It’s so exciting that the people around you are hooked. And Julis rushed over when she heard the duel between Lin Mo and Todo Kirin, the number one student in the academy.

After pushing away the crowd, Julis looked at Lin Mo angrily.

This guy, I just told him not to attract attention, but now he's facing off against Kirin Todou! And he made such a big fuss, I'm really speechless.

But... both sides seem to be evenly matched?

The more Julis watched, the more surprised 1.7's eyes became.

But at the same time, I also had a little doubt in my heart. Why didn't Todo Kirin use the blade to resist Lin Mo's attack, but kept dodging? But this question suddenly made her enlightened.

It should be that Todo Kirin realized that Lin Mo was powerful in the previous confrontation, so he planned to avoid his edge and use his own strengths to defeat Lin Mo!

But one thing made Todo Kirin miscalculate. Lin Mo's power was not only powerful, but also extremely fast! Even comparable to her! That's why the two of them couldn't gain the upper hand!

(Please subscribe for flowers. Because of the new book, the update of this book has been slowed down. I want to say sorry to everyone!).

334 It’s hard to get off the tiger

Todo Kirin took a slight breath, as if she didn't expect Lin Mo to be so difficult. The two had been engaged in a high-intensity competition for several minutes, and their physical strength had already declined.

Todo Koichiro on the side finally couldn't sit still and roared: Kirin, what are you doing! Get rid of him quickly!

Todo Kirin bit her lip and gradually began to feel anxious. And being anxious meant giving Lin Mo a chance.

Lin Mo's physical strength was much stronger than Todo Kirin's. Although he was somewhat out of breath, it was not enough to affect him.

Senior, your strength is beyond my expectation, so I will decide the outcome in the next few rounds. Todo Kirin suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said seriously.

Bead-like sweat on her forehead slowly dripped down her cheeks and onto the ground.

In that case, I'll do my best. Lin Mo breathed deeply, his icy rainbow eyes filled his eye sockets, and dead lines gathered in his entire sight like graffiti.

The onlookers couldn't help but shudder. It was obviously a sunny summer day, but they didn't know why they felt a cold breath.

It's like...a knife to your neck.

But Julis experienced this experience again, and her eyes when she looked at Lin Mo were full of curiosity and solemnity.

How many secrets does he...still have?

Since the audience all has the feeling of having a knife held to their necks, let alone Toto Kirin who confronts Lin Mo. Her body tensed up as if she were on an iceberg and snowy ground.

The feelings of the people around him were none of Lin Mo's business. He was now staring closely at the knife held by Todo Kirin.

Is it made of ordinary materials? That would be much easier. Lin Mo was planning to use the ability of the Demonic Eye of Direct Death to destroy Todo Kirin's weapon to win this round!

Lin Mo had his own wishful thinking, so why didn't Todo Qirin do the same? However, when she looked at Lin Mo, her eyes were full of fear. But the sight of Todo Koichiro on the side made her extremely anxious. Therefore, all strength will be unleashed in the next battle.

Todo Kirin adjusted her mentality, bent down slightly, and with a lunge, she suddenly lunged in the direction of Lin Mo. Her attack method is a bit like Lin Mo's way of using the two-sword style. It's just that the two swords turned into one sword.

Lin Mo's lightsaber also followed the trend! Relying on his strong reflexes, he constantly captured the position where Kirin Todo's figure was swinging the blade. At the same time, he was also observing her attack methods.

After several rounds of attacks, Lin Mo gradually got his head around it.

After several rounds of attacks, Lin Mo gradually got his head around it.

Todo Kirin slashed with the long sword, causing a strong wind, but Lin Mo quickly dodged it to the right.

But if it ended so easily, Lin Mo wouldn't have been fighting the opponent for so long!

The blade that Todo Kirin swung out suddenly turned around when Lin Mo dodged it! Using the side of the blade, he waved it towards Lin Mo's school emblem.

I've been waiting for you!

Lin Mo smiled, tilted his head back, and easily dodged Todo Kirin's attack. The lightsaber in his hand suddenly swung upward from under the blade of Todo Kirin!

So difficult.

Todo Kirin gradually felt helpless. At the same time, she stepped her right foot to the side, and the blade she swung back was pulled back, and it rubbed against the edge of Lin Mo's sword that was following closely.

But not long after the collision, the two separated.

Lin Mo's eyes saw that the dead line of Todo Kirin's blade had been cut off, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth became a little wider.

What is his intention? Todo Qirin looked at Lin Mo and thought secretly.

Qirin, show me your full strength! You haven't been able to defeat that kid for so long. Have all your strength training been in vain over the past few years? Think about your own mission! If you can't even win against him, you don't have to Come see me! A thunderous voice suddenly rang in Tooteng Kirin's ears.

Todo Koichiro's gloomy face that could drip water came into her eyes.

Uncle, I...

Todo Kirin was a little panicked and couldn't get off the tiger. She could see that Lin Mo's strength was not weaker than hers, and it was unrealistic to think of taking him down so easily.

But Todo Kirin knew better what kind of person his uncle was. He focused on the results and never cared about the process. It was obvious that Todo Kirin's performance disappointed him deeply.

(Please subscribe to Flowers. It’s strange. I uploaded one this morning and I don’t know why it didn’t show updates.).

335 Claudia comes forward

Regardless of whether what Todo Koichiro said was angry or not, the disappointment in his eyes was unavoidable. He only pays attention to the immediate results, and he doesn't actually care about the process.

However, it was precisely this that made Lin Mo a little angry. No matter what, for an uncle to use his niece as a bargaining chip, in his opinion, it is already very inhumane.

Taking advantage is fine, but using violence against a thirteen-year-old girl on a regular basis is really unbearable. If Lin Mo hadn't happened to go to Claudia today to ask some questions about this college, he might not have known this information.

I want to say, what qualifications do you have to order Qilin? Is it just based on the superficial identity of 'uncle'? Let's not talk about anything else. In daily life, do you treat her as an ordinary girl? Maybe it's right As far as you are concerned, she is just a profit-seeking machine. Lin Mo suddenly intervened.

Huh, so what? Toto Kirin needs my power to fulfill her wish. And I just get the rewards I deserve from her! Toto Koichiro said without mercy.

Besides, don't you, the Star Pulse Generations, claim to be able to recover from any injuries immediately? My injuries should be insignificant to her, right? Todo Koichiro said with a look of disgust.

Lin Mo finally figured it out. Todo Koichiro had a great dislike for the Xingmai generation, and he would not show mercy even to his own niece.

Mr. Todo, are you really okay with saying these things? If people from the Galaxy find out, I'm afraid your wish will be in vain.

Even as one of the eight largest financial groups in the world, they will never allow a person who hates the Star Pulse Generation to appear at the top of their management. You should understand what I am saying, Mr. Tofuji Koichiro.

Surrounded by everyone, Claudia, the student president who is known as an all-around talented girl, gradually stepped into everyone's sight.

Toudo Koichiro's expression changed when he saw the person coming, and then he hesitated for a few seconds and said with a slight lack of confidence: I know, I am willing to retract my preamble, and at the same time, I will make it clear to everyone here that I am sorry for my previous An unreasonable apology.”

In that case, it couldn't be better! Mr. Todo, as the student council president, I will give you a piece of advice! Speaking out is like throwing water away. Some things are not so easy to get. Claudia said meaningfully.

Todo Koichiro nodded pretending to understand. Seeing that things were getting worse and worse, it was hard for him to stay any longer. There was deep dissatisfaction and anger in the eyes that looked at Toudo Kirin.

But now it’s hard to have a seizure, so I can only leave unwillingly. He didn't care about Kirin Todou's affairs.

What Todo Koichiro is really afraid of is not the student council president, but her parents. Claudia's parents are one of the cadres of the Galaxy, and everyone has great rights. It is very easy to get rid of him.

Moreover, he has to rely on Claudia's parents to enter Galaxy's senior management. Otherwise, even if he uses Kirin Todou, he can only get a casual position in Galaxy.

Moreover, he has to rely on Claudia's parents to enter Galaxy's senior management. Otherwise, even if he uses Kirin Todou, he can only get a casual position in Galaxy.

This was unacceptable to him, which was why he was so polite to Claudia.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, looked with some surprise at Todo Koichiro, who left without saying a word. It seemed that the other party was very afraid of Claudia or the person behind him.

Todo Kirin was hesitating whether to follow him or not. After all, what her uncle said earlier really chilled her. Maybe she doesn't understand why Todo Koichiro hates herself so much. It's like there is some big contradiction.

Hey! Lin Mo, we just agreed in the afternoon not to reveal our strength easily, but I didn't expect that I would be dueling with someone else in the blink of an eye. Will you tell me the reason in detail?

Seeing that the dispute seemed to have finally come to an end, Julis finally had the opportunity to come up and question him.

. I understand, I will explain it to you later. Lin Mo said with a bitter smile.

Okay, now that the culprit of the incident has gone, let's treat the duel between you as neutralized! Claudia said with a smile.

Well, I don't care.

What about you, Kirin Todou?

Um, I have no objection, Seeing Claudia looking at him, Todo Kirin waved his hand in panic.

Then the incident is over. You two (Li Liao Zhao) come with me now. I have something to tell you. Julis, please wait outside. Claudia said with a smile. .

Lin Mo glanced at Todo Qirin, but he didn't expect that the other party was also looking at him secretly. After being discovered, Todo Kirin quickly lowered his head shyly.

Originally, I was still thinking about whether to return to Koichiro Todo, but since the student council president had something to ask him, he could only think about it later.

The duel between the two ended in a dramatic ending. Perhaps, this is undoubtedly the easiest thing for Kirin Todo. Even she herself doesn’t know why she feels this way.

(Please subscribe to flowers. There will be 6 updates during the Dragon Boat Festival.).

336 Three people’s conversation

In the president's room, Todo Kirin and Lin Mo looked at Claudia who was smiling and confused in front of them. Julis was originally following, but because she was ordered by Claudia, she could only wait outside.

I came to see you. I have something to tell you. Lin Mojun, the repair of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword has been completed. Although it took a lot of time, it is almost done. It's just a little headache, then It’s just that the consciousness that originally resided in the Black Furnace Demonic Sword has been completely erased for some reason.” Claudia said helplessly.

So fast? I thought it would take some time. Lin Mo said in surprise.

Rather than repairing it, it would be better to say that the current Black Forge Demon Sword is only a semi-defective product, because the most important thing inside has been destroyed by you. Claudia handed the hilt of the Black Forge Demon Sword to Lin Mo.

Really? It's a little inappropriate to give me this sword. After all, I already have a weapon. Then why not take the Black Furnace Demonic Sword back to my world and see if Tohka and the others need it. Then If it doesn’t work, it’s fine as a collection.” Lin Mo thought in his heart.

Todo Kirin who was on the side saw that the two were discussing something, and stayed aside in silence.

Okay, now that we've talked about Lin Mo, the next thing is about Qilin. Claudia smiled.

Me? Todo Kirin looked at Claudia in confusion.

Well! Qirin, let me ask, is there anything you need your uncle, Mr. Koichiro Todo, to complete? Claudia asked seemingly calmly. But her eyes were narrowed tightly, like a scheming fox, and she seemed to be planning something.

Todo Kirin was silent for a while and then said: I want to rescue my father who was imprisoned for self-defense, so I need my uncle's strength.

So that's it.

Claudia nodded understandingly, and then said with a hint of temptation: In that case, you might as well participate in the Star Warrior Festival and win the championship. Every champion of the Star Warrior Festival can make a wish to do one thing. Compared with It's better to stay with your uncle and have a better chance of rescuing your father.

I believe it shouldn't be that difficult to win the Star Warrior Festival with your skills. Claudia said with a smile.


Kirin Todo's thirteen-year-old face began to show hesitation. Compared to his uncle's plan, participating in the Star Warrior Festival and winning the championship is also a good choice.

But she didn't feel comfortable drawing conclusions so quickly. After all, the road ahead is also unknown.

Claudia seemed to have noticed Todo Kirin's difficulty, so she said: You don't have to give me an answer so quickly. There are still a few days until the start of the competition. We will bring it down in the academy in the next few days, and then How about making a decision again?”

Then thank you, Chairman. Todo Kirin breathed a sigh of relief.

What I didn't expect is that Lin Mo, you can actually fight on a par with a descendant of the Todo-ryu family. I thought you would definitely lose if you met her. Claudia approached Lin Mo and stared at her. Looking at Lin Mo's side face, he asked curiously. Two turbulent things were dangling unabashedly in front of Lin Mo.

What I didn't expect is that Lin Mo, you can actually fight on a par with a descendant of the Todo-ryu family. I thought you would definitely lose if you met her. Claudia approached Lin Mo and stared at her. Looking at Lin Mo's side face, he asked curiously. Two turbulent things were dangling unabashedly in front of Lin Mo.

Before Lin Mo could say anything, Todo Kirin said hurriedly: There is no such thing, senior, he is very strong. When she said this, her eyes seemed to be lingering on the president's chest. As she stood, an inexplicable feeling of jealousy overflowed in her chest.

But don't you know that her figure is also among the best among the thirteen-year-old group.

Claudia's face was stunned. After she came to her senses, she pursed her lips and smiled: Really? It seems that Qilin is very protective of Lin Mo.

After hearing this, Todo Kirin lowered his head shyly.

Lin Mo saw this and smiled helplessly: Okay, Claudia, stop joking and talk about business!

Yes, Claudia said, hiding her smile.

Would you like to introduce me to the Todo-ryu family? I just came to this island and I'm not particularly clear about some things. Lin Mo said.

Claudia didn't joke this time, but said seriously: The Todo-ryu family emerged as a modern school. It has a reputation like 'like an Origuru', and its characteristic is that it continuously attacks. Known for giving the other person a chance to breathe.”

The president knows so much! Todo Kirin looked at her in surprise, and then added: But the weakness is also relatively obvious. If you are besieged, it will be difficult to use this kind of attack to stand up.

So I admire the senior very much. He can use swordsmanship to be as good as me. When he said this, Todo Kirin looked at Lin Mo with curiosity and said.

Senior, is your swordsmanship inherited from a certain family?

Lin Mo shook his head and said: No, I have learned these sword skills myself. I have not inherited them.

Todo Kirin was even more surprised after hearing Lin Mo's words: Really? From the few rounds I fought with seniors, I can feel that seniors' swordsmanship seems to have been mastered after a long period of training. I also I thought it came from a certain school, but it seems I was wrong.”

Lin Mo smiled and stopped explaining.

Senior, can I ask you a favor? Can you allow me to participate in the future training? Because when I came to this academy, I trained alone. I don't know what my shortcomings are, so I still want to Please give me some advice, senior, Todo Kirin said.

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