Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 11: The difference between kendo and sword skills

Until Jingyu walked back to Rensheng, she never recovered.

"Sister Xue?" Jingyu shouted at her and handed out the bamboo sword.

Rensheng froze to catch... the weight of the bamboo sword brought a slight drop to her hand. The moment when instinct urged her to hold on to the bamboo sword, the familiar touch finally made her recover.

She glanced at the bamboo sword in her hand and at the position where Jingyu was standing before. Instead of talking to Jingyu, he walked over. According to Jingyu's position, she took the sword-drawing posture and waved the bamboo sword.

There is no target in front of her, and she is not trying to slash...but she is determining one thing-the bamboo sword extending from her arm, the position of the blade tip is more than 30 cm away from the target.

"Even if you are taller than me, it's not enough to grow your arms!"

The length of the bamboo sword is fixed...whether it is a boy or a girl, the total length is less than 120 cm.

Excluding the 15 cm of the handle, the rest plus the distance of the arm is obviously less than two meters.

Rensheng closed his posture and turned around, "Return to the younger brother, did you just... use sword energy?"

She has been watching him intently, sure that he is not using magic...Looking at the expressions of others around her, it should be able to confirm this. Therefore, she can only think of this... only this can explain why his slash can slash objects outside the range!

Although, she herself found this conclusion incredible. However, if his sword skill really surpasses her, beyond her cognition... it is not impossible!

Rensheng stared at him closely, looking forward to his answer.

Jingyu shook his head, "Since it is said to show sword skills, I will not use anything else. That is not the effect of Jian Qi, it is the sword intention... I am in the realm of kendo, you are a little bit more than the school sister A bit higher."

He used his index finger and thumb for a distance of one centimeter to describe the tiny height.

"If you want to make an explanation about this, it may be that "the current state of the school sister can cut things", "mine can cut things", like this."

"...Don't call me my sister anymore, I'm ashamed to be a dare!" Rensheng had to understand what he said, or ‘to accept what he said’, and it took some time. Then he immediately straightened his posture and said with a slight nod.

Probably the so-called Darede first.

Jingyu smiled, "Sister Xue, we are currently learning the first high school of magic, not Kendokan."

"Is that so?" Ren Sheng thought for a while and nodded. "Then, if it is in the Kendokan, please allow me to use the honorific title."

"Well, since they are the same people who practice Kendo, I accepted this..." Jingyu looked at the second-year students who were still watching him, and raised the volume a bit. "If you guys, you don't have Is it magic? Do you need to envy or fear me?"

This reminder made everyone stunned. Some people said ‘what they said’ and relaxed.

In addition to Ren Sheng, the others returned to the previous practice in order... However, they still remember one thing, that is: This first-year student's kendo level is too high to understand.

This point, after this class, slowly spread again in the school. It's just that when it reaches the ears of a first-class student, the effect is completely different...The first-class students think that the second-class students' level is not enough, so they can't see the tricks that Jingyu played at the time.

At this moment, when he heard Jingyu's words, Ren Sheng's expression became unnatural...

After seeing it, Jingyu took the initiative to ask her: "Sister, do you have anything to say?"

"Since you asked, I'm rude! Your level of kendo, obviously a guru level, how can you say that self-deprecating words? That sentence should be said the other way round, your kendo is completely above this classroom Everyone's magic!" Ren Sheng seemed to find the catharsis, and he said quickly in one breath.

She spoke to Jingyu with a respectful speech, but stared at him with a little dissatisfaction.

This expression was as if he had tarnished her.

In the face of this, Jingyu's expression became serious... He with an easy-going expression really looked like a teenager of right age. Once serious, he immediately gave Insheng an invisible oppression brought about by maturity and stability.

It's as if there is an elder in front!

Before he even spoke, Rensheng swallowed and tensed.

"Rensheng, are you practicing kendo or sword skills?" he asked.

Rensheng was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand the purpose of his question.

Jingyu didn't wait for her answer completely, "Kendo focuses on personal accomplishment...respect for opponents, control over self, and indulgence... I heard that you have participated in kendo competitions in the past, have you forgotten those rules? What are you doing every day now?"

From wearing game equipment, waiting for the game, playing the game, and completing the game... Every place has specific regulations, and everywhere reflects the etiquette.

Even if Jingyu hasn't studied Kendo in 2095, it should be the same as what he knows.

If all these prescribed matters are done well, it will naturally win respect. And those who can do this will not care whether others respect them.

Kendo, the first self-cultivation.

Obviously, Rensheng now deviates from this.

Jingyu used to supervise the high school and university kendo department in the past. Therefore, in addition to affirming his appearance, seeing such a diligent kendo girl as Rensheng, there is no lack of love for his talents.

Indeed, as he said, he saw confusion in Rensheng's sword.

Why are you confused?

He thought it would have something to do with Watanabe Mori...After deliberately showing the knife-drawing technique and pulling things in such a direction, he finally understood...the deep-seated problem was still hers.

So, give her a call and say, "Come here today. Think about whether you are pursuing kendo or sword skills. When I look for you tomorrow, you can give me the answer again."

He left the classroom, and Rensheng stood there for a long time.

After Jingyu came out of the actual technology building, he reduced his sense of existence to zero. Calculating time, it was almost time for lunch. He put on his headphones and walked towards the restaurant.

****The dividing line of "Time and Space Devil"****

When can these people leave me?

Long Ye Shenxue politely dealt with her classmates who had been with her since she left the classroom, but lamented inwardly... When she left the classroom, it was the end of the morning class selection, and it has been more than an hour now.

Shenxue understands that these people are so out of love for her. However, as a young girl, she still hopes that she can enjoy some free and private time that is not surrounded by others.

With such emotions, surrounded by male and female students came to the restaurant, deep snow frowned slightly at the crowds and chaos here... but immediately, an idea came up.

The dining tables here are basically limited to four people, and there are not so many empty seats.

If you can divert the people around you...

Deep Snow did not rush to choose meals, walking in the dining area as if looking for a seat.

At this time, she passed by a three-to-one position and suddenly stopped. Turning back a little puzzled, he looked towards the boy sitting alone on the bench. ..


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