Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 31: Powerful frozen

Exercise Room 3-

If the duration of freezing is too long, it can cause severe frostbite... One of the rules of the simulation war is ‘Forbid to use the technique of directly destroying the opponent’s body’. In this way, the caster will lose in violation of this rule.

Thinking of Mori Watanabe here, he quickly raised his hand.

"The victory has been divided!" After she announced the result, "It's really beautiful, the magic of thaw!"

"Ah... um." Zhen Yumei also wears her usual CAD on the wrist, and she has to cast a spell to remove the freezing of the body's surface.

She seemed absent-minded to do so, but none of this affected her operation.

However, "no need." Casting the frozen Jingyu, like repelling mosquitoes, waved his hand. The seemingly life-threatening ice turned into ice chips and dissipated... The colorful light reflected by the ice chips was so beautiful.

The punishment department of the service department shivered tremblingly. The support of the ice layer is lost, and the suppression of the nerve sensory organs by the ice is also lost. Only then did he realize the power of magic, and he collapsed tremblingly.

Mo Li went up to check, and his bare neck hand, except for some purple infrared, did not have frostbite. She knew Jingyu successfully controlled the power, and she was relieved in her heart... Then, just like Yumi, she was full of doubts.

No, everyone in the room was puzzled.

Jingyu walked in front of the serving department under the eyes of everyone. He was condescending, but did not have any joy because of the victory of the simulation war, said lightly:

"Vice President Junyi, now you understand your pride, is it worth mentioning in front of me?"

The service department's punishment department was pale and speechless... he could be said to be killed after being given many advantages. Even, he has the illusion that this is not true, a nightmare... and fantasy.

Jingyu has no sympathy for him, "According to the agreement before the game, from now on, whether it is public or private, as long as you see me, you will call me Sixteen Nights."

He bent down and patted the shoulder of the service department's punishment department, and said with a smile: "Remember?"

This is part of the oral agreement between the two before the simulation battle. After Jingyu proposed "As long as you can trigger the self-defense magic on my body, even if you win", it cleverly induced the service department to be dizzy. committed to.

As soon as the Ministry of Torture heard, the body was trembling. If he could faint now, he really wanted to faint.

"Come on, now call "Sixteen Nights Lord" to listen to me." Jingyu smiled and encouraged him.

His gesture... The women said in their hearts neatly, ‘Is it evil?’

That is not a bad feeling when dealing with women, it is completely evil, and it is evil without concealing the consequences... But this way of evil in order to control evil does not make all women hate.

The Ministry of Service and Criminal Affairs did not call out after all.

Jingyu sneered, "Why, after ignoring others, let others respect their fellows, but they can't fulfill their promises? However, I have a large number of adults, this time will not work. In the future, I will encourage you to come and take a good look. Learned."

He straightened his waist, "Sister Morley, you have worked hard...Now I want to get into the topic and study the self-defense magic on me, or ‘because it’s too late, just wait until tomorrow’?”

"...Compared to that," Morley said after three seconds, "what was that with you just now?"

"Which one just now?" Jingyu looked down, looking puzzled.

"The one you trampled on Fan Zang's magic..." Zhen Yumei also joined the conversation. She approached Jingyu. She was 20 centimeters shorter than Jingyu. She looked up at the fairy-like face: "I suddenly thought of it. Did you lift the self-defense magic yesterday, not control it... …Is that the way I just did?"

"Hey?" Mori, who didn't expect this, looked at Zhenyoumei in a surprise, then looked at Jingyu again. Jingyu nodded, "However, is that such a great thing? I thought you could think of the reason after knowing my BS magic."

"Remember that your BS magic has two items, freezing and magic eyes..." Ling Yin recalled Jingyu's state just now, "I was not here yesterday and I don't know the situation. Just now, you didn't use magic eyes... that is, Is it related to freezing?"

But does freezing have the effect of destroying magic? Several people asked themselves in their hearts.

After seeing them, Jingyu had no choice but to say: "You know, after freezing, the material will become fragile. It is this principle that is applied... It will freeze the imaginary child who constitutes magic, even if he punches his fist, he will stomp and smash. It’s easy."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Morley raised his hands and pressed hard. After she did this, it was like reacting to what she heard, and she said after the meeting: "Why is the non-physical particle belonging to the dimension of mind image, how could it be frozen?"

It's frozen to a fragile level...that's impossible!

Morley made a direct argument.

Jingyu felt troubled, "but in fact, that's how I did it. You said it was impossible, and I couldn't help it. In my opinion, what you can see can be frozen... This is common sense!"

This is not common sense! We don’t have this common sense! Morley wanted to refute so loudly.

Before her, the bell sounded calmly and said: "So it is so, so is it BS magic."

No need to understand, it will be used from birth, also known as innate special ability... Although the ability of BS magic is very single and is despised by users of modern magic. However, in these single power fields, modern magic technology cannot reach the same level.

Just like the "frozen" in front of me... The dragon leaves deep snow, which is the most good at cooling magic among the girls, also sighed.

She looked at Jingyu and couldn’t help but think, ‘it felt right at the time... this person’s ice was frozen on me. ’

Ling Yin touched his chin and then said: "Modern magic is a technique to change fact, it is to change the "records that things once existed in the world"-individual intelligence bodies... individual intelligence bodies are also composed of Kyouko. If Liu Ye’s younger brother can freeze his son, he will be able to freeze and crush individual intelligence bodies.”

She thought from this that Jingyu's BS magic, just like the magic that has destroyed others just now... will not only appear as freezing, but also directly break the individual.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a strong BS magic." She sighed. I looked at the Penal Department of the Eye Service Department again and thought, ‘You are not wronged against such a person. just……'

Such a powerful magician has been assessed as a second-subject student by the college... The shortcomings of the college system have once again appeared.

Another thing is curiosity, "Sixteen night student," Ling Yin said: "If you negotiate with the college with this level of BS magic, you can become a subject...Why didn't you do it?"

It also hides his own BS ​​ability with magic eyes that seems to be equally'convenient'... Ling Yin still remembers his statement at the time,'As long as I want, I can read the memory of the person I met with', This is probably true.

The ringing problem attracted everyone's attention to Jingyu again.

Jingyu smiled, "Sister Lingyin's question is a bit problem, why do I have to become a student?"

"Frankly speaking, becoming a student can avoid being discriminated against." Ling Yin replied.

Explain here that she is different from the Ministry of Criminal Service. She is opposed to the system of one subject and two subjects.

"Sister Lingyin made sense," Jingyu nodded, but shook his head again, "My grades at school are like that, which is the level of the second-level students. If I am here, I will preach my BS magic intentionally, let If you transfer to one subject yourself, doesn't it mean you also agree with the contempt of the first subject students for the second subject students?"

Before entering the school, I knew that there was a system of division of two subjects in one subject, but I still took the exam...After the test results came out, if I was not satisfied with the results, I wanted to transfer from the second subject to the first subject. What is this called?

cowardly? Inferiority? In short, good adjectives can never be used.

He tapped his chest with his thumb. "I, I agree with the newly admitted first-year students. The level of practical skills is above me. However, I don't think that being a second-year student has any embarrassment!"


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