Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 18: Upright swordsman

Mori held the flag and stared blankly at Jingyu, who was standing in a kendo posture.

The posture seemed to be firm and tight, whether it was immediately turned into a defense or an attack, it must be easy to do.

In Mori's eyes, no flaws were seen. Except for the roar just now, he still has no transition to emphasize his own existence. It is as firm as a rock and as quiet as a secluded lake.

He only put down the bamboo sword when Morley verbally announced that the blow was effective. With his left hand, he walked back to the starting line.

He stood quietly, without any trace of frivolity.

‘It’s different! ’Moli thought.

From the beginning of contact with him to just now, he has given her the impression of being very lazy, a naughty child who can always grind his teeth. However, in front of him, it was like changing a person... It was definitely a swordsman with firm willpower!

The best way to show this is that he does not use magic but fights purely with swords. And he believes in the sword in his hand and understands the sword in his hand...

‘Then it’s really a beautiful blow. ’

Morley now knows that it's not just the timing that is beautiful.

****Support line of "The Devil of Time and Space"****

In the battle area, among the same people, it is not clear what happened to the more amateur Meiyue like fighting. So, seeing the red flag held by Morley, she was in her heart ‘hey? "A cry.

Looking to the side, Erica clutched the fence with her hands. In that way, it says that you want to jump out immediately and brandish a sword;

On the other side, Spodar also had a calm expression... He was basically like this, Mizuki couldn't see anything; and Leo beside him, just like Erica had just touched his forehead.

There are three girls farther away... The girl with double ponytails doesn't understand as she does; the girl with short gray hair has thoughtfully whispered to Shen Xue's face thoughtfully, and Shen Xue nodded.

From here, everyone cares, and Meiyue will know. It must have been a great thing just now.

"Then, that..." she said carefully: "Can you explain?"

"...The reason why Meiyue is puzzled is probably why the attack from the arm can push a boy of the same size as Tongyuan's head out so far?" Elika said after a slow second.

Meiyue nodded, "Sixteen night classmates are indeed a little taller than Tongyuan's seniors, but they don't seem to be particularly strong... And, if it is such a strong attack, why is the bamboo sword not damaged? He should not use it Magic strengthen the bamboo sword?"

"Well," Erica nodded. "That's because..."

"He added his weight!" Leo suddenly plugged in, and when Erica stared at him dissatisfiedly, "Hey, I can know this even if it's... Really, it's not out of our understanding. Range, why can I admire so much!"

He sighed, and Erica folded her arms and put on a proud look of "see what you can say".

Leo said: "Have Mizuki heard the movement of the center of gravity?" After Mizuki nodded, "He used the center of gravity to move when he pierced the bamboo sword. The weight of the whole body was converted into an impulse, which cooperated with the thorn. Strike, exerted on the principal of Tongyuan... Yeah, this is the first time someone who uses such a center of gravity to move perfectly...I must ask him to teach me."

"What else?" Erica asked him. "Hey? There?" Leo looked puzzled, "What else?"

"Why is the bamboo sword not damaged?" Elika said.

"Of course it's because it didn't exceed the bamboo sword's tolerance," Leo said.

"Hah..." Erica's head was planted. "I knew that you only had this degree!"

She broke Leo's sentence, "Listen! The center of gravity moves, turning weight into impulse. These are all right. However, this alone is not enough to cause an impact of flying back five meters... and step! Instant acceleration! He also transferred this generated'energy' to the other party. And, depending on the length and speed of the step, he successfully controlled the total production capacity without exceeding the bamboo sword's tolerance...I suspect it was just destructive and not hurt To the extent of the bamboo sword!"

This is the first time I saw this guy! She finally murmured again.

The sigh even made her forget to continue to satire Leo, but looked back at the field.

Jingyu has stood back to the starting line, but the opponent is still lying on the ground. Realizing that something was wrong, Mori thought it might be injured... He quickly announced a suspension of the game, and came to Tongyuan with other referees.

When asked, he didn't answer. Several people carefully took off his helmet and saw him staring blankly at the ceiling... obviously it was just impossible to recover from the previous blow.

"It seems that it is here." Elika said: "The stab is difficult to succeed, not to mention the fact that one side uses magic and the other is just a sword skill... Huh?"

She noticed that after the suspension was announced, Jingyu, who had been sitting still, stood up again and walked towards her opponent.

What is he going to do?

Erica couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Others are also... part of the audience already thought, wouldn’t he want to ridicule his opponent?

Morley also saw him coming.

"Back to school, you..."

His words were blocked by raising his hand. The spirit of raising his hand was still a swordsman... Morley who saw this was relieved... she was really worried that he was acting improperly in the eyes of everyone.

Jingyu squatted down next to Tongyuan and took off the helmet. "It's not shameful to fall in front of your opponent. It's ridiculous that you can't fall down and you can't get up... are you?"

Tongyuan's eyes kept blinking, his eyes focused on Jingyu's face.

He propped on the ground hard with both hands and raised his upper body. However, probably his consciousness was restored, but his body had not recovered his strength, and he fell back.

Jingyu grabbed his shoulder, "Isn't this able to stand up." Turned and smiled at Morley, "Sister Xue, the referee's job, I will continue to ask you."

"Oh, leave it to me." Morley watched him with a manly smile.

When Jingyu walked back in the direction of the starting line, he glanced in the direction of the battle seat... Rensheng in that direction could clearly feel his eyes looking at him.

It seems to understand his meaning from it: Do you understand? ..


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