Bang, bang, bang.

Muffled sounds and advancing footsteps surrounded Lin Mo's ears.

The long sword in Lin Mo's hand paused slightly, his eyes became extremely sharp, and the blade of the 'Tianhen' sword emitted an icy cold light in the void.

Three seven zero The next second, the army of puppets struck first, and bullets from submachine guns were flying towards Lin Mo. If you don't dodge in time, you will be directly beaten into a hornet's nest.

Suddenly, a white barrier appeared in front of Lin Mo. At the same time, the energy flowing on the Skymark Sword in his hand actually accelerated a bit. I don't know if it was Julis's illusion!

Qiang Qiang Qiang!

The white barrier blocked a huge portion of the gunfire, and Lin Mo's Death Eye also opened. The world in front of me suddenly turned into a world like a child's random graffiti.

Red lines suddenly filled the entire world.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo's figure rushed forward like an arrow piercing the sky. Tianhen's sharp edge cut open the puppet in front of him like an afterimage.

The doll seemed particularly hard to Julis, but in front of Lin Mo, it was as vulnerable as a child's toy.

Lin Mo finally opened a gap in the huge square array! In the eyes of others, Lin Mo now looks like one man is in charge and no one can stop him.

The sword edge that tore through the air wrote chapters after chapters in the void. Lin Mo's figure was as fast as a rampaging cheetah and difficult to catch.

The army of puppets without any emotions could only see a white stream of light flashing through the crowd. The next moment, their heads were separated.

In an instant, the number of the puppet army was rapidly decreasing. Silas's face then became extremely ugly.

Impossible! How can your sword ignore defense!

Silas mistakenly thought that Lin Mo's Death Eye was the sword in his hand. Because no matter how you look at it, the defense on the doll instantly collapsed when it encountered Lin Mo's sword edge, and it had no effect at all.

But in Lin Mo's eyes, he just lightly drew along the dead line, and the puppet in front of him fell apart.

After Lin Mo heard Silas's words, he dismissed them. The movements in his hands couldn't help but speed up a lot. If his previous speed was as fast as a cheetah, then his current speed can be compared to lightning.

Before Lin Mo could be seen, the doll's bodies began to collapse one by one.

Before Lin Mo could be seen, the doll's bodies began to collapse one by one.

Seeing this, Silas's face had become as ugly as pig liver color. The intention to quit had already arisen in his heart, as if he didn't expect Lin Mo to be so powerful!

The army of puppets obtained from Alcant College had no effect on Lin Mo?

His only support now is the mechanical doll. But now that Lin Mo has almost wiped him out, he will undoubtedly be seeking death if he continues to stay.

Hold them, my queen!

In desperation, Silas revealed his final trump card. As for himself, he hurriedly found a doll and led him to fly to the cave above his head to escape.

But Julis saw it and shouted anxiously to Lin Mo: Lin Mo, Silas wants to escape!

In fact, Lin Mo also captured Silas's movements without Julis' reminder... 0

The reason why he didn't pursue him immediately was because he wanted to deal with the mechanical doll that was many times taller than the other dolls in front of him first.

Lin Mo's tiny figure suddenly passed by like a bright stream of light! With a strong air explosion, he rushed towards it. Rainbow-colored eyes carefully captured the doll's dead line. Then, the long sword in his hand fell down in an instant.

Bah, bah, bah.

The sound the Skymark Sword made when it penetrated the body of the mechanical doll made Julis' face light up. Without caring about anything, he ran directly in front of Lin Mo.

Let's go after Silas. If he escapes back to Alecante College, there will be nothing we can do.

But are you feeling okay? It's enough to chase me alone.

Julis looked into Lin Mo's eyes and said seriously: I don't want to be a burden to you. So please, I must give that despicable villain a good look this time!

In that case, I'll leave it to you, Julis! After Lin Mo finished speaking, a smile gradually appeared in the corners of Julis' eyes after hearing this. But in the blink of an eye, she took it back and became extremely serious. 3.1.

Bloom gorgeously! Bird of Paradise Lantern Wings!

A red magic circle lit up on Lin Mo's back, and finally a bright flame spewed out and condensed into the shape of a wing.

Give me control, let's go together!

Okay! Lin Mo nodded, and then the two figures gradually left the ground and began to chase Silas in the direction of his escape. This time, even if the opponent has wings, it will be difficult for him to fly!

(1/3, please subscribe. The college entrance examination is tomorrow. The author here wishes everyone can get into the college of their dreams! At the same time, I have to lament how fast time flies.).

329 Alcan Institute

The arrest process went surprisingly smoothly. Julis just added the power of the star veins to her wings, and her speed was greatly improved. Silas, who had just escaped not long ago, was easily captured by the two of them and handed over to Claudia.

At the same time, this incident also further deepened their relationship. It's not as stiff as before.

Although Lin Mo regarded Julis as a real teammate before, he did not think so in the eyes of the other party, which meant that he had not yet recognized the identity of 'teammate'. The gap between the two of them has truly disappeared through this incident!

In a training room, the battle between Lin Mo and Yulis gradually reached a fierce stage.

Julis held the 'Corolla Sword' and looked at Lin Mo in front of her, her blue pupils becoming extremely serious. A huge magic circle emerged under her feet, and flames like a sea of ​​fire leaped up from the ground, converging into circular discs and flying towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo faced the dozens of oncoming attacks and did not retreat but instead advanced. The white lightsaber left an erratic phantom in the void, as if it had penetrated the space and collided with Julis' attack in the blink of an eye.

After breaking through Julis' attack with bursts of violent sonic booms, Lin Mo's figure jumped high and closed the distance with Julis.

When Julis saw Lin Mo's landing point, the corner of her mouth raised slightly. The flower-crown revolving sword streaked through the void. He shouted like a commander's order.

Bloom! Rongcrack Flame grabs the flower!

Around Lin Mo, five flames were seen rising from the ground like fireworks, and in a blink of an eye, they surrounded Lin Mo, shrouding him inside.

Little sparks flew onto Julis's face, but before she could get happy, a figure came to her like a bolt of lightning piercing the thunder without giving her a chance to react.

The cold sword edge reached her white neck.

At the same time, the time was also fixed at 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Julis sighed softly when she saw this.

I lost.

When she said this, Julis' tense nerves relaxed. He looked at Lin Mo in front of him unwillingly. There was a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect that the time you have to defeat me is getting shorter and shorter.

Lin Mo smiled: You are actually very strong. But in the past few days of fighting with you, I have gradually understood your skills, and you will no longer be so threatening in the future.

After hearing this, Julis not only did not feel negative at all, but actually became a little happy. After all, the stronger Lin Mo is, the more likely he is to receive the Phoenix Star Warrior Sacrifice.

But being suppressed by one person for so long would make anyone else unhappy. Julis was in this awkward situation.

But being suppressed by one person for so long would make anyone else unhappy. Julis was in this awkward situation.

But you can't be careless. After all, there are so many people stronger than us in this world! You can't count them with both hands and feet. Julis said.

Lin Mo nodded thoughtfully: Indeed. Julis, there are some things I have never known, so I want to ask you. What is the strength of these six colleges?

After recalling it for a while, Julis said helplessly: I can't do anything about this. If you want to know, just ask the student council president. After all, she knows more than me.

Okay, I'll ask Claudia about this when I have time! But as you said, we can't take it lightly. The less exposed, the better it is for us.

Julis also agreed with Lin Mo's point of view. But at this moment, the trainer's door slowly opened. Shasha Miya Saya walked in with a confused look on her face.

Strange, why am I here when I want to go to the dormitory?

Lin Mo heard Shasha Gong Saye's words very clearly. Then he shook his head. This was the second time they met the road-crazy Shasha Miya Saye. Even Julis raised her forehead to express her speechlessness.

Ah? Why are you here? Shasha Gong said with a surprised look on his face.

We should be asking you this, right? Julis complained.

Yes! I really want to get lost... Shasha Gong Saya suddenly realized.

Oh? Is everyone here? The voice came from 600 Claudia who walked in one after another from outside the gate. Following her was Sister Yan Yu, who had darker brown skin. The other one is a girl with brown hair who looks more lively.

Hehe, is this the trainer from Star Guide Academy? He's really beautiful! The lively girl looked around curiously.

The other lady who was following Claudia had her hands folded across her chest, a look that was not uncommon for her.

Don't make such a fuss, Agnesta.

Hehe, I understand. The girl named Agnesta said nonchalantly.

Claudia smiled slightly and introduced to the three people who were still in question: This is Camila Parrett from Alcante Institute. And Ernest who also belongs to Alcante Institute Da Junai.

Because we will jointly develop new Huang-type weapons at Alcant Academy, we came here to sign the contract today. Claudia explained.

(2/3, please subscribe for flowers.).

330 tit for tat

Julis curled her lips disdainfully after hearing Claudia's words: I see. You want to obtain technology on the condition of not reporting Silas, right?

Al~ I don't know what you are talking about! Claudia's eyes narrowed slightly in an arc, she covered her mouth and smiled meaningfully.

After Lin Mo and Julis saw Claudia like this, they didn't ask too much. Anyway, they know pretty much what they should know, and Claudia is just pretending not to know.

As for who it is for, of course it goes without saying.

This matter doesn't matter anymore, but why are they brought here? Julis asked.

Hey, hey, hey! That's because I want to see it! The girl named Agnesta started dancing. There was always an excited expression on his face, as if a scientist had encountered something interesting and was full of curiosity. He jumped all the way to Lin Mo.

The swordsman who can cut off all my dolls... The girl said in a surprising tone. After hearing this, Julis immediately became wary of her and pointed her corolla sword directly at Agnestra.

You guy! Stay away from Lin Mo!

Not only did Agnesta not listen to Julis's warning, but she happily observed Lin Mo like a rabbit around him.

That's it. That's it.

That's great, I'm attracted to you!

Lin Mo scratched his head, even though a woman said something full of ambiguity to his face. But he was not happy at all in his heart.

The girl smiled happily. He stepped forward lightly, and opened his white coat to Lin Mo's ear. He stood up on tiptoe and whispered to him: But next time, it won't be so smooth. Yo!

Before Lin Mo could react, a particularly warm yet cold touch came from his face. But after a second, the feeling disappeared.

what have you been doing!!!

Julis took a breath and looked at Agnesta as if she had been frightened by something.

Although Lin Mo didn't feel anything special, it was different in Julis's eyes. Full of jealousy emanating from his eyes. She saw the scene just now clearly.

Lin Mo kissed Lin Mo's cheek without any precaution.

It would have been nice if I had done the scene just now by myself. Julis said inwardly with a look of envy.

But Agnesta was surrounding Camilla as if nothing had happened, laughing happily like a child who had succeeded in a prank. He was still saying something.

But Agnesta was surrounding Camilla as if nothing had happened, laughing happily like a child who had succeeded in a prank. He was still saying something.

It's so scary, so scary. Am I just saying hello?

Camila shook her head helplessly, looked at a few people with an apologetic look and said, I'm very sorry, Agnesta has this kind of character, I hope you don't suggest it.

It's okay. Lin Mo waved his hand and said nonchalantly. Anyway, I have taken advantage, and there will be no end if I continue to struggle. Especially when he was targeted by a shady girl.

Until now, Shasha Gong Saye was still looking at the people sitting there with a blank look on her face, and she had never understood the current situation. At this moment, she was hesitating in her heart whether she should leave. After all, there really is no chance for me to intervene here.

Claudia's eyes suddenly looked at Sasha Miya Saya who was about to leave: Sasha Miya Saya, are you ready to go back now?

Well, yes. Shasha Miyazaya paused and continued: Um... may I ask which direction the girls' dormitory should go? I just came here, so I'm not particularly familiar with it yet.

Really? Let Julis take you back later! I have something to do and I can't get away, so Julis, can you please? Claudia looked at Julis who was standing next to Lin Mo. said.

¨` It doesn't matter, I have to go back soon anyway. Come with us. Julis said.

Then it's up to you, Julis! Claudia smiled slightly.

Oh? Are you the daughter of Professor Shasha Palace? Camilla said, looking at Saya thoughtfully.

Yes, so what? Saya admitted.

I see, I just didn't expect that man to still be alive in the world? Is he still playing with his absurd theories? Camilla looked at the pistol hanging on Saya's waist and said with disdain.

Shasha Miya Saya frowned slightly after hearing Camilla's words: Who are you? Why do you say that your father's research is wrong? What qualifications do you have to comment?

Ka (Qian's Zhao) Mira looked at Shasha Gong Saya with a condescending look: Your father was originally a member of Alcant Academy, but he was expelled from Alcant Academy and us because of his heretical attributes. People from ‘Luoxing Engineering’.”

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