Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 232: Two foxes

"Nanalie, I don't have any boyfriend." Lulu said firmly: "It doesn't need to be!"

"But, but" Nana Li seemed to want to say something, but she noticed that Jingyu, an outsider, was there, and the sisters discussed it a bit inappropriately, so they changed the topic, "Yes, please, I can know you want to live Which one is it?"

"You don't need to use the honorific title, just call me Kamiu." Jingyu smiled. "Which specific one, I don't know yet? Mi Lei said that I asked me to come to Miss Lulu here and let her bring it. Let me see."

He turned his eyes to Lulu.

Of the three girls present, the names of two have already appeared, and it is not surprising that he will'guess'.

Nana Li did not doubt it.

"Sister, she is a little inconvenient now. If you can, let me take Mr. Kamiu to see it."

"No!" Lulu immediately denied, "Let him wait here, and I will come out in five minutes."

She slammed the door shut without giving Nanali a chance to refute. But she wasn't worried that Nana was with him, and she opened the door a little, not letting him see that he was changing clothes, and barely hearing the conversation in the hallway.

Nana Li thought, ‘Sister-like precautions are a bit rude’ and smiled apologetically at Jingyu.

"It's a gentle and pleasant lady." Jingyu praised her and glanced at Nemo again. "This one here is lively and active. The difference in personality is obvious. Are you twins?"

‘Cut, I’ll really pretend. "Nimo pouted, but she didn't answer with her arms folded."

She saw Jingyu coming out of Lulu's room, secretly guessing that Lulu's relationship with him would not harm Nana Li, and since Lulu wouldn't let her do it, she would temporarily observe the change.

Nanali feels that ‘twin’ is easier to explain Nemo’s existence. Moreover, always let Nemo hide, but also feel quite sorry Nemo. She accepted the statement happily, ‘yes’, and answered. It's as if there is really another sister.

"I may be teaching at Ashford School, whether it is the elementary or advanced department. I haven't decided yet. Oh, yes," Jingyu pulled the brown glasses down to reveal red eyes. " Because my eyes are sensitive to light, I need to wear special glasses at all times."

He pushed the glasses up again.

With a glimpse, Nana Li thought the eyes were so red. Like the purest blood condensing, it swayed like red wine, and the gems sparkled.

Even though it was already brown glasses, she still stared there as if she could see those eyes. Unexpectedly, I remembered that Nemo's eyes were also red. Midway, she looked at Nemo again.

There was a brief silence in the hallway, and Lulu in the room remembered one thing, and was very regretful. If she remembered correctly, while in bed, she clearly saw that his eyes were black.

‘At that time, how could I not remember giving him a gease? Don't shake it like this. ’

She suddenly felt that it was not entirely a bad thing to keep him close to him. That can at least increase her resistance to men, so that she won't make mistakes at critical moments because of her identity.

Determined, she planned to tolerate his sexual harassment to some extent.

Putting on a beige school uniform top and a black skirt, Lulu walked out of the room.

"Come with me." So saying, Lulu walked toward the end of the club building, the furthest away from her and Nana Li's residence, "You can live on the first floor."

"Can't the second floor?"


The two talked like they were fighting, and gradually walked away. Nana Li watched from behind, and asked Nemo:

"I always feel that my sister seems to be particularly aware of Mr. Camio, is it my illusion?"

"It should be an illusion, I didn't think so." Nemo said disobediently.

Nanali nodded and walked towards the restaurant she had planned to go to. On the way, Nemo disappeared again. This reminded Nana Li, she asked:

"Nimo, why did you show up in front of Mr. Camio? You shouldn't want it"

Are you going to kill Mr. Camio?

Nana Li wanted to ask.

"That guy looks a bit like a person who gave me a bad impression, so I couldn't help but shot."

"Fortunately, you didn't really do that. I think Mr. Camio is not a bad guy. He always feels gentle."

"Will you?" Nemo was surprised. "Illusion, Nana Li, you must be an illusion."

Nana Li smiled gigorously, "I think now, Nemo cares about Mr. Camio too."

Nemo stopped talking this time.

On the other side, after turning the corner, Lulu looked back quietly, and Nanaly did not follow. So early, there must be no one else in the club building, she glared at Jingyu suddenly.

"I don't care so much. In short, you have to say that there is no room you like, and you are not allowed to live."

Even if she decided to relax with him, she would never allow him to get close to Nana Li. She knows that this guy's daughter is five years younger than Nana Li and is nine years old this year.

Don't think of playing cute Nana Li's idea.

Lulu is a mother beast protecting her cubs.

This caused Jingyu to laugh. At this stage, he is more interested in Lulu and he will not tell Lulu.

"Actually I have something else to tell you."

He threw a new bait, and Lulu's eyes shook for a moment, but she quickly became firm.

Nana Li really surpassed the others in her mind.

Jingyu didn't take it seriously, "Remember the Rangers I mentioned? I doubt that all of its members can use special powers. One of the knightmare players played against me, and we played well."

He exaggerated a little, making Lulu look astonished as he expected.

Lulu knew his power. After the opponent uses the ability, he can confront him. Coupled with the fact that the other party is aware of the existence of force such as gease, there will be some precautions. If it is hostile to it, as far as the current intelligence is concerned, there are less wins and more losses.

You can't fail!

"You" Lulu gritted her teeth and pursed her lips, showing how unwilling she was, "You promise not to shoot Nana Li?"

But she knew how much benefit he would have for the safety of Nana Li.

"If there are other alternatives." Jingyu looked at her deliberately without good intentions.

Lulu closed his eyes stubbornly.

When I opened it again, it was already a good sister's expression to protect her sister at all costs.

"Can't be in my room." She whispered empty-eyed: "Just you!"

Jingyu stroked his forehead dullly.

If Lulu would fight, he would continue to bully her and enjoy watching her resentfully and helplessly. It was so straight to the end, but it wasn’t that his expectations were just for the ‘end point’, Lulu couldn’t bear him. Only a different process can get the greatest satisfaction when entering the end state.

So, "whatever do I do?" He deliberately reentered the relationship between the two, rubbing Lulu's little head funny, "Where do you want to go, I'm a wife, you make me like this It's very troublesome."

Lulu froze, Lulu's pretty face flushed, and Lulu's voice was shaking with anger.

"You, you this"

She looks so beautiful with her incisable teeth that he can't wait to bite him.


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