Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 315: The girl was shocked

Unbelievably, his voice made her feel at ease.

If it weren't for the dim light in the room, Leila, who had this kind of thought, would definitely reveal the blush of her cheek to him.

She forced herself not to think about this kind of thing, and could not be disturbed by this kind of thing first; forced herself to think that he still just regarded her as a genius military girl, and forced herself to listen to the major general's combat instructions.

But he spoke again, "Can you drive a knightmare?"

Leila didn't know why he asked this question, "In ordinary Chinese, except for clerical staff, the officers have at least learned it. Isn't it true of your Chinese Federation?"

"That's good." He smiled inexplicably, and no longer said anything.

Leila felt uneasy for a while and instinctively realized that he seemed to be planning something quietly.

The major general’s statement ended in the fifth minute—

"That is to say, this surprise attack is a key. If it succeeds, it will greatly reduce the reaction time of the Britannia army, so that they have no time to send reinforcements. However, the survival rate of the surprise attack is only 10%."

He paused, his eyes sweeping over the officers who were sitting.

At this moment, Leila finally put her mind on the battle. She suddenly realized that because of the battle she proposed, the soldiers of the Chinese Federation might die in the war to help eu.

A wave of apology and self-blame swept her mind, causing her to bow her head to them.

Vaguely felt the man on the side raised his hand. The major general immediately gave orders to turn on the light in the room.

The man stood up, and the officers who were present stood up neatly.

Leila was too late to figure out what was going on, and she and Sarah stood up with this atmosphere.

Under the bright lights in the room, she saw that the officers' faces were either excited or dignified, but not afraid.

This made her stay for a while!

"This team needs ten teams to participate in this plan!" he said: "Who wants to die for this team?"

Leila turned to him abruptly, staring at his profile was incredible. Are you normal? Ordinary, who would tell the people like this? Please die for me, how can your subordinates agree that it must be a fool!

But, "Your Excellency!" someone shouted loudly, "Please let my team go!"

Really a fool? Leila turned her head with surprise, and a bearded officer, whose beetle-like eyes sparkled, watched the dragon army division's eyes full of fanaticism.

The officers in the first three rows seemed to be the captains of the knightmare unit. After they stayed for a while, they all rushed to raise their arms. When they looked at the big beard, they were dissatisfied with the words "You are too cunning and even preempted", full of excitement, for fear that their voice is not loud enough, the lord will not hear the ground and shouted, "Let me The squad goes,'My squad is already ready to die for your lord' and so on.

Leila's ears were buzzing and she was stunned. She wondered if they had been brainwashed by him.

It's like an avid terrorist base. Sarah beside her was scared to hide half of her body behind her, and she was nervous. He raised his hands and made them quiet. The officers stared one by one, their noses seemed to be sprayed with agitated heat, as if a bull was going to burst out of the fence at any time.

"Very good!" He looked at each of them with appreciation, "This seat is proud of you!"

With a wave of his hand, the ten people who designated the higher rank in the front row declared that they generally clenched their fists to make a gesture of refueling; the twenty people behind looked a little frustrated.

The dragon army division looked at the ten officers who said that they were going to death, but showed victory and pride. They smiled gently and smiled:

"Go tell your soldiers that in order to improve their survival rate, I will participate in this battle with them."

There was a brief silence throughout the conference room. A lot of things happened at the same time: the major general was frightened to persuade him, and he raised his hand to stop it; eighty officers all showed envious colors; The ten officers, appropriate and inappropriate, roared out.

"Great, I can fight with your Excellency, I'm dead without regrets!"

After two or three sentences with a voice like this, the officers behind them who were not appointed to go unwillingly, regardless of the rank being lower than them, slapped their heads to vent their grievances.

"What are you talking about? Your Excellency went to ensure your survival rate. You are not allowed to die!"

The scene was chaotic for a while.

The only man who can easily stop this confusion is just a slight smile

A few minutes later, Leila, who had left the conference room with him, was still thinking about the scene just now. If it was a combat meeting of eu, at a survival rate of 10%, there must be no officer who would recommend himself to participate.

No, eu's National Defense Committee will not approve such a battle plan at all.

In the end, this can be regarded as the high level of eu, do you love the life of soldiers?

However, since the war broke out, the battle was always fought, and it also required soldiers to die for more people to live.

Leila felt that she would like it more here.

He followed him silently, and he didn't speak. Layla thought about her thoughts. When he stopped, she looked up divinely.

In front of him was a Gnaku, who was standing with him at the gate opened by Gnaku.

All the lights in Gnacu turned on now. Leila saw two rows of strange models of knightmare-the head is the face of a drama character of the Chinese Federation, the shape imitates humans, and the proportions of the limbs and torso are clearly coordinated.

Leila looked at him puzzled.

He explained to him as he walked inside: "This is the seventh-generation mass-produced machine to be equipped for my guards next step, based on the prototype of my car. However, they are still in trial production. At this stage, a suitable test site is needed."

"So," Leila stared at the back of his head: "Are you going to drive a pilot machine in a surprise attack?"

She thinks this is too innocent. What if something goes wrong with the trial machine?

"Wrong." He turned around, smiling treacherously, "It's you and me, let's drive them to participate in surprise attacks."


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