Lin Mo's consciousness told him that this attack would not end so soon, and he didn't know when the next attack would come, so it was better to be careful.

Lin Mo's consciousness told him that this attack would not end so soon, and he didn't know when the next attack would come, so it was better to be careful.

The fog shrouding the greenway gradually dispersed. The sight of the two people was also guaranteed in an instant.

Go back! Let the staff solve the rest of the mess! Lin Mo said.

Yes. Todo Qirin responded softly.

On the way back, Lin Mo asked, Have you talked to your uncle? What did the other party say?

Well, it's still a bit difficult. He asked me to stay away from you, senior, but I refused. Because I think that only by getting in touch with more things or people can I learn more from them. Rather than being bound by my uncle all the time My will. Todo Kirin said with a wry smile.

Your idea is quite correct. Only when you come into contact with different people can you grow. So what are you going to do next? Are you going to join me and Julis in training in the future? Lin Mo agreed with his face. said.

Well, I have this plan, but before that, I have an unreasonable request that I would like to ask senior to agree to. Todo Kirin said very seriously.

What request?


On a stage, Lin Mo and Todo Qirin slowly faced each other. The people sitting on the surrounding stage were all people who came to watch. It is not an exaggeration to describe the mighty sound as a roaring mountain or a tsunami.

The cheers for the two of them almost reached the point of being hoarse, and their intensity was so intense that it made people feel ashamed.

Lin Mo looked at Totou Kirin, then smiled calmly and said: ¨` I didn't expect that you were talking about dueling with me. I didn't expect this.

Yes, senior, because I think this step is essential if you want to take a real step in Liumang. Todo Kirin said sincerely.

In this case, there is nothing we can do. I will do my best. The last duel was interrupted and I had to say something like a draw, but it is different now. Kirin Todou, are you ready? Really? Lin Mo looked around at the crowd of people.

Yes, I'm ready! Todo Kirin took a deep breath and slowly drew out the sword. Confronted with Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was also ready to go and was very energetic.

This is the duel stage of Seidoukan Academy, and it will be here soon to determine who is the top twelve. Is it the undefeated Todo Kirin, or the newcomer who is gaining momentum?

When the countdown reached zero, this much-anticipated game finally kicked off!

(2/6, I’m ashamed to say it. I fell asleep while writing yesterday. After riding for nearly 3 hours, I got home. I felt exhausted. When I got up today, I quickly made up for what I had done yesterday!) .

341 Flaws and opportunities!

I'm going to have sex with you, senior! Kirin Todo took the lead in taking the stance of a sword.

The petite figure ran quickly on the field, and the figure surrounded Lin Mo's side like the wind.

Lin Mo nodded, indicating that he was ready too! The snow-white sword was ready to go on the right side of his body. Since Lin Mo wants to win, he must use all his strength. He himself does not have the power of the star veins. If he is attacked a few times by Todo Kirin, he will not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, you must rely on your own physical strength and powerful reflexes to quickly detect Kirin Todou's attacks, and then dodge and attack.

But this time, Todo Kirin went all out from the moment he started, leaving no room for anything left. Lin Mo had truly experienced the super-fast Lianhe attack.

The blades, which were difficult to detect with the naked eye, struck Lin Mo one after another like a tsunami. Her attack method and attack speed are extremely fast and fierce, leaving no room for breathing.

Lin Mo held his breath and stared at Toudo Qirin's sword. The 'Sky Mark' sword in his hand also defended against the white blade coming from the void.

The defense like an iron wall made it impossible for Todo Kirin to attack.

And once Lin Mo catches the short gap after Todo Kirin's attack, his attack will pounce on her like a tiger!

Qiang Qiang Qiang!

Countless sparks burned in the air. Lin Mo's only advantage now is that he is much more powerful than Todo Kirin, and the lightsaber he swings can often bring up a strong wind.

Every time at this time, Todo Kirin had to retreat. She once tried to fight with Lin Mo, but the result was very tragic. Her sword almost came out of her hand. Not only that, even my arms can feel numbness.

So now she could only rely on her extraordinary speed to deal with Lin Mo.

Todo Kirin's attacks seemed to follow a certain pattern, which was pleasing to the eye. The blade driven by the figure flashed across the field, leaving traces of afterimages.

Famous for its forty-nine combos, ‘Lianhe’ is not an empty talk. At this moment, he truly attacks without stopping.

Fierce sparks continued to splash around the two people, and the sound of swords fighting echoed in the huge venue!

The high-intensity attack made Julis, who was not far away, smack her tongue.

Sure enough, monsters are incomparable to us.

Julis' words attracted the approval of those around her.

Next to her, Shasha Miya Saya stared at the field attentively. Regardless of whether she could learn anything from this battle, her horizons had undoubtedly improved.

Next to her, Shasha Miya Saya stared at the field attentively. Regardless of whether she could learn anything from this battle, her horizons had undoubtedly improved.

If she were to fight Todou Kirin, she would be defeated by her opponent within a few rounds.

If everyone in Alcant Academy has such strong strength, even if she tries her best, she still can't defeat them. Shasha Miya Saya made a decision deep in her heart. She could no longer live with an indifferent attitude.

She needs to change!


Lin Mo's arms bulged slightly, and a dazzling attack with a strong visual impact suddenly struck Tofuji Kirin.

Seeing this, Todo Kirin hurriedly stepped back, and the sword in his hand rose forward. Every time he collided with Lin Mo's attack in the air, he would resolve it with clever force.

It's like the feeling that you have all the power but it hits the marshmallow.

If Lin Mo wants to win, he must take things by surprise. While attacking, his mind was also running wildly. How to win this game became his only problem.

You can deliberately expose your flaws, wait for Kirin Tofuji to take the bait, and then counterattack. Or he could rely on his personal physical fitness to consume Kirin Todou's physical strength. In the end, the opponent could only lose his fighting power due to lack of physical strength. But this is obviously not what I want.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Mo decided to use the first method.

But Kirin Todou is not an idle person. If he deliberately exposes his flaws, the other party will definitely be able to see something.

This is when something unexpected happens.

After Lin Mo thought about it, the blade in his hand suddenly reversed. After sweeping away Todo Qirin, he tensed up and charged forward again.

Todo Kirin's eyes gradually ignited with fighting spirit. Don’t retreat but advance!

Lian He's attacks were like endless fierce horses, and he would fall under her hands at the slightest discomfort.

The fierce battle lasted for a minute. Todo Kirin also saw a flaw in Lin Mo, but did not dare to attack in vain, fearing that there would be some trap for Lin Mo. But if the battle continued like this, it would be very detrimental to herself, so she decided to take the risk.

This is not only her opportunity, but also Lin Mo's opportunity!

(3/6, please subscribe for flowers, okay, I was lazy yesterday, it’s my fault, no matter what I say today, I will make up for the rest! From today on, I will be inspired to be a diligent street boy!).

342 Todo Kirin’s admiration

Todo Kirin rushed forward without hesitation, knowing that this was a trap, but she had to take the risk!

Lin Mo looked at the approaching Todo Qirin and smiled lightly. Although the lightsaber in his hand had swung down, he was in no hurry to stop. He is waiting for an opportunity! And this opportunity was already clearly in front of him.

Suddenly, the Demonic Eye of Direct Death opened, with ice-red pupils, staring at the afterimages brought about by Todo Kirin.

Todo Kirin's blade was aimed at Lin Mo's school badge, and it rushed towards him like an arrow that pierced the sky and the earth. In this attack, Todo Kirin used almost all his strength on it -.

Even the strong resistance was torn apart by the blade and flowed to both sides.

Facing the incoming blade, Lin Mo tensed up his nerves.

It's close, it's close, it's now! Lin Mo's eyes suddenly burst into light, and the sword blade that had been swung down suddenly put it away.

The style of Yijian is reflected in this second!

This sword light, when Todo Kirin's blade struck, flickered, like a pillar of heaven, the sword light soared into the sky! The air seemed to be shaking violently.

Lin Mo turned around, and Kirin Todou's sword was dodged by him when it was less than a few millimeters away from Lin Mo! The desperate attack put Todo Kirin in a state of air defense.

Even if it only takes a second, Kirin Todou can get into the right posture and then counterattack. But, will Lin Mo give her a second to react?

The sword light that had been stored up suddenly burst out!

Like a sharp blade unsheathed, it traveled through time and arrived in front of Kirin Tofuji. He slashed off the school emblem on her chest in one breath and instantly!


A faint sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, accompanied by the sound of Kirin Todou's school badge being cut in half and falling to the ground.

Todo Kirin, however, still maintained the posture of wielding the sword.


Seeing that the winner was decided, the voices in the audience suddenly burst into cheers like a heat wave.

The attack angles and tricky distances during the battle, as well as the battle that broke out in an instant, all made the onlookers excited.

And Kirin Todou is worthy of the word genius. Todo-ryu has as many as forty-nine connected moves, and its power cannot be underestimated. As the only helmsman now, Todo Kirin has trained it to the level of Lu Qing.

And Kirin Todou is worthy of the word genius. Todo-ryu has as many as forty-nine connected moves, and its power cannot be underestimated. As the only helmsman now, Todo Kirin has trained it to the level of Lu Qing.

Lin Mo had heard her say this when he often trained with her before. Therefore, he has reached a point where he knows the basics of Todo Kirin's attack.

But despite this, it still seems difficult to defeat her. Because people like this are particularly difficult to deal with, they can often be very restrained.

Although Todo Kirin lost, he didn't look particularly depressed. He just smiled easily and brushed off the haze caused by losing this battle.

I lost.

Todo Kirin said sincerely. He admired the man in front of him who defeated him. With only a sword and no star power, he could defeat himself, who was the number one in the academy.

No matter in which aspect, Kirin Todou felt sincerely admired.

·· 0Request flowers··· ·······

That's right, Todo Kirin actually already knew that Lin Mo was not from the Xingmai generation. No matter how Lin Mo hides it, as long as you pay attention, you will be able to find that Lin Mo does not have any aura of star power on his body.

No matter what, on this island, ordinary skill attacks are realized by meteor fighting skills. But Todo Kirin had never seen this from Lin Mo.

He defeated her just by relying on his physical fitness and his peak swordsmanship. This kind of strength can be described as terrifying!

........ 0

In fact, nearly 90% of the people on this island are from the Xingmai generation. The remaining five percent are older people, and the other five percent are outsiders like Lin Mo.

The strength of outsiders can almost be described as slightly negligible, and their strength is pitifully weak. This is the first time for Kirin Toto to see someone like Lin Mo!

And Kirin Todou's uncle was naturally not from the Xingmai generation. If Todo Kirin really wanted to resist, it would be as easy as drinking water.

Of course, the management restrictions faced by the Star Pulse Generation are much more serious than ordinary people, which can be seen from Kirin Todou's father. Just because of excessive defense, he was sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

This is the sad thing about being a Star Pulse generation, everything will be controlled.

The topic has gone too far. Lin Mo looked at Toto Kirin in front of him, said hello, and returned to the lounge.

(4/6, please subscribe for flowers.).

343 Confession to the Demonic Eye of Death

In the lounge, Lin Mo was sitting on a stool, thinking about his shortcomings brought about by this battle. His main shortcoming now is that he doesn't know the power of star pulses. But the power of the star veins is not learned through external forces. Instead, its quality and strength are determined from birth.

Even if Lin Mo wanted to learn, he couldn't.

At this time, several people walked in one after another outside the door. Julis looked at Lin Mo and smiled helplessly: I didn't expect you to really win. I thought you would lose again. After all, the opponent has never had such a record. The undefeated number one in the academy, now it seems that you have to make a new plan based on your current strength.

Well, Three, four, three, I leave it to you! Lin Mo said.

However, you have to confess all your secrets to me! We are a team after all. Julis suddenly said seriously.

Uh. Lin Mo was speechless, but it was not possible to tell her all the secrets, so he decided to tell Yulis the function of the Demonic Eye of Direct Death.

You mean, your eyes can see something similar to lines? If you draw along these dead lines, then no matter how strong you are, you will die immediately? Julis said in shock.

Almost! As long as there is a beginning, there will be an end. Therefore, everything will eventually die, so it is called the 'death period' by me, Lin Mo said.

Even though I say this, there is actually another setting about the Demonic Eye of Death in the original work.

If you want to destroy other people's death lines, you must understand the source of matter. But here, the demonic eye of direct death that the system rewarded Lin Mo seems to have been eliminated.

Or, the information to understand the root cause is provided by the system, so no matter who Lin Mo sees, he can see the other party's death line.

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