I've always had a question just now. Since Akatsuki's surname is Akatsuki, doesn't Akatsuki Nagisa have the same surname? Shelley sat on the sofa nearby, put his hands on his skirt, looked at Lin Mo who was packing things, and Zhang He opened his mouth and asked his question.

You guessed it right.

After Lin Mo heard what Xuena said, he stopped moving and sighed: Akatsuki Nagisa is Akatsuki's sister, but don't say in front of Nagisa that your brother is the fourth true ancestor. She Don’t know yet.”

0·········Please ask for flowers··· ······

Why? Xuecai wanted to know that there must be something unspeakable in it.

Because Xiao Nagisa has a phobia of demons. Lin Mo said.

Demon phobia... Shelley murmured, finally knowing why Lin Mo didn't let her tell her that Xiao Gucheng was the true ancestor, but the trouble came again. Xiao Gucheng was not only the true ancestor, but also Lin Mo. !

I just don’t know what Nagisa will think when he finds out.

Okay, it's not too late. You should go back. I will do the rest of the work. Lin Mo said.

Xuecai shook her head, stood up and walked to Lin Mo's side, saying: Let me help too! I feel very sorry to leave Lin Mojun to clean up alone.

..... .. 0

Of course Lin Mo has no objection! It's not too late to be happy with such a young girl by my side.

As time went by, Lin Mo also chatted a lot with Shelley, including the sanctuary treaty signed by the First True Ancestor Wang Wangzhan. and institutions like the Lion King Agency.

Xuecai was also curious about why Lin Mo emerged from the Lion King Agency, so the two of them chatted for a long time before giving up.

By the way, Mr. Lin Mo. Shelley suddenly called Lin Mo coyly.

What's wrong? Lin Mo looked at Shelley strangely.

Well...because the bathroom at my house can't be used, can you... Shelley bit her thin lips and said shyly.

Lin Mo looked stunned, then came back to his senses and said, No problem at all!

He already guessed what Shelley was going to say.

You are not allowed to peek!

Listening to Lin Mo's impatient voice, Xuecai immediately warned. Although she instinctively felt shy about borrowing the bathroom at the boy's house, but her body made her feel a little uncomfortable, so she had to endure the shame and go to Lin Mo's place to wash herself. .

Hey, who do you think I am? I'm not a pervert. Why would I do such a thing as peeping on girls taking a shower? Lin Mo promised immediately.

Xuecai looked disbelieving, but now she had no choice but to believe Lin Mo.

Ps: First update, I want to stand up! .

473 Cause outrage

Early the next morning, Lin Mo and Xuecai took the tram to Caihai Academy. On the tram, Lin Mo's sleepy eyes narrowed slightly, thinking back to yesterday. Although nothing happened between the two of them, they were able to enjoy the scene after taking a bath, which was worth the price of admission! It's just that there is some regret in his heart.

Nangong just asked me to go to her office on the phone that month. I don't know why. I'm going to sleep a little longer. Lin Mo glanced out the window and said complainingly.

No matter what the reason is, you should change your lazy personality! You are not much older than me, but you look mature. Shelley said in a lecturing tone.

Hey, have you forgotten that I am a vampire? I am still at the True Ancestor level. As soon as Lin Mo said this, Shelley gave him a fierce look and said, Three-nine-seven.

In this case, you should be more aware of being a true ancestor! Don't be lifeless all day long. Obviously, Lin Mojun, you look very good. Xuecai criticized with a serious face. If there were other people around the two of them, If so, these words would definitely be mistaken for a lunatic.

Lin Mo curled his lips indifferently, the true ancestor's consciousness? What it is? Can it be eaten? Living a good life is the most important thing, everything else is just a cloud.

By the way! I was invited to join the cheerleading team yesterday. At this time, Xuecai suddenly remembered something, and her face was full of helplessness. After hearing this, Lin Mo glanced at her doubtfully: Sports tournament? Speaking of which, it seems that there is such a thing, but why did you attend it so suddenly?

Because the boys all knelt down, under the gaze of so many people, and seeing that their attitude was sincere, I couldn't refuse at all. Xuecai sighed.

All the boys kneel down? Lin Mo thought of that scene, looked at Xuecai strangely, and said with a half-smile: It seems that the charm of our Xuecai is still as great as ever.

Shelley didn't notice your family in Lin Mo's words, but said with a grimace: But I still have the task of monitoring seniors, and I don't know what to do anymore.

Lin Mo pondered for a while and said: In that case, I'll ask Nangong Nayue if he can arrange for me a status similar to that of a referee. That way, you won't be confused.

Really? Xuecai looked at Lin Mo with big bright eyes, feeling moved for a while.

Really! And I'm really looking forward to Shelley wearing a cheerleading outfit. Lin Mo smiled.

Xuecai's face turned slightly red. She was still a little resistant to this at first, but now she doesn't hate it so much.

If the boys who kneeled down in front of Shelley were told, I wonder if they would be in tears.

Lin Mo's simple words were worth all their knees. Thinking about it, this is really a sad story.

After the tram arrived at the station, Lin Mo and Xuecai went to Caihai Academy together.

Along the way, the boys at Caihai Academy would secretly cast their eyes on the pretty and lovely Shelley. When they saw a man standing next to her, they immediately felt jealous, jealous, grinding their teeth, gnashing their teeth, and wanting to replace her. The sound came out as if it was agreed upon.

In the shortest possible time, everyone in Caihai Academy who admired Shelley knew that beside her, there was a person of the opposite sex with whom she had a great time talking!

At this same time, many people's dreams were shattered.

Lin Mo looked at the scene around him and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth twice.

Beside him, a group of boys clenched their fists, and their jealous and murderous eyes spread out unabashedly. If the eyes were a knife, Lin Mo would have been riddled with holes!

In addition, they were chanting something similar to the resentment of the FFF group, which made his skin crawl.

However, he did not back down because of this, but somewhere where Shelley could not see, Lin Mo arrogantly raised his middle finger towards them.

joke! Xuecai is mine, how can I allow others to covet her?

joke! Xuecai is mine, how can I allow others to covet her?

As expected, Lin Mo's actions immediately pissed off all the boys! One by one, the boys glared angrily, and the collective anger of the boys merged into one in an instant, becoming as hot as they wanted.

Sometimes when Xuecai looks back at them, the blazing flame disappears again. The speed of changing her face is worthy of an Oscar actor!

This made Xuecai look confused and angry.

Lin Mo seemed to be a normal person, whistling and occasionally flirting with Shelley. Not to mention how cool his life was!

After sending Xuecai to class, Lin Mo turned around with a smile and looked at the boys who could form a long queue...

Are you unhappy?

The people standing in front stared at him directly. Needless to say, they were unhappy? I see the goddess in my heart kissing me with someone who appears out of nowhere. I am a human being and this happens to me.

But Lin Mo made it clear that it's none of my business if you're unhappy, Shelly is mine anyway.

Hey! What other things have you caused that made people and gods angry?

Hearing about the boys' collective riot, Nangong Nayue was confused at first, until he rushed to the scene and saw Lin Mo with a stinky face. After pulling someone over to understand the cause of the incident, he was very speechless.

You didn't cause any trouble? I was just looking for you! Your students want to kill me. Lin Mo's innocent words made them blush with anger, but due to the majesty of Teacher Nangong, no one could Don't dare to stand up first.

Nangong knocked Lin Mo on the head with a folded fan that month, and said unceremoniously: Come to the office with me. You guys should also leave. Hurry back to your respective classes.

After everyone heard this, they took a deep look at Lin Mo before leaving. I will remember this grudge!

Lin Mo smiled nonchalantly.

Can you please don't cause trouble for me? Have you forgotten what you said before? After everyone dispersed, Nangong Nayue crossed her arms around her chest and said through gritted teeth.

3.9 is just a little joke. Lin Mo shrugged.

A small joke? It's really a small joke! In your opinion, what is a big joke? Nangong Nayue dragged out the small words for a long time and said angrily.

Okay, I was wrong. In return, let me help you solve what you want to say! Lin Mo smiled faintly.

You already know? Nangong Nayue gave Lin Mo a strange look.

I don't know. Lin Mo shook his head, and Nangong Nayu hit Lin Mo on the head with another fan: I don't know how you are sure that I want to ask you for help.

Do you believe in a man's intuition? Lin Mo smiled mysteriously.

I trust you! Go back to the office and talk to you about this in detail.

Ps: Second update. .

474 Attack in the Academy

In Nangong Nayue's exclusive office, Lin Mo leaned on the sofa, looked at Nangong Nayue in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: According to what you said, the Black Death Emperor faction seems to have set its sights on me and Nayue. On Lakbela?”

It's very possible, but I'm a little unsure, because on their information, there are the words Fifth True Ancestor. Just in case, I'll come here to remind you. Nangong Nayue nodded and looked towards The man next to him waved, took the tea made by the blue-haired girl, and drank it demurely.

If they really dare to come to trouble me, I don't recommend teaching them a lesson. Lin Mo's deep pupils radiated dangerous red light.

It's up to you, it doesn't matter even if you kill them all, they are all a group of people who don't deserve sympathy anyway. Nangong Nayue seemed to have known what Lin Mo would say for a long time, and replied calmly 09.

Of course, I'm also unhappy with some people who like to cause damage when they're full and have nothing to do, don't you think so? Lin Mo smiled and then said to the blue-haired girl. Astarut, give me a drink too.\

,"Good master.

Hearing this, the girl expressionlessly served a cup of tea and placed it in front of Lin Mo. Then she held the plate and stood quietly aside.

How is her condition? Lin Mo glanced at the girl in maid uniform and asked Nangong Nayue.

The problem is not that big, but as an artificial life form, she has very little life left. If there are no special circumstances, she should only be able to live for a few months. Although Nangong said this, Nangong was stunned that month. Not much emotion.

It seems you have a solution. Lin Mo looked at the calm Nangong Nayue and couldn't help but ask.

The method is very simple. You are here, right? Nangong Nayue curled her lips and said. Lin Mo knew that she was referring to his own bloodline, but he still said with doubts: She is an artificial life form, is it the same as a normal human being?

Otherwise? Nangong Nayue said to Lin Mo as if he were looking at a fool: Artificial life forms themselves are not much different from humans. It's just that they have been specially transformed, allowing them to have attachments that ordinary people cannot have. Beast power.”

Nangong Nayue paused and continued: Although there are many advantages, the disadvantage is that the life span is extremely short. Basically, they die in less than a few months. Even if they look like this now, they turn out to be human beings! And this experiment It was abolished a long time ago because it was very inhumane. As for some hidden experimental locations, this is unknown.

I see. If you need my help then, just ask. Lin Mo said calmly.

I can, and with Astarut's help, I don't know how much trouble has been saved. Now that she leaves, I'm still a little uncomfortable. Nangong Nayue stood up and said: Next I will You have to go and get busy, just handle the Black Death Emperor faction matters yourself, I will help you deal with the aftermath.

No problem. Lin Mo suddenly thought of something and said. Is there going to be a sports competition later?

What do you want to do? Nangong's moon-blue pupils looked at Lin Mo warily: Are you trying to cause something else?

What do you want to do? Nangong's moon-blue pupils looked at Lin Mo warily: Are you trying to cause something else?

How could it be! I'm just going to have a look. Where will it be held? Lin Mo said helplessly. After all, it was for Shelley. Even if he didn't like to watch it, he still had to go.

Really? Nangong Nayue glanced at Lin Mo suspiciously, but still told him the venue.

As you like, I'll go to Shelley's side first! Lin Mo made up his mind and couldn't help but think of Shelley wearing a cheerleading uniform, so he left Nangong Nayue's office and walked towards Shelley's class. .

Don't cause any trouble for me! Before leaving, Nangong still reminded him that month.

Because the Advanced Department and the Intermediate Department were not in the same area, Lin Mo had no choice but to leave the Advanced Department first.

It has to be said that Caihai Academy covers a very vast area. Walking here, you feel like wandering in a park, and the greening is also very complete.

Is there no one there? That's right, it's class time now. Lin Mo looked at the empty surroundings, designated a direction, and walked straight forward.

At this moment, several arrows shot through the air and suddenly hit from the horizon. Lin Mo turned sideways slightly, and then several blue arrows passed by his face, Ding Ding. It landed on the ground with a clang.

The power is not very strong, and it can be seen that the other party does not want to kill him, but wants to teach him a lesson, but even though he said so, if it falls on someone, it will not be a pleasant feeling.

310 Continuous arrows of light kept falling, Lin Mo's expression was casual, and he was avoiding like a prophet. He could feel every attack point very clearly, and he felt like he was not wearing clothes among thousands of flowers.

After a few seconds, the opponent was completely annoyed and gave up the attack. He first sent out a gold lion and a white lion, and then fired a cold shot while Lin Mo wasn't paying attention.

I thought about it, there shouldn't be any hatred between the two of us, right? Lin Mo said lazily into the void. However, the other party didn't seem to appreciate it and continued to order the lion to attack.

The golden lion's bite was very powerful. It touched the ground on all four corners and pressed towards Lin Mo step by step. The same was true for the white and silver lion on the other side. If it were an ordinary person, just these two similar people in front of him would I can't stand something like a familiar beast, let alone someone hiding aside and ready to attack at any time!

At the other's command, the two lions rushed over at the same time from different angles.

Ps: 1/4, I didn’t update yesterday, I haven’t had much energy all day, so I’ll update it today. .

475 Party Invitation

Lin Mo frowned. Although he knew what the other party was doing, he was still a little unhappy at being attacked for no reason. Facing the two attacking lions, the figure quickly turned into an afterimage. He walked around behind the golden lion first and punched out directly. The opponent didn't even have a chance to roar before it turned into powder and disappeared.

Another attacking white and silver lion took the opportunity to open its big mouth from behind Lin Mo, and bit down mercilessly with its fangs exuding cold light.

Lin Mo suddenly turned around and looked at the lion with its mouth open in front of him, with a cold look in his eyes. Just when he was about to kill him directly, a silver spear from the sky pierced the lion's neck with a whistling sound that cut through the air. head.

As expected, the lion turned into powder and flew away like before.

Senior, are you okay?

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