Well, I have to ask Julis. I don't think she will refuse. Lin Mo put his hand on his chin and thought.

Thank you! Todo Kirin said cheerfully.

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337 Todo Kirin’s decision

In the next few days, Lin Moyou and Todo Kirin had morning training. The day of the competition is approaching, and the time requirements are extremely demanding.

Lin Mo also chatted a lot with Todo Kirin during this period of time. But the most important thing is to let Todo Kirin make his own decision. There is no need to stay with his uncle all the time. With her strength, as long as she finds a good teammate, it is not particularly difficult to win the championship.

Or, Lin Mo comes to help Todo Kirin realize his wish. Because the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival is required in the form of a team, when a team wins the championship, it has two opportunities to make requests.

Lin Mo only needs to complete the system's tasks and win the Star Warrior Festival championship. He didn't have any special requirements to complete the rest.

Todo Kirin was particularly moved after hearing Lin Mo's words, and quickly said no~.

Since it's my fault, I want to solve it myself. I'm impressed by the kindness of my senior. Moreover, my father killed someone, and it's my fault, so I want to participate in the Star Warrior Festival to rescue him.

In the early morning light, Lin Mo and Todo Kirin had just finished their morning exercises and were sitting on a bench by the roadside to rest. At this time, Todo Kirin also slowly told the deeds that had been hidden in her heart for many years.

Five years ago, a robber appeared in a store where my father and I went. My father killed the man because he rescued me who was being held hostage. Originally, that situation should have been treated as self-defense.

But my father is from the Xingmai generation, so the sentence is relatively severe. Todo Kirin buried his head and fell into self-blame.

But if you think about it carefully, even if I was eight years old at that time, I still had the ability to knock someone down. But because of my cowardice, my body was so scared that I couldn't move. That's why my father was imprisoned.

If this continues, my father won't be able to come out even if it takes more than ten years. Todo Kirin said with a painful look on his face.

Lin Mo couldn't help but feel pity when he saw Todo Kirin like this. He reached out and touched her head and comforted her: Kirin, don't be sad. In my opinion, you didn't do anything wrong at that time. Fear is an emotion that a person should have, not to mention that you were only eight years old at the time?

After hearing this, Todo Kirin wiped the mist from her eyes and said firmly. Senior, thank you! But I believe that with my own abilities, I can make my father see the light again!

Lin Mo sighed slightly. He has decided that his wish to be the champion of the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival is to help Todo Kirin rescue her father. Anyway, I don’t have any special needs. It's better to use this desire to do what you can.

but! All this is based on the premise that Lin Mo wins the Star Warrior Festival. If you are eliminated midway, no matter how good your ideals are, it will be in vain.

Lin Mo secretly made a decision in his heart. She has to change her lazy personality. Qilin is evenly matched with her. She doesn’t know what kind of terrifying strength the people in other colleges have. With her current self, she must not take it lightly.

Time always passed very quickly, and after the two chatted for a while, they separated. Because Todo Kirin had already planned a showdown with her uncle, she no longer relied on his consciousness to act, but had her own plan.

Time always passed very quickly, and after the two chatted for a while, they separated. Because Todo Kirin had already planned a showdown with her uncle, she no longer relied on his consciousness to act, but had her own plan.

·· 0Request flowers··· ······


As soon as Lin Mo arrived at the cafeteria, he was blocked by Julis.

Hey! What's going on? Why is Todo Kirin with you every morning! Even if you have an appointment for training, there is no need for two people to do the same thing every day! Julis started her battle. Question the crime.

The expression on your face that if you don't explain it to me, I'll ignore you, made Lin Mo dumbfounded.

You're talking about this! In fact, Todo Kirin asked me because she wanted to improve her strength as soon as possible to cope with the upcoming Star Warrior Festival. So you know the next scene.

.. .... ...

Really? Julis said suspiciously.

Lin Mo felt uncomfortable being stared at, so he smiled and quickly changed the subject: It's noon now, how about we have a meal together? Let's talk about this later!

Really? If you say that, then I will reluctantly agree. Julis had just walked to the automatic ordering counter when she suddenly woke up.

Wait! Don't try to get away with it! Let's talk about you and Todo Kirin carefully today! Julis said loudly! But it seemed that he was too excited and accidentally touched one of the dishes on the menu bar nearby.

As soon as Julis finished placing her order, an invoice came out from the machine nearby.

At this time, her face was completely frozen, and she was staring at the words on the invoice. A few minutes later, a large portion of specially spicy curry was brought to Julis' table.

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338 Interlude during lunch

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339 Another attack on Alcant Academy

In the early morning, two figures slowly ran on the greenway of the Seidoukan Academy.

The surrounding scene had turned into a cloud of turbid white smoke before they knew it. This scene made the visibility of the two of them less than 5 meters.

Lin Mo raised his hand to signal Daoteng Qirin to stop, frowning slightly. Logically speaking, when the sun first rises, although there will be a little fog, it will not be so thick.

In other words, this kind of appearance was deliberately created by someone in order to deceive others. As for who it is, Lin Mo doesn’t know yet.

Two scarlet eyes flickered like ghosts in the mist, and Lin Mo immediately became alert after seeing them.

Even Todo Kirin understood the crisis at hand and took out the tachi that he always carried. He leaned against Lin Mo and looked in all directions.

Qilin, be careful, there is more than one person around. Lin Mo said seriously.

Yes, I understand. But this 20 feels very strange. Rather than being a human being, it would be more appropriate to call it some kind of creature. Todo Kirin said, sensing the surrounding force field.

Creature? Lin Mo frowned deeply after hearing Qilin's words.

Suddenly, several figures sprang out from the grass like a pack of wolves and stopped not far from the two of them. Red pupils were staring at Lin Mo and Todo Qirin.

On its head is a reproductive organ similar to a goat's horn, and its body is agile. The overall crawling posture is similar to that of a lizard. The appearance is also similar to that of a lizard. Of course, this is without ignoring its scarlet pupils and the strange horns on its head.

The most important thing is that they have surrounded Lin Mo and Qilin.

The surrounding fog prevented Lin Mo from clearly seeing how many aggressive mutant lizards there were.

Well, it's kind of cute.

At this time, Todo Kirin looked at the creature with cracked eyes in front of him and said something for the first time that left Lin Mo speechless.

Lin Mo was about to say something, but the monster, which was still some distance away from him, quickly rushed forward without saying a word. In the hazy surroundings, their figures were hard to catch.

However, this situation is relative to ordinary people. For them, although it has a certain interference effect, it is not a serious problem.

As soon as the lizard figure jumped into the air, Lin Mo suddenly took out an ordinary Huang-style weapon and swung it out like lightning.

The white sword light not only briefly cut through the surrounding fog, but also cut off the lizard's sharp claws. Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo clenched his iron fist and suddenly blasted forward like thunder with an unstoppable force.

The white sword light not only briefly cut through the surrounding fog, but also cut off the lizard's sharp claws. Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo clenched his iron fist and suddenly blasted forward like thunder with an unstoppable force.

The powerful impact of the fist directly shattered its body. Balls of liquid scattered around, but what surprised Lin Mo was that their bodies returned to their original appearance in just a few seconds.

The strange phenomenon not only surprised Lin Mo, but also made Todo Kirin feel incredible.

Are they artificially created? Ordinary creatures don't have this powerful vitality. Lin Mo thought quickly in his mind as he looked at the lizards confronting him around him.

There is only one college that can produce such a thing, and yes, it is Alcant College, which is famous for its scientific research institutions!

Lin Mo was also thinking about what the girl named Agnesta said.

Since the other party dared to send people to attack him once, he would also dare to send people to attack him a second time!

As for the reason, Lin Mo doesn't know yet.

Alcant College, don't think that you can simply send people to attack us and that's it! At first, I wanted to let you go, but next time we see you, you will have to pay the price of attacking me! Lin Mo's pupils were gradually filled with a strange color, and his eyes gradually became cold.

A series of death lines gathered in his mind. He lifted the Huang-style weapon in his hand and lightly stepped forward with his feet, creating a strong whirlwind. The figure also disappeared from the spot.

In an instant, a monster with a goat-horned lizard body appeared in front of him. The Huang-style 983 weapon followed the dead line, cutting rapidly from the center and along the surrounding sides. A dozen rays of sword light instantly enveloped the monster in front of him.

In less than a second, it was broken into more than a dozen pieces of minced meat. Among the many pieces of meat, only one place reflected the dead line, and the rest of the places had no reaction at all.

Then this place is similar to the monster's weakness.

The blue lightsaber stabbed forward gently, and the monster's original attempt to condense into a body suddenly turned into a puddle of water and merged into the ground.

A walnut-like crystal core fell to the ground, making a 'clang' sound.

When Kirin Toto who was not far away saw this scene, he immediately understood the weaknesses of these monsters and imitated them.

The characters that were originally difficult to solve were easily solved in less than a minute under Lin Mo's eyes. The power of the Demonic Eye of Direct Death was also reflected at this moment.

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340 The official duel with Todo Kirin!

In a dark laboratory, several screens were still working slowly. What is displayed above is Lin Mo and Todo Kirin, as well as various data.

A girl looked speechless when she saw Lin Mo showing off his power, and there was a darker-skinned sister next to her.

Ah, I didn't expect Swordsman-kun to take care of the cute doll so quickly. It's a bit unexpected!

If Lin Mo were here, he would definitely say the other person's name subconsciously.


And next to her, naturally, was the inseparable Camilla. As researchers at Alcant Academy, it is not unusual for the two of them to be able to create strange-looking creatures.

How's it going? Did you see anything?

Camilla looked at Agnesta and said calmly.

Not yet. But for the Superman faction's box-pressing ability, it's too weak, right? It was solved in a few rounds. It's so boring. Agnesta put her head in her hands and leaned on the sofa and said absentmindedly. .

Don't be lazy all the time. It's important to collect data. The Superman faction has more than that. We just let them go for now! If the trouble continues, Seidoukan Academy will hold us accountable. Last time we were still Unless we were caught, how could we cooperate with each other? Camilla said helplessly.

I got it!

Agnesta pouted, looked at the two figures on the screen, slightly curved the corners of her mouth, and murmured to herself: Swordsman-kun, don't let me down! I spent a lot of effort. To arouse the hostility of the Superman faction. If it ends like this, wouldn’t all my efforts be in vain々`?”

At this time, Lin Mo had no idea that two very dangerous people were plotting against him. But if he found out about it, he would definitely come to her and give her a lesson, right?

Let her know why the flowers are so red.

Even if he doesn't look for it now, Lin Mo has already made this plan after experiencing this attack, and will wait for Qiu Hou to settle the score.

After finishing handling these lizards, Todo Kirin sighed quietly, with a look of regret on his face. Although you are very cute, I still can't help it.

Lin Mo heard the black line at the back end, and the wreckage of the two men's battles was everywhere around him. When it was about to finish, the lizard actually shot out a powerful fireball from its mouth. If Lin Mo hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been hurt.

But the fireball also completely destroyed the surrounding area. We can only wait for the construction crew to come and repair it.

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