Todo Kirin said happily: Senior Lin Mo, congratulations on your first victory!

Thanks to your hard work! Will you have a chance to play in the next game? Lin Mo said, touching Kirin Todo's smooth hair.

Todo Kirin suddenly showed an expression of enjoyment, while Julis on the side pouted.

No, our game won't start until tomorrow. Saya Shasha Miya replied on the side. 5.5

Really? It's a pity. Next is the Alcant Academy game, right? I don't know what those words in the opening ceremony mean... Lin Mo said meaningfully. He removed the hand on Toudo Kirin's head.

Julis drew her hand in the void, and then, a picture appeared on the wall nearby.

In that case, let's witness it with our own eyes! Alcant's new mimic model...

(Please subscribe to collect flowers! There are two titles and chapters wrong, and they will be revised later!).

349 Julis’ invitation as a guest

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, a tall and mighty figure with his hands clasped across his chest took heavy steps and stood in the center of the stage! If someone could stand opposite it, they would undoubtedly feel a very strong sense of oppression.

And his metal shell shines brightly under the light!

The other model looked like a girl, with no expression on her face. However, her face was blocked by something like a shield, and she carried a huge firearm behind her. On his chest, there is also the school badge of Alcant College.

Okay! The veil has finally been unveiled, Alcant Academy's new mimic model! The thickness and strength of this body, wow! It is indeed Alcant's latest work! What do you think of this game, Miss Jane? ? A person in the commentary box asked as he looked at the model standing in the center of the game.

Well, because the normal combat mimic forms are all operated by outsiders, there may be a downward trend in response speed and various adjustments when facing the Star Pulse Generation. Another person answered objectively.

I see, but this time it is different from the past! It is said that the mimic form this time is self-disciplined, and its abilities in various aspects remain to be seen! After she finished speaking, she received a message from the outside. Then he said with excitement on his face.

Wait! Just now, we received the latest news from Agnesta! And it was just made public.

When she said this, Lin Mo and Yulis, who were staying in the audience, listened attentively. Especially Shasha Miya Saya, she will be more persistent towards them.

Two autonomous robots with pseudomorphic shapes, one calls himself Aldi and the other calls himself Limxi! Both are Alcante's latest creations! the two introduced.

Lin Mo listened carefully to the parameters of the two of them. Moreover, their opponent was not an ordinary bastard, but one of the top twelve, more than one level higher than Lin Mo's opponent in the first game!

The game soon started with the words of the two commentators. Basically, it was a beating on one side.

The attack that represented the top strength of the top twelve people could not even break through their defense, and they fell to the ground panting.

The female mimic form is even more terrifying. The bullets fired can actually accurately calculate the position and speed of the opponent's bullets, thereby achieving a neutralizing effect.

One focuses on melee combat, and the other focuses on long-range combat, which is similar to the combination of Kirin Todou and Saya Sashamiya!

But these are nothing to Lin Mo. He can just cut along the dead line and experiment with the newly activated dead center.

To put it simply, this game can be described as brutal. After giving up a minute, he was beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back.

Lin Mo could now imagine that the creator of the mimic form, Agnesta, was smiling very confidently about the strength of her own weapons.

Lin Mo could now imagine that the creator of the mimic form, Agnesta, was smiling very confidently about the strength of her own weapons.

But this is more beneficial to Lin Mo. This is the effect he wants!

Just when everyone thought that the mimetic form was invincible, Lin Mo slapped them so loudly that they couldn't even lift their heads!

This... is the consequence of your unauthorized attack on me!

At the end of the game, Todo Kirin said apologetically: Senior, Sayo-chan and I will leave first. In order to deal with the next opponent, we have to discuss a specific plan.

Well, Qirin is right. At least after seeing the weapons of Alcant Academy, the danger to us will be greater. We have to create a tacit understanding and plan that belongs to us as soon as possible. Sasha Miya Saya agreed. .

In that case, I won't keep you here. See you tomorrow. I will be there to watch your game! Lin Mo nodded.

The two then walked towards the gate of the venue, and inside the venue, the heated game was still going on in full swing. It's just that the next ones are all inferior opponents, and they don't seem to be very interesting.

Lin Mo, let's go too! Julis said, looking at the backs of the two of them.

Well, there's still plenty of time anyway, 897 why don't we go train for a while!

Okay, um... I wonder if you can come to my house after training? Julis suddenly said with a blushing face.

Lin Mo looked weird: Yes, yes, but are you sure it's okay for me, a grown man, to enter your home?

Julis's face became even more rosy after hearing this. She waved her hands quickly and said in a panic: Don't get me wrong! I just want to treat you to a meal tonight! After seeing your cooking skills, I decided to take it seriously. . Let’s see how my cooking skills are. Of course, if something happens to you, forget it.”

What else can I do after training? Since it's your invitation, Julis, then I'd better obey it respectfully! Lin Mo said with a smile on his face.

After Julis heard what he said, she couldn't help but feel relieved, and she was vaguely looking forward to the evening even more. This was even her mood that she didn't notice.

(Please subscribe to collect flowers.).

350 Encountering one of the top twelve people in Lewolf

After Lin Mo finished training with Julis in the afternoon, he followed her and entered her home.

I'm going to change my clothes first. You wait here. I'm warning you in advance. Don't even think about peeking! Julis said with a blush, then entered another room and closed the door tightly. Closed.

Lin Mo smiled helplessly and looked around to himself, with no intention of peeping.

After all, he is a very serious man.

The surrounding furniture was neatly arranged, and on one of the tables, there was a photo of Julis as a child. Her pink hair was particularly eye-catching among the crowd. Lin Mo could tell at a glance.

If I guessed correctly, these are Julis's friends in the orphanage.

Lin Mo glanced at it, then looked away, waiting quietly.

A few minutes later, Julis came out with a shy face and a dress with a golden skirt.

It suits you very well. Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh after seeing it for the first time.

Really...Thank you. Julis turned her head away, not daring to look at Lin Mo's face.

After the two were silent for a few seconds, Julis was the first to break the atmosphere and said.

Let's start today's topic quickly! Anyway, I invited you first and planned to treat you to a meal. I really thank you in every way! The first time we met and we were attacked, and the time you saved me Thank you very much every time! Julis bent down and said.

It's okay, it's what I should do anyway. Besides, aren't we two teammates? Since we are teammates, I will definitely help to the end. After Lin Mo touched Julis's hair, he could clearly feel The latter's delicate body trembled.

Then I'll go prepare dinner first. You wait here first!

Julis panicked and got rid of Lin Mo's clutches, got up and went to the kitchen.

Basically every dormitory has its own kitchen, especially for a princess like Julis. It depends on whether you need it or not.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and then followed Julis into the kitchen.

Let me help!

No, Lin Mo, just wait outside. Julis said with a blush on her face when she saw Lin Mo coming in.

It's okay! Anyway, my cooking skills are better than yours. Wouldn't it be a good choice to let me help you by your side? Lin Moyin said with a smile.

Okay...okay! Julis hesitated for a while and then agreed.

The meal in the evening can be said to be the most enjoyable meal Lin Mo has ever had in this world!

Not only are there beautiful women to watch, but the dishes are also delicious and delicious. In addition, from time to time, he can tease the princess, who seems shy today and not as strong as before. Just thinking about it, Guan felt comfortable.


Early the next morning, Lin Mo and Julis met at the trainer as usual and couldn't help but smile at each other. And Sasha Miya Saya and Todo Kirin have already arrived.

Early the next morning, Lin Mo and Julis met at the trainer as usual and couldn't help but smile at each other. And Sasha Miya Saya and Todo Kirin have already arrived.

The two then started fighting freely.

Happy times are always quickly forgotten.

At noon, the hottest time in Yangguanzheng, there is an endless stream of pedestrians on both sides of the street. Lin Mo and Julis ran on the street.

Hurry up! If you are late now, you may not be able to catch up with the game! Julis shouted.

Lin Mo glanced at the time and said, I should be late for the game now. I will tell Qilin and the others to go to the venue later.

Really? I'm sorry. If I hadn't asked for more training, I might not have missed the time. Julis blamed herself.

It's okay. I understand your desire to become stronger. Saya and the others should also understand us. Lin Mo comforted.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the front. Accompanied by this, there was the muffled sound of fists hitting flesh.

Is there an argument ahead? Julis walked over curiously, and Lin Mo followed behind her.

Then they saw an unarmed girl fighting with several people.

It was hard to tell how powerful his figure was, but he burst out with such powerful strength that the people around him were amazed. Every time he attacks or defends, he can knock out the gangster with one punch.

When Julis saw her, she said with a surprised look on her face: ¨`Isn't this guy Irene Ulse? Why is she here?

Do you know her Julis? Lin Mo said, looking at the girl who was beating them back with her fists among the gangsters.

We know each other! She is one of Lewolf's 'top twelve'. Julis said solemnly.

I see, no wonder it's so violent. Lin Mo said with a sigh.

Basically, the people who came out of Lewolf are the kind of people who like to be tough. And the girl in front of her was naturally no exception.

Within a few minutes, the girl in front of her knocked down all the gangsters surrounding her.

He said with a mocking look on his face.

Really! Does retaliation against whistleblowers still happen in this day and age?

Listening to the applause of the people around her, the girl became even more unhappy. He turned around and shouted loudly.

Hey! If there's anything interesting to see, go away! The girl also put on a fierce expression, but she herself was not scary.

Huh? Are you... The girl looked at Lin Mo in the crowd, seemed to have recalled something, and walked straight in his direction. The crowd around him left Lin Mo in fear.

(Please subscribe to collect flowers. I am Hu Jianren. There is a typhoon today, and I am panicking now.)

351 The Vampire Queen’s Sister

Sure enough, it's you! The number one in Xingdaokan Academy... The brown-haired girl walked up to Lin Mo and looked at Lin Mo up and down and said.

When the people around saw the girl approaching, they walked away as if they had encountered some plague.

Before Lin Mo could speak, Julis stood in front of him first and said with an unkind expression. Do you have a problem with my partner? Vampire Lady.

Oh? Hua Yan Witch? I'm not looking for you, get out of my way. The girl known as the Vampire Queen said with disdain after seeing her.

That's not okay! After all, it's very dangerous for people to fight with each other on the street. Julis said while looking at the people lying around.

Just now? Tsk, didn't the other party start the trouble first? I just followed the principle of reciprocity. The girl curled her lips and said.

Then you have to watch the time and occasion! Especially now that the competition is about to begin, you might be banned! Julis reprimanded loudly 413. To put it bluntly, I just don’t want Lin Mo to have too many entanglements with the other party! It will be more troublesome to solve it then.

Oh? Then tell me, if someone had troubled you just now, what would you have done? Vampire Queen asked.


Before Julis could say anything, Lin Mo pressed her shoulder and motioned for her to retreat while speaking at the same time.

I will take the same approach as you. Rather, my actions will be more serious than yours. After all, they didn't bother to mess with me.

Huh? It seems that there is still a sensible person! The vampire girl looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

But we don't want to interfere with your affairs. Your punishment has nothing to do with us. Rather, I still hope to see a person withdraw from the stage of the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival because of violence. Lin Mo He said with an indifferent look. really dare to say that. The vampire girl was stunned for a moment, then laughed heartily.

You are really interesting! Sure enough, the courage of the number one in the academy is to be different, which is not the same as the little girl over there.

In that case, it's time for us, who don't know each other, to leave. When Lin Mo took Yulis's hand and was about to leave, the vampire girl sneered.

Want to leave? Okay! But only if... Before she could finish her words, a purple crystal shone brightly in her hand.

A sickle glowing with red energy appeared in her hand. Then he swung it hard in front of Lin Mo. An evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

You have to defeat me first!

You have to defeat me first!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. After Lin Mo was silent for a few seconds, he let go of Julis' hand. The black pupils gradually turned blue, and in the center of the pupils, there was a circle of red. A long sword glowing with snow-white color gradually condensed in his hand, and with a slight wave, a little silver light was left behind. Then he pointed the tip of his sword diagonally at the ground and spoke in a tone that contained no emotion.

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