Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Teasing, fangs

On the opposite side there is a second-year student who exudes anger that is about to burn, which can be seen by individuals... Say no, it can only be intentional.

Moreover, it can be achieved at this level.

Insufficient psychological preparation led to the excessive surprise of Yumi, who was so shaken that he could not alleviate the situation in time.

Mori Watanabe, who couldn't see it,'came out', "Sixteen nights, stop fooling around." Although it was blame, the voice was very soft.

She still kind of knows Jingyu's character. That's because others didn't provoke him, so he didn't bother to bother... he would do it, only what the vice president did first. Therefore, she blamed the vice president even more...Unfortunately, she missed the previous section and did not know what the other party did.

"Even Sister Morley said the same thing..." Jingyu looked at the vice-chairman across from him in surprise. "It seems that there is really something... Why can't I see it? Ah... …"

Afterwards, it seemed to reflect the reason, the right fist hammered down the left palm, "Sisters, you can't blame me. It's because you and Shen Xue's Rongguang are too dazzling. How can the humble guy beside you What about the eyes?"

He was not angry, he smiled to the vice president, "You said, don't you see the vice president."

"You, you guys..." The vice president was losing his wits.

"What?" Jingyu listened pretendingly with the palm of his hand in his ear, and said to Yumi: "I didn't hear a response, wouldn't Vice President Jun disagree with me..."

He leaned in to Yumi's ear, lowered the volume, but made it audible to everyone in the room.

"Sister Xue, he must think you are not beautiful."

Jin Yumi's eyes blinked, and he looked at the vice president with an aggrieved look.

Even with such a coordinated performance, even Jingyu was a little surprised, and gave her a thumbs up in the bottom of her heart.

The other party couldn’t hold back immediately, blushing and explaining in a panic, “No, no, President, don’t listen to him talking nonsense, I agree... Ah, no, I don’t agree... No, I mean only half !"

Finally, he found a way out of the predicament, and he was immediately surrounded by Jingyu again.

Jingyu Xiangzhen said: "What half and half are excuses, is it all the same thing...Huh? Vice President Jun, is it unconvincing to squint here with your eyes open? Then you said, If you are not humble, can it be compared with the sisters and the snow of Shen Xue?"

The trap is really heavy and heavy!

What should the vice president say, admit that he is unremarkable, or that he can compare with the chairman's appearance?

****Support line of "The Devil of Time and Space"****

Long Ye Shenxue was surprised by the situation in front of him, and the tension disappeared suddenly, not to mention, how could the president also join the ranks of the whole person... and did so wonderfully.

She looked at the other three school sisters in the room... The second-year Sister Nakajo was trembling, and the third-year Sister Ichihara was still so calm.

How could Morley not be bothered? It’s enough to deal with a really Yumi, and now there is one more...the two ‘demons’ have formed a tacit understanding.

However, since things have eased, she feels that she is self-reliant, and she is too lazy to help her siege.

The vice president, who opened his mouth several times, watched Jingyu back and forth several times on Jingyu's serious and grievous face, and locked Jingyu.

Suddenly, he pointed at Jingyu and said, "You, did you provoke my relationship with the chairman?"

Jingyu smiled, "Hey, Vice President Jun, it's very strange. I'm clearly talking about the sisters and Shen Xue, but you only mentioned the president... Can you tell me, please?" What is your relationship with the president?"

Jin Yumei immediately made an ignorant expression and turned her head.

"Woo..." The vice president froze, his face flushed hard and said lowly: "I, I am the president's men..." He paused and carried it again when he raised his eyes. High pressure, "In short, I don't have to report to the students of the second branch of weeds."

Weed, the name banned by the school regulations appeared...... Jingyu ignored him, but looked at the chairman of the discipline.

Originally looking at the lively state of Mori, "The vice chairman of the Ministry of Service, even dare to speak the ban in front of me, the chairman of the style discipline, your courage is really big."

These remarks can be said to be reprimands or warnings, but the Ministry of Service did not show a fearful expression...and it was not anger and speechlessness.

He even said to Morley: "Even if you want to hide the title of weeds, it doesn't help. More than one-third of the students in the school are using this... Do you want to report them all?"

"It really excuses me." Jingyu interjected with a sarcastic smile: "Everyone is making mistakes, can you conceal that you haven't made mistakes? And, I think even if one-third of the students in the school use it that way, Did they stand in front of Chairman Feng Ji for this? Sister Morley, he clearly looked down on you."

He pointed to the vice president of the Ministry of clothing, so that the expression of panic wanted to explain appeared on the face of the vice president of the department.

However, Jingyu's hand flicked, and he dispelled the posture of teasing people. "Well, this can be said later... I would like to know what is the vice president of the clothing department who insulted me? Long position? The identity of a student? Or strength?"

With a playful smile, he decided to do it himself at the moment when Morley did not directly deal with it.

No one saw this hidden emotion, but all saw the sudden aggressiveness.

The vice president obviously has not yet realized the ‘danger’ he faces, but instead feels that he has been offended.

"It's just a freshman in the first grade, or a weed. Not only do I disrespect me as a senior, but I dare to pretend to be extraordinary. Then I will tell you that I am proud of myself as a student and have the strength to stand. I'm proud of you here!"

There is no need to boast at all. Since enrolling in school, no one has beaten him in actual combat. This is a fact!

He cast a scornful look at the other party, "Go and weigh yourself."

However, the other party smiled lightly and breezy... No, the real Yumi looked from the side to see more clearly, and his open lips clearly showed the attitude of preying. The face was smiling, but the eyes were not, and all was cold.

Such Jingyu leaned forward and leaned on the table with one hand, "Then I will step on your pride under your feet... Stepping on you will make you feel better!"

Gentle as a lover's whisper, but cold and chilly. ..


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