The Black Furnace Demonic Sword seemed to be angry, and suddenly a violent electric current burst out, knocking Lei Shida away.

It seems he was rejected. Claudia witnessed all this.

Although I have heard that pure Xinghuang weapons have self-awareness, this is the first time I have seen it. The boy next to him said in surprise.

Lin Mo stared at the Black Furnace Demonic Sword floating in the air without saying a word, wondering what he was thinking.

Lei Shida, who fell to the ground, reluctantly got up again, but no matter how hard he tried, the Black Furnace Demonic Sword kept repelling him. Not long after, it flew out again.

That's enough! Although I admire your pursuit of power, there are some things that cannot be obtained by strength alone! Claudia, who couldn't stand it anymore, shouted towards the inside.


Lei Shida gritted his teeth and looked at the sword in front of him, wishing that it would be at his feet forever. But just like what Claudia said, some things cannot be solved by brute force.

The clenched fist angrily hit the barrier on one side, and finally fell down unwillingly. Because of the competition with Lin Mo, he deeply realized the shortcomings of his own strength.

So I want to come here to change to a more powerful pure star-style weapon!

However, the Black Furnace Demonic Sword is different from ordinary weapons. As a demonic sword with autonomous consciousness, others do not choose it, but it chooses others!

After Lei Shida came down, he took his men and left without saying a word. I don’t even want to stay here for a second longer.

Lin Mo, Ayato Amagiri, who comes first, you two? Claudia glanced at Lei Shida who was leaving, shook her head, and then turned to look at the two of them.

I'll go first! As for weapons, I'd better choose the Black Furnace Demonic Sword. The corners of Lin Mo's mouth rose slightly as if he had encountered something interesting.

Oh! Are you sure you want to choose this weapon? Because of Leishida's test just now, the fit of the Black Furnace Demon Sword is still 6% of the previous one. If you insist on testing, it may cause the Black Furnace Demon Sword to attack. Claudia said in surprise.

It doesn't matter, just choose it!

It doesn't matter, just choose it!

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he walked directly inside. Seeing this, Claudia could only helplessly ask the tester inside to open an entrance for Lin Mo.

Let me see what you are capable of!

Lin Mo looked at the black furnace in front of him and said coldly. The Black Furnace Demonic Sword kept buzzing as if it understood something.

The current compatibility is 6%. If Lin Mo cannot surrender the Black Furnace Demonic Sword, it will attract its attack. But Lin Mo didn't consider the next consequences.

Without saying anything, he directly put his hand on the Black Furnace Demonic Sword. Suddenly, a surge of power continued to pour out, and Lin Mo's hand was shaking slightly.

The powerful force seemed to want to blast Lin Mo away. Claudia stared at the numbers on the screen.

Six percent, five percent, four percent, the values ​​dropped crazily as time went by. A few seconds passed, and now it came directly to -11%! And it continues to increase towards the negative side.

The power of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword also continued to increase. Later, it even emitted substantial energy to bombard Lin Mo's body. But Lin Mo didn't move his tattoo.

He wanted to break free from Lin Mo's hand. However, it had no effect at all.

Bang bang bang!

The offended Black Furnace Demonic Sword fired waves of energy like waves towards Lin Mo. The lightsaber that could still see a glimmer of light dimmed in an instant. Like the dark night, it brings an ominous aura to others.

The surrounding barriers no longer have any effect, and shock waves spread outward. The two people standing outside were stunned.

Too violent! This man is really messing around! Claudia was stunned and said subconsciously.

The power of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword itself has been fully activated, and the red light on the hilt is as dazzling as a bloody night.

Boom boom boom!!!

One after another, energy spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding buildings were cut open in an instant after encountering this energy. Even the two people staying outside couldn't help but retreat. Only Lin Mo, who was standing in the center, facing off against the Black Furnace Demonic Sword, had nothing to do.

Does the Black Furnace Demonic Sword only have this power? Is it too disappointing? Lin Mo expressionlessly grabbed the Black Furnace Demonic Sword trying to escape. The body limiter has reached the upper limit given by the current system, which is ten percent!

To be honest, Lin Mo was really disappointed with the Black Furnace Demonic Sword. He had a hunch that the system-rewarded weapon ‘Sky Mark’ could completely defeat the Black Furnace Demonic Sword, but he had never been willing to use it.

Because in this academy, he has yet to meet anyone who can really show his strength.

The Black Furnace Demonic Sword has been completely shrouded in the aura of darkness, with countless runes flowing on its body. As if he was going to use all his strength, red light enveloped the entire area!

The surrounding space was gradually distorting. As a user with the ability to manipulate space, Lin Mo was extremely sensitive to this. That's the resonance caused by the huge energy that wants to destroy this place.

At this time, the number on the screen doesn't mean much anymore, because it has already reached -100%! Even Claudia has never seen this flurry of numbers.

She directly summoned her own pure star-style Huang-style weapon! Two double swords were in her hands, one red and one blue.

At the same time, when she took out this weapon, her personality also changed drastically!

(2/3, please subscribe and ask for flowers! The author of the plot thinks for himself. The following will not follow the original work. There will definitely be something a little different in it. I don’t know if you will like it.).

320 Destruction of the Black Road Demonic Sword

Claudia held two swords in her hands, and the temperament around her suddenly changed drastically. The darkness made people feel creepy. Ayato Amagiri, who was standing not far from her, could experience it very clearly.

The fear that comes from within.

Claudia was ready to support Lin Mo at any time. The surrounding force field was constantly shaking, as if it would directly level the place.

Lin Mo had truly seen the power of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword.

But, do you still want to change the world with a sword?

Lin Mo snorted coldly, holding the hilt of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword tightly with both hands, unaffected by this energy at all. After a second, he used all his strength and thrust the lightsaber into the ground.

The majestic power was immediately released toward the ground, and waves of energy visible to the naked eye spread toward the surrounding ground with Lin Mo as the center.


Countless rubble rolled and smoke filled the air. The ground was shaking violently. This phenomenon lasted for nearly half a minute and then disappeared.

But this underground laboratory is almost useless. All the facilities were destroyed and fell to the ground like ruins.

The smoke dispersed, and Lin Mo's figure appeared in the center of the laboratory. A few drops of cold sweat ran down his cheeks and down his contours.

Fortunately, I used the power of the Demonic Eye of Death, otherwise I would have been cold.

At the critical moment, Lin Mo directly used the characteristics of the Demon Eye of Direct Death to destroy the energy-releasing gemstone of the Black Furnace Demon Sword. In other words, this sword is truly scrapped. Unless someone repairs it, it will become a piece of garbage.

Seeing this, Claudia also withdrew the Pure Star Glory weapon. He looked at the black furnace magic sword stuck on the ground in shock. A series of cracks opened from the center of the weapon gem like a tortoise pattern.

On the side, Ayato Amagiri seemed to have lost something, and his heart became empty.

You are really messing around~!

After a few seconds of silence, Claudia walked up and said with a look of surprise. This was the first time she had seen a pure star-style Huang-style weapon that could destroy it!

It's okay, I just didn't expect the energy released by this weapon to be so huge, so I had no choice but to make the last resort. Lin Mo smiled bitterly.

I have to say, you are really amazing. This laboratory seems to be no longer usable. Claudia looked at the mess around her and said helplessly.

This... shouldn't I need to compensate? Lin Mo suddenly thought of something and said with a stiff expression.

Claudia was stunned, then looked dumbfounded: Of course you don't need to compensate! Although it was damaged, the college has more than one laboratory. I will explain it to the council afterwards.

Thank you then, Claudia. Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank you then, Claudia. Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, but I didn't think that hitting you would directly destroy the core of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword. It seems that this sword is useless. I can only find someone to repair it. Claudia just finished speaking, I felt a headache.

Even she didn't know how much resources each pure Xinghuang weapon consumed. But the Arabic numerals are enough to make others stunned.

Lin Mo took out the Black Furnace Demonic Sword and handed it to Claudia.

After Claudia took it, she looked at it carefully. Only the gem in the center was damaged, while the rest was intact. But she still felt incredible.

How on earth did he destroy that gem?

We will see if this Black Furnace Demonic Sword can be repaired. If it can be repaired, we will hand it over to you, but its power will definitely be a little different than before. You need to be clear about this. Claudia said.


Lin Mo nodded and did not refuse. After all, one of his weapons had been damaged, so I felt a little bit guilty when I said that. It would have been better if he didn't let him compensate.

But, can you tell me, how did you destroy the core of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword? Even the best people in the world cannot easily destroy the core of a pure Star Glory weapon. Claudia He stared at Lin Mo and said.


Forget it, just tell me tonight. Anyway, we have a lot of time to talk in the evening. Claudia smiled after interrupting Lin Mo's words.

Okay! Lin Mo finally agreed to Claudia's proposal.

Ayato Amagiri, I'm sorry, your test may be delayed because the laboratory was destroyed. Claudia turned to look at the Burmese boy standing aside and said.

It's okay, it's okay, I don't mind waiting a few more days. Ayato Amagiri waved his hand quickly, his eyes had been on the Black Furnace Demonic Sword just now.

That's good, (Hello Qian Nuo) someone else will come to you in a few days to test it. I have to ask if this magic sword can be repaired in the next few days, so I can't spare the time. Crowe After Tiya finished speaking, she glanced at Lin Mo complainingly.

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly.

Okay, then I'll leave first. Looking at Lin Mo and Claudia, Ayato Amagiri knew that it was not the right time to stay any longer, no matter how stupid he was.

Claudia nodded. After Ayato Amagiri left, Lin Mo and her were the only ones left in the laboratory.

After agreeing to meet in the evening, Lin Mo resigned first. After all, there was no way the academy would not respond to such a big movement. As soon as he left, a group of people had already arrived. The rest could only be entrusted to Claudia for help.

(3/3, please subscribe for flowers.).

321 Claudia’s Matter

In the silent night, a black figure moved quickly under the moonlight, climbed over obstacles, and finally stopped on a balcony that looked quite spacious.

Well, I don't know why, but I always feel like I'm doing something shameful. Lin Mo touched his nose and sighed.

He was obviously invited by Claudia, but he decided to sneak in like a thief.

Lin Mo knocked on the glass: Claudia, are you there? I'm coming in. Then he walked in directly. The door to the balcony was open, probably because Claudia left it open on purpose.

Although the decoration inside was particularly luxurious, Lin Mo was not envious. Because in the academy, as long as one can enter the top twelve, they can ask the academy to equip a house like this.

Oh? Are you here already?

Claudia walked out in a bathrobe and looked at Lin Mo and said in surprise. Most of her two plump 663 breasts were exposed under the bathrobe. Her hair was wet and she was holding a towel in her hand. She must have just taken a shower.

Although her two slender thighs were covered by her bathrobe, they were inadvertently exposed when she walked.

If Claudia has just come out of the bath, then aside from her bathrobe, her body is completely empty now! Especially when she sat on the bed and crossed her legs, the temptation emanating from the inside out made people's blood rush.

The key is that Claudia hasn't noticed this yet!

I usually do whatever I do at home, and I don’t see Lin Mo at all.

Lin Mo was obviously no longer an innocent little brother. He sat down opposite Claudia with a casual look on his face.

Why did you come to me specifically? You just wanted me to see the famous student council's bathing posture, right?

How could it be! You don't have to think that I am so bad. Claudia paused and smiled, but there was an air of charm in her tone.

Still, are you interested in what I look like now?

Do you want to hear the truth or lies? Lin Mo curled his lips and said. Having seen the extremely seductive looks of the Queen and Tokisaki Kurumi, his 'vision' has naturally improved a lot. Resistance is also different today than in the past.

Do you want to hear the truth or lies? Lin Mo curled his lips and said. Having seen the extremely seductive looks of the Queen and Tokisaki Kurumi, his 'vision' has naturally improved a lot. Resistance is also different today than in the past.

Well, let me think about it. Claudia pursed her thin pink lips, looking confused.

Then choose the truth. Claudia said after thinking for a moment.

Then I'll tell you the truth. Yes, I'm particularly interested in your appearance now. I can't wait to push you to the ground and fight for three hundred rounds. Regardless of your figure, appearance, and strength, you can be called a beauty of a generation. It's not an exaggeration. But! It's a pity... Lin Mo stood up, walked in front of Claudia, and looked at her with his deep eyes.

Claudia felt the unique masculine aura on Lin Mo's body, and her face gradually turned crimson.

What's the pity?

It's a pity... Under her harmless appearance, there is something as hot and attached as dark matter, as if a black hole destroys everything, and a heart darker than black honey...

Claudia was stunned on the spot, her pink cheeks faded away after hearing Lin Mo's comments. Sitting on the bed, saying nothing.

Not only that, I also saw another emotion in your eyes that is different from your surface. Lin Mo lifted Claudia's chin and looked directly into her purple eyes.

What feelings? Claudia said almost subconsciously.

The pain... and despair should not appear in you. Listening to Lin Mo's magnetic voice, Claudia fell silent. Every word he said was completely consistent with her previous life.

The confusion, helplessness, and suffocating pain were like a mountain weighing her down. She wanted to die immediately, but she couldn't.

You're right. I once wanted to be in a place with a broad view and look at the whole world, but after a few years, I gave up. I was restricted in all aspects, but I couldn't do this. Laodia said quietly. He stood up, walked to the balcony, and looked up at the starry sky at night.

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