With a whistling sound piercing the air, the punch turned into a black shadow and shuttled freely among the crowd. The thick sound of hitting the body sounded like thunder in the darker path.

Bang bang bang.

In just a few seconds, Lin Mo defeated the gangsters in front of him with his bare hands.

The girl who stayed aside finally breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully to Lin Mo.

Thank you for saving me!

It's okay. Why are you being chased by this group of people? Where's the Vampire Lady? Didn't she come over to protect you? Lin Mo's fallen gangster walked up to the girl and said strangely.

This... There was a trace of embarrassment on the girl's face.

Actually, these people are from the casino. It seems that some time ago, my sister caused a huge commotion somewhere, so I was targeted. The other party said helplessly.

That's it. Lin Mo looked like he suddenly understood.

Well, please don't get me wrong. Although my sister is indeed rough and has a bad temper, she is really a very, very, very kind person! The girl suddenly explained excitedly in front of Lin Mo.

When I called her just now, she also said that she would come to rescue me very quickly.


Lin Mo recalled the scene in the morning in his mind. He was indeed a very kind person, so kind that it made people feel scared.

Wait, you said she would come to save you?

Wait, you said she would come to save you?

Lin Mo suddenly noticed something and asked with some uncertainty.

Well, yes. Seeing that Lin Mo had a hint of belief in what she said, he nodded quickly and said.

Lin Mo had no choice but to look up at the sky. Sure enough, Taiyang was blocked by someone who looked very dangerous with a sickle in his hand.

You bastard! What are you going to do to Priscilla!!!

I'm not my sister, it was senior Lin Mo who saved me. The girl explained anxiously.

Shut up Priscilla, after all, why did Lin Mo want to save you? Sure enough, he is targeting you and wants to threaten my mother? The vampire girl said coldly.

This guy has no reason to save the enemy. Don't even try to deceive me! Priscilla, get away from him. The other party said excitedly.

Lin Mo shook his head, looked at the girl, and said, Do you think your sister will be a very, very, very kind person?

The girl was speechless and a little angry.

That's enough, sister!!!

Uh, what's wrong? Priscilla. Seeing the girl suddenly become so angry, the vampire girl was startled.

Are you serious about what you just said? The girl stood in front of her and looked directly at the Vampire Queen.

I, I know, don't be angry.

The vampire girl suddenly said in a low voice that the one she was most afraid of was her sister.

Really? Won't you be so rough to Senior Lin Mo? Look at me. The girl said with a stern face.

Absolutely not, don't worry! The other party finally compromised. Priscilla finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Lin Mo no longer had to tangle too much with the other party.

After rescuing the other party, he left directly. To him, this incident was just an episode on the way to search for Saya. There is no need for him to pay too much attention.

There is no need to press a hot face against a cold butt.

By the time Priscilla and her sister came to their senses, Lin Mo had already left.

The girl glanced at the direction Lin Mo left in annoyance and said,

Sister, you must apologize next time you meet him, do you hear me?

I understand. The vampire girl pouted her lips.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Mo. As soon as he left, he received a call from Todo Kirin, saying that Saya had been found and could return later. Lin Mo also responded to the promise and went to their location.

PS: Starting from Thursday, there will be two updates a day, and I will update it when I have free time on Saturdays. The new book is already on track. I typed sister wrongly earlier, and I typed it as elder sister. It was my fault. The next world is filled with seven magicians, which will make the protagonist's character stronger, don't worry! Never break your promise! .

355 The fateful encounter

Early the next morning, when Lin Mo came out of Claudia's house, he learned that his opponent was the Vampire Queen.

I don’t know if it’s fate or something. We just met yesterday, but today we are standing on the stage like life and death enemies. Either you die or I live.

But now that the matter has come to this, it is impossible for Lin Mo to give up the game.

The only thing that made him curious was what kind of expression the vampire girl's sister would show after hearing the news.

I'm afraid it will be quite exciting?

I just thought about repaying my kindness yesterday, but the next day, I became each other's rival.

This probability is quite 'touching'.

In the morning, Lin Mo came to the training room and found that Julis was already ready to go. In three hours, the fourth round of competition would officially begin!

Lin Mo, are you confident in the next game? Julis suddenly asked when she saw Lin Mo coming in.

Now that things are going on, do you think I will have a game that I don't have confidence in? Lin Mo said calmly.

That's good! In that case, it's time to show our strength! Let's work together to win the championship. Julis took a deep breath and said.

Yeah. Lin Mo nodded.

The two of them were calmly waiting for the start of the game in the background, and during the period before it started, they discussed countermeasures together.

Sasha Miya Saya and Todo Kirin also came at this time, cheering for the two of them together.

After all, the opponent this time is really not easy to fight.

Time is passing by little by little.

With the sound of the horn, the venue of the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival officially announced the admission of the two teams of players!

Walking in the corridor backstage, Lin Mo looked at Julis' side face and suddenly said firmly.

Julis, we will definitely win the championship of the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival.

Julis was stunned, and then her expression became extremely gentle.


Under the expectation of everyone's attention, people from the two teams stepped onto the stage of the competition one after another.

Senior, long time no see. Priscilla said helplessly.

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, it's only less than a day at best. Lin Mo sighed.

Yes, but I didn't expect that within this day, we would become each other's opponents. Priscilla said rather lonely.

However, since we have become opponents, I hope that both sides can use their best strength to cope with this game. This is not only respect for the other party, but also an attitude towards oneself.

However, since we have become opponents, I hope that both sides can use their best strength to cope with this game. This is not only respect for the other party, but also an attitude towards oneself.

Although she didn't understand what Lin Mo had experienced yesterday, Julis still stood in front of Lin Mo and maintained her stance.

Hmph, it's rare for Huayan Witch to say something beautiful! The Vampire Demon Girl crossed her arms over her chest and said with approval.

Next time, if we have another chance to meet, I will definitely be grateful to you! It can be regarded as repaying the favor I owed before. But this time, I will not let go easily, so be aware of it! Vampire Tornado Girl firmly persisted. Said shiftily.

That's what I meant! Lin Mo nodded.

Then, the game started with a sound.

Lin Mo reached out into the void, and then a snow-white lightsaber condensed in his hand. Seeing this, the vampire tyrant also took out her scythe.

Everyone on the field was ready. At this time, Julis gave a sweet shout.

Bloom! Red-hot scorching flowers!

Julis took the lead in launching the attack, officially kicking off the game.

Priscilla took a step back, and the vampire queen looked at the flames condensed by Julis in the void, attacking him at high speed. There was a disdainful laugh at the corner of his mouth.

Just be clever! Do you think you can defeat me just by relying on numbers?

As soon as the Vampire Tornado finished speaking, she turned the sickle in her hand and chopped off all the incoming fire flowers like a whirlwind. He jumped high and closed the distance between the two of them.

At this time, Lin Mo ran on the track at high speed, like an unpredictable breeze, as fast as lightning.

But even so, he was still captured by the vampire queen. A smile appeared on his lips. While staying in the void, he straightened his figure at the same time.

The sickle in his hand seemed to bring up a strong wind and collided with Lin Mo's sword blade.


Immediately afterwards, violent sparks broke out.

The two of them are neck and neck. Strength has always been Lin Mo's advantage, so it's basically useless.

The pupils of the two looked at each other, and each other could see the fiery fighting spirit in (Good Wang Zhao) Fang's eyes.

It's appeared! Lin Mo's exclusive weapon! Skymark Sword! Rumor has it that this weapon can be as good as a pure Xinghuang weapon! Or even worse! It can be seen from the scene that even if it encounters When the Vampire Queen's weapon was sucked, it still didn't break!

As soon as the commentator finished speaking, Lin Mo stepped forward heavily, and the Skymark Sword, with a streak of snow-white light, collided with the vampire tyrant without any reason.


The two weapons erupted into scorching flames and fell to the ground of the stage like scattered fireworks.

Ps: Wow, please give me monthly tickets. I don’t know how many people are still chasing my book. .

356 Specializes in destroying things that cannot be destroyed

Lin Mo's Skymark Sword was like a poisonous snake, biting the vampire girl tightly and not letting go.

The comparison of strength is naturally beneficial to him.

The surging power directly shocked the Vampire Bao Ji's hands, and then the two of them separated after a collision of weapons.

Tch, melee combat is really bad for me!

As soon as the Vampire Queen finished her words, Julis on the side took aim at the opportunity, and several discs composed of flames, with a whistling and clever sound, attacked at high speed in the void.

Hmph! Just be clever! The vampire girl smiled disdainfully and waved the sickle in her hand high.

Ten Rings!!!

Several 487 pieces of highly concentrated dark energy appeared out of thin air in front of the vampire queen's scythe, and offset Julis's attack.

Then the figure jumped high as if it had been predicted. The next second, Lin Mo's sword blade suddenly crossed the spot where the Vampire Queen was originally standing.

For a team that has only been formed for a few months, it is doing quite well.

The vampire girl who had just landed had a hint of teasing on her lips.

The surrounding audience, after seeing such a fierce battle, burst into a wave of heat!

The cheers resounded throughout the entire venue like a mountain shouting and a sea roaring.

The enthusiasm on his face did not stop at all.

You are the one who can withstand the attacks of both of us. Julis said, staring at the vampire girl closely.

Alone? Haha! We are not alone, we are two people fighting together! The vampire girl's pupils, like a cat's eyes, erected a dangerous red light.

The sickle in his hand glowed a deep red color.

This is Priscilla and I, the power of two people! Let me figure it out! The corner of the vampire girl's mouth raised.

Before Julis understood what it meant, the top of the vampire scythe was pointed at the ground. An inexplicable white energy appeared on the scythe. Then, Julis seemed to have expected something. shouted.

Lin Mo, get away quickly!

Lin Mo, get away quickly!

No need for Julis to tell Lin Mo what to do.

The figure suddenly jumped, and in the air, he could see that the shield that seemed to be able to imprison people in the position where he originally stood moved from the ground to where Lin Mo was standing.

There was a muffled sound of 'bang' and exploded.

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