Mira took a deep breath, got rid of the distracting thoughts in her heart, and said: Although it is very small, I can still feel the occurrence of the collapse phenomenon. Do you have any clues?

Lin Mo put his hands inside his clothes and his figure was relaxed. Regarding Mira's arrival, his face did not change at all.

No, we have just arrived here. Although Lin Mo knew something, he would not tell everything stupidly.


Mira frowned and turned her gaze to Lin Mo, but then quickly moved away and said in a slow tone: Is it possible that it was made by Yu Yi? This magic power is most likely emanating from her body.

Jacquiou glanced at Mira in surprise. From this tone alone, she knew that Mira had given in. It seemed that the scene yesterday still made her feel very uneasy.

Impossible, Yui and Yalin stayed with me yesterday, she couldn't have done it. Lin Mo shook his head.

That's right! Don't always doubt me, people will be very sad. Yu Yi suddenly revealed his head from Lin Mo's side and said with a pout.

Wait a minute, you and Lin Motou are too close!

Before Mira said anything, Lilith criticized her, but her voice was weak and low, which made it very unconvincing.

Sure enough, Yui glanced at Lilith, then at Lin Mo, and then kissed him quickly on the face like a dragonfly touching water. And he showed an expression of complete indifference. The innocent Lilith's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

She would be shocked even by actions such as holding hands between men and women, let alone what Yu Yi was doing to Lin Mo now.

Girl, actually... actually in public...

When Lilith is shy, her voice always shakes when she speaks, like now. And Yui giggled after seeing this.

Teacher Lilith is really cute!

Lin Mo covered his face helplessly. The focus of these two people was obviously wrong! He had already felt the strange gazes of the other two people. He had no choice but to sigh quietly and come out to stop the two of them. Otherwise, with Yui's eclectic personality, Lilith would definitely be embarrassed.

Ps: Please subscribe. .

412 Yui’s dependence

Stop making trouble, you two, let's turn our attention to this first! Lin Mo patted Yu Yi's little head and said softly, ignoring the resentful look in his eyes.

That's right...that's true.

Lilith glanced at Yui in shame. He turned his head and said to Mira and the others~.

Jacquio, what do you think about this?

Mira frowned slightly, sensing the remaining magic power around her, and then after comparing it with Yui, she said: This magic power is indeed not Yui's. Although she has been sleeping without knowing it, the magic power that burst out is enough to destroy the entire city. The academy has turned into a dungeon, I still know that.

After getting rid of the suspicion, Yu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, showed a cheerful smile, ignored everyone, and continued to do some intimate gestures with Lin Mo.

Mira looked at the two of them with surprisingly calm eyes. In the past, he would have gone up and scolded the two of them without saying anything, but that was not the case here. But he said slowly.

Teacher Lilith, the magic power this time has the same aura as that of the library.

Although Lilith turned a blind eye to Lin Mo and Yu Yi's intimate behavior on the surface, the shy look that flashed across her face from time to time fully proved that her state of mind was not that peaceful. However, when she heard Mira speak, her expression was completely different, she became much more solemn, and her speech became extremely serious and rigorous.

That library, is that really the case?

Yui tilted her head unconsciously, the hair on her head bent down as if withered, her face looked like an adult thinking, her little eyes were wide open, and occasionally a few bright lights flashed by. .

If her face hadn't retained the whiteness and greenness of her teenage years, maybe she would have been able to figure out something!

In the afternoon, Lin Mo, Yui and Yalin stayed in the classroom long after class ended, discussing countermeasures together. Lilithmira and others went to investigate yesterday's invasion and the library they mentioned.

In order to verify the accuracy of the information in his mind, Lin Mo asked Yalin and others.

What do Lilith and the others mean by library?

Yui shook her head with a blank expression and said.

The library...I don't know.

Lin Mo's eyes turned to Yalin beside him, and when he saw the other person replied calmly: Yuyi, you have been sleeping, it is normal not to know.

That's it...

Yui touched the back of her head nonchalantly and stuck out her tongue.

The ghost is out~~~

Suddenly, an eerie voice rang out from under the table next to Yui. Lei Wen, with a ghost strip above his head and a dark face, followed the sound and appeared next to Yui.

Although Lin Mo felt that such poor acting skills could not scare talents, in fact, some people were really scared by Lei Wen.


Yu Yi looked at the other party with a horrified face, and hid beside Lin Mo in panic, trembling.

Lin Mo felt funny. There was no one under the original table. Even if Lei Wen appeared out of thin air, his expression would not change at all.

Lin Mo felt funny. There was no one under the original table. Even if Lei Wen appeared out of thin air, his expression would not change at all.

This kind of acting skills may be successful in deceiving a child, but if you want to scare him, you still think too much. Lin Mo touched Yu Yi, who was hugging his arm next to him, and thought helplessly.

Maybe only Yui will fall for this trick.

Ah? Lin Mo, aren't you afraid of ghosts? Lei Wen asked happily after seeing that he had scared Yu Yi.

Not afraid. Lin Mo shook his head, glanced at Lei Wen's petite body, and complained.

Even if I have to be afraid, I won't be afraid of such a girl ghost.

Okay! I can understand this sentence to mean that you will be afraid when the real ghost comes? Lei Wen's eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't know if he was thinking of another prank.

·· 0Request flowers···· ····

No, ghosts are nothing to be afraid of. Lin Mo said casually. He has even seen clones of elves and humans, not to mention ghosts.

Besides, with Academy City’s technology that is decades ahead of the outside world, what haven’t you seen yet? Creating a ghost is really more than enough.

Tch! It's really boring. Lei Wen lay on the table and curled his lips, looking a little pity.

Lin Mo smiled faintly, and then noticed that Yu Yi beside him seemed to be scared to tears by Lei Wen. The hand holding Lin Mo tightened, and he could even feel the two growing balls. Keep rubbing his arm.

Lin Mo felt secretly happy, but Yui Ke was frightened and looked at Lin Mo pitifully.

. ... ...

Ghosts are really scary!

Seeing two crystal tears hanging from the corners of Yu Yi's eyes, Lin Mo said very manly: Don't worry, Yu Yi! I'm here, you don't have to worry. Even if a ghost really comes, I won't be afraid, just say Blow it away with your punch.


Yui's petite and pitiful look, coupled with her expression of tears, was more lethal than anyone else.

At this time, of course Lin Mo couldn't make her sad anymore, he patted his chest and said.

“Realer than real gold!”


Both Yu Yi and Lei Wen were amused by Lin Mo, but only Ya Lin's face remained as calm as ever. But if you observe carefully, you will find that the corners of Yalin's mouth are slightly raised.

The tears in the corners of Yu Yi's eyes were gently wiped away by Lin Mo. Seeing this, Yu Yi held Lin Mo's hand tighter, feeling a deep sense of dependence.

Looking at Lin Mo's movements, a look of envy flashed through Lei Wen's eyes involuntarily, but it passed away so quickly that Lin Mo didn't notice it at all. Only Yalin looked at the other party thoughtfully.

Ps: Flowers cost 3W. Coming. Also thank you to the blank name and the monthly vote from the big devil, thank you very much! .

413 Discuss events in the library

Ahem, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the library! Lei Wen, do you know anything? Lin Mo touched Yu Yi's little head and said.

Yu Yi huddled tightly in Lin Mo's arms like a cat, with a look of happiness on her face.

Hmm... In this regard, Yalin may know more than me. Lei Wen said somewhat absentmindedly.

Yalin glanced at Lei Wen with her plain eyes and said slowly: That was a story half a year ago when you came here. That day, it rained heavily like yesterday. After school, because the weather suddenly changed, everyone They all went back to their rooms to do independent research. Among the 817, a pair of twin sisters did not go home and were still doing research in the library.

Lin Mo listened quietly and compared what Yalin said one by one in his mind. There was no mistake. It seemed that his arrival did not produce too much butterfly effect.

Yalin continued without pausing: In the library, all the books on the bookshelf suddenly fell, and the twin sisters suddenly fell into coma for unknown reasons. When the younger sister woke up, she found that she was missing. Although I have searched every corner of the academy, but still no trace of her, and it is still an unsolved mystery to this day.

After that, every night when it rains heavily, someone will disappear inexplicably, so there is a saying of ghost. Lei Wen then added to Yalin's words, with a slightly relaxed tone. It seemed that she was coming from That complicated mood came out.

And so far, people have witnessed the figure of the missing girl at night! Lei Wen said sinisterly, which shocked Yui. Just thinking about that scene made people shudder.

Ugh, stop talking!

Yu Yi said with a fearful expression, holding Lin Mo's hand tighter and burying her head deeply in his clothes. Lin Mo glanced at her helplessly.

It's definitely not a ghost, Yui, don't worry!

You didn't lie to me?

There were tears in Yuyi's eyes, and her words were as soft as a cat, with a hint of crying.

Of course I didn't lie to you. Lin Mo said with assurance.

Yu Yi still trusted Lin Mo, so she slowly breathed a sigh of relief and put on her cute smile again.

How do you know if it's a ghost? Lei Wen couldn't help but retorted after hearing Lin Mo's solemn words.

If I say no, it means no. Lin Mo had great confidence.

Do you know the other party's identity? Lei Wen glanced at Lin Mo suspiciously.

have no idea.

I do! Since you don't know, what you said is true. Lei Wen looked speechless.

Lin Mo smiled faintly and stopped arguing about a topic whose outcome he already knew.

In that case, let's go to the crime scene and take a look!

In that case, let's go to the crime scene and take a look!

No objection! Yalin nodded.

After making up their minds, a few people came to the library that Yalin mentioned, and here they also met Lilith, Mira and others who were investigating.

What's wrong? Lin Mo.

Lilith put down the book in her hand and looked at Lin Mo strangely.

I'm a little concerned about the so-called ghost incident, so I came here to see if I can help you! If there is any emergency, my force should save a lot of trouble. Lin Mo said with a smile.

I see, then I'll leave it to you... 0 Lilith said somewhat relaxedly. She had seen his strength many times, so she was still reassured. However, Lei Wen's next words made this innocent girl's face turn red instantly.

Hehe, I think Lin Mo missed Teacher Lilith, so he couldn't wait to come over, right? Lei Wen whistled and said jokingly.

Don't talk nonsense.

Lilith's eyes were somewhat concealed, but the expectation in her words could not be hidden from Yalin and others.

Lin Mo did not answer this sensitive topic, but he felt Lilith's gaze. Was she expecting Lin Mo's answer? But now this situation was enough to give him a headache. He didn't know what to do, so he could only nodded vaguely.

Dong dong...

Lilith could feel her heartbeat speeding up rapidly, and the blush on her face went to her ears. A slight glance revealed a strange aura inside.

Although everyone couldn't hear the answer from Lin Mo, they could make a rough guess after seeing Teacher Lilith's shy look.

Only Yui and Yalin pouted in dissatisfaction, trying hard to defend their identities.

Stop looking at me, let's talk about this first!

Seeing everyone staring at his face, Lin Mo said angrily.

Hearing Lin Mo's voice, they looked away, and Mira continued to read the book in her hand. On the other side, Yaqiu couldn't bear the weight due to the boring investigation, so he lay down and fell asleep without knowing it.

Lin Mo also started talking about business.

Ps: Please subscribe, there will be 4 updates on Saturday. I've been feeling a little dizzy lately, and I feel helpless. Originally I planned to update 5 times tomorrow. .

414 Library of Eternal Calamity

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