It was an extremely bright and charming painting composed of starlight. But she could only see endless darkness...

(Please subscribe to Flowers. Today is Children’s Day. I wish everyone a happy holiday! There will be 5 updates tomorrow! I also want to thank ‘Love Loli’ for the 1,000 VIP points! Thank you!).

322 Requirements and rewards...

Claudia looked at the distant starry sky and was confused for a while. Then she looked at Lin Mo and said, Okay, let's not talk about my matters for now. I came to you today because I have something more important.

What's up?

Lin Mo asked curiously. Through the recent conversations, Lin Mo determined what secrets Claudia had hidden in her heart. But since the other party didn't say anything, there was no need for him to get involved by asking for trouble~.

The boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. If Claudia really wants to say something, then Lin Mo doesn't suggest that she go and help her.

This is about Julis, Claudia said.

Are you talking about the last attack?

Lin Mo recalled it for a moment and then said. The last competition with Julis attracted interference from others. And he was ruthless when he first arrived. If there was no conspiracy, he would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

“It’s easy to talk to smart people.”

Claudia smiled slightly, lightly drew her hand in the void, and a special message appeared in front of Lin Mo.

They are students who have signed up to participate in the next Phoenix Star Warrior Festival, but within the past few weeks, they have all been injured due to various things.

The reason is unknown for the time being, but it seems that someone was attacked. Claudia said with a headache.

Is it an incident similar to that of Julis? Lin Mo thought about it.

Is it possible that other colleges did it?

Maybe there is, but we haven't got any concrete evidence yet. Claudia said helplessly.

Apart from other colleges, the biggest suspects at the moment are probably Lester MacPhail-kun and Randy Hooker-kun. One of them had a problem with Julis, and the other one was not absent. Proof. But unfortunately, we have not found any clues so far.”

One thing we can be sure of. The target of the next attack...

Is it Julis? Lin Mo said looking at Claudia.

Yes, so I would like to ask Lin Mo if you can stay with Julis for the time being? If you encounter the prisoner again, Julis may not be able to face it alone. Claudia said.

There is no problem with this. After all, the two of us have formed a team. If Julis is attacked and has to withdraw from the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival, it will really be a headache. Lin Mo said without hesitation.

Well, that's up to you! Because of that child, she has never let others get close to her. But luckily, your arrival made her relax her guard. Claudia groaned and smiled.

Well, that's up to you! Because of that child, she has never let others get close to her. But luckily, your arrival made her relax her guard. Claudia groaned and smiled.

Really? I really don't know yet. Lin Mo narrowed his eyes. I feel quite helpless inside. If I had known, I would have completed the series Learning to Fight the Urban Hexagram, otherwise I wouldn't have ended up like this, knowing nothing about the plot.

By the way, since it's a request, there must be a reward. Claudia came over, and Lin Mo thought she would give him something! Then he waved his hand and said: There is no need for compensation. As Julis' partner, these are what I should do.

That's not okay, the reward must be paid properly. Claudia smiled seductively, and Lin Mo was shocked. No matter how stupid he was, he still knew what Claudia meant by reward.

0··········Please give me flowers·· 0

This is a rare opportunity, you can ask for me too!

Claudia's body gradually moved closer. It was as if the whole person was about to fall into Lin Mo's arms, with a charming face. Two white balls were slowly revealed under Claudia's deliberate decision.

From Lin Mo's angle, he could even vaguely see the pink dots emerging.

You're welcome, please...

Claudia leaned against Lin Mo's ear, blew a gentle breath of hot air, grabbed his hand, and placed it on the soft ball.

.. .. .. .. ..

How could Lin Mo be able to bear being provoked like this? He took a breath and tried his best to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Claudia, are you sure you want me to do this? Let me explain first, I am not a gentleman. If you regret it now, it's still too late.

I won't do anything I regret. Don't be polite, just come and enjoy it! Claudia blew a breath of hot air. However, it was precisely because of her words that the bomb in Lin Mo's heart was ignited.

Since the other party agreed, how could Lin Mo give up? He's not like some cold-blooded male protagonist in anime who can always keep himself clean. If you don’t eat the meat you got, do you have to wait a few days for it to spoil before you eat it?

He carried Claudia to the bed with an evil smile on his lips. Claudia knew that her joke was a little too big, but there was no way out now. Since you can't resist, just enjoy it.

His hands wrapped around Lin Mo's neck, with a charming and confused look on his face...

(Don’t dare to write next, otherwise you will end up in a dark room. 1/5, please subscribe for flowers.).

323 Agreement, subsequent processing.

Early the next morning, as soon as Lin Mo woke up, he found Claudia sitting naked by the bed. Not only did the other party not hide anything, but he also smiled at Lin Mo and put on his clothes in front of him.

The red blood next to it is particularly eye-catching.

Good morning, Lin Mo.

Well, good morning!

Lin Mo couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard Claudia's voice. He couldn't remember the madness last night clearly. All I know is that Claudia was doing the whole thing alone, and he was enjoying it all the time.

The May 17th incident has already happened, and Lin Mo will not regret anything. Although he is not a gentleman, he is not a heartless person who just gives up after having fun.

What happened last night...

Oh? Did something happen last night? I'm just giving you the reward you deserve. Claudia interrupted Lin Mo's words and blinked, looking uninformed.

After Lin Mo stared at Claudia for a few seconds, he sighed quietly, got off the bed and put on the clothes scattered aside.

Since you said so, let's take it as reward! If you encounter any trouble, you can come to me. There is no need to pretend to be able to handle it all alone.


Claudia did not refuse this time, but nodded. After getting dressed, he walked to Lin Mo with awkward steps.

I really want to ask you something by then, and I hope you won't refuse. It's already close to 8 o'clock in the morning, and it's too late if you don't go back! If you are seen by others, you will be labeled as a sneak girl It’s a crime in the dormitory.”

In that case, I'll leave first. But although you don't care, there is one more thing I want you to know.

What's going on? Claudia looked at the rather serious Lin Mo and asked curiously.

That is, since you have had a relationship with me, you can only be mine from now on. Personal belongings that cannot be taken away by others. Lin Mo said with a straight face.

That is, since you have had a relationship with me, you can only be mine from now on. Personal belongings that cannot be taken away by others. Lin Mo said with a straight face.

Giggle, you are really domineering. But there is one thing you said wrong. I am not your personal property yet. If you want to really take me away, you are still too young! Claudia laughed. road.

Haven't you already experienced whether I am young or not? Lin Mo smiled meaningfully.

Claudia instantly understood what it meant and her face turned red. Although on the surface it looks like it has nothing to do with him, he is already panicking in his heart.

In that case, if you want me to be yours, it's not impossible. Then you have to stand at the top of this world.

The Phoenix Star Warrior Festival in the near future will be your first target. Claudia said.

Okay, then we've made an agreement! But before that, you can't have anything to do with any man. Lin Mo agreed readily,

Claudia seemed to know something, and a smile appeared on her lips: I didn't expect you to be jealous unexpectedly... I agreed! I will not have sex with any man during this period. Coming and going.”

Then I'll leave first. Lin Mo said very happily after getting the answer he wanted. After hugging Claudia gently for a while, he left from the window just like last night.

Claudia looked at Lin Mo leaving, touched her chest, and finally laughed helplessly.

Is this a bad fate? Forget it, maybe it doesn't matter anymore. But when it comes time to make a choice, will you make the move? Claudia looked out the window and gradually lost her mind...

The first thing Lin Mo did when he returned home was to fall asleep. Yesterday I was very late because of the battle, so it was basically the same as not having slept. Although with his current energy he could stay awake for several days. But human habits cannot be changed that easily.

But in two hours he would have to get up. Because I made an appointment with Julis today to visit this 0.0 city together. Because he has only been in this world for a month, he is not particularly familiar with various places. He has never been to some places at all and spent most of his time in the academy.

Naturally, I asked Julis who was very familiar with this city. In fact, to put it bluntly, I just invited Julis to go out for a while and tell her about the attack. Just in case she encounters any danger.

(Please subscribe to Flowers, 2/5, a little sluggish, the part about Claudia is not particularly easy to write.).

324 Joining the Academy with Julis

Lin Mo arrived at the agreed place and waited for the arrival of Julis. A few minutes later, a figure walked over holding an umbrella.

Lin Mo didn't pay attention at first. It wasn't until the other party walked in front of him that Lin Mo discovered that the figure was Julis! Because the umbrella had been covering her appearance, I didn't see it.

But after seeing it, my eyes were shocked for a while, and then returned to normal. After all, what Julis was wearing today was indeed different from before. It was no longer a rigid school uniform, but a white outfit that was somewhat similar to a dress. The decoration and color matching of the skirt not only have no sense of disharmony, but also add a bit of beauty.

The overall clothing is very different from the dress. The brooch on the chest seems to be the symbol of Julis's own country. At the same time, the black stockings were replaced with white lace.

Like a white lotus, it emerges from the mud but remains unstained. If you just walk on the street like this, it will undoubtedly be a beautiful scenery.

This outfit really overturned the influence of Julis in Lin Mo's heart.

What's wrong? You keep staring at me. Is there something on my face? Julis said strangely.

No, it's just your outfit that made me look at you more subconsciously. I have to say, this outfit matches you very well. Lin Mo came back to his senses and said seriously.

Idiot, what are you saying to be embarrassed about?

In the final analysis, this is just dressing up casually with the clothes sent from the country. There is nothing to praise.

Julis said with blushing cheeks. His eyes were a little flustered, and he didn't dare to look at Lin Mo. She has very few friends, and rarely hears anyone cross her, and they are of the opposite sex. She became arrogant just to hide her apparent shyness.

Lin Mozhuang nodded in understanding, but the smile at the corner of her mouth betrayed him. Julis blushed and turned her head away.

Okay, let's go quickly!

Yes, since you are taking me to visit today, then you have the final say. Lin Mo followed Yulis and said.

The two first visited various buildings and the main stage where the Star Warrior Festival was held. Then we walked on the street and wandered around. The time came to noon before I knew it.

Julis took Lin Mo to visit all the important places. With the aroma coming one after another, the two decided to have lunch first.

Julis, let's have lunch nearby. Lin Mo said while looking around. However, what responded to him was nothing but air.

Looking back, I found that Julis had stood and paused outside a shop without knowing it, looking at the introduction on the brand with bright eyes.

Isn't this a burger shop? What, Julis, do you want to go in and eat? Lin Mo walked over and looked at the billboards on the ground and the font sizes on the shop.

There was a moment of surprise in my heart, and then I started complaining like crazy. Isn't this the golden arch from the previous life? It actually appears in this world? Also, can anyone tell me why this sign is upside down!

There was a moment of surprise in my heart, and then I started complaining like crazy. Isn't this the golden arch from the previous life? It actually appears in this world? Also, can anyone tell me why this sign is upside down!

Don't think that if you change your sign, I won't recognize you! How can you fix it?

Okay, okay, can we have lunch here? Julis said expectantly.

It doesn't matter to me, but I thought that as a princess and a crown prince, you might look down on these things, Lin Mo said.

That's prejudice! What's in front of you is a living example. Julis said.

Okay. Lin Mo was speechless, and then entered the golden arch, oh no, it was inside the inverted arch. After ordering a few things that Julis pointed out, he found a place to sit down.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lin Mo walked to Julis' side with a plate and sat down.

Julis could not wait to tear open a burger and eat it. As soon as she took a bite, a happy expression appeared on her face. Lin Mo was also very embarrassed when he saw it.

My friends have always said how delicious this food is, so I came over to try it today and found that it is quite delicious. Julis murmured to herself.

Friends? Do you have any friends? Lin Mo looked at Julis as if he had discovered a new world.

Julis suddenly became dissatisfied: I also have friends, although they are not here, in my motherland... When she said this, Julis looked a little lonely.

Lin Mo also guessed what 580 had figured out. Instead of continuing to joke, he changed the subject and said, By the way, Julis. I actually have something serious to discuss with you when I come to see you today.

What's up?

It's about the last attack. Although the opponent has rarely appeared since the game. But we can't take it lightly. So I want to remind you that if you encounter any abnormal situation, don't act alone.

I refuse. Why should I change my actions for those people? Yuli refused without mercy.

Lin Mo looked like this.

My path is chosen by myself, and my consciousness belongs to me alone. Well, now that we've finished eating, let's continue with the rest of the visit! Julis said.

Lin Mo agreed helplessly.

It seems that we can only pay more attention. Otherwise, with Julis's temperament, it would be impossible to have a serious talk,

(3/5, please subscribe to Flowers. There are two more updates to be made on Sunday. I will be really cold if I don’t sleep.).

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