Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 17: Smash a proud blow

Jingyu picked up the white cloth towel and wrapped it carefully around her head. Then, he put on a kendo helmet. Picking up the bamboo sword and holding the bamboo sword in both hands, he came to the start line and squatted to salute the opponent. After standing up, wait for Morley's gesture.

"Start." Mori Watanabe waved a small flag in his hand.

Tongyuan Wuming acted immediately-he held the sword with one hand in his left hand, and quickly pressed a few times on his left wrist with his right hand. The ear noise like scratching glass made some unprepared audiences cover their ears.

He launched the magic high-frequency blade.

Jingyu on the other side did nothing.

Seeing this, Morley almost wanted to stop the game immediately...Takehara Wu Ming had already launched the attack first.

Of course, the game has already started, which is not a foul.

He crossed a distance of several meters and waved towards Jingyu. Jingyu maintained the posture of holding the bamboo sword with both hands, stepped back and evaded, and walked to the side of Wuyuan Tongyuan, and quickly approached.

Tongyuan, too late to adjust his posture, waved sideways and forced Jingyu back again.

After the two met again, when Tongyuan Wuming attacked again, Jingyu escaped from his other side...

Viewing zone

"What's that guy doing! Why don't you use magic?" Elika thumped her teeth on the guardrail, seeming more anxious than Jingyu on the field, her eyes blinking without blinking.

Others are not understanding Jingyu's intentions, and naturally cannot answer him.

Those of them are considered to be Jingyu's friends, and those who are anxious and those who are wondering are still polite... There have been other audience watching the audience, who booed impatiently.

At this time, it was the third time the two met face to face.


From the field, there was no sign of outburst. The shout forced all the people in the stadium to stagnate, and the construction materials of the gymnasium buzzed. After the cry stopped, the glass was still shaking.

Wu Ming, who wanted to step forward, lifted his body backwards, and the attack couldn't help but stop. There was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead... At this moment, there was an understanding, and if the other party attacked, he would definitely lose.

However, the other party did not move.

As a referee, Mori Watanabe noticed that Jingyu's pace was not messy at all, and he didn't stop the game... but did not expect such an outbreak. The cry made her heart touch her throat.

What happens next? For the first time, she began to look forward to it.

It seems that in order to give Tongyuan Wuming the time to adjust, Jingyu didn't step on until two seconds later.

Tongyuan Wuming gritted his teeth and greeted him. He thought that even if the victory was not strong, it was the fault of the other party not to use magic... The bamboo sword with the high-frequency blade effect attached to the other party's bamboo sword.

With this sword, you can destroy the opponent's bamboo sword and get the winner.

The accident also appeared here.

The bamboo swords of both sides intersect, but Jingyu's bamboo sword has not been destroyed.

This not only made the audience full of doubts and started to stir up, but Wuyuan Tongyuan was a little puzzled.

Only a few minds responded quickly, and they caught the truth first!

On the battle table-

"The victory and defeat have been divided!" said Spodar, who was watching the game silently.

"Hah?" Leo next to him said: "Tatsuya, who won? Why didn't I see it?"

Even a swordsmanship game that allows the use of destructive magic, it is necessary to hit the protective gear to have an effect... However, unlike ordinary hits, which is to obtain points, it is calculated based on the destructive power generated.

All the armor itself has special magic... Participants can also apply protective magic such as hardening magic to protect the armor and bamboo sword, so as not to be destroyed by the opponent’s destructive magic. .

In general, the lethal magic allowed in the game cannot break through the special magic set by the protective gear.

"It's a different dimension!" Erica said this time. She obviously also reacted. When everyone looked at her, they saw her touching her forehead with her hand. "Look! The guy... is definitely a monster!"

"What the **** is going on?" Leo was annoyed by their unclear expression. Afraid of missing the fierce battle in the field, he asked forcefully, "Who can explain this?"

"Don't you understand?" Erica gave him a white glance. "The high-frequency blade of Senior Kirabara's magic is indeed still...If the high-frequency blade is attached, even the bamboo sword will be as sharp as a real sword."

"Uh huh." Leo nodded. "And then?"

"But why didn't you cut off the bamboo sword of the 16th night classmate?" Meiyue also asked.

"Shouldn't it, Sixteen Nights actually used hardening magic quietly, right?" Leo said.

"In that case, we won't admire it." Spada also said: "It is to find the exact position of the blade! Then, in each attack, avoid the front of the "blade" and press from the side" Blade'. I can accurately find the position of the blade after Tongyuan's senior four waves, and I can easily do this...I can only think that he is several stages higher in Kendo than Tongyuan's senior. "

"Original, that's what it is." Leo swallowed and stared at the bamboo sword in Tongyuan's hand carefully, ‘the position of the blade...’

Can't see it at all.

Moreover, the bamboo sword was swung by Tongyuan as densely as a storm. Facing words will only dazzle? Find it every time in that situation?

Leo somewhat understood the adjective ‘monster’ used by Erica.

In the field, Tongyuan finally understood this. He took the initiative to step back from the front of Jingyu. At the same time he stepped back, he began to change his magic. ’

The moment the magic started, his body seemed to be shrouded in shimmer. Between the movement of the body, it was almost time to bring out the afterimage, and quickly pulled to the dead corner of Jingyu, and sent a slash from there.

The other party saw through the high-frequency blade, and did not plan to use magic... Or, even if it was used, Kirara was not afraid. The first-year students are in the second grade, and there is no reason to be slower than the first-year students in the speed of magic.

Tong Yuan changed from high lethality to high speed, using acceleration magic.

‘For the dimension beyond the limits of the body, the power of magic cannot be defeated! ’

When Tongyuan was thinking this way, he noticed that the other party's Bamboo Sword came straight. He stabbed in his throat, and when he didn't understand the sound of "Ah...", he was picked up and picked out by the other party. He flew back five meters before touching the ground.

'Pretty! "Mori Watanabe, the referee, shouted in his heart.

To say where this blow is the most'pretty' is the timing!

If it is one point faster, Tongyuan’s acceleration has not stopped... If you shoot with a bamboo sword, the bamboo sword will inevitably be damaged. If you slow down one minute, the attack from Tongyuan, which stopped from acceleration, and Will hit the opponent.

It is a masterpiece that can't be released!

There are no more than two people as far as Mori knows that they can be used in this way.

However, her flag was not raised immediately!

As mentioned above, there is special magic on the protective gear. Ordinary attacks, even if the power of the stab itself is not small, it is impossible to produce an effective killing effect.

This is her, when the referee who monitored the damage of the protective gear lifted the effective flag with a stunned expression, it took a second for her to raise the effective red flag! ..


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