As its representative, I am even less likely to agree with his theory.

The tit-for-tat arrogance lingered in the air. For a moment, the training room was silent. Faced with this situation, Claudia had no choice but to come out and end it. He coughed deliberately and said.

So, guests, is it time to get down to business?

That's right, I'm sorry. After hearing this, Camilla turned around and walked towards Claudia.

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331 Help Shasha Miya Saye find teammates?

Wait a minute! Just when Camilla was about to walk out of the door of the training room, Shasha Miya Saya stopped her loudly.

I request to withdraw your words! Although I don't know what my father has been through before, I will never allow you to slander him! Shasha Gong Saya said firmly.

Oh? You want me to retract what I said before? It's impossible. Unless I agree that your father's previous theories are correct, otherwise. In my eyes, your father is no different from those clowns! Camila's eyes revealed deep disdain.

Do you mean to let me duel?

NONONO, little girl, this is not the kind of recognition Camilla is talking about! The lively girl Agnesta who was following her saw such an interesting thing, and a malicious smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth. .

Shasha Gong Saya's dark blue pupils revealed a rather puzzled look. Although she has a careless personality, she usually doesn't have any particular fondness for her father, who likes to hang out with graduate students. But she will never allow her father to be slandered by anyone!

If it doesn’t work, it won’t work! This is her bottom line...

Hehe... In one month's time, the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival will officially begin! Camilla and I will both participate. If you want her to take back these words and want your father's research to be recognized by the world, then you must Just show enough strength to defeat us!

Otherwise, a one-sided duel is meaningless! Ainesta blinked, and after saying that, she followed Camilla, leaving behind a slightly angry Shasha Gongsha. night.

I have decided! I want to participate in the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival and win the championship! Shasha Gong Saya's voice suddenly echoed in the training room where there were only three people at the beginning.

To participate in the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival, you must form a team of two. Have you found a partner? Lin Mo looked at Shasha Gong Saya and asked curiously.

The scene just now was caught in everyone's eyes. Although Julis didn't particularly like Shasha Gong Saye, she gradually felt recognized for her awareness.

The eyes that looked at her were also quite pleasing to the eye. But when Shasha Miya Saya was asked about forming a team, she couldn't be happy anymore, and her face even turned dark.

Of course I will form a team with you! Although we don't know each other, we have only met a few times. And I understand that your strength is undoubtedly strong, and it is perfect to form a team with me! And based on my feeling, I don’t think you’re a bad person.” Shasha Gong Saya said calmly, without taking any notice of Yulis who was already teaming up with Lin Mo.

He even started poaching in front of her.

Although I am so trusted by someone, why can't I be happy? Especially after hearing the last sentence, do I look like a bad guy? Lin Mo said depressedly.

Julis, on the other hand, directly pushed Shasha Gong Saye away, who was standing next to Lin (caee) Mo, and walked in with an indignant look on her face.

Julis, on the other hand, directly pushed Shasha Gong Saye away, who was standing next to Lin (caee) Mo, and walked in with an indignant look on her face.

You need to figure something out first. Lin Mo and I have already formed a team! If you invite my partner in front of me, don't you look down on me too much? Don't you know anyone?

Shasha Gong Saye was confused for a while, then came back to her senses and said calmly.


Then you can just find someone to participate in the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival! Why did you choose him?

You can't do it casually!

Shasha Gong Saya looked at Lin Mo and said: Because I want to prove to them! Whether my father's theory is correct or not, so I want to win the championship! Moreover, I think Lin Mo is more suitable to stay with me, like you This kind of woman who only knows how to get angry doesn't know anything, and staying with Lin Mo is just a drag on him!

What did you say!

When Julis heard what Shasha Gong Saya said, she immediately became angry. She wished she could burst into bloom and burn the expressionless blue-haired girl in front of her to ashes!

Okay, stop arguing!

Lin Mo came forward and said: Since I have agreed to team up with Julis, there is no way I can break my promise. So I'm sorry, you'd better find someone else! But I can help you introduce a partner for the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival.

Lin Mo recalled the timid girl he met earlier.

Hmph! Did you hear that? Lin Mo has agreed to form a team with me, so you'd better give up! Julis said with a hint of pride.

Really? As long as you can introduce me to a partner who is not too weak. Shasha Gong Saya was slightly disappointed after hearing Lin Mo's words. But when she heard that Lin Mo would help her find teammates, her fighting spirit was rekindled.

I guarantee your satisfaction! Lin Mo smiled mysteriously.

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332 Todo Kirin and the dispute

Walking in the deserted corridor, Lin Mo sighed inexplicably and said to himself: Although I have agreed like this, will the other party agree? Wait, I have no contact with the other party at all. What a way! What should I do?

Lin Mo was caught in a dilemma.

Suddenly, Lin Mo seemed to hear someone arguing in front of him. Then he looked sideways, and a familiar shadow gradually came into his eyes. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he already knew the identity of one of them.

Toto Kirin! The girl Lin Mo met on the way to the training room!-

Although the other party is only 13 years old, she is actually the number one person in the Seidoukan Academy!

Kirin Todou, the first among the top twelve, is neither the owner of a pure star weapon nor a witch. He climbed to the top spot simply by relying on a knife.

Its strength can be described as extremely powerful.

But she is an out-and-out cowardly girl. She is shy when meeting strangers and is always cautious when speaking. No matter how she looks at it, she is not worthy of the word 'number one'.

However, only those who have watched her play know how powerful she is.

Even Claudia made a lot of comments about Kirin Todou. Lin Mo could even hear an aftertaste of panic and sympathy in her words.

Originally, Lin Mo wanted to go over and say hello to Todo Kirin, but when he saw that the middle-aged man who was scolding him was about to make a move if he disagreed with him, Lin Mo couldn't help but grabbed his hand. Hands stopped him.

Huh? Who is your boy?

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo who suddenly came out. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man's tall and erect body gives people a particularly capable feeling. The light radiates instantly from his eyes, and from time to time he exudes an aura that belongs to the superior. From these points, it shows that he is a person with extremely special status.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, glanced at the bewildered Todo Kirin next to him, and then said calmly: It doesn't matter who I am, but I think you, a grown man, shouldn't attack a girl.

The man directly took out the hand that Lin Mo had grasped, and said with a hum, I am disciplining her as an uncle now, there is no need for outsiders to interfere.

Uncle? Lin Mo was surprised.

That's right, I am Todo Koichiro, and Todo Kirin over there is my niece. If you understand, get out of my way. Todo Koichiro touched his wrist. He said with an evil look.

Lin Mo looked at Toto Kirin, and when she nodded, he knew that things were not that simple.

In the final analysis, injuries of this level are nothing to your 'Star Pulse Generation', right? Todo Koichiro continued.

In the final analysis, injuries of this level are nothing to your 'Star Pulse Generation', right? Todo Koichiro continued.

Even so, I will still feel pain. Lin Mo not only did not leave, but also stretched out his hand to protect Todo Qirin.

After hearing what Lin Mo said, Todo Kirin's eyes couldn't help but become complicated. Of course she knew who the big brother in front of her was who was protecting her.

When I first came to the academy, I was lucky enough to see a duel between him and Julis, and I was full of praise for his strength. They bumped into each other by chance in the afternoon. After chatting for a few words, they found that they were very compatible. However, at that time, because Lin Mo had to agree to go to the training room, there was not much in-depth discussion.

Now they meet again and are even protected. Todo Kirin was very moved by Lin Mo's behavior, but that didn't mean that she would resist her uncle. The fear of him still exists.

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May I have your name?

Lin Mo knew that the other party would definitely investigate him, but he still said his name. The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and the soil will cover it. Anyway, he has nothing to fear.

Oh? Since you are still ranked fourth? But even so, you are still a miscellaneous fish. Todo Koichiro glanced at the information he had just retrieved, his face full of disdain.

Okay, since you can't stand me, tell me what you want me to do? Todo Koichiro suddenly asked.

...... . 0

Lin Mo glanced at the other party suspiciously. To be honest, he actually had a good impression of Todo Kirin, so he came up with the idea of ​​protecting her.

Maybe personal thoughts take over a little bit, but one thing can be said. A girl with a weak personality like Kirin Todou can't help but make people want to protect her.

Tell me, what do you want to ask me to do? Seeing Lin Mo's silence, Todo Koichiro looked down on him even more.

Let's do this. Just agree with me not to use violence against her again. Lin Mo said even though he didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd.

Toto Kirin suddenly trembled when she heard Lin Mo's words, but returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Todo Koichiro also saw the strange behavior of Todo Kirin, and couldn't help but sneered: Of course you can, but you have to win the duel first.

And your duel partner is her! Todo Koichiro pointed at the girl next to Lin Mo, and the teasing in his eyes became more intense.

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333 Duel with Kirin Todou

Todo Kirin's face was startled, and her eyes seemed to be pleading when she looked at her uncle.

Uncle, I...

Shut up! Do you want to disobey me? Todo Koichiro shouted directly.

No...that's not what I meant. Todo Kirin lowered his head deeply.

That's good! Don't forget who brought you to where you are now! As long as you defeat that young man in his prime, you will be able to regain your prestige in the future! Todo Koichiro said and turned around. body and stood aside.

All the choices are up to her, it depends on how she chooses! Todo Kirin looked at Lin Mo, struggling internally, but in the end, she chose to obey her uncle's order. Four Nine Seven

I... Todo Kirin, apply for a duel to Senior Lin Mo!

Does it have to be like this? Lin Mo sighed quietly after hearing Tooteng Qirin's words.

I'm sorry, if senior refuses now, then this matter will calm down soon. Todo Kirin said in a low voice.

What about you? Are you still the same as before? Lin Mo looked at Todo Koichiro beside him.

My doesn't matter what happens, because there is nothing you can do about it. Todo Kirin said lonely.

If this is the case, then I can't back down. Seeing this, Lin Mo said calmly.

Senior is really gentle! Then, there is no other way! I also have a reason why I can't lose. After finishing speaking, Todo Kirin untied the cloth bag behind him. A knife was slowly pulled out by her.

His originally timid character became determined when the blade was unsheathed. The momentum is no longer as weak as it seems, but a feeling of sharpness.

His whole person changed instantly! Just having a knife in her hand gave her enough confidence.

And Lin Mo was no longer hiding his clumsiness, a long sword as white as snow gathered together at his call. A gentle wave forward brought up a strong wind.

The deep pupils also became serious. After all, he is the number one student in Seidoukan Academy, so there is no room for his carelessness!

I'm going to fuck!

After Toudo Kirin finished speaking, his figure rushed forward like a swift cheetah. It was so fast that it was difficult to detect with the naked eye and the sword light was swung forward.

The white sword light flashed through the void! Lin Mo didn't panic at all, but responded calmly. With his keen sense, the Tianhen Sword moved directly to the outside and made a blocking gesture with his hand. He blocked Kirin Todo's blow.

But Todo Kirin is not a novice who will wait stupidly for Lin Mo to counterattack. The blindingly fast blades struck one after another without giving anyone a chance to breathe.

The white sword light seemed to penetrate the void and attack from all directions in the blink of an eye.

The white sword light seemed to penetrate the void and attack from all directions in the blink of an eye.

Todo Kirin's originally petite figure seemed to finally show her advantage at this moment. Often when she swung a sword, she would make some moves in advance to defend herself.

The attack like a torrential rain would not give Lin Mo any chance to counterattack!

At this moment, Lin Mo couldn't help but admire the power of Todo Qirin, who had already mastered such powerful sword skills at the age of thirteen. Even with such a high-intensity attack. The breath is not messy at all. As if Lin Mo's escape route had already been calculated, he would make up for the next attack after the attack.

But with her strong reflexes, Todo Kirin never had a chance to catch her weakness.

Lin Mo understood that he could no longer defend, so he opened a position with Todo Kirin. Then he held the Tianhen Sword tightly and launched an attack with a body shape like the wind.

The tricky long sword, with a sharp sound, launched a fierce attack on Todo Kirin. Dazzling sword light filled her surroundings.

The sword light and the sword light were mixed together, causing hot sparks to rub off... In just an instant, the two of them completed the attack, moved their footsteps, sealed the opponent's position, and then waited for an opportunity to find Flaws and other actions!

Senior Lin Mo, you are indeed very powerful, but I will not admit defeat! Todo Kirin's fighting spirit seemed to be provoked by Lin Mo. The speed of the blade is much faster than before.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was slightly startled. When he looked at Totou Kirin, the word 'genius' had long been replaced in his eyes.

At the age of thirteen, you already have such strength, it's really scary!

The crowd of onlookers grew larger and larger, and countless people recorded videos of the duel between the two. After all, this battle may be recorded in history!

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