Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 12: Heir to power

Shen Xue looked at the boy with rude manners... Her attitude even made the students around her think that she was just looking at the empty seat.

However, Shen Xue soon discovered something was wrong...they didn't notice the boy.

In the same way, no matter how seriously Xue Xue looks at the boy's face, the other person's impression in her mind is fleeting...that is, she has reached a point where she can't remember and cannot remember when she looks away.

After seeing it for two or three seconds, she still doesn't know what the male is like.

Isn’t this weird?

Therefore, Shen Xue thought that he would stop, and it was not unreasonable. However, she would stop, but not because of this.

She closed her eyes and removed the confusion from her mind. Just now, she should have felt something unconsciously, and she wanted to find that feeling again.

****The dividing line of the new book "The Devil of Time and Space"****

Even if Jingyu wears headphones to avoid hearing the noise around her, she won't even be noticed by the dozen people standing beside her.

Especially in the middle of them, the girl who clearly faced him... The girl's intention to look at him made him frown unexpectedly.

Need to explain here. Before entering the restaurant, he reduced his presence to almost zero. At this time, it is a little different... because unlike walking on the road, he can always avoid people who are unconsciously approaching. Sitting here to eat, what will happen if the other party doesn't know someone there?

Maybe he will sit on him.

So, he made a little adjustment to the sense of existence-to a level that people know but don't care about.

Obviously, this is of no use to this girl...?

No, when he looked at the girl's face, he found the confusion in the girl's eyes, and knew that there was no problem with his method.

The girl was also affected.

So why doesn't she leave?

This made him a little interested...he looked at the girl and wanted to see what she found.

The girl closed her eyes.


Deep snow with closed eyes is not as attractive as Jingyu's.

The classmates around her looked at each other.

"That, classmate Long Ye?" a girl asked carefully: "What's wrong with you?"

Shen Xue didn't respond... To be precise, she didn't even hear it. What caused her to stop was not any of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, but unconscious behavior... she expanded her potential consciousness.

It seemed to be dark around, and another deep snow was in such a space. Then she saw a icy blue light and couldn't help but approach, and hesitated to reach out and touch.

The moment she encountered it, she realized a kind of water and milk blend, as if it were one with her.

However, it was precisely because of the thought of ‘oneness’ that triggered a kind of girl instinct and interrupted the girl’s potential consciousness... Shen Xue opened her eyes and even widened her eyes because she was shy.

The surrounding sounds were refilled in the ears, and the visual effect also focused the focus in the deep snow eyes-not dark, there was no light that made her comfortable and shy... she saw the classmates full of worry and not Xie's gaze recalled where he was.

Because I don't know from closing my eyes to the present, it has passed two or three seconds... The impression in my memory thinks that it has passed for a long time, and these classmates are waiting for her here. This apologizes to her.

"It's rude." She nodded ceremonially.

As he raised his head, he inevitably glanced at the boy again. This time, the double meaning of shyness and vigilance flashed in her eyes...the other party, what the **** is going on, and whether she knew what happened just now made her very concerned.

However, neither the classmates nor this occasion seemed suitable for asking.

Deep Snow endured, "Let's find a suitable place." Offer to take the initiative to leave with the classmates...

On the seat side, Jingyu restarted to eat lunch, but there was no peace in his mind. ‘It turns out that, although it does not have a direct blood relationship, it is after all the successor of my power... Do you feel my origin? ’

The energy in his body from the replacement system was originally attributeless. Because the registered BS ability is ‘frozen’, part of the energy is adjusted to support the freezing effect.

This is what Deep Snow felt.

After knowing it, Jingyu temporarily put her curiosity down... but he looked at Deep Snow again and thought: ‘I don’t know if she told her late night what happened to her birth and my situation...’

Thinking about this part, I will wait until after seeing late or true night.

He finished his lunch and packed up and left the restaurant.

In the afternoon, it is more aimless. Every time you go to a driving range, all of them glance at them, and the girls who don't get into the eye will move to the next location. When there is an eye-catching girl, he will quietly ask who it is... He soon completed the visit and returned to the empty classroom to teach himself a course for a while, and it was time for school.

When Jingyu came to the school gate, he saw a large number of students gathered here. Suddenly thought that it was Elika who said that he was waiting for him, he adjusted the sense of existence to close to zero, and he walked past them without wearing headphones.

It’s not that he didn’t see Erica and Mizuki, and he just regarded them as the liveliness here; he also saw Shen Xue and a boy standing in the back position... that guy happened to be Erica and Mizuki. One of the companions who visited the workshop in the morning, I don't know why I met Shen Xue.

Just thinking about ‘going to see Erica tomorrow to inquire about it’, my arm was hit.


A wave of energy escapes from the surface of Jingyu. The intensity made the person in the distance panic-stricken to discover that the air around him was twisted, and that the twist had a tendency to radiate further.

But don't get me wrong, it wasn't caused by what hit his arm.

Jingyu, who is at the center of it, is stroking her forehead with some confusion, ‘Lin Er’s girl is really chaotic! ’

I remember before she came to Japan that she said that there were attempts to impose magic on him that would protect him from any harm...the daughter's heart, he just accepted it. This was the first time it was triggered, and I did not expect it to be of this scale.

Jingyu shook his fist and shook it slightly, dissipating the energy that wrapped himself.

This also revealed his figure.

Ignoring the silence around him, he looked in the direction of the magic bullet, and found that the student's president, the seven grasses, was really beautiful.

Shiny Yumi's red eyes were also looking at him, filled with amazement.

‘I didn’t feel the malicious intention against me from the magic bullet, and it’s not powerful...’ Jingyu tried to extend the arm from the hand that Shinyumi used to launch the magic bullet, connecting the arm of the bullet point.

He turned his head to see another **** the extension line...the girl was touching the ring on her left with her right hand.

"That's the case..." He took off his headphones and looked at Yumi, "I won't hinder you anymore, you continue."

He said nothing, he had to put on headphones again, and was going to leave.

"Wait a minute!" words burst out of Mori Watanabe's mouth with Shinyumi. When Jingyu looked over, her face was the kind of expression that was angry. ..


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