Are you...really (cabh) determined to fight?

The overwhelming momentum pressed towards the opponent like Mount Tai. Although Lin Mo's strength in this world is limited, his mental strength and psychological state are still at their strongest.

The other party was not intimidated, but narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lin Mo like this. It seems that he wants to see through the other party's true intention. After all, both parties couldn't understand the consequences after the fight started.

Julis became a little anxious. She still didn't want Lin Mo to get into trouble.

Until a certain moment, a girl who looked very similar to the vampire queen walked out of the crowd.

Hey!!! Didn't I tell you not to fight casually! The reproachful voice was mixed with a little anger, which made the vampire girl look stunned for a moment, and then she quickly put away the weapon in her hand, her arrogant expression. Became chatty. are you here? the vampire girl said with an embarrassed look.

I haven't heard the news that you are fighting everywhere again, sister, Priscilla snorted.

Well... you see, they came here on their own, and it really has nothing to do with me. The vampire girl said. In front of her, he was as rough and uneasy as a child who had made a mistake.

This huge change surprised Lin Mo and Yulis.

No matter what, I'll come to see you later and ask you a question! Priscilla looked at the Vampire Queen 'viciously', then walked up to Lin Mo, bent down, and said with an apologetic look.

I'm so sorry! My sister caused you trouble!

The two looked at each other, Lin Mo sighed, took back the sword in his hand and said.

It doesn't matter.

Now that everyone has sincerely apologized, Lin Mo will not pursue it any further. But the girl still seemed to feel very sorry for herself, and she took the vampire girl with her to apologize.

As for the vampire girl, she had no choice but to apologize reluctantly. After all, the person she fears most is her sister...

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352 Another win!

After the two apologized, Lin Mo also said it didn't matter, and then the vampire girl was taken away by her sister.

After they left, Julis checked Priscilla's information and said to Lin Mo: This person is not ranked in Sequence Twelve. He is also from Lewolf Academy.

Then it seems that the vampire queen is very afraid of her sister~. Lin Mo nodded.

That's probably it. I think the other party is targeting you for some purpose! You have to be more careful in the future. Julis said cautiously.

Lin Mo thought for a moment and realized that he didn't know the other person. The other party was probably ordered by someone, but he still said: It doesn't matter, anyway, the soldiers will block the water and cover up the soil. If the other party insists on causing trouble, I don't recommend giving the other party a hard time.

Then a reminder of time appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Shasha Miya Saye's game has already started, let's rush there first!

After hearing this, Julis also shouted something bad, and then the two of them hurried on their way.

By the time the two of them arrived, the game time was over.

There is no doubt that Kirin Todou and the others won.

When Lin Mo arrived to find the two of them, he learned that the two had already gone to take a shower, and he couldn't help but feel speechless.

Fortunately, Lin Mo and Julis will have a match this afternoon, and their opponents are girls ranked 37th and 54th.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the other party became extremely popular.

Lin Mo did not choose to play in this game, but left it to Julis to solve the problem.

The corolla revolving sword filled with pink energy was lightly waved in Julis's hand, leaving cherry-red petals in the void.

As the horn sounded, two girls, one holding a double sword and the other holding a long spear, appeared. They attacked one after another.

Facing the attack of the two men, Julis just raised the corolla revolving sword and easily blocked the attack of the girl with two swords. The power of the star pulse surged up like bright starlight.

At the same time, a magic circle appeared under her feet. The princess with a noble temperament sang to the world.

The flames of Trokia, cross the city wall and burn out the nine fire disasters! Bloom gorgeously! Nine rounds of dancing fireworks!

The sound resounded throughout the entire venue, and the energy condensed from the flames of the five flowers rushed towards the two people. At the same time, a trace of tail flame was left in the void, which was as pleasing to the eye as a stream of light.

But these things are the same in the eyes of the girls participating in the competition. One second they were greeting each other gracefully. The next second, he could only run away in embarrassment.

These flames seem to follow them, no matter how they escape, they can be caught up in time.

In this case, the girl holding the sword limped and accidentally fell to the ground. And how could Julis let go of such a good opportunity. With a wave of his hand, the flames struck the girl like falling meteors.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

A huge cloud of smoke filled the air. In the air, a school badge also shattered.

After killing one person, Julis's flames then turned to another person who was still on the field.

But the opponent's strength is obviously different from the previous girl. The two swords accurately captured the trajectory of the flame and then cut it off.

But Julis seemed to have some trick. After forcing the opponent to the predetermined position, she shouted: Bloom, the red flower of the sky!

As soon as he finished speaking, a pink magic circle lit up at the girl's feet and wrapped her in it. In the sky, a ball that was several times larger than before and filled with fierce flames slammed down. fell down.

·· 0Request flowers··· 0

The girl couldn't even escape and could only watch the flames fall downwards.


The aftermath of the flames flew around, and then the high-pitched voice of the commentator rang out.

The game is over!!! The winners are Julis and Lin Mo!

The Lisfeit players won with a steady performance! Let us congratulate them for advancing to the next round!

......... 0 ....

Oh!!! Huge cheers sounded.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Mo. After high-fiving Julis, he smiled and said, Thank you for your hard work, Julis!

A competition of this level is not considered hard work. Julis smiled helplessly.

If the two people lying on the ground heard it, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

Ahem, I've prepared a lunch box for the two of them. How about we eat together later. After leaving the venue, Julis invited them shyly.

Although Lin Mo had already eaten yesterday, he still smiled and agreed.

Originally, Lin Mo wanted to watch the match between Shasha Gong Saye and the others, but it was almost over. So I could only stay with Julis for lunch.

Every time Lin Mo praised Julis's cooking skills, the girl's girlish heart seemed to sprout. Although she held on, Lin Mo could still see the high spirits in her eyes.

I have to say that it is quite good for a princess to be like Julis, which at least makes Lin Mo admire her.

Ps Please subscribe, there will be seven magicians in the next world.

353 Looking for Saya

Congratulations on your promotion, Lin Mojun.

Early the next morning, Lin Mo was called into the office by Claudia.

As soon as he came in, he heard Claudia's voice full of ladylike temperament.

Lin Mo found a place to sit down, smiled and said: Well, these teams are all unranked. Just sending me or Julis is enough to deal with them. Really powerful opponents will only be encountered later. I don’t know if I can win as easily as I do now.”

Four zero zero That's right. You can't take it lightly now! Claudia walked to Lin Mo and sat down. Chu Chu said pitifully.

Lin Mojun, you have really gone too far these days! You don't even look at me.

Lin Mo suddenly felt embarrassed. Looking at Claudia's resentful eyes, he felt guilty in his heart. He touched the other person's hair and said.

I'm really too busy these days so I haven't come over to you. I'm sorry for that.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, the resentment in Claudia's eyes disappeared. With a rosy face, he pressed Lin Mo on his chest.

You don't need to apologize. As long as you still remember me in your heart, that's fine. As the student council president, it's really not easy for me to appear in various situations. I originally wanted to watch your game live. Claudia Ya said helplessly.

Lin Mo also expressed understanding. At the same time, he also pulled his head away from Claudia's chest.

Although it feels good, the feeling of being suffocated is really uncomfortable.

Well, when I have free time, I'll have a good time with you! Lin Mo raised Claudia's chin and looked into her eyes.

In the end, Claudia took the initiative and slowly pressed her lips together.

The two wanted to hug each other, gave up thinking, and enjoyed the moment.

Although she had only experienced it once, Claudia felt the heat in her body that made her feel like she was dying.

Just when the two of them were in a heated mood, an untimely bell interrupted the two of them.

After Lin Mo and Claudia separated their lips, looking at the shy and extremely charming Claudia, he felt flustered in his heart.

After Lin Mo and Claudia separated their lips, looking at the shy and extremely charming Claudia, he felt flustered in his heart.

But as for the occasion, there is still something to be done now. He can still calculate clearly.

After giving Claudia an apologetic look, Lin Mo answered the call.

A virtual screen slowly emerged in the void.

What caught Lin Mo's eyes was the somewhat panicked face of Todo Kirin.

Great! Senior, something bad has happened. I don't know since when, I can't find Saya people! Todo Kirin said with a worried look on his face... 0

After Lin Mo heard what she said, he immediately thought of Shasha Gong Saye's attribute of being a road idiot. There was also a look of helplessness on his face.

Sure enough, Todo Kirin's next words confirmed what he was thinking.

I tried to contact Saya through the terminal, and she said she was lost...

Lin Mo looked like this.

I understand, and I will look for it with you later. Are you in the business district now? I'll rush there right away.

Thank you very much! After finishing speaking, Todo Kirin hurriedly hung up the phone and looked for someone in the commercial street.

You should have heard what I just said. I'll come find you again tonight! Lin Mo said.

Well, I get it, don't worry and go find it! After all, Shasha Gong Saya is also a 4.2 member of our college, so we can't let her get hurt.

As soon as Claudia heard Lin Mo say the word night, some spring tide surged in her heart.

Afterwards, after chatting with the other party for a few words, Lin Mo went to the commercial street and met up with Todo Kirin to find Saya.

Ps: Please subscribe, there are still more than a dozen copies of the Study in the City volume. The first day of the new book's explosion period has passed, and the subsequent updates will be stable 2 updates, and thank you xd for the reward! thank you very much! .

354 The accidental rescue of the girl and the misunderstanding of the vampire queen

Lin Mo walked on the deserted path and kept looking around. If Saya gets lost, the chance of taking such a small road will be much greater. After all, that fool would get lost even if he asked someone.

At a corner, Lin Mo suddenly heard a particularly rough voice and bumped into the oncoming girl.

Sorry! The girl yelled in panic, and then Lin Mo noticed her appearance.

Isn't this the sister of the vampire girl in the morning? Why are you here?

Before Lin Mo could figure out why, a group of men wearing all kinds of clothes were chasing behind him. At first glance, he looks like a gangster.

Phew, I finally caught you, little girl, you ran very fast! The tough leader said panting while holding an iron rod in his hand and wearing sunglasses.

At the same time, his eyes suddenly noticed Lin Mo beside him,

Boy, who are you? Hand over the woman next to you!

Where have you seen this kid before? Some people in the group glanced at Lin Mo in confusion. But they couldn't allow them to think too much. The first priority was to catch this woman.

Is there no other way? Lin Mo sighed and let go of the girl's shoulders.

Boy, you are quite sensible. The gangsters grinned when they saw this.

But before they could react, Lin Mo's figure appeared in front of them like a ray of light in the dark night.

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