Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 228: Saitama resident area, meet Inoue

Following the instructions of Kalian, Jingyu drove the car to the neighborhood of Saitama Settlement.

"I don't want others to see you and think of a way to do it." Lulu said to Jingyu when getting off the bus.

Although she can use the power of gease to make those who see it forget. But Jingyu and Kalian are here. She doesn't want them to know that she can use this power.

Especially troublesome is that Kalian has been used by her once. And Jingyu, he wears brown glasses, she can’t use Lulu for him like this. Although she hasn’t fully grasped the rules of using her own gease, for Jingyu and Kalian, she left him in the afternoon until she appeared again. It has been tested.

The result is naturally not ideal.

"Then you can remove the striking equipment from your body," Kallen muttered.

She apparently misunderstood Lulu's meaning, simply thinking that Lulu said that because of this equipment.

Lulu ignored her and only looked at Jingyu.

This also made Karen uncomfortable.

"It's late at night now, and there are not many people outside." Jingyu opened the car door. "Get off the car, just as I have the ability to detect the surrounding eyes, before I take you to the team with the fan, I promise that no one will watch. To your dress."

‘Probe around? Lulu stayed.

Jingyu may just be a joke, but she took it seriously in her ears. She recalled her two experiences, both because of a glance at him, she was found and looked back.

Is that his gease?

Lulu couldn't help thinking that. Afterwards, she negated again, and Jingyu could not expose her to him. He also said that it was ‘just when I had it’ Lulu felt that it could only be understood that his ability covered the item that was sensitive to the eyes around him.

However, even so, she felt it was a major reminder—

He really has a gease, and it is estimated to be a range detection type.

Guessing so, she also opened the door.

After getting out of the car, he noticed that he looked at himself with a slight surprise. And she also found that when she looked at him, the perspective seemed to be a bit. She remembered that her boots were specially made. That allowed her 178 cm to imitate his height when wearing leather boots.

‘Hope he doesn’t think too much. She felt a little embarrassed, ‘I didn’t deliberately imitate him. ’

For Karen, Jingyu's ability or something, she just regarded that as Jingyu's perfunctory to Lulu.

Did not care about the short-term stagnation between the two.

"Go here." She whispered and walked out first.

Jingyu walked two steps with her and started a casual conversation.

Lulu followed them silently.

The three of them walked for ten minutes, entered an underground passage and walked out hundreds of meters inwards, and heard someone asking, and the quiet passage also heard the crisp sound of the bolt pulling.

Kalin reported his name ‘Red Moon Kalin’, stating that he was a member of the resistance organization in Shinjuku City and responded with a secret code. Only those in the dark will let them go. As the three went on, Kalian whispered:

"It's Saitama's resistance group, we just borrowed their place temporarily. When the situation in Shinjuku stabilizes, we still have to go back."

Dozens of meters forward, you can see the person who just spoke. He stood with a machine gun on his back, and there was a few meters wide space dug in the side of the straight passage behind him, and there was a little voice inside.

"You have worked hard." Karen greeted him politely.

The underground passage was already dim, plus it was night. It was only here that the other party saw the three of them. It was obvious to notice that the man was stunned for a moment, then immediately pointed the gun at them.

"Stop, stop!"

He shouted in panic.

This voice made Karen's expression relaxed. There was a brief silence behind the man, and several people ran out of ‘what’s going on’ and ‘what happened’, so asking.

The first person pointed to Kallen and said to his companion: "This guy is clearly a Britannia, and"

Without his explanation, his companion would know the content of ‘and’.

A Britanian, one wearing brown glasses covering most of his face, the last one more suspiciously wearing a helmet covering the entire head, wearing a cloak like the count of the vampire in the movie.

This combination looks strange.

As a result, the few people who just ran out also held the gun nervously.

Karen finally responded, "Wait, I'm not a Britannia, I'm Japanese." She emphasized to the other party, but the other party obviously didn't believe the expression of'who you lied to' on the other side, so that the card Lianpo gritted her teeth.

Jingyu said with a smile on her side: "Are you sure you haven't been here?"

"" Is it time to laugh now? Karen couldn't help but stare at him, and then explained to the other party: "Calm down, I am indeed Red Moon Karen, you can confirm them with Mr. Fan."

The person who first questioned Kalin's secret number was a little doubtful.

While he was whispering with his companions, intending to do as Karen said, "It seems that I came at the right time." Behind the men with guns, a mature woman said with a smile.

"Senior Inoue." Kallen yelled joyfully.

This appellation also loosens the tight strings of men with guns. They knew that Inoue was the only woman among the cadres of the fan group, and they waited sideways for her to come over.

Inoue walked to the distance where he could see the faces of both parties and said, "Karen is indeed from our group."

"What about the other two?" The other party still asked.

Inoue passed by them and came to the center. She looked at Jingyu, wondering if he could announce his identity.

Jingyu nodded slightly.

"The gentleman here is the messenger dispatched by Kyoto." Inoue gestured Jingyu to the other side with his hand. "The other person was brought by him. I don't think you need to know more details."

When they heard the word "Kyoto", they immediately looked at Jingyu with awe.

"No more, no more," one of them waved one after another, and led everyone to bow to Jingyu: "We are really rude, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter. It's okay for strict inspections in extraordinary times." Jingyu walked out. "Your Saitama team has done very well. I believe that as long as you work more with the Shinjuku team, you will be recognized quickly.

Agree? Who is recognized? That is naturally Kyoto.

At least those people understand it that way. Therefore, they are all happy faces.

I can also hear from the words, it seems that the Shinjuku team has been recognized. In fact, the fighting in Shinjuku yesterday did indeed admire the resistance groups here. They even looked at Inoue with more respect.

Inoue secretly smiled.

After leaving the group of Saitama and walking side by side with Jingyu, she solemnly said to Jingyu:

"Thank you so much. We lost our stronghold and were originally like dogs in bereavement. With your words, it would be more convenient for us to enter and leave Saitama."

"It's nothing more than a hand, and you're welcome to meet me, I'm very happy." Jingyu smiled at her ambiguously.

Inoue turned his head and emphasized, "I'm not here to greet you, I just thought ‘would Karen be in trouble when I come in’? Come out and see, it just happened to meet you."

She whispered in her heart, ‘It’s still so keen to hate. ’

Jingyu continued to laugh a few times. The voice was heard in Inoue's ears, and her face slowly turned red.

Fortunately, he changed the subject.

"Speaking of it, don't you find it strange to see "He"?" Jingyu asked.

"Naturally a little curious. But as I said earlier, since you brought it, there will always be some truth."

Inoue showed confidence in him, which made Jingyu very happy.

"I'm going to live with you tonight." He lowered his voice and let her hear it.

But the implicit meaning of this sentence is really too embarrassing to answer him. She pretended not to hear, and slowed down her pace, not walking with him, but with Karen who was behind them.

Jingyu also looked back, "Karen, don't you stare at me all the time, OK? I didn't mess with you."

"Yeah, you didn't." Kallen grumbled her lips, looking sulky. "But, they clearly doubted me so much, but the result was that they kept apologizing to you and didn't apologize to me."

"Then let's go back, I let them apologize to you too!" Jingyu turned and walked in the same direction as before.

Kallen quickly grabbed him and gave him a white glance, "You don't have to do that, you are really like this."

"He's teasing you, Kalian." Inoue said clearly.

For a moment, Kalian looked at Jingyu's face and hummed away his arm.

Jingyu looked up at Inoue, and the latter returned to him with a jealous glance of ‘Chuxiang wanted to tease me and then bully my companion’.

Lulu silently followed behind the three of them, watching their expressions in their eyes and hearing their words in their ears, thinking that the guy really had a set. I don’t know how long he has been here. In short, the woman with blue hair who has been quite eaten up in the resistance group seems to be unable to escape his ‘hunting’.

‘Kyoto? Or is this name so easy to use here? ’

Lulu couldn't help but feel that its existence was a bit of an obstacle, ‘Well, let me take advantage of it in the short term. ’


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