Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 30: You will definitely win

In the third exercise room ten minutes later-

Mori Watanabe and Nanka Mayumi stand together, talking about what happened in the previous scene.

The first-year second-year student’s younger brother made a provocation with naked contempt, "Proud Vice-Chairman of the first-year student, come to a simulated war... No matter what method you use, as long as you can trigger The self-defense magic on me, even if you win."

The Ministry of Warfare and the Criminal Department were of course in battle, and then everyone came here.

At this time, "I still thought that he could use the self-defense magic that was easy to be triggered on him to stop the possible conflict...and got a chance." Yumi smiled bitterly.

She accidentally shot Jingyu's magic yesterday, and the power is so small that even if you hit the skin directly, it will not leave scars. It is this kind of magic, but it can already trigger self-defense magic. Now, he said, as long as the opponent can trigger, even if the opponent wins.

Is it going to lose?

In that posture, no one believes that he is premised on his own defeat.

But, to say something that will win... "Does that guy have me, really Yumi, or ten characters?" ‘Mori Watanabe is thinking about this... The real Yumi and Shijo mentioned by her and the three of them are also called the Big Three. They are the heads of the Student Union, the Federation of Societies, and the Disciplinary Committee, and are recognized as the strongest three in the school.

The three can definitely beat the Ministry of Service and Penalty. On the premise of absolute strength, if they are in Jingyu's position, they will not be hit by the Ministry of Torture in the simulated war, and they will not ‘trigger self-defense magic’.

Jingyu is not them... he is just a second-subject student who has barely passed the entrance examination.

Morley thought of two possibilities, ‘he deliberately concealed his strength when he entered the school, or his BS magic is strong enough. ’

She prefers the latter.

Then, her arm was pulled by Zhen Yumei, "Huh?" looked towards Zhen Yumei.

"I said, we got the chance again by him." Real Yumi said.

"Ah... um." Morley understood what she was saying, and gave her a white glance, "Isn't it time to think about this, don't you see the boy's fierceness when he talks? I'm worried that the boy in the ministry will be hurt. He was too humiliated."

"That's not bad," Yumi said casually.

"Really?" Morley could not imagine that she would think so.

Really Yumi sighed in distress, "Fan Zang's brother has always taken a high attitude towards the students of the second department. If he sympathizes with him today, what about those students who are treated by him with a high attitude? If he really can taste the taste, it may not be bad. Maybe you will be able to do what you don’t want in the future."

"...It would be good if this was the case." Morley always felt that things would not be so smooth. And, there is also a possibility, "So, if the boy lost at sixteen nights?"

Zhenyoumei didn't even think about this possibility, and looked at her in surprise, "Shouldn't it?"

"Excuse me, where does your "should" come from?" Morley felt powerless.

"Um..." Mayumi issued a note of thought, gently nodding her cheek continuously, and finally, "The woman's intuition." A finger was raised playfully.

Mori noticed that from now on to the present, there was still a trace of playfulness, and she looked sympathetically at the Ministry of Warfare standing in the middle of the room... Of course, she would sympathize with him, but it was not based on the point of defeating him.

Then, she looked at the opposite side of the Ministry of Service and Criminal Affairs—Moli had mixed feelings about the problem of the first-year student here.

On the one hand, she suspected that he might be the object of a future marriage contract, she resisted him;

On the other hand, he is not cute at all as a junior... It was actually to cause trouble for her chairperson, and to cause embarrassment to her frequently. However, he would be surprised by him and attracted his attention.

Molly couldn't tell for himself whether he hated him a little more or admired him more. However, she knows that even if he puts down the harsh words now, she still hopes he can win.

Otherwise, she may never see him again on this campus.

If you want her to find a reasonable explanation for this complex emotion, that is: if you, who have delayed us girls for so many years, lose easily, I will not forgive you.

Thinking of this, Morley walked over to him... The friend behind him must have looked at himself in surprise, but it didn't matter. Jingyu noticed Morley and smiled slightly at her.

Morley stood still and lowered his voice, saying: "The strength of the clothing department can be ranked in the top five in the school. Even if you have BS magic with zero activation time, it is best not to underestimate the enemy... He is not slower than "zero". What. If you are five meters away, your magic may not reach him at all, and his magic can be activated."

Just now, when I decided to conduct a simulated war, the two sides of the battle were allowed to take personal CAD... The Ministry of Criminal Affairs is a member of the Student Union, and the CAD is on the body; Jin Yumei has already done a good job to write the approval, let Jingyu Go get it.

Jingyu said, ‘I don’t have CAD’.

The use of modern magic does not necessarily require CAD. However, the magicians still have one man... because CAD can help the magicians to use magic quickly and diversely.

In other words, if it does not have such convenience, the magicians will not pursue it.

He said no, but it surprised everyone present.

Morley immediately asked him, "Why don't you prepare one?"

"Come here to go to school, just have it in school. Outside the school, no matter what happens, my strength is enough to cope." He said with a shrug.

I'm really confident in myself blindly.

Morley will come to warn him not to underestimate the enemy, nor is it unreasonable.

However, this was distorted by this kid's thought, "Can it be... Does the school sister care about me?" He also asked in a low voice, and cast an ambiguous look.

Moore itched his teeth, and then smiled angrily: "Yes, I care about you... It's so stupid that I will tell my opponent what I will know when I am about to emulate... How do you care more?"

This is also a prerequisite for Morris to come... She believes that Jingyu gave all the benefits to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. Then, even if she revealed that some of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs was good at him, it was fair.

But seeing his tired and lazy appearance, Morley immediately explained this point further.

‘You will die by yourself! She snorted and came to the center of the two. After reading the banned items of the competition rules and asking the two of them separately for preparations, "Start!" kicked off the competition.

The service department's criminal department wears a bracelet-type general-purpose CAD on the left wrist. He walked on the CAD with his right hand while watching Jingyu.

The second department student actually possessed BS magic, which surprised the service department's criminal department when he first heard it. However, it is only ‘a bit’... BS magic is ridiculed as being inferior to the magicians who use modern magic because of its single ability. Now that you know what kind of magic the other party will be, there is nothing to fear.

The general-purpose CAD can store ninety-nine types of activations, corresponding to ninety-nine types of magic. The Ministry of Service and Criminal Affairs first used magic to prevent freezing. After this was completed, he still operated CAD and began to prepare offensive magic.

The other party humiliated him so much that he did not intend to be merciful, and he made up his mind to teach the other party a big lesson.

In doing so, he suddenly found that Jingyu in front did not move, but raised his arm towards him.

Seeing him look over, "Are you ready?" Jingyu also asked.

Was he waiting for his spell?


Even Mori Watanabe's eyes widened, looking at Jingyu in surprise.

For a moment, the Ministry of Torture forgot to cast the spell, and then, "arrogant!" A little shouted that he could not stand the contempt, he also raised his arm and activated the magic formed.

The people watching the battle can see that at the feet of Jingyu, the magic effect of the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice appeared-the effect light like the magic circle is expanding and becoming clear... They are excellent enough to even distinguish that this is a move Department of magic. It can knock Jingyu out of the station ten meters away and hit the rear wall.

At that moment, Jingyu stomped his feet, and the magic light disappeared immediately... as if he had been stomped by one foot.

"Which..." The Ministry of Torture couldn't believe what the eyes saw.

Not only he but the girls also widened their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, they found a more surprising scene, the entire body of the serving department's punishment department, from the footsteps to the neck below, all in the ice blue crystal. But he himself didn't seem to have found the ground, staring at Jingyu's feet...


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