Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 229: How to prove, go home

In the 20-level independent room, it was apparent that two dials of Kalin and Inoue returned to their companions, and Jingyu introduced them to Lulu wearing a helmet and cloak on their side.

He said that ‘he’ was zero, which was discovered by his companions in this area.

Lulu was satisfied with his assistance. In this way, the girl named Karen would not doubt her head.

After Jingyu gave way, Lulu began to express his thoughts to the resistance cadres alone. She denied their kind of resistance like terrorism, saying that to defeat Brittania, a clear goal must be set.

It is not targeting or attacking the Britanians. The enemy is Brittania.

Even if Fan and others thought that she made sense, even if a credible person such as Jingyu led ‘him’ without knowing the true identity of ‘him’, he could not believe her completely.

Lulu then said to Carin once in the car, but moved out the unfinished words.

"Then I will prove it to you! But it is not my identity, but my strength. If I make the impossible possible, then you will believe it."

"What are you going to do?" Karen asked long ago.

"Yesterday, even if you seem to have caused considerable damage to Britannia, is the death toll of the people even worse? Innocent, defenseless Japanese civilians were massacred. This is Britannia. Order from the third prince Clovis."

Jingyu frowned, and he knew what she wanted to say.

"I won't say that these civilians who have died should be avenged. Instead, Brittania must know that they can no longer do the same to civilians."

Lulu used body language. Her gloved right hand lifted up, and the kind of false grip with tight knuckles gave a weird beauty.

Just listen to her imposingly said: "I want to give Clovis Heavenly Trick to let the world know that there is justice!"

The second half of the sentence alone may be a little funny. However, because the first half of this sentence was too shocking, Fan, Karen, Inoue and others just looked at her blankly and forgot to respond.

Afterwards, someone looked at Jingyu and their expression was like saying, ‘Is the person you brought, is there really no problem’?

"Well," Jingyu smiled with his arms folded. "What's the matter, is it not good for'He' to try it? You haven't lost anything."

Fan thought, ‘It’s true’, he and his companions looked at each other and nodded each other. He said to Lulu:

"Well, if you really did, we would like to talk to you again."

The exposed lips behind the helmet showed a smile, but her voice remained calm.

"Then wait and see."

After all, she looked at Jingyu.

The latter turned to look at Karen, "Do you want to go back together?"

"No, I have to talk to everyone." Karen said.

Jingyu guessed that these cadres might have to discuss it in private, so they did not specifically ask Inoue. This is also to avoid Inoue being embarrassed in front of his companions.

He and Lulu went out. Fans and others followed.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a person with a long hair and glasses in the head, who appeared to be a resistance organization in the Saitama district. One of the ordinary members who had previously met on the road was also here. After seeing Jingyu, he quietly reminded the long-haired man.

The long-haired man greeted him with a warm smile. "That's Mr. Quan, the leader of Saitama District." Fan Xiaosheng said to Jingyu.

Fan still doesn't know what Jingyu said to the resistance organization in this area. But Jingyu expected that even if he knew that he could not use this resistance organization too much with his character.

Inoue thought Jingyu helped them. In fact, Fan's group and others will immediately become Lulu.

If it is Lulu, he will be better at using the other party.

Jingyu did not have much interest in this kind of existence that would be abandoned at any time, and left Lulu with a few sentences. In the returning car, Lulu took off his helmet, took a deep breath, and leaned tiredly on the chair.

The helmet's breathability is fairly good, and even so, it still made her uncomfortable for the first time.

What's more, she still has fine skin and tender meat, and hasn't suffered much.

"How?" After she actually experienced the hard work of convincing others and pretending to be zero, Jingyu tempted her again: "If you give yourself to me, I will help you do those things. You move. Just move your mouth."

"Please, can you stop saying such things in the future?" Lulu even lazily opened her eyes, but hated: "If you don't destroy Brittania by yourself, let the man, Britta." Emperor Charles of Niya regrets that I will not be reconciled."

"You're so stubborn." Jingyu shook his head with a smile, "No way, I won't say that again. However, you don't need to know why I married Maria and found again." Any other husbands? They are all my helpers. I will not ask you to trust me, at least if you need to, I can lend my shoulders to rely on you when you are tired."

Lulu did not respond. Her breathing was soft and slow, and she seemed to be asleep.

Jingyu knew she was not asleep.

The returning car drove all the way to the vicinity of Ashford School. After leaving a sentence, ‘I’ll contact you, don’t run off here, especially not to find Nana’, Lulu slowly walked into the school gate with a travel bag.

Jingyu drove to Inoue's home.

When he arrived, Inoue had already returned first. It can be seen that she has used the bathroom and the water in the bath is still hot. But she was not in the living room, she was in her bedroom.

It was already two o'clock at night, which is normal.

Jingyu took a bath and came out and took a can of beer from the refrigerator. Then he pushed open the door of the room in the shaft. With the glimmer of light through the curtain gap, he saw her lying on the bed sideways to the window. A thin blanket covered her and outlined a very beautiful arc.

Jingyu walked over without a word, went to bed, propped her hands on both sides of her body, and looked down at her for a while, leaning towards her ear and neck.

Smelling gently, her body fragrance and the fragrance of shampoo he deliberately did not step up.

Inoue was not asleep at all, and couldn't help it anymore.

"I, I said, only allow you to chat on my bed." She turned her head and chewed with his cheek gently. Only in this way, her breathing became rapid, her eyes squinted like a resisting and intoxicated.

"If you are willing to say it, I will listen. But I think you can't help saying that I want to hear it."

He laughed and lifted the blanket.

Inoue made the final resistance, "You said that there is no sound insulation, and you don't want to be heard by others."

"Before I came in, I knocked out the guy next door." The man **** her pajamas said so.

幧井上 couldn't help laughing.

As he kissed her chest all the way, she hugged his head.

‘He’s really dead! ’


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