Hey! Can you two stop ignoring our existence? Yaqiou curled his lips and said, looking at the two people who formed a world of their own.

I didn't want to do this. To be honest, I still want to end it quickly! But, I suddenly encountered something that makes me happy, so of course I have to enjoy it. Lisey turned her eyes to the two people not far away. Man, said with a smile.

The corner of Lei Wen's mouth twitched, and he pulled out his blade in an instant: Since you want to play, let us play with you!

Okay! Then, I'm not welcome. It seems that your magic power can only belong to me! Lisey showed a happy expression as if she was about to enjoy something wonderful.

At this time, Mira, who was silent on the side, looked directly at Lisey and asked: Why did you leave us and break the taboo in the first place?

You're talking about this... A black magic book suddenly appeared in Lisey's hand and she continued.

Since I am a magician, of course I am doing research on magic! Lisey answered without any hesitation.

It is precisely because I can become the chief reviewer of the Royal Library that I can have a lot of experience in Honkai phenomena!

Lisey's magic book is even more similar to the modern tablet computer. Even the scene when the magic is released is the same, it is accompanied by a stream of numbers, not a bitter and difficult language.

Just like now, as Lisey finished speaking, purple numbers wrapped around her body like intertwined time. Lisey's figure disappeared from the place like evaporating water vapor, leaving only the purple light falling slowly.

Ps: Please subscribe. 2/4, two more updates. The flowers finally exceeded 3W, so touching! Thank you all for your support, there are still two more updates, I will catch up on them all night today! My physical condition has not been particularly good recently, which is helpless. .

417 Lisey’s Demon King Factor

Be careful! Selina's reminder sounded almost at the same time that Lisey disappeared.

Lin Mo suddenly felt his body being pushed away by someone. It turned out that Selena not only reminded everyone when Lisey disappeared, but also made a reflex action to push Lin Mo away.

Although Lin Mo felt that this was unnecessary, he had to say that Selina was very capable. After all, with his physical fitness, even if Selina bumped into him, he would not be injured at all.

On the contrary, if he hadn't deliberately given Selena a chance to throw herself down, then the scene would have fallen into an extremely embarrassing situation.

However, what he said before about Selina's strength is that she can know the reaction of this person's next move by calculation alone, which is truly a gift.

As expected, none of these sisters' abilities are energy-saving. Of course, this is for others. When it comes to Lin Mo, it still seems not good enough.

Selina, who was leaning on Lin Mo's chest, turned to look at where Lin Mo was standing. Unknowingly, there appeared a girl reaching forward to grab her.

If Lin Mo didn't avoid it, Lisey's hand would directly grab his neck. But obviously, all this is based on assumptions.

Hit the secret again?

Looking at this girl who looked very similar to her, Lisey had a faint smile on her lips. Even though he said this, he didn't feel the slightest bit disappointed. On the contrary, there was a flash of joy in his eyes.

I can also use the secret of counting! But I can still calculate the location where my sister will appear. Selina said. His expression was unusually serious, and he was no longer as lively as before. More like a normal behavior of a younger sister showing off her unique skills to her older sister and wanting to be praised.

As expected of my dear twin sister. She must have done some research to improve her magic power, right? Lisey smiled coquettishly when she heard Selina's words. However, in the strange purple pupils, a strange light flashed quickly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lisey licked the corner of her mouth as if she had touched delicious food, a sign of extreme excitement.

After Selina saw this scene, her body trembled and she looked at her sister with some fear.

Hey, are you too naughty to not take so many of us seriously? Yaqiou waved his fist with one hand and said with an unhappy look on his face.

Hmph! I will also support you this time! I can't stand this woman. Lei Wen said with the same unhappy face.

I can't let my students fall into evil ways! Lilith expressed her position firmly.

Only Yui and Yalin were listening to Lin Mo's words and waiting for his instructions.

Hmm... This is not a good way to tell the truth! Lisey walked to the broken tree on the side, sat up, and scanned everyone with her eyes. Her pair of slender thighs, set off by black leather boots, made her look like a high and mighty queen, extremely charming. Although he said so, he actually didn't look nervous at all.

The casual expression seemed more like he didn't take so many people seriously. It was accurately said by Yaqiu.

What should I do? Can you help me think of an answer? Lisey turned her attention to Lin Mo and said with interest.

An enemy of yours actually wants me to help you find a solution. Is your head not broken? Lin Mo said strangely.

That's too much! I'm obviously normal. As long as you can help me think of a good idea, I'll reward you with something! Lisey said with a smile.

Reward? It sounds wonderful, but forget it! The taboos and impurities you mentioned earlier have no practical significance to me. Lin Mo said casually.

Haha, after all, magic is something that deviates from humanity, and the so-called taboo itself has no meaning. I don't think I have done anything wrong. Lisey said calmly.

That makes sense, you continue, Lin Mo nodded.

Lin Mo! Lilith glanced at him angrily.

Lisey ignored Lilith and said calmly: The matter of obtaining the Demon King's magic power has already touched the taboo, just like this.

Suddenly, Lisey's figure disappeared again. This time, even Selina didn't sense anything unusual, Lisey had already appeared behind her.

By the time she reacted, it was already too late. Lisey grabbed her chest with one hand, moved her mouth close to her white jade neck, and bit it gently.


Being hit by the sudden attack, Selina's body tensed up, and a strange feeling swept into her mind. Her face turned red, and then she felt particularly weak.

Lin Mo glanced at the two of them strangely. Selina's feeling was like the expression of weakness afterward. Even though the magic power has been sucked away, it still makes people fantasize...

Lin Mo glanced at the two of them strangely. Selina's feeling was like the expression of weakness afterward. Even though the magic power has been sucked away, it still makes people fantasize...

Lin Mo quickly took a few steps forward and caught the weak Selina.

It seems that you have stored a lot of magic power! It's really amazing. Lisey looked at Selina lying on Lin Mo's body.

The impure magic is rising!

Looking at her crystal ball, Mira said in horror.

As soon as she finished speaking, wings condensed by a dark magic power grew out from behind Lisey.

Selina, who was in Lin Mo's arms, suddenly gasped quickly, and the spot where Lisey bit her was glowing with red light.

·· 0Request flowers······

When Yaqiu saw this scene, he solemnly said: The devil's seal...

Lise, I didn't expect you to actually take that step and become a candidate for the Demon King... Mira took a deep breath and stared at the other party.

The Sorcerer's long-cherished wish is the Demon King. Isn't it natural to be his candidate? Liesey said nonchalantly.

Lin Mo's expression changed and he had a headache. The mission of the system is to kill the demon king candidates. I don’t know if they are born or acquired.

If it's the day after tomorrow, Lisey must be killed. Or, it is also a feasible way to let her give up the Demon King factor and strip it from her body.

Lin Mo thought for a while and decided to ask the system for clarification.

The answer he got obviously made him relieved. He only needed to kill the real demon king. Those who have obtained the Demon King Factor do not count.

……………… 0

Lin Mo walked up to Lilith with Selina in his arms and said, Lilith, please take care of her first, and I'll go solve this matter!


Lilith subconsciously took over Selina, still very confident in Lin Mo's strength. Even if you can't fight, you should be able to protect yourself! After all, this is the person who has obtained the Demon King's factor... Lilith was worried.

Lin Mo stepped forward and shook his arm, as if he was ready to fight, which made Lisey look slightly stunned.

Are you going to fight me? Lisey said disdainfully.

Of course, I don't know if what you said before counts. Lin Mo smiled lightly.

It counts! Of course it counts! The premise is that you can defeat me, then I can accompany you to be the wife of the stronghold! Lisey said with a hint of contempt in her eyes, but she still said it with certainty.

That's OK! Come on!

As the words fell, Lin Mo shot out with a roar, until he rushed towards Lisey.

Lisey's expression changed, but she still said teasingly.

Can't you give people some mental preparation?

I've already prepared it. Let's see if you can take it. Lin Mo shortened the distance in the blink of an eye and slammed his hurricane-force fist towards Lisey. Rubbles continued to splash wherever they passed, and the air was crushed and squeezed to both sides as if it was deformed.

Lisey didn't hesitate and used space magic to escape.


The vast movement, like the earth shattering, left everyone around stunned and looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Ps: 2 in 1, please subscribe, 4/4. The word count is considered a collection of two chapters, not one. .

418 If you can escape

On the site, all the broken buildings were destroyed, and the strong hurricane continued to spread in all directions. People who were a little closer to Lin Mo could even feel their bodies shaking uncontrollably. None of their expressions could remain calm.

With one punch, the air roared and exploded. The surrounding towering trees were all wiped out within the diameter of the attack.

There were originally rows of neat and tall trees. At this moment, only the soil and a few fallen leaves on the ground were left. Looking from a distance, it gives people an extremely shocking feeling.

Lisey touched her chest with lingering fear. Under the snow-white skin, Seven One Seven, there was a heart beating wildly. Purple pupils stared at Lin Mofeng's light expression. If she hadn't run so fast, she would be half dead by now.

A few drops of sweat as big as beans leaked from her forehead to her chest. Even if it slipped into her clothes, she didn't feel anything.

Hey, this is too foul!

Lisey said with some tears in her eyes. She originally thought that having obtained the Demon King Factor, she would be able to look down upon six of the Seven Messengers, but she didn't expect to meet Lin Mo, a freak. The huge disparity in strength gave her a strong sense of powerlessness.

Lin Mo smiled faintly: It seems you have to go back with me. Don't worry, I will keep my hand. After all, I am also a compassionate person.

Lisey swallowed, looking at Lin Mo's harmless expression, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily, wanting to slap herself twice. There is nothing to talk about! Well now, I have fallen into the wolf's mouth.

Love the fragrance and cherish the jade...are you qualified to say this?

While Lisey was frustrated, she couldn't help but have a look of contempt in her eyes. If she hadn't been proficient in space magic, she would have been beaten down long ago. How could there be any pity for her?

At this moment, Lisey equated Lin Mo with the villain.

Hearing this, Lin Mo took a step forward gently without any rebuttal. Lisey thought that he was going to rush up again, so she ducked without saying a word and kept a certain distance. It seems that only in this way can I feel at ease in my heart.

However, Lin Mo just took two steps. Seeing Lisey act like a frightened little rabbit, a smile appeared on his lips.

Lisey, who was tense, realized that she had been tricked, with a hint of anger on her face. If you can't beat him, you must look good!

Okay, I suggest you stop struggling. If I want to catch you, it will be easy for me. Lin Mo shook his head and said sincerely.

Hmph! I admit that even with the Demon King factor, I can't beat you, but you were a hundred years too early to catch me! Lisey finally regained some confidence as she thought about her space magic. The way he spoke could not help but become more relaxed.

Really? Are you really so sure of escaping from me? Lin Mo said calmly.

At this moment, Lisey suddenly felt unsure, and the aura she had shown before completely disappeared. Think about how you thought of him before, and think about the strength Lin Mo has shown now. A look of realization suddenly flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Lisey suddenly felt unsure, and the aura she had shown before completely disappeared. Think about how you thought of him before, and think about the strength Lin Mo has shown now. A look of realization suddenly flashed in his eyes.

It turns out that up to now, I have been played in the palm of his hand. Lisey's face took on a hint of gloom when she thought of this.

Why did she obtain the Demon King Factor? It’s not because of the desire for great strength! But this scene now is really far different from the picture shown in her reflection. Doesn't that mean that it is a joke that she went through so much trouble to obtain the Demon King Factor?

Lin Mo looked at Lisey's face, sometimes dark, sometimes gloomy, mixed with grains, and endlessly tangled... 0

I'll take you back and I won't do anything to you, please don't worry. Lin Mo said suddenly. The previous teasing was just for fun. Even if she really went back with him, Lin Mo would not do anything to her. Unless the other party was willing, otherwise he would not be so hungry by force.

Lisey was thinking of a way, but Yui beside her became increasingly dissatisfied. Shouted loudly.

Brother, hurry up and get rid of her!

This shameless woman actually wants to seduce my brother in public. It's really enviable... Bah! It's so infuriating! I can't forgive Yui!

Yui said in an impassioned tone filled with righteous indignation. After everyone heard it, black lines suddenly appeared on their foreheads.

You definitely let it slip, right? Absolutely a slip of the tongue!

Lin Mo looked speechlessly at Yu Yi, who was waving his fist on the side.

What's your choice?

2.7 Lin Mo turned away from Yui and asked Lisey.

Lisey's expression changed, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised, revealing a particularly charming smile.

Of course I chose to run away! Since I can't beat you, I have no choice but to give up! To be honest, it's a bit regretful. Lisey sighed quietly.

When Lin Mo heard Lisey's answer, his face remained unchanged. He waved his hand lightly as if he was free and easy, and said with a smile.

Is this your answer? If you can escape, then please do so!

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