Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 230: You go to kill Clovis

On the evening of the second day, Jingyu received Lulu's invitation. When he came to the place mentioned by the phone, he saw a large and luxurious double-decker RV. There was also a maid wearing a maid costume outside the RV, who was clearly seen as a mixed-race girl of nearly 20 years old.

"Mr. Camio, the master is already waiting for you." The girl said, opening the door for Jingyu.

Jingyu entered the car and saw Lulu leaning on the sofa to see what she wasn't wearing. The thighs under the short skirt are stacked one on top of the other, slender, shiny and snow-white, which is extremely eye-catching.

"I didn't expect you to use a maid." Jingyu said.

"You just do it." Lulu didn't raise her head, but her hand stopped a little, and her expression was a little complicated. It was like a little annoying, but it felt very helpless. "Because I used to have a maid. Although she caused me a lot of trouble, she was still credible."

"It turns out so."

Jingyu thought Lu Luxiu had a friend called Suzaku, but Lulu did not. But because Retty was sent by him to take care of their sisters for three years, Lulu still seems to have some influence.

The maid gave Jingyu a cup of tea, and then left silently. In the process, Jingyu has been watching her.

As a result, Lulu raised his head and glared at him, "If you want a woman, I can help you get as much as you want. But please don't hit your mind on my subordinates when I don't know."

Jingyu froze, and he pointed to his face, "Is there something that reminded you so much?"

Lulu really looked at his face carefully. She naturally saw that most of the glasses were there, but she sneered.

"It turns out that you misunderstood you, that's good, I just thought you wouldn't beat her."


Did I say that? This sentence is really unspeakable at this time.

In fact, when he just looked at the maid, he was just thinking that even with Lulu's character, even if he trusted the maid, it would be possible to use gease on her. As for the content of the order, most of them will not reveal her identity.

Although Jingyu knows, she doesn't want to discuss the problem of Gease with Lulu for the time being.

He changed the subject.

"That maid is a half-breed, did you think about stimulating Karen?"

"If Karen can't stand this, she won't meet my needs." Lulu said coldly, making Jingyu frown. Realizing that he was looking at himself, Lulu couldn’t help but open her face, “Don’t think of her as too fragile, she will grow up without you, if you know what the hybrid of Britannia and Japan will face ."

Vaguely heard, there was still a trace of pity in her words, Jingyu let her go.

"Regarding Clovis, I originally wanted you to meet Cornelia, and then you will come and pull her to your side. If you want to kill Clovis, this can only be done."

"Huh, fortunately I chose this way." Lulu said seriously: "I just cooperate with you, even if you are good for me, please don't think about how to arrange me, I have my plan."

‘She is really not cute. "Jingyu murmured," Then say, what do you call me to do."

"It depends on who you are now." Lulu said, "Did you hear what the maid called you when you came in? It's Kamio's words, and I will go on."

Jingyu smiled, ‘she wanted me to help, but she couldn’t let her speak. ’ Lulu was blushed by his smile, but he was silent as if he hadn’t seen it.

Jingyu deliberately tormented her with tea, and after a while he said: "You say it."

‘Smelly bastard! 'Lulu scolded him in his heart and said blankly: "I will take the clothes I prepared for you when I go, and I will wear it to assassinate Clovis tonight. Remember, it will be captured by the surveillance. Row."

Jingyu blinked several times before feeling that he should have heard it correctly.

"You originally wanted me to pretend to be you, to kill him, there is really no technical content!"

"Why not?" Lulu said displeasurely: "You can listen to me for a while, then I will use the power that I have in my hand. Since it can be done easily, what is complicated?"

"I just said, I will consider it, and I will promise it without saying." Jingyu smiled.

""Lulu opened her small mouth in surprise, ‘I’m careless, thinking that he gave me a bad idea, plus his character of caring for and maintaining women, so I think he should listen to what I said. did not expect'

But the idea was only fleeting. She proudly said: "If you don't do it, I will arrange it separately. Now, you can go back."

Although taking some risk and splashing the water out, Lulu did not plan to take her back and must kill Clovis.

Jingyu didn't move, he asked: "Tell me, did you think I would fail when you asked me to kill Clovis?"

"I know you will succeed." Lulu replied.

She would never tell him that she didn't even think of what it would look like if the dragon division failed.

Jingyu saw her dodge for a moment. However, if she knew her character, she would never dare to admit it if she had thought so much about it.

So, "Go get the maid to take things out," he said.

Lulu knew that he had agreed, and was very happy. But she said with great vigilance:

"First of all, this is not what I forced you, even if you agreed, I don't owe you anything."

"no problem."

Jingyu is not in a hurry to get her. After receiving the travel bag brought by the maid, he stayed for dinner with Lulu. The two discussed some details of the assassination and how to use the assassination. At about 8 pm, Jingyu left the RV.

He drove to a parking lot ten kilometers away from the Doge’s Palace. Get out of the car and walk to the Governor's Mansion with a travel bag.

After Jingyu left, Lulu put on zero costumes and recorded a video with this image. She confessed that the maid sent it to the Internet according to the method she specified after midnight, and left the RV.

When she got home, she took a bath with Nana Li. However, she did not agree to sleep with Nana Li.

This night, she always couldn't sleep. She fell asleep and was dreaming about playing chess with Clovis when she was a child. When Clovis looked up, she suddenly had blood on her face.

Lulu repeated this dream several times. She didn't settle down until a warm sense of wonder wrapped around her.

The next day, as soon as she opened her eyes, she almost screamed.


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