Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 314: Teenage girl in his field

The woman standing in front of Leila is very beautiful. She has long reddish-brown hair, randomly gathered together, tied behind her head. At this time, she reached out to Leila friendly and introduced herself calmly:

"I am Emperor Lee Noriega and temporarily serve as the adjutant of Lord Jingyu."

Rao Shi Leila is in a state of indignation caused by some kind of misunderstanding, and was also shocked by the name. So much so that the opponent's hand paused in front of her for three seconds, and she didn't stretch out her hand.

Emperor Lee Noriega, when he first appeared in public, was one year younger than Leila. At that time, she already had the official rank of Zheng Qipin and the rank of captain. She served as the adjutant of the Dragon Division 9 years ago.

Since then, she has served as the head of the supervision team of the military division to the Arab Military Control District, dispatched military divisions in the western part of the Central Army, and commander in chief of the western theater. The size of the commanded battle is countless, and it is even one of the few excellent strategists designated by the Dragon Army Division, who can command the battle on behalf of the Dragon Army Division.

She just stood in front of herself like this!

Although Leyla also knew that she had always been in the western region, she still felt incredible and even unreal about her appearance.

"Major, Major!" Sarah whispered to remind her.

Leila, who had returned to God, smiled bitterly in her heart. She didn't know what kind of person was in front of her. Sarah was really happy.

"I'm honored to see you." Leila took Noriega's hand.

"Don't care about my identity," Noriega explained peacefully after letting go: "I don't want you to misunderstand anything. The reason why I came to greet you is simply because curiosity Jingyu said to me, he saw you Seems to have seen me in my youth. And this is enough to attract my attention."

‘It turned out that she just looked at me that way. ‘Leila was ashamed that she misinterpreted the other person’s expression, and was flattered that the other party gave her such a high evaluation. She quickly shook her head and said:

"No, it's his absurd praise."

Noriega smiled and made a please gesture, "I will take you to the rest room first. The combat meeting will be held after dinner. There are still four hours before you, you can take a break."

Leila talked to this affable legend while walking, listening to her talk about what needs attention in this unfamiliar area is not to be warned not to do anything, so as not to be regarded as a spy or the like. Miss Noriega is purely female and tells her how to maintain skin in this area.

This is really beyond Laila's accident. What is going to happen is a very important battle for eu, for her. The atmosphere of the Chinese Federation is not so dignified.

Leila had already done a good job of sacrificing her skin before she came, and she still accepted the kindness of Noriega gratefully and gratefully.

She was also very satisfied with the lounge, specially arranged, simple and fresh, the external heat seemed to be Leila, who had been riding the aircraft for several hours after putting down her luggage, and quickly fell asleep.

According to the set ringtone, she has been awake for three hours.

After recovering a lot of spirit, she and Sarah tasted the food of the military camp of the Chinese Federation and changed into a slightly thicker military uniform. Seeing that the combat meeting was about to be held, Miss Noriega sent her men to lead them to the conference room.

One of the elements of night and day in the Middle East is very different from temperature.

The wind is also dry, but it can bring shudder to the skin. Within a day, and within a few hours, it experienced two temperatures, winter and summer, which could make Layla and Sarah uncomfortable. Walking on the hard ground, they silently followed the officer in the coat and came to the door of an independent sand building in the Middle Eastern regional style.

Two sentries stood outside the door, and one sentry opened the door for Leila and the two girls.

Leila walked in first and saw that standing in front, the man holding the silver slender stick to explain the details of the battle was not Noriega, but a middle-aged man wearing a major general's uniform. She froze slightly.

At this time, a person sitting in the same row as the major general, on the other side of the room, beckoned to her.

It's him! Dragon Division of the Chinese Federation.

Leila originally thought that he called her from eu and would see her immediately. Unexpectedly, only four hours later, he met him on such occasions. Leila was somewhat self-deprecating, and she probably thought too much because of General Smith's misunderstanding.

As Miss Noriega said, she was just a young girl with some military talent.

Leila felt that she should be happy about it, but she couldn't express joy in her face strangely.

She explained that she was nervous on this occasion.

Yes, there are not only the major general, her, him, but also the other officers of the Chinese Federation-they sit on the folding chairs facing the direction of the major general and him, divided into nine rows, each row of ten people, ninety people, rank From lieutenant to lieutenant colonel.

Because of his movements, the officers turned around collectively and looked towards her.

Leila is really a headache.

Thinking while walking inwardly without expression, I hope they will not misunderstand her relationship with him because he did that.

She bypassed the front row, passed the major general, and came to his side.

During this process, Sara followed her side by side. If her skin color is not brown, Leila feels that her face must have been pale.

Leila and Sara saluted him. He pointed to the two folding chairs that were empty beside him.

The two women sat separately, and she sat closer to him.

"Get started." He said lightly.

"Yes." The major general responded with a twist in his direction, and at the same time, Leila felt that her eyes were betting on her suddenly without Sarah on the other side of her. Pat the heart.

The main light source of the room was turned off, highlighting the screen on the wall behind the major general.

The major general pointed at the electronic map on the screen with a silver short stick while explaining.

"Slightly simpler." He beside him suddenly whispered to her: "Noriega is hosting a related combat meeting in another place, here is only part of the surprise attack."


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