Let me interject, you can come over to help us, but please don't interfere with us. Seeing the enthusiasm of Lin Mo and the other two people in the discussion, Mira couldn't help but say something. After all, for such professional matters, you still need to find the right professional talents.

However, Mira still recognized Lin Mo's strength. Even if she interjected a word, she spoke with a deliberation attitude.

It doesn't have a particularly annoying tone. This made Lin Mo feel a lot more comfortable.

Then he nodded, spread his hands and said: Don't worry, I will never hinder you when you do your thing. Besides, you don't have to investigate deliberately. Who that person is, I believe it will surface soon. !”

Lin Mo glanced in Selena's direction with a slightly suggestive look.

When he looked back, he realized that Mira was far away, and he didn't know if he heard what Lin Mo said next.

20 But Lei Wen and others who followed him heard it clearly, and their expressions were particularly surprised. Especially Yalin, she looked at Lin Mo carefully. She didn't know how he knew Selina's identity. One of the twin sisters in the story was none other than Selina!

Just from that glance, Yalin might have guessed that Lin Mo already knew the identity of the other party. In fact, this was exactly the case. But the thing that still puzzled her was, when did Lin Mo know about it? Could it be that Teacher Leiwen Lilith and others told him?

Yalin thought about it and realized that it was indeed possible, so she stopped thinking about it.

Lin Mo said hello to Yu Yi and others, then walked straight to Selina and said friendly: Selina, so you are here too? Are you here to investigate your sister's affairs?

Selina, who had her back to Lin Mo, trembled, then turned around, pursed her bitter lips, and asked in a low tone: Yes, do you have any information about her?

Because this incident was a big deal at first, it was not surprising that Lin Mo knew about his sister.

have no idea.

Lin Mo shook his head, then smiled mysteriously: Maybe we'll know later, but I don't know for sure.

What's the meaning?

When Selina heard Lin Mo's previous words, her disappointed look was replaced by a confused look at him.

At this moment, the gentle sunlight outside the window was replaced by purple light. The entire space suddenly trembled violently, and the ground under Lin Mo's feet was shaking continuously. The space produced ripples visible to the naked eye one after another, like water ripples, centered on them and spreading out to the surroundings.

A white light enveloped the entire library, making it so painful that it was hard to open one's eyes. Then, there was an inexplicable force that gently dragged the person up, as if he were in the sky. However, this force was so small that it could not be detected without careful perception.

Lin Mo didn't resist, but was just teleported away. Otherwise, with his strength, it would be easy to break through the teleportation.

As the dazzling sunlight lit up again, everyone came back from their daze, but were shocked to find that they were no longer in a library, but in a dilapidated place.

Several of the surrounding stone pillars were broken, as if someone had cut them open with a force, and they were surrounded by desolate woods and there were broken stones on the ground. There was moss on the dilapidated building, which seemed to have been abandoned here for a long time.

Where is this!

Lilith screamed out loudly, but her good psychological quality allowed her to gradually calm down.

Lilith screamed out loudly, but her good psychological quality allowed her to gradually calm down.

Space teleportation...

Yalin murmured to herself.

Lei Wen did not speak, but looked around with great vigilance.

This is...

The crystal ball in Mira's hand suddenly shone with blue light, and something like white mist floated on her body. After everyone looked at it for a while, they saw Mira saying seriously.

This place is...the Library of Eternal Calamity!

Really? It seems that we were forcibly transferred here? Yalin said lightly.

At this time, Lilith also quickly changed into her battle clothes, looked around, and prepared for emergencies.


Yaqiou, who was originally lying on the ground, said Hachi, stretched and said, I didn't expect that such an interesting thing would happen while I was taking a nap.

Although she said this, she didn't feel nervous at all.

Yaqiou looked around and finally fixed his gaze in the direction of Lin Mo.

Also, can you be more bold in your posture in front of me?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his body was pressed tightly against Selina's body, and his hands were placed in an indescribable place, with an extremely ambiguous posture.

640 Selina, on the other hand, looked at him with her face flushed and breathless.

Because they had just been teleported, Lin Mo did not immediately notice that he and Selina were close to each other, but was looking at the surrounding environment.

Before he teleported here, Lin Mo was some distance away from Selina. In other words, before the teleportation, Selina approached Lin Mo in panic, which led to the scene where Lin Mo accidentally touched the opponent.

Selina, who knew it was because of herself, did not choose to yell, but suffered all this silently. But no matter what, being so close to a man still makes this little girl who is not experienced in the world feel shy.

I was shy and angry at the same time.

After Lin Mo heard Yaqiou's teasing, his face was stunned, and then he quickly let go of his sinful hand, and his eyes wandered around, as if nothing had happened before, which made Celi Na was amused.

But everyone quickly turned their attention to the Eternal Tribulation Library.

Ps: Please subscribe. I originally planned to update 4 times on Saturday, but the update was delayed due to some things, and it’s my fault. I will definitely make up for it tomorrow, just one update today. .

415 Selena’s sister, Lise

Lin Mo looked around. Suddenly, a dark black thing quickly came from behind the stone pillar not far away, heading straight towards Lin Mo's body.


Because it was an emergency, it was too late for everyone to react, and they could only watch helplessly as Lin Mo was about to be hit by the unknown substance. At this moment, Lin Mo, who was looking around, turned around quickly and elegantly, avoiding the dark black thing as if he had expected it.

Seeing that Lin Mo was fine, Lilith and others breathed a sigh of relief, and then focused their attention on the black substance.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a group of black matter stayed in the void not far away out of thin air, and gradually transformed into a human figure. The girl who was very similar to Selina suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and gradually fell from the void like a goddess descending to earth.

Oh? Are you all here?

The first words the girl spoke were full of teasing.

The black boots, black tights and alternative clothes that cover her busty breasts are all different from Selina's. If Selena dresses like a normal and conservative young girl. So this girl who looks very similar to her is definitely a bold and exposed little hottie.

Her white belly was exposed, and you could vaguely see that there was a flawless curve connecting a special position under her belly button.

Her purple pupils looked around with contempt, and finally settled in front of a girl who looked very similar to her.


How could...why did you...

Lilith and Mira, who saw the visitor's face clearly, both let out exclamations of varying degrees.

Lisey turned her head, with a contemptuous smile on her lips: Teacher Lilith, and Senior Sister Mira, long time no see. By the way, the magic power on you two belongs to me.

As soon as the words fell, before Lilith and Mira came back to their senses, Lisey's figure suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared behind them. His hands were placed on the two of them, and magic stripes similar to numbers floated around them.

Just when Lisey was about to successfully absorb the magic power of the two of them, a white sword flashed in front of her eyes and followed Lisey's magic to slash.


A faint sound of breaking through the air was mixed with the sound of the blade being unsheathed at the same time. A gap in the magic that enveloped the three people was cut open by Thunder Mark, and Lisey's magic was forcibly terminated at the moment it was about to succeed.

Lei Wen looked at Lisey, touching the scabbard on her waist, and said disdainfully: You haven't even said hello to us yet, and you're just giving us a greeting. Isn't it too rude?

Lisey, whose magic was forcibly interrupted, was not angry, but said with a smile: Then I am really rude. You two, Ninja Akio, seem to be in the same spirit as before!

It's okay! It's you, but I didn't expect that after not seeing you for a while, you almost look like an evil wizard. Yaqiu said nonchalantly.

Are you Lisey? Yui, let me tell you, there can't be ghosts.

Are you Lisey? Yui, let me tell you, there can't be ghosts.

I don't know if Lin Mo's heart is really big or something. Now that the situation is tense, he still has time to joke around. There was a smile on his face, as if the one that attacked him before was just a fly, without any sign of anger.

Ghost? So I was called such a thing? Lisey turned to look at Lin Mo and said with a sneer.

Lin Mo shrugged and said, Now that she has appeared, should you introduce something to me?

Lilith looked at Lin Mo's expression without any tension and wished she could teach him a lesson. But now he still said solemnly: She is the sinner who forcibly conducted an experiment to connect to the forbidden eternal library, and was the former chief reviewer of the Wangli Library.

Selina looked at her twin sister in trance, and said blankly: At the same time, she is also Lieselod Sherlock, the representative of laziness among the Seven Emissaries of the Sorcerers.

¨` Oh? Is she one of the seven messengers? To be honest, I'm quite curious. Lin Mo smiled faintly.

I'm also very curious about you. You are obviously just an ordinary person. Why do you have such great strength? Do you have any secrets? Lisey took a step forward. However, with such a simple step, he was in front of Lin Mo in an instant.

It was so fast that no one noticed it at all.

Then Lisey's small and delicate hands were gently placed on Lin Mo's chest, her purple pupils met Lin Mo's eyes, and she said charmingly.

Can you tell me something?

This... Lin Mo's expression suddenly changed and he said with some difficulty.

Unless you are willing to go back with me and be my wife, I will reluctantly tell you (the money is good).

Lin Mo!

elder brother!

Two angry voices sounded at the same time when Lin Mo finished speaking. Lilith and Yui stared at the two of them. However, one was staring at Lin Mo and the other was staring at Lisey.

The objects of venting are naturally different.

Lilith vented her anger towards Lin Mo, and she made up her mind to teach him a lesson when she went back! Even now, it is so inappropriate to still think about those impure things!

Yui, on the other hand, looked at Lisey with a fire-breathing gaze and mentally cursed.

Vixen! You can't forgive me for seducing my brother in broad daylight!

Ps: Please subscribe: 1/4, a bit late, I will make up for it all night! .

416 Lisey’s Curiosity

After Lisey heard Lin Mo's words, she froze on the spot, her brain shutting down, as if she didn't expect Lin Mo to say such a thing.

But after seeing Lin Mo's sincere and innocent expression, he suddenly smiled. The flowers were trembling with laughter, and tears of laughter were almost falling out. It was not until he stepped back a few steps, pointed a trembling hand directly at Lin Mo, and calmed down his mood that he said.

You are really interesting! It's beyond my expectation. But unfortunately, although I am curious about why you are so strong without magic power, it doesn't mean that I will listen to your conditions freely! Li! Sai's index finger gently and slowly slid up from the white and tender skin until it reached his lips, and then stopped.

The cherry pink thin lips feel extremely charming with the tiny movements of opening and closing. Coupled with the revealing clothes, she is really a little fairy.

Lin Mo spread his hands indifferently, squinted his eyes tightly, and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: 293 People often say that I am funny, but once it comes to this time, I will slap him twice without hesitation. Do you know why?


Lisey asked curiously. She found that she was even more interested in Lin Mo! After all, she only heard about the existence of Lin Mo from the news, and didn't know what his character and various strengths were.

He had seen Lin Mo's terror, but he only saw the competition with Yaqiou by chance.

Lin Mo smiled lightly: Because they only see my hypocritical appearance! And I think that only girls can appreciate my talent and strength.

What kind of answer is that?

Lisey looked at Lin Modao speechlessly.

I suddenly discovered that you are not only mysterious, but also very narcissistic.

Lin Mo smiled and said somewhat free and easy: How about it? Do you want to be my wife? As long as you are willing to be my wife, I will tell you the secret of why I am so powerful!


The words Lisey wanted to say suddenly stopped, her eyes turned around numbly, and she suddenly showed a friendly smile.

Okay! But I have a condition!

What conditions?

Of course, as long as you can take me back! Lisey said, licking her lips.

Of course, as long as you can take me back! Lisey said, licking her lips.

Is it that simple? Lin Mo couldn't believe it.


Lisey was amused by Lin Mo's behavior. Is she so powerful that she can defeat herself? Is his own strength really nothing to fear in his eyes? So Lisey just really thought that Lin Mo asked casually.

However, she forgot that there was already a lesson learned before her!

Lin Mo was helpless. Did she look down on herself, or did he look down on her? Mira is a fresh example! However, he still didn't act immediately. He wanted to have some fun with this silly and naive girl.

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