Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 316: Girl's simulation training

Leila deeply had the illusion that he had been playing between his palms from beginning to end.

However, he, a powerful person with more than 10,000 people under one person in the Chinese Federation, must go to the front line. Hundreds of soldiers of this group army must be invested in surprise attacks with a survival rate of less than 10% because of her plan. I have no position to escape and defend myself.

In the face of his amusing interest, it was like looking for some fun from her body and expression. She was simply uncomfortable with him for treating herself like this. She proudly raised her delicate nose and said with full force:

"Really? Since you said that, I would like to appreciate the seventh-generation mass production machine of the Chinese Federation."

She just thought, and never let him see her weakness.

And this is what happened an hour ago.

Now, Leyla is sitting in a control cabin, intensively conducting simulation training. If the screen in front of her is a real body, it is the surrounding pictures taken through the sensor, and the simulation cabin provides a computer-synthesized image. This is a simple combat area with trees and grass as the environment.

The enemy that Leyla faces is the fifth-generation production machine knightmaresutherland of Brittania, which is also the main mobile weapon of Brittania. It's not surprising to see this body at any time on the real battlefield.

With a thunderous explosion, Leila broke the fourth enemy plane. The sound announcing the end of training did not appear, and the alarm sounded again. There were no enemy shadows on the front or both sides. Leyla held the joystick and turned. Sure enough, she saw a blue sutherland with a machine gun in her hand. She was walking out of a big tree.

The tom, the orange fire tongue spray, Leila's body flew forward, after avoiding this attack, she manipulated the body to lie on the ground and twisted to shoot backward. The enemy plane was hit in the front, flashed with electric sparks, and exploded and destroyed like the first four bodies.

Leila gasped because of the pressure caused by the realistic fighting. After hearing the sound of the end of the test, she was relieved by the electronic sound produced by the closing of each screen in the operation cabin.

In the brief darkness, the hatch opened, and the dazzling lights shot into the outside of Gnaku. Leila closed her eyes to adjust to the light, and then she loosened her seat belt and extended a leg from the seat to the outside of the cabin.

At this time, she was wearing a driving suit made by the Chinese Federation-a driving suit tightly wrapped around her body, and covered with a layer of like on the shoulders, back, arms, hips, knees, calves, etc. It is said that the general armored cushioning material is not made to improve the linkage with the body, but to improve the survival rate of the driver.

It is comfortable to wear without adding weight. Like the airframe and simulation cabin I just experienced, the various technologies of the knightmare of the Chinese Federation surprised Leila.

‘That’s what Brittania does at most. 'She thought to herself.

Seeing him standing next to the simulation cabin, he gave his hand to himself. After hesitating, she put her hand on his hand and used his strength to get out of the cabin. In this short process, she produced a little fantasy:

‘Will you be like a princess? ’

On reaching the ground, she quickly released his hand and dispelled the idea.

"Let's take a look at your battle video." He didn't seem to notice her subtle movements, and motioned her to walk towards a person wearing a white experimenter costume with a screen.

Leila followed. The experimenter adjusted the picture to the initial stage. From the white Chinese Federation body into the woods and encountered the blue body, within three minutes, how the white body fought was shown in Leila's eyes.

I just saw another body in the cockpit. Now, she can see her body.

‘Great. ‘Leila thought while watching,’ ‘I felt it during the fight. Even though it was the first time I manipulated it, it was still a bit rusty. The power of this body was still amazing. It hasn't been hit once, is this just a trial machine? What if it is really put into mass production? ’

She was even more curious and awed by the original form of the body, the landline that he called the "Shenhu".

However, she is an eu visitor after all, and she wouldn't disdain to inquire if it would be regarded as spying on the military.

In fact, the prototype and Shenhu are almost identical in appearance, the only difference is the chest. There is a powerful arm in the chest of the Shenhu, but the prototype machine does not.

"Leila, what are you feeling?"

Suddenly there was such a smiley inquiry in his ear, Leila was attracted to turn her head to look at him, and was puzzled by his expression.

He smiled, pointing to the screen as it happened, her body knocked down the enemy plane in a gesture of falling to the ground.

Leila still didn't understand what he meant.

He had to show a helpless expression of'you can't help it', and explained: "Don't you know that using Feiyan's claws and the'rope mark' on the wrist to help fight? And, why are you always used to falling in? Earth, it doesn't match the princess temperament of your appearance, it's too vulgar."

"Rough" Leila choked with anger, flushed her cheeks, and said in disapproval: "It doesn't matter, I sit in the cockpit, as long as I destroy the enemy, the enemy can see what I look like. ? Moreover, this is a fight, not a show!"

She cast a dissatisfied look at him ‘have you figured this out’.

He touched his chin with disapproval, "That is to say, you are making excuses for not being able to destroy the enemy more gorgeously. On the other hand, you can also explain that the body you are used to using will do this. Fall to the ground, and maybe not equipped with the structure of flying swallow claws. Does eu have this body?"

Leila, who just wanted to refute his'that is', was stunned by the speculation behind him.

‘In this way, you can also guess that eight or nine are inseparable. Where are you from? ’

He turned to look at her.

Leila immediately looked away and said seriously:

"Sorry, that is the secret of our eu, I have no comment!"

"Guessed, right." He smiled cunningly.


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