Well, my weapon is repaired. Shasha Gong Saya said something that Lin Mo couldn't understand.

So? Now that your weapon has been repaired, do you want to compete with me again? Lin Mo said curiously.

Yeah. Saya responded calmly.

Forget it, that's just a matter of the entrance exam. Anyway, you have already entered the academy. Lin Mo said nonchalantly.

Forget it, that's just a matter of the entrance exam. Anyway, you have already entered the academy. Lin Mo said nonchalantly.

Julis looked at the two people chatting happily, curled her lips, turned her head, and kept mumbling something.

With the sound of a bell ringing, the teacher walked in from outside. As soon as he came in, he greeted Shasha Gong Saya.

The morning classes passed quickly, and it was almost noon. Lin Mo stretched, and Julis came over and said, Let's go! What do you want to tell me?

Okay, let's go and talk outside.

As soon as Lin Mo got up, Claudia arrived outside the class at some point. When she saw Lin Mo coming out, she immediately greeted him.

Lin Mojun, wait a moment.

Hearing the sound, Lin Mo held his forehead, his face aching.

President of the Student Council, what do you do with me?

Don't sound so cold and heartless. I just came here to inform you of something. Looking at the look like this on you and Julis, could it be that I have disturbed your two good things? Claudia seemed to understand a little bit. What, smiled.

What a good thing, I just want to discuss something with Julis. It's you, you came to me to inform me about something. Lin Mo denied.

I'm here to inform you whether you want to participate in the selection of pure Xinghuang weapons and the fitness rate inspection tomorrow.

Claudia handed Lin Mo a file.

How about it, do you want to participate? If you want to participate, just sign your name here.

Lin Mo looked at the document in his hand and fell into deep thought: Exclusive choice of Huang-style weapons? It sounds interesting, and there is no harm anyway, so I will participate.

Very good, I will come to find you tomorrow. Then I won't disturb you two and leave first. Claudia blinked and then left with the document signed by Lin Mo.

The student council president is really idle. He came here just for a document. Julis looked at Claudia walking away with disdain on her face.

I don't know what kind of medicine she is selling in her gourd, but I just wanted to see what the selection of the so-called Huang-style weapons is like, so I participated.

Huang-style weapon? With your skills, you should be able to get a good weapon. Julis thought for a while and said.

Who knows. Maybe there are no weapons that I like, but not necessarily. Lin Mo said with a smile.

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317 Invite Julis to the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival

In a deserted place, Julis crossed her arms, looked at Lin Mo in front of her, and said, What do you want to discuss with me?

It's not an important thing. Julis, can I ask you a question? What are you fighting for in this place? Aren't you a princess of the crown prince? You can have whatever you want. You can be said to be a controlling presence. Lin Mo asked.

Julis burst out laughing after hearing this: Did you think that I was too good? Then let me tell the truth. I came here just to participate in the Star Warrior Festival and win the championship, because I We really need money.”

The first step is to participate in the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival and win.

Then do you have anyone to form a team? If I remember correctly, you must form a team to participate in the Star Warrior Festival, Lin Mo asked, looking at Yulis who was lost in memories.

Not yet. Julis said helplessly, partly because she couldn't find a more suitable person. Another reason was that besides Lin Mo, it was difficult for her to find anyone else she could talk to.

Could it be that you...

Julis seemed to have guessed something and looked at him in surprise.

Lin Mo looked at Julis' reaction and nodded: Since you have already guessed it, I won't beat around the bush. Julis, how about participating in the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival with me?

Are you looking for me to participate in the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival? Yes, you can, but why are you looking for me? Julis said in confusion.

The reason is very simple. That is, I must win the championship of the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival. You are very strong, and it would be perfect to team up with you! I don't have any special requirements, I just need to win the championship. As for the championship I actually don't care about the reward. Lin Mo said.


Julis put one hand on her chin, looking hesitant. Although she wanted to agree, she couldn't keep her dignity. Lin Mo has met her requirements in all aspects. My heart was already ready to move.

If Julis doesn't agree, how about giving me a chance?

A sudden voice startled Julis. She quickly turned around and looked over. When she saw the person, she said angrily.

Shasha Miya Saya, what on earth do you want to do?

What are you doing? I just saw that you never agreed, so I just made a suggestion. Shasha Gong Saya said nonchalantly.

Who said I wouldn't agree? I have already decided to attend the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival with him! Also, eavesdropping on other people's conversations is not a friendly habit. Julis said unhappily.

I just heard it accidentally on the way to the cafeteria. Anyway, I also want to participate in the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival and promote my father's weapons. Seeing that you have been reluctant to agree, I will come out. Shasha Palace Saya He said calmly.

Then I agree now, can you please leave quickly? Julis hummed.

I know it without you having to tell me.

I know it without you having to tell me.

Shasha Gong Saye just took a few steps and then stepped back. When Julis saw this, she became even more unhappy.

What else do you want?

I just wanted to ask, which direction is the canteen?

Seeing Shasha Gong Saya's conversation like a roadie, Lin Mo couldn't laugh or cry: You walk forward for a while, then turn right, then left, and you're there.

That's it, thank you. Shasha Gong Saya showed an expression of sudden realization and began to walk in the direction Lin Mo said.

Really... let's continue talking about the next topic. Julis sighed, paused, and continued: I have agreed to form a team with you. No matter what you say, it will be beneficial to me.

··········Request flowers 0 0

Now that it's confirmed, let's have a happy cooperation! Although the directions are different, the ultimate goal is still the same. I just need to win the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival. Lin Mo said. He stretched out a hand and looked at Julis.

This time, Julis did not hesitate, stretched out her delicate white hand, and held Lin Mo's hand together.

Does this count as me taking advantage? For a person as powerful as you, it would be a good choice to find someone stronger than me in the academy to form a team. Julis suddenly said.


Forget it, I'm not familiar with them. As for you, although I don't know much about you, as a teammate, you are a very good choice, Lin Mo spread his hands and said.

Besides, I have fought with you once, and through the conversations over the past few days, I have almost understood your character. Lin Mo said suddenly.

Julis looked startled and said indifferently: Then what kind of character do you think I am?

Lin Mo scratched his head, thought about it and said, The so-called misspoken words are talking about you, right?

After hearing this, Julis' face turned a little rosy. Thinking about it, Lin Mo really got it right. But how could she agree? Naturally, he strongly refuted it.

It's noon, how about I treat you to a meal? It's my thanks for what happened yesterday morning. Julis suddenly invited.

No problem, I happen to be hungry too. So it's better to be respectful than obey. Lin Mo agreed readily.

(3/3, please subscribe for flowers.).

318 Huang-type weapon test?

The next afternoon, Claudia came to Lin Mo's classroom and said hello: Lin Mojun, let's go. Because there are two people who are coming to participate in the Huang-style weapon adaptation today, so we can't keep them waiting. .”

Lin Mo stood up from his seat after hearing this. After saying hello to Julis, he followed Claudia who kept smiling.

Have you and Julis formed a team to participate in the Star Warrior Festival?

Claudia, who was walking side by side with Lin Mo, looked at Lin Mo intently and asked. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he was very close to Lin Mo, without the slightest reserve of a girl.

Yes, Seven One Three, I didn't expect you to know it so quickly.

Lin Mo nodded and glanced at Claudia beside him, wondering why she suddenly mentioned this.

That would be perfect, to be honest. Because in recent years, Seidoukan Academy's performance in the Star Martial Arts Festival has been unsatisfactory, which has made the other five colleges look down upon. But this time, if we have the two of you, If you join, the probability of winning this Star Warrior Festival is very high. Claudia said with a smile.

Is there such a thing? But even if something goes wrong in the academy, it's none of my business. After all, I just need to win the Star Warrior Festival. Lin Mo said casually.

From your tone, it seems that you have a lot of confidence in winning the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival this time? A strange light flashed in Claudia's eyes.

It's not a big deal, but I will definitely win the championship. After all, I have already promised Julis, and it will be bad if I break my promise then. Lin Mo said.

Oh? Then it seems I can wait and see. If Lin Mojun wins the championship in this Star Martial Arts Festival, then the academy can grant you a special request!

Really? Is it okay to ask for anything?

Lin Mo glanced at Claudia's chest.

Claudia still didn't take it seriously. She puffed up her chest intentionally and said with a smile: That's right, no matter what you ask for. Even if it's the kind of thing you want in your heart, it's fine!

In fact, you don’t have to wait until you win the Star Warrior Festival, you can just come to my house tonight! Claudia suddenly said something that was 'scary to death but not worth your life'

But Lin Mo turned a blind eye to Claudia's temptation, and just shrugged his shoulders. His eyes met Claudia's in the air, and what he caught was a sly look. And, a bit serious...

This is a woman full of scheming!

Lin Mo came to a conclusion in his heart, but he still said: Okay! Since the president has said so, wouldn't I become a hypocrite if I don't agree? You know the beauty of the president, but there are many people Everyone covets it.”

Lin Mo came to a conclusion in his heart, but he still said: Okay! Since the president has said so, wouldn't I become a hypocrite if I don't agree? You know the beauty of the president, but there are many people Everyone covets it.”

Claudia's eyes were slightly surprised, as if she didn't expect Lin Mo to agree so easily. She looked at Lin Mo carefully with her beautiful eyes, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised slightly.

Then it's settled! Remember to come to my house tonight! After saying that, Claudia actually told Lin Mo the specific address of her home.


The two then took the elevator and arrived underground. The door in front of them opened automatically, and three people were already standing inside. One was Lei Shida, who Lin Mo had met before, and his follower. The other person was a young man whom Lin Mo had met once.

Oh, are you here so soon?

Claudia looked at the people in front of her and said, her temper gradually calmed down a lot...

Hello, student council president.

Only one of the two people inside greeted Claudia, while Lei Shida didn't even dare to look at Lin Mo and lowered his head deeply.

Claudia looked at the two of them for a while, seemed to understand something, and smiled faintly.

Okay, now that everyone is here, please follow me. Claudia said while introducing: This is a laboratory specially designed to test the suitability rate of Huang-style weapons. You will come in one after another. Now, choose your Huang-style weapon.

Then we will tell you the suitability of the weapon for you. If it drops to a particularly low level, please give up. After all, weapons rampage has not happened before. For your safety, we will always pay attention to what's inside. . Claudia took a vaccination first.

Lin Mo nodded. Although weapons were dispensable to him, he still wanted to see what the so-called Huang-style 1.5 weapons looked like. Because he already has the ‘Sky Mark’ rewarded by the system! This weapon is, in a sense, his exclusive weapon.

Lei Shida also came back to his senses at this time and concentrated on preparing for the next test. He came here precisely because he wanted a powerful Huang-style weapon to defeat Lin Mo. If you remain depressed, not only will you not get Huang-style weapons, but you will also be looked down upon.

The first one to go up was Lester. The choice was the Black Furnace Demonic Sword.

In front of everyone's attention, a black sword hilt floated in the air...

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319 The fight with the Blackforge Demonic Sword

Upon seeing this, Leishida walked to the Black Furnace Demon Sword floating in the air, grabbed the hilt, and with the tester's nod, began to inject the power of the star veins into it.

On the hilt of the sword, many runes suddenly appeared, hanging on the Black Furnace Demonic Sword. Gradually, a complete look was formed. The black lightsaber continuously overflowed with excess energy from the tip of the sword.

The measurement is ready, please start.

After hearing the order, Lei Shida kept injecting the power of the star veins into it, and several barriers appeared around it to prevent accidents.

When Lei Shida saw this, he roared angrily and frantically poured the power of the star veins into it. As time continued, a line of data slowly appeared on the screen.

Now, the fitness rate reaches 32%!

Listening to the tester's voice, Lei Shida worked even harder, roaring hysterically.

Don't underestimate me!!!

Because of the exertion, the veins on his arms bulged slightly, and a few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. But no matter how hard he tried, the fit of the Black Furnace Demonic Sword remained at 32%. Eventually, as time goes by, the fit continues to decline.


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