Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 16: Battle of Kendo and Sword Art

Longye Shenxue thought that Jingyu couldn't think of it now. However, if he thinks about it carefully, he knows that Shen Xue's approach is correct... For ordinary people, the fundamental thing to want to live a good life is to make as few enemies as possible.

Jingyu itself is no longer an ordinary person. Even if you come to be an ordinary person, it is difficult for ordinary people to think.

Take the previous case, if it was him before, even if he was not attacking himself, how could he not know when he was about to hit? It is completely conscious, even if the explosion that explodes the earth does not harm itself, it will lack alertness.

He felt that he should reflect on it and further deepen his impression that he is now an ‘ordinary high school student’.

In order to avoid the stupid situation that everyone sees him as a problem, and he himself is not aware of it.

So, "What you said makes sense." He said this while touching his chin... making Shenxue stunned.

‘This, this... what’s going on with such a big deviation from expectations? 'Deep Snow couldn't help suspicious.

Is he the one who will be persuaded so easily?

Jingyu has already faced the approaching classmates, "Erica will not say it, Meiyue even participated... I knew you were all so "blood and flirty", so I asked you to go shopping with me... in the afternoon Super boring."

Wearing glasses, Mizuki appears a little weak in shape, showing an embarrassed embarrassment.

And Erica gave him a blank look, "What do you mean'don't say it'! Am I a person in your heart who likes to argue?" She, with her little tiger teeth, turned curiously: " By the way, I heard that you and your second-year students have agreed to compare sword skills...have you finished? Won or lost?"

"Did I ever make an appointment with someone?" Jingyu looked sideways with doubt.

"Hey...?" Erica and Mizuki both made such sounds. They looked at each other and Yumiyue said carefully: "No, don't you just go..."

Erica is very straightforward, "Let's put the pigeons! The other is a sophomore, really has you."

Her face clearly showed an expression of excitement about this... How dare you say that you don't like to argue?

This, Jingyu felt that she must remember her!

When the two of them said, Deep Snow's doubts dissipated a little. I thought, he really didn't change his temper.

Seeing that the three girls all misunderstood Jingyu, "so say..." made a further emphasis, "I didn't make an appointment with anyone! There was indeed a group of boys blocking the way in the morning, and I talked about nothing. listen……"

He lifted his headphones.

Both Erica and Mizuki thought of what he once said, ‘when you don’t want to listen, use headphones to separate’... The former touched his forehead, and the latter smiled bitterly.

Not stupid, they obviously guessed the truth. It must be the default that others think he does not speak!

"But, it's troublesome!" Erica's expression calmed down. "Now there are rumors in the school that you have accepted the test. The time is just after school. If you don't go, it's not very good. Let's go together."

She showed herself eager to try!

On the side of the competition is Jingyu, who can see her depth. On the other side, she has heard of her name and was the champion of the Kanto Swordsmanship Competition in the previous year...

Isn't it worth looking forward to what kind of competition will be staged in this two-person competition? If it weren’t for being caught up in things here, and consciously couldn’t let go of her companions, Alika would have gone to see it.

Her proposal was also supported by Meiyue... Meiyue nodded and expressed her willingness to go with her peers, looking at Jingyu.

"You decide what you want..." Jingyu couldn't help crying or laughing.

Deep Snow pushed it a little further, "You just said, "I made sense", right?"

"Even you..." Persuaded him in his words... Jingyu felt a little troubled.

At this time, two other boys in the same class came forward... One of them and Shen Xue had been standing behind to watch. He was also the object of the blame of the boy who was left. The name was Spoda; the other boy He is facing a student with Erica.

The latter said at this time, "But, doesn't it matter? Isn't he defensive magic on him? What if he is attacked and triggered again? In the end, what kind of person are you in the sixteen nights? You have applied that level of magic to defend yourself...a bit too protected."

"That's none of your business!" Erica glared at the boy and thought, "What the **** is it, even asking about the privacy of people who haven't even exchanged their names..."

Pointing his thumb at him, he introduced Jingyu: "Sixteen nights, this familiar guy is also the same class, the full name is West City Leo Harut... Just call him Leo; the next is Sibodaye, the brother of Longye classmate Yili, we all call him Tadaye."

The three boys greeted each other, and the topic returned to Jingyu's self-defense magic. Leo ignores Erica’s vomiting and once again mentions the question of whether he will be triggered when attacked. This is a very real question. Jingyu touched his chin and thought for a second... Or, in fact, he recalled the words before and after Lin Er set the magic.

The results did not yield useful information.

However, it doesn't matter, "should be fine," he said, "as long as you don't get hit."

"..." All of them froze.

****Support line of "The Devil of Time and Space"****

The second small gymnasium, known as the ‘Arena’, is preparing for Kendo competitions.

The two sides of the game were kneeling on both sides of the competition venue... Jingyu was wearing a white kendo robe with protective gear attached; opposite was the boy with a hedgehog head holding a bamboo sword in the morning, he was wearing a dark blue robe.

Neither side has yet to wear a helmet.

Jingyu closed her eyes after sitting down. Unmoved by the noise around him, his posture did not collapse at all... When he came to this venue, he saw Ren Sheng, which is why he would sit here so seriously.

He wants to show Rensheng what Kendo is!

Of course, at this time, I am familiar with him in the stadium, not just Rensheng... In addition to the same class who came with me, the deep snow of Class A of the year, and her two girls in the same class, there is also the chairman of the style discipline Watanabe Morley.

Mori was originally to deal with the problems that Jingyu might cause if he did not come to the game.

Since Jingyu is here again, the original intention is to stop and change to be one of the referees for the game. She led, looking for other referees, scorers, etc., making the contest a little more formal.

Moreover, around this stadium, there is a viewing area three meters above the ground, and Erica and others are standing here.

"'It should be fine'..." Erica repeated Jingyu's words unconsciously.

"So, Erica thinks, will the sixteen night classmates win?" Meiyue, who was next to her, asked.

"Huh?" Erica stayed, "Ah, no, I was saying..." Opening several times, but it was difficult to explain, "He said it!" She pointed to Jingyu with closed eyes. Pointed his finger, "Should it be said that there is excess self-confidence? Or arrogance..."

She actually didn't want to use this derogatory word to describe her peers. It's just... After coming here, she said, "The other party can use the swordsmanship competition" to conduct this competition. How can she not be concerned?

The so-called magician's sword technique refers to the combination of sword technique and technique. The opponent is a first-year student who is good at practical skills, and is still in the second grade... Erica thinks that Jingyu is deliberately putting herself in a disadvantaged state.

At this point, the opponent also expressed dissatisfaction, thinking he was arrogant.

But as he pushed forward, he also said, "If you don't do this, you won't be competing." Then there is now, while discussing the rules with several people, Watanabe Mori must also consider the safety of protection.

This made the competition not start quickly.

And the news is leaking further, making the number of students concentrated in this stadium increasing.

Mizuki looked at Elika in anxious state, "I was worried." She smiled. "I think, the sixteen night classmates must have their own considerations... enter the gym until now, he The atmosphere around me has been very stable..."

As she spoke, her fingers gently moved her glasses.

"Hey, atmosphere..." Erica looked at her.

Meiyue tightened her body, realizing that she was a bit talkative. When I was unaware of how to avoid it, "Ah, it's about to start." Leo shouted and let Erica quickly look into the venue...Mizuki was relieved.

But what she said was still noticeable...Deep Snow's eyeballs were slightly towards the corner of the eye; Spoda turned her head and looked at Meiyue's eyes.

On the court, Mori first went to Wuming, a two-year student in Tongyuan, and asked if he could start. After the other party nodded, she came to Jingyu again. Squatted down, said to the student with closed eyes:

"Sixteen night student, if it doesn't work, I'll take it as soon as possible. Rest assured."

After a pause, "I can feel good if you can come."

Jingyu opened her eyes, "Don't you expect my victory?" she asked with a light smile.

"I look forward to not letting you hurt." Morley said seriously.

Although he underestimated him a little bit, he didn't let her know how powerful he was... I don't know who is not guilty, it's nothing... Jingyu nodded at the concern she showed. ..


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