Oh haha? The response is quite good! The vampire girl said with appreciation, but that's all!

Julis! Lin Mo shouted, and the other party knew what to do.

Sharp Spear White Flame Flower!!!

The sharp spear-like flame appeared when Julis waved it.

Immediately afterwards, with an aura that was like piercing the heaven and earth, he rushed towards the vampire queen.

Lin Mo's figure followed closely behind, surrounding him from the side.

The vampire queen did not panic, but waved her scythe, and a dark purple barrier suddenly appeared, protecting her and Priscilla inside.

Imprison Wei!!!

As soon as her voice fell, Julis' sharp spear, Bai Yanhua, struck her guard, creating a heat wave.

Lin Mo's steps couldn't help but pause. When the smoke cleared, the two figures appeared in front of Lin Mo unscathed.

Hmph! This is a secret book refined for Priscilla. It's not so easy to destroy! The corners of the vampire's mouth raised slightly, and then she pulled Priscilla tightly beside her. When he got into his arms, he opened his mouth and bit down on the white neck of the girl next to him with his vampire-like teeth.

Isn't it so easy to destroy? Lin Mo murmured to himself what the vampire girl just said, and then, the corner of his mouth seemed to smile evilly.

I specialize in destroying things that cannot be destroyed!

As soon as he finished speaking, his pupils were filled with blue-based color, and there was a red circle in the center of the pupils.

Holding the lightsaber as white as snow tightly in his hand, he rushed forward again. Like a sharp sword coming out, it slashed hard at the barrier.

Ps: There are two more updates! Please subscribe, send flowers, collect, and update in the future to return to normal. The author has caught a cold these days. Not updated. .

357 Power Runaway

The blade of the sword glowed with a hint of cold light under the light. Lin Mo's figure arrived in front of the Vampire Lady and her sister in less than a second.

The sword blade in his hand carries a bright and powerful wind when he swings it.

The steps were like a dream, and as the weapon was swung, it also started to move.

The trajectory is unpredictable.

Even the vampire queen who stayed within the barrier couldn't help but feel a hint of ridicule~.

Don't waste your efforts. This ordinary attack alone cannot break my barrier! -


Lin Mo's mouth gradually turned into a trace of disdain. He used his actions to prove how he broke down her barrier!

The demonic eye of death clearly marks every death line. Lin Mo's pace was not a deliberate move for the sake of the show's effect, but a need to completely cut off a dead line!

For a second, it seemed like the barrier hadn't broken yet.

The vampire tyrant had a smug expression on her face.

But from the next moment, he couldn't be happy anymore.

Click, click.

The sound of breaking glass, like an echo, echoed endlessly in the Vampire Queen's mind. Her face became embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, turtle-like stripes covered the entire barrier.

In less than a few seconds, the barrier shattered with a bang.

Countless fragments were scattered in the void.

Like embellishment, like illusion, with a bit of misty aftertaste inside, it falls against the wind.

When the barrier was shattered, Lin Mo's figure turned to the left in confusion.

But in the sight of the Vampire Storm Queen, a majestic and surging fiery red energy, as hot as the sun, but as aggressive as lava, followed him the moment he left!

When it was still a few centimeters away from the vampire tyrant, it suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, a sound like the impact of a missile sounded.


In the center of the circle, a wanton energy seemed to destroy everything.

The entire venue was enveloped in a huge sea of ​​fire.

A heat wave hit, and Julis looked at the center of the explosion with breathlessness. As early as the moment Lin Mo rushed forward, she had secretly condensed her energy.

A heat wave hit, and Julis looked at the center of the explosion with breathlessness. As early as the moment Lin Mo rushed forward, she had secretly condensed her energy.

She believed that Lin Mo would be able to break the protection between them, and sure enough, Lin Mo lived up to her expectations.

So, the scene just happened.

The degree of tacit understanding can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

It's really unbelievable! Player Lin Mo not only broke through the vampire's defense, but also caught the opponent off guard! Julis' attack also played a key role! the commentator said with surprise.

Everyone stared at the center of the smoke.

Because Julis' attack produced a shock wave-like effect, people outside did not see clearly the specific situation inside.

·· 0Request flowers0 ···

But it still couldn't stop them from cheering and shouting for the excitement of the game.

At the same time, they were not the only ones paying attention to this game, but also Julis who was staying on the field.

The smoke dissipated, and the somewhat disheveled vampire girl stood there stubbornly.

Before being hurt, the first thing he did was to protect his sister, which had to be admired.

But precisely because of this, the damage she suffered was much stronger than she originally expected.

. . ...

Despite this, the vampire queen still did not fall.

But no one knows that she is at the end of her tether!

Just when Lin Mo was about to go over and finish the game, an accident happened!

A strong coercion enveloped everyone present without any reason at all.

With the vampire tyrant as the center, purple shock waves were emitted one after another.

Julis on the side became extremely heavy due to the influence of this unknown force. Already unable to move.

Lin Mo seemed to have expected something and stared closely into the eyes of the vampire girl.

What he saw was a violent gesture of power.

Priscilla's face was startled, and when she wanted to persuade her, it was already too late. Her sister gradually walked towards her direction...

Ps: 2nd update, long time no update, I feel a little ashamed T,T. Learn to fight in the city to speed up the pace! .

358 The battle is over, the vampire queen is defeated

The violent energy continued to spread to the surroundings. The gem on the vampire scythe shines purple. But at this moment, she had lost her mind and could no longer control this terrifying and huge energy.

If I say that this vast energy is like the sea and is bound to destroy everything, then Lin Mo and the others are equivalent to a small boat sailing on the sea. As long as there is a violent storm, people can be buried in the bottomless dark seabed.

Although Lin Mo could move his body, he could only move reluctantly because most of his power was sealed away.

There is nothing that can be done with the vampire tyrant in front of him.

He seventy-sixty-seven has to find a way to get close to the vampire queen.

But now, the purple energy was like a huge wave, constantly blocking Lin Mo's steps.

System, you said that this sword was designed according to the current pure Xinghuang weapons, right?

At such a critical moment, Lin Mo calmly asked the system in his mind.

Yes! the system replied.

Then it should have some special ability, right? At least it has different abilities than ordinary weapons. Lin Mo took a deep breath and looked at the vampire flying in the air and said.

Yes! The skill name is: Sky Ice and Earth Crystal! the system said.

How to use it? Lin Mo said anxiously in his mind.

It's very simple. This sword belongs to you! As long as you want to know how to use it, you can get it automatically. However, after using it, you have to wait a month before you can use it again. The system explained.

I understand. Lin Mo calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo held the sword in both hands and inserted it tightly into the ground.

The next second, an extremely cold air emerged from the sword hilt and continued to spread to the surroundings.

It was clearly inside the venue, but snowflakes suddenly fell without warning.

Wherever the snowflakes pass, the ground turns into ice!


Suddenly, the ground erupted with sharp thorns one after another, and then penetrated the entire field.

The icy cold air made everyone in the audience shiver uncontrollably.

Lin Mo could feel that anything made of ice on the scene could be controlled by him.

Touch the ground gently with your feet.

The next second, there was a bang, and an extremely sharp spear condensed from the ground and floated in mid-air.

Lin Mo waved his hand, and with a bang sound that seemed to penetrate the world, the ice spear rushed towards the vampire scythe with a roaring sonic boom.


A protective shield rose from in front of the vampire tyrant, and the two collided, creating a smoke-like effect.

A protective shield rose from in front of the vampire tyrant, and the two collided, creating a smoke-like effect.

However, these attacks were far from enough. The ice crystals on the ground continued to surge towards the Sky Mark Sword, and the atmosphere of the venue seemed to be surging, gathering in the direction of Lin Mo.

It gets bigger and bigger. Eventually, a distance was reached that cut across all sites.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

If you were hit by an attack of this magnitude, you would definitely be crippled even if you were not dead.

However, facing the vampire queen who has already gone berserk with power, there is no need to show mercy.

The ice sword fell down under Lin Mo's swing.

Boom! ! !

The entire venue erupted with a sound like a meteorite hitting the earth.

With one blow, the world was eclipsed... 0

Fortunately, this was inside the venue, so Lin Mo showed mercy. If it were outside, at least his length and weight would not be comparable to what he is now.


Because Lin Mo had aimed at the sickle in the vampire's hand in advance, when the entire blade fell. The sickle in her hand was cut in half, and when it fell to the ground, it condensed into ice.

Just when the blade was about to hit the Vampire Queen and Priscilla who fainted at the side, it suddenly stopped.

But despite this, the shock wave generated by the sword blade swept down on everyone.

Everyone looked at Lin Mo holding the sword with complicated expressions. Especially the student council president of Rewolf and the senior officials of major colleges.

He was most afraid of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. He almost thought he would slash the vampire girl directly, but luckily he pulled it back in time.

Although there are many ways to stop the violent vampire queen, it is a lot of trouble.

It would be faster to directly destroy the weapon in his hand with a sword.

4.3 Fortunately, he succeeded.

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