Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 10: Rensheng and Sword Skill

Chika Erika got up and pressed a girl's shoulder next to her seat, "So, do you want to be with us?"

"" Jingyu looked at the girl.

This girl wears glasses and has a chest that is larger than the student president, the chairman of the discipline, and the sister of Rensheng who he saw yesterday... but it is only slightly more than that of Ono Haruo who just left the classroom a few minutes ago. smaller.

She also looked here with expectant eyes.

However, "Remember that you told the two over there, you have to go to the workshop to see it together, right?" Jingyu asked.

What he was referring to were the two boys on the right side of the girl.

"Huh?" The girl froze, "Have you heard?"

When she said that just now, there were other students in the classroom talking about where to go...she didn't think the other party would listen to them on purpose.

"I'm going back to sixteen nights, what is your name?" Jingyu asked.

"I am Shibata Mizuki." The other party introduced himself.

"It's not intentional to listen to, but at such a short distance, it's more difficult to hear or not." Jingyu took the earphones that he hung around his neck with his hand. "When I don't want to listen, I will do so."

Shibata nodded in comprehension...the other party was listening, and hers was eyes.

Erica read the meaning of Jingyu, and after they paused, "Sixteen nights, you are going to visit anyway, is it okay to go to the workshop with us first?"

‘Because I don’t think Rensheng will be in the workshop. 'Jingyu judged this in her heart and replied: "I don't mean that, but I want to remind you, at least ask the meaning of Miyue, and then help others make a decision? Also, Erica, you didn't return it before class. Say, am I stared at by many people? Let me act alone for now."

"Hello, you haven't asked Miyue what you mean, you just called someone's name." Erica responded with a dissatisfied expression of "What are you qualified to criticize me"... for his reason she accepted it.

If the group of people didn't wait for him in the morning, they would definitely go to him.

She thought to herself that it didn't matter, she hadn't asked others about it, so it was not good to involve them. Furthermore, if asked and rejected, it will only embarrass each other.

It is indeed better to say it by Jingyu himself.

Thinking, as a boy, he is really attentive.

"Okay," she said, "If you promise to come down to learn sword skills, remember to tell me in advance... I really want to see it."

Jingyu smiled unanswered. Nodded to her and Mizuki Shibata, he left the classroom.

After he left, "Erica, have you known the students who have been with Huihui for a long time?" Mizuki Shibata couldn't help but wonder.

"No, I heard it for the first time yesterday and only met for the first time today." Erica said casually: "Do you think I know him well? Me and you too."

Shibata Mizuki smiled bitterly, a little envious of Erica, a character who can quickly become familiar with anyone.

Of the two boys sitting, the one in the front row said: "Return to the sixteenth he? I didn't expect it to be in our class...through the clothes through the human muscle structure, I said, you believe ?"

He looked at the faces of Erica, Mizuki Shibata and the boys in his back seat.

Erica spread her hand, "Can't you believe it? He even broke my situation."

"Your situation? What is it?" the boy asked immediately.

"Don't tell you." Erica said literally.

She was immediately said to be stingy by the boy, and the two began to fight.

Mizuki Shibata, who would persuade them not to quarrel as soon as possible, pushed her glasses in the direction of Jingyu’s departure; and the sitting boy gave her a quiet look...

****The dividing line of "Time and Space Devil"****

Jingyu, who left the classroom, thought of Erica, and when she put on her headphones again, she also eliminated her sense of presence. With his perception, it would be easy to find ‘Rensheng’ without being discovered...he walked directly to the place where ‘Rensheng’ was in class.

There are three school buildings in the first high school, which are the teaching building, practical building and experimental building in this order. In other words, Jingyu went out of the teaching building where the classroom was located and entered the practical skills building for magic training.

‘Rensheng’ is also a second-class student... Compared to a first-class student who is good at practical skills, there are almost no freshmen who will specifically visit the second-class student’s practical skills course... This makes Jingyu clean.

He did not visit the seat at all, but came to the practice area. Standing alone, watching the girl who was working hard in the field.

It is very different from standing in front of him. Holding a bamboo sword and using magic to slash the target, she is like a majestic female swordsman... For Jingyu, her heroic appearance is more attractive, making him feel true. This line.

When Ren Sheng's sharp sword skill cut the target into three segments and made the swordsman action of retracting the blade into the sheath... Jingyu released his state and applauded.

Rensheng stayed for a while, because this person was standing three meters behind her before...but no one was found.

"You, how are you..." She glanced at the faces of her classmates, and they all looked surprised.

"Don't care about the details." Jingyu said to her: "Your practice is over? Or, does it bother you?"

Rensheng smiled bitterly, "Here is more than me..." She nodded apologetically to her classmates who cast dissatisfied eyes, walked to Jingyu, and reproached, "Do you always do this?" "Does it mean breaking the rules?" Jingyu blinked at her, "I will do it if it's worth it."

This means... is it worth it for me?

Rensheng couldn't help showing embarrassment... This change in expression also turned her from a female swordsman of awe-inspiring wind to a lovely girl of cuteness.

But she quickly put aside this emotion and said with a swordsman's upright posture: "In this way, the reverse student brother came over purposefully? Remember that the student council and the discipline committee announced that it was because you had Only when I have a higher sword skill can I see through my level. How can I applaud my rough sword skill?"

"If you want me to answer, I have to be honest, I was attracted by the beautiful figure of the sister, and I did it unconsciously." Jingyu said so.

This made Ren Sheng stunned. Her cheeks were reddish and her lips were grinning: "You, are you playing me?"

"No..." Jingyu sighed helplessly, whispering'Why can't you be believed', and said in a puzzled tone: "Sister Xue didn't notice it? Mingjian was full of confusion, but she didn't give up The training of oneself and the specialization of sword skills... If such a person is not beautiful, then it is unreasonable."

I saw a brilliance from my sister, and found it along the trail of brilliance.

He expressed this meaning.

And Rensheng, the expression should be shocked?

She opened her eyes round and looked at him with an incredible expression, her two thin lips moved up and down without saying a word.

At this time, someone else came over.

Jingyu glanced at them and found out that they had completed the course before and chatted with the trio beside them.

"Rensheng, is he? The first-year student with a better sword skill than yours." one said.

"...Yes." Ren Sheng adjusted his emotions and answered after two seconds slow... Jingyu thought that she might be hesitating...whether this part is better than her.

But she said so.

The three boys sighed, "Hey," "Now, how good is it, let's see how?" Or the boy said with an expression of interest.

Yan Sheng's face also showed the expression he wanted to see.

Because of this, "Okay." Jingyu agreed with a smile, "Sister Xuezhu's bamboo sword lends me...and, I have trouble building a target like that."

It was a vertical object similar to a wooden pile.

When Rensheng passed the bamboo sword, he thought a little, "Wait, are you carrying CAD?"

To make an analogy to CAD, it is roughly equivalent to the magic wand in the hands of a traditional magician... It is a must-have for modern magicians, and it records the activation type of magic activation, which makes the magic activation simplified and high-speed.

Modern magicians have almost one man. However, when entering the school, it will be temporarily handed over... That is, Ren Sheng believes that Jingyu should not be on his body.

"I didn't bring... However, it doesn't require magic to demonstrate the sword skill." After getting the bamboo sword, Jingyu held the bamboo sword hilt with both hands and made a few swings when constructing the target.

The glance of Ren Sheng's eyes at the glance of his random but perfect movement.

The target stands up.

Jingyu walked two meters away from the target... The entire second grade E students stopped and looked at Jingyu. When this happens, I don't know who is here to visit.

Well, no one cares.

Jingyu put the bamboo sword into his waist and made the action of pulling out the sword.

Just the posture of the posture, the inexplicable coercion was transmitted from the beginning of his body...Neng Sheng's expression dimmed.

She blinked without blinking, trying to see Jingyu's movements in her eyes.

He maintained his posture... ten seconds, half a minute, one minute... It was like a stone, and Rensheng swallowed.

Some students in the class are wondering if they don't understand Kendo. Only those who understand Kendo will understand what kind of effort they have to pay to achieve the level of the person in front of them.

He is already a master.

Suddenly, Ren Sheng just felt like it was spent in front of her eyes. The person in front seemed to become huge at this moment... It was only a moment, so that she thought it was an illusion.

Then, he saw that he made a move to close the sword.

"Hey..." She froze.

Others are unknown, so they looked at each other on the ground, thinking, ‘Is it over? ’

When he stood upright, the target to be chopped with a real knife or the same sharp magic as the real knife was broken into three quarters.

Rensheng covered his lips with his hands.

The entire classroom is quiet.

Only the sound of his footsteps turning around... He turned around and smiled at Rensheng, "Well, roughly this level..."


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