Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 312: Still think he is abominable

Even when it came to the next morning, after a good sleep, Leila, as long as she thought of Jingyu's expression at that time, she would still be angry.

"Who would call the door in such a stupid way? There is no gentlemanly manner. At that time, you should take care of the lady's face and take the initiative to help the lady ease the embarrassment."

No, he shouldn’t have opened the door when he heard the voice. Although thanks to this, she successfully submitted the combat plan to him. He also agreed to take a closer look. Mentioned in the meeting.

For her purpose, her original intention to see General Smithlas and join the **** force was achieved.

But why was she not happy at all?

Leila saw him again in this mood. Although the two didn't approach, they looked at each other, and she clearly saw the extension of yesterday's expression from his eyes.

She immediately turned her head angrily.

The day after that, no matter where he accompanied him and his wife as a escort, she no longer looked at him. When she was forced to look in his direction, she would also look on the premise of his wife staring at him.

Then in the evening, he and his wife attended a banquet-a banquet held by the large monopoly in the Tuileries Palace, which will involve his wife's main purpose of coming to eu.

In fact, externally, the Dragon Army Division did not claim that it was to talk to eu about sending troops to Paris. Instead, he said, to accompany his wife.

In addition to her beauty and reputation as the wife of the dragon division, Marina Eastmeer also has her good deeds.

The world is constantly struggling with war, and there are countless people living in the depths of the war. Marina often initiates fundraising activities for them from all walks of life, and spares no effort in helping them rebuild their homes.

Leila could have foreseen that at this banquet where the Dragon Warrior was present, even if Marina had nothing to do, she would definitely be able to "knock out" a lot of donations from the stingy and greedy monopoly capitalists.

The thought of those capitalists' painful expressions made Leila's mood much better, and even his anger towards him weakened.

Well, no matter how, such a banquet has nothing to do with her major. Although Leila was able to enter the venue due to her **** mission, she found an unremarkable corner in the venue and took a book and looked at it unattended.

But I don't know why today, the content of the book should not be so difficult to understand, she always can't leave any record in her mind. Unbearable, his eyes looked at the meeting place, looking casually and casually among the well-dressed and elegant people.

Then, after seeing the black-haired man surrounded by women in low-cut evening gowns, she looked away quickly and panicked, for fear that he might find him watching him.

Perhaps it was a guilty conscience. Even if she did this, her heartbeat was still much faster and her face flushed.

Then she was a little puzzled again, ‘no one stipulates that I should not look at him? Besides, I was originally meant to protect him, to observe whether there are suspicious elements around him, it was my legitimate job. ’

Thinking so, she forced herself to look in his direction.

‘Yeah, that’s it. Look at him, it’s no big deal. ’

She comforted herself almost hypnotically, gradually relaxed, and took him for granted again.

Noting that he had a great conversation with the pearly women, she pouted scornfully.

‘Speaking of that, he is as famous as the gods, and his humorous, frivolous men, what good are those women, your wife Marina is much prettier than them. ’

Thinking of Marina, not knowing why she was not beside him, Leila looked for her in the crowd again.

After looking around, it may be due to the location. This banquet hall is rectangular, and Leila, who is only standing at one corner, has not found Marina. She glanced in his direction again-

‘Forget it, believe it’s his woman, he will always take care of it. ’

She looked down again and cast her eyes on the book. This time, it seemed to calm down a lot.

‘It’s the people who start the war, and it’s the people who decide the outcome of the war. Of course, the weapons of war are too powerful now, and it is easy to make people ignore the role of people in war. It is especially worth noting that I used ordinary weapons to fight against the enemy with superior weapons several times and won. ’

Leilamer read this and gently huh.

‘The author of this book is’

She closed the book and looked at the cover. There was a voice next to it, read it for her.

"Isn't this the war theory I wrote?"

Leila froze, her face flushed instantly. Why didn't I take another book, but took this one? When he was reading on such occasions, was he seen by himself?


I don't know how to make fun of him by misunderstanding.

Leila imagined all sorts of his expressions as much as possible, especially the scene that was clear and true last night, which once again provokes her anger and also raises her antagonism. She raised her head violently.

"Yes, yeah, I'm reading your book, because I want to study you to see if you have any weaknesses."

She insisted so firmly and tried not to shake her expression under his gaze.

It's just that he blinked his eyes innocently. After Leila lowered her head, she could see that he handed her half of a glass of orange juice. His hand stopped halfway because of her words.

The timing is terrible!

Leila's small face suddenly turned red again.

After a short two seconds, he passed the orange juice forward again. Leila took it silently, leaning the cup edge to her lips, lowering her head and sipping gently. The golden bangs and the glass-colored cups covered her face and made her like an ostrich, temporarily evading his sight.

After Leila felt calmer, she put down her cup and asked:

"Why did you come here suddenly? What about the women just now?"

After asking, she felt another kind of bad. Isn't this telling him, was she watching him before?

Heaven and earth conscience, she just glanced at it, but he could rely on that sentence and mistakenly thought she had been looking at him.

However, he seems to be really different today, making no fun of her in a targeted manner.

"I left them to Marina. I believe they are now assuring Marina that they will persuade their husbands to provide Marina with a high fundraising donation." He smiled slightly.

‘It turns out he was holding this purpose before. ‘Leila suddenly felt a little guilty, and felt that she had been whispering his demeanor and frivolity in her heart. It was too one-sided and careful. As a well-educated lady, such behavior in the back ground really shouldn't be.

But in his next sentence, she let her throw this thought out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

"I was actually afraid that you would be hungry, so I took the drink and brought it to you. Anyway, there are so many people here, you have to hold back this time."

His serious expression was as disgusting as last night.


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