Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 231: ‘Meet’ with Nana Li

Why is he sleeping here?

Lulu could not think of this. She always thinks that she hasn't slept too much, and will wake up a little bit of wind and grass. This is probably the relationship of having been a hostage in the Chinese Federation. If you sleep too much, you might die in your sleep.

But he avoided her "sensation" and successfully invaded her private realm.

As long as Lulu thought that he might appear in his bed at any time in the future, he thought it was a nightmare.


Thinking of the word, she couldn't help but think that she would not have a nightmare this night, is it because of him?

As soon as this thought started, Lulu excited the spirit 120 times and shouted in his heart, it was absolutely impossible! She must have overcome it herself, and he just happened to be here.

In spite of this, Lulu instinctively blushed.

She can't lie to herself.

In short, he should not be allowed to continue to sleep in his bed. More importantly, he seemed naked all over, and she only wore a thin nightdress. After being embraced by him from the back, he felt as if he had touched everything.

Lulu thought for a while and stretched his elbows unkindly, striking his waist with all his strength.

The expected smoldering did not appear.

Could it be that his own blow was only tickling for him?

Lulu couldn't help being discouraged.

He still woke up. Tighten her arms and scrape her with hairy legs, causing her goose bumps. Head and face also reached her neck, said lazily:

"When did the intellectual girl become so barbaric."

"I want to ask you," Lu Luqiang resisted the itchiness that he exhaled to the delicate shoulders of her skin, and scolded him: "Why is the Dragon Army Division secretly ran on the girl's bed Man?"

"I was here to tell you last night that I succeeded. But when I saw your uncomfortable look, I was so distressed that I held you to sleep." He's a pair of'You can't blame a good person 'Innocent tone.

"Then, don't put your strange things to me to hate and remove them!" She snapped her lips tightly, fearing that something strange would make him laugh and be proud.

And she was stiff, so she didn't dare to move. It seems that if you move, something terrible will happen.

"No way, it's always very good in the morning. And, I'm used to aiming there."

He smiled unscrupulously and took the opportunity to lightly kiss her lips, but easily spared her and got up and put on his clothes.

"That's right." When Lulu avoided seeing his body and kept looking away, he said again: "Zero costume, I have sent someone to help you improve it. I think it will be better to wear it next time. You don’t have to thank me for this. I slept very comfortably last night."

He hummed, and left her room.

‘But I don’t even want to repay this way! Lulu photographed the quilt annoyedly. Thinking about it, she had to find a way to cure him, lest he should treat her again.

In fact, she was a little worried. Although he said that he left without doing anything this time, he might be on a whim next time. At the moment just now, he was only a thin layer of lace away from breaking through. Lulu could clearly feel the scorching heat he had penetrated. She should never experience another level of'threat' again.

Thinking of this, Lulu wanted to take a bath to thoroughly wash away the remaining discomfort. At this moment, there was a noise outside the door.

Lulu sat up in shock. Unable to dress, he took a blanket from the bed to wrap his chest to thighs and ran to the door barefoot.

Jingyu walked out of Lulu's room and intended to leave directly. Someone just walked out a few steps, and suddenly there was a sense of crisis behind him. He flicked to the left, half-turned, grabbed the hand that wanted to pierce his heart with his left hand, squeezed his fist with his right hand, and hit the man's head.

This is a conditioned reflex action.

He took his hand in time. Because the man who attacked him was a lovely girl with only shoulder height, blue tights, long blond wavy hair and red eyes.


Jingyu recognized her face.

However, the girl’s forehead has a red gear icon. He knew she was a replica of Nana Li.

So he smiled, "Is this "revenge"?"

When she was a white doll, he used to want to catch her.

"You, how are you going?" Nemo is still unbelievable.

He emerged from the invisible state of the non-physical, and only after he knew his future line, he launched a sneak attack. In this way, he will still be controlled. If he does not stop, he may be hurt by him.

Looked at the fist that was almost as big as his own face, maybe the judgment of'injured' would whisper its power.

But how could he surpass her estimate of his future?

Nemo couldn't figure it out.

"Nimo, where are you going?" Nana Li's voice spread as the door opened.

She saw the confrontation between the two people and made a ‘ah’ surprise.

‘Oops, he saw Nana Li! "Nemo thought, she would start again."

The door on the other side quickly opened, "Stop!" shouted Lulu in a **** pose.

"Sister?" Nana Li covered her mouth in surprise. She looked back and forth on Jingyu wearing glasses and Lulu's current dress. Her little face blushed first.

"No!" Lulu denied loudly, her face also turned red, but she didn't know how to arrange Jingyu's identity.

Jingyu released Nemo at this time, "Are you the sisters who live here?" He said lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm a distant relative of Miss Miley Ashford. For some reason, It seems that I will stay in this student union club for a while, and I seem to have caused a misunderstanding."

Lulu reacted immediately. Although unwilling to accept Jingyu living here, she is even more reluctant to be misunderstood by Nana Li. Then he followed Jingyu's words:

"Yesterday, the chairman did say so, I forgot to tell you."

"That's it." Nana Li let her mind down. "I thought it was my sister's boyfriend, and then my sister didn't want to sleep with me last night, it was with him." The more she said, the lower the voice, and finally she was ashamed to say no Exported.


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