Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 313: The girl was appointed as the liaison officer

No matter how Leila questioned his personality, the resolute popularity of the Dragon Division made her secretly praise that on the morning of the second day of the banquet, Leila received a contact from General Smith, and the National Defense Committee approved her plan of battle.

And the result exceeded her expectations.

She had hoped that the dragon division would propose to the politicians in his own name. But as a result, the dragon division still mentioned her name. General Smithlas was pleased to tell her that once the battle was won, she would be promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

For the promotion, Leila will naturally feel happy. However, the original intention of her combat plan was not for this. It was because she didn't care whether she got the merits or not, she came up with the plan to see the dragon division and explain his combat plan to him.

‘It’s really because he told them that it’s a proposal made by a little girl like me, they can also approve it. ’Through this incident, Leila fully understood the magnitude of his energy.

The fifth lady, Marina, was still active in Paris, and the dragon division left his guards to command the Purple Palace and returned to the Chinese Federation.

Leila's **** work is over. Although somewhat regrettable, at this level of the major, she was unable to participate in large-scale operations at the command corps level. She once again stood outside the door of General Smith's office, waiting to see the general and get back the order of the original army.

Knocked on the door, the general said ‘in’, and after the door opened automatically, she walked in.

"Thank you for your love for her, and believe that she will be very happy when she hears this news." General Smithlas did not know who was on the phone, and he could see that even his identity showed to the other party Respect and politeness.

Leila stood before and after his desk, and said nothing for the time being.

The general quickly hung up the phone. But instead of leaving the microphone immediately, his hand raised his eyes and stared at Leila for a moment.

That weird look made Leila a little uneasy. She suddenly remembered that it seemed that the ‘she’ she used on the phone just now was the female ‘her’. This French pronunciation, she would not have misheard.

Leila had a bad feeling. To make matters worse, she even had expectations for this not so good hunch.

This kind of psychology is really

Smith's hand finally left the phone.

"Hmm" He looked down at the desk, making notes of unknown significance, as if thinking about how to speak. Then, he said: "Just now, I spoke with Your Dragon Commander"

He raised his eyes to see Leila again, "He said that a 150,000-strong group army under the Western Front Army will be dispatched to participate in this battle. However, it is hoped that the Republic will send a liaison officer to this group army to coordinate The pace of advancement on both sides."

He paused. "Leila, he pointed you out."

The last sentence is the key. Is it necessary to make such a long bedding to tell it? Leila whispered in her heart, even if she deliberately suppressed her mind, her cheeks were still red. But instead of looking at Smith's face, she stared at the top of his head and said:

"If you send me to go, even if my status is low, I will try my best to complete my task."

Most of the commanders of the group army dispatched by the other party are of general rank. One of her majors was naturally low in status and Leila deliberately pointed out, but she was angry.

It’s like saying, ‘Isn’t it up to you to send someone? So what does it mean to look at me! ’

Smithlas froze, realizing that he had lost his gaze, and coughed awkwardly. "Although it needs to be reported to the committee for approval, I think it will pass Leila, you should not return to the original army for the time being, prepare for it, and wait for the approval to go to the group army to perform your duties immediately. By the way, let’s take a look at the military capacity of the Chinese Federation Army."

Excluding the fear that'Leila may not withstand the personality charm of the dragon's military division and was captured by his body and mind', from the standpoint of military seniors, Smithlas believes that let the talented Leila know The army of the Chinese Federation is beneficial.

Leila also really felt the good intentions revealed by Miles in his last sentence. The indignation of ‘Smith’s suspicion towards her’ subsided, and the guilt sublimated instead.

"Yes!" Leila gave a serious salute and left Smith's office after Nodding.

She stood outside the door and sighed. The voice and smile of the man with black hair and black pupil appeared in her mind, embarrassedly thinking:

‘Really, I’m not grateful for this, it’s all because of your self-assertion that I was misunderstood. ’


After such thoughts, it was the joy of being able to participate in the battle plan that she made. Leila’s lips did not curl up obviously, and she walked happily to the female officer’s dormitory on standby. She also informed Sarah, planning to take her with him. .

An hour later, the order was passed by the signal soldier. Leila and Sarah each carried a military suitcase with a replacement military uniform, and walked to the military apron.

Fly for three hours in the east on a vertically ascending aircraft and enter the Turkish province of the Chinese Federation. Here, switch to a military aircraft of the Chinese Federation and head south to a border defense camp across the sea from the Arab Autonomous Region and Egypt in Eu.

After another two hours, the plane had approached the designated camp. Leila, through the window of the cabin, saw a mechanized army in the march below. She guessed that this was part of the group army that was about to participate in the battle.

In the end, why can the army of the Chinese Federation resist the Britannia army in court, Leila will see for himself.

Her heart was surging slightly.

The plane entered the camp directly and landed on the open ground. Leila, based on the impression she saw in the air, believed that the original garrison in this camp was not much, about the size of a battalion. Now, it has been requisitioned as a command post.

When Leila walked out of the cabin, she immediately felt a dry wind that was bad for her skin. The hot air made her frown. But she was a professional soldier after all, she knew the Arab region a long time ago, and soon her expression was dull.

After stepping out of the plane and accepting the sun's baking, Leila stood with a suitcase in front of a young woman who was supposed to be responsible for receiving and leading her. Because the other party was wearing the national costume of the Chinese Federation, no military rank could be seen. But from her mature appearance and calm temperament, she would not be lower than her rank.

Out of courtesy, Leila saluted first.

"Leila Markal, come to perform the job of liaison officer."

She wears a military uniform with a left neckline and a star clearly defines her rank. As long as she understands the eu army, she knows that she is a major.

Then, she introduced the accompanying Sarah to the other party, indicating that Sarah helped herself process the information.

The woman kept looking at her for the short time she spoke. At first, Leila simply thought that the other party was curious about her eu guest. However, when the introduction was over, Leila clearly felt the woman smile slightly meaningfully.

Although the appearance and gender of the two people were so different, Lerera still reminded Smithlas of his eyes from the woman's expression.

‘Why do you always look at me like this? ‘She, who always thought she was calm, almost snarled so deeply in her heart.


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