feeling of wanting to welcome but rejecting on the expression makes people unconsciously attracted.

The decorative cross hairpin on the head also adds a lot of temptation, and the shy feeling of wanting to welcome but rejecting on the expression makes people unconsciously attracted.

Although Lin Mo has seen it before, I still want to say that no matter what kind of clothes are worn on a cute person, it is a pleasure to admire them.

Well...this dress is really weird! Xuecai blushed slightly and said a little shyly. She had never worn such bold clothes before, and this was the first time today.

It's not surprising, it fits very well. Lin Mo swallowed. As soon as he finished speaking, Xuecai took out the spear. Looking at the gun light in front of him, Lin Mo was startled and waved his hand hurriedly: Don’t draw your gun under any circumstances.”

Because senior has always looked at me with that kind of dirty look, so I didn't realize it. Xuecai took back the spear and said a little embarrassedly.

You're used to feelings, right? Lin Mo complained before finally looking away from Shelley and looking around. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure boarding the boat.

That's... Xiao Gucheng? It seems that he was also invited, huh? Who is the person next to him? Lin Mo stared at the side of Xiao Gucheng, and was dumbfounded after seeing clearly.

Holy shit, Xiao Gucheng found a man? Wait, it must be my misunderstanding. Maybe the other party just found someone who looks like a man. Lin Mo wiped his eyes and wanted to take a second look. By that time, the person had disappeared.

Xuecai noticed Lin Mo's strange behavior and asked strangely: What's wrong? Senior.

It's okay, I just saw someone familiar. Lin Mo stared straight over there, and quickly retracted his gaze. It seemed that he was worrying too much, and then said to Shelley: Let's go up too. !”


The two of them came to the Tomb of Poseidon together, and somewhere they couldn't see, there was a girl gritting her teeth and looking at Lin Mo, already thinking that he was on the blacklist.

On the other side, Lin Mo also knew that someone was very unfriendly to him, but he did not tell Shelley. After all, as one of Shelley's few good friends, the other party should give her some face.

After walking into the Tomb of Poseidon, it looked much bigger than what it looked like from the outside. It was equipped with all kinds of luxurious facilities and was full of upper-class people in formal dresses. Lin Mo and Xuecai had quite a sense of style here. The feeling of being out of place, just at this age, gave Shelley a sense of inferiority.

Ps: 1/4, there are still 3 updates that will be completed overnight today, and next week there will be two updates every day, so there will be more time to save the manuscript, and then there will be a wave on Saturday. .

477 The appearance of Yukina’s friend

After Lin Mo and Xuecai came in, they felt a little helpless. Lin Mo was okay, but Shelley was a little unaccustomed to it. After all, it was the first time to appear in such a high-class occasion. Although the past schools have talked about it, they haven't actually had much exposure to it.

Xuecai, who was unsure about paying attention, had no choice but to turn her gaze to Lin Mo: Senior, where are we going now?

Where else can we go? Sit wherever you want! The other party just came to invite us to the party, and they didn't say why they invited us. Lin Mo sat on a seat aside without caring.

After Xuecai saw the tall Lin Mo, she said speechlessly: Senior, this is a gathering place for the upper class. Can you be more elegant?

No, besides, what they do is just for show, and it doesn't suit me. Look at the hypocritical expressions on everyone's faces, and the word cooperation is barely written on their faces. Lin Mo glanced at the others. Man, look~ said casually.

Fortunately, there was no one around them, otherwise based on his words alone, someone would probably call the security guard and throw this person away.

You can't say that! Xue Cai pouted and said: Senior is the fifth true ancestor after all. No matter where he goes, he is a noble figure. In the future, he will definitely be exposed to these occasions.

Lin Mo spread his hands, expressing his disapproval, and said somewhat self-deprecatingly: If they know that I haven't even awakened the beast, they will probably laugh out loud. Shelley, I don't know if you have heard of this sentence.

What are you talking about? Xuecai couldn't help but ask.

The peak gives birth to hypocritical support, and the dusk witnesses devout believers. The same is true for them. Lin Mo said casually.

Xue Cai was stunned on the spot, and suddenly there was something unexpected in her heart. As if she had made up her mind, she said: If... if senior doesn't suggest it... I can... help senior awaken the beast... Before she could say the next words, her voice was as low as a mosquito. It was so low that Lin Mo didn't understand what she was talking about, so he turned his head and glanced at Shelley doubtfully.

I can't hear what you're talking about.

It's okay. Xuecai waved her hands in a panic, lowered her head with a red face, and felt a little disappointed in her heart. When Lin Mo saw this scene, his expression was astonished. Considering that he was among all the beauties, he couldn't help but be confused about what was going on.

As everyone knows, behind the pillar on the other side, after seeing Shelley's obviously shy expression, a girl wanted to rush forward and fight Lin Mo. She clenched her fists tightly, her breasts undulated slightly, and she couldn't help feeling. calm.

In the party hall, many people danced together. Lin Mo and Shelley did not attend, but simply ate and chatted on the sidelines.

Senior, I noticed it just now. Are you looking for someone? Shelley sat next to Lin Mo and said in confusion.

Well, I am indeed looking for someone. Lin Mo nodded without concealing anything, scanning the large banquet living room with a slight frown.

Who is this person? Is he an acquaintance of the senior? Shelley pursed her lips and asked curiously.

It's a good acquaintance. You should know Shelley too. His name is Xiao Gucheng. Lin Mo said directly.

The Fourth True Ancestor, is he here too? Xuecai called out sweetly, looking around, but did not see any figure of Xiao Gucheng.

Yes, he is here too, but I am very curious about who his companion is. Lin Mo's eyes were flowing, and the previous scene was still vivid in his mind.

The other person looks exactly like a man, which is a bit puzzling. Maybe it’s my imagination! Lin Mo thought in his heart.

The other person looks exactly like a man, which is a bit puzzling. Maybe it’s my imagination! Lin Mo thought in his heart.

In fact, it was really Lin Mo's illusion. It's true that Xiao Gucheng's companion was a woman, but she was a little more androgynous. Originally, Xiao Gucheng wanted to find Nangong Nayue, but because Nangong Nayue had something to deal with , plus, she was really too lazy to attend such events, so she directly rejected Xiao Gucheng.

Xiao Gucheng had no choice but to ask his good friend to find a girl. Originally, his good friend wanted to accompany him, but considering the strange looks others gave him, it was still okay. .

And his good friend is another candidate sent by the Lion King Agency to monitor the Fourth True Ancestor!

I'm not very clear about this. In fact, before I came here, I was sent to monitor Xiaogu City until I met you, senior. Xuecai said.

0 ··········Please give me flowers 0 ·········

Then do you regret it? Lin Mo turned his head and met Shelley's eyes.

I don't regret it, Xuecai said seriously: I think senior has many advantages. Although he is usually a bit mean, a bit lustful, and a bit weird, I think senior's character is still very reliable. The key is The food is delicious.

After Lin Mo heard this, there were black lines on his forehead: Why do I feel that you are hurting me? Besides, you are here simply for your last sentence, right?

Really? Shelley blinked his big eyes, covered his mouth and smiled softly: Senior, what do you think of me?

…… ………… …….

Look with your eyes, what else should you use? Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Not serious! Xuecai pretended to be angry and glared at Lin Mo.

Ahem, no more kidding. Let's go find what you are talking about later... Lin Mo found with a look of embarrassment that he had forgotten the other person's name. When Yukina noticed it, she immediately felt funny. She put her hands on her waist and said seriously: It's Dimitriye Wattola.

That's right, I'll go meet this person later. Lin Mo smiled awkwardly.

No objection, I'm also a little curious as to why the other party came to place Genkami Island for no reason. Xuecai said.

But at this moment, the girl who was watching them couldn't bear it anymore, combed her clothes, and walked out as if they had met by chance.

Huh? Xue Cai stared at the girl in the cheongsam in front of her, and suddenly shouted in surprise.


When Lin Mo heard this, he also turned his attention to a girl who came over. There was no unexpected emotion in her eyes. He knew very well that this girl wanted to tear herself apart just because the person standing next to him was Ji. Hiiragi Shelley!

Ps: Second update, there is still a second update, I will make it up on Monday... I feel a little guilty T, T, I have been low energy in the past few days, I hope you can understand it more, I swear, I will make up for it on Monday, there is no need to make up for it. The author chopped D and swore poison! .

478 Sayaka’s hostility

Yukina, long time no see! How are you lately? Sayaka came over and hugged Yukina, with indescribable joy and happiness on her face.

Yeah! But why are you here, Sayaka? Aren't you in charge of multinational magic crimes in the Foreign Affairs Department? Yukina said with a puzzled look.

It's the same now! Sayaka said happily. I came here because of the mission of monitoring Duke Aldiaru, but I didn't expect to meet you here. Sayaka did not hide her excitement.

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