Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 168: Preparation

The Self-Defense Force dispatched a squad to manage the logistics. At the camp of the civilian police force, several huge tents for storing materials were set up. There are food, emergency ammunition and military tents.

In front of these big tents, there are two tables. After one, there were two members of the Self-Defense Forces who were responsible for registering the combination of civilian police teams. The other is for the distribution of materials.

Jingyu took his own team and came here soon.

"IP rank 130, Long Jingyu." He reported his latest ranking.

The members of the Self-Defense Force who had been sitting up quickly stood up. After receiving his certificate and confirming that it was correct, he saluted him.

"In the report we received, you are the highest ranked person. May I ask whether you are serving as the commander of the army."

Auxiliary forces should set up a regimental commander, usually the highest ranked group. However, if the opponent is unwilling to take up his own position, he will follow the order in turn, and it will be the next ranking combination.

"Sir Emperor Saint Emperor wants to visit the frontline command, you already know." Jingyu asked the soldier indifferently.

The latter nodded.

"Then the commander of the legion is naturally assumed by Lord Sheng Tianzi." Jingyu smiled. "If you can't be the master, you can report it to the commander of the Self-Defense Forces here and confirm to him whether only the post of deputy commander is set up. ."

"This..." The soldier was hesitant. After looking at his companion, he said to Jingyu: "If you can, please wait."

The'companion' ran to a resting tent belonging to these soldiers, and there should be communication equipment for communication.

"Don't wait, I don't plan to take the position of deputy army commander." Jingyu said to the soldiers: "Help my team register, then, give me two tents."

"..." The soldier stayed for a while, thinking, "Why did you just say it if you didn't hold it?" He felt weird, but when facing Jingyu's oppressive eyes, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest thought of the other party's IP ranking.

The IP ranking of the civilian police has entered thousands, and it has a fake military rank. For example, Cao Chang is near 1000 and Lieutenant is 300. By the time of Jingyu 130, it was already the category of captain. The top 100 are school-level officers.

Although this fake military rank does not have command power, it has command power. Therefore, this soldier faced Jingyu, who was a lot higher than himself, obediently obeyed the instructions he wanted to receive two tents.

"Hey, you two, do you want the girls to pick up the tent?" Jingyu said not far away, two men with their heads sagged.

The soldiers have long noticed the composition of Jingyu's group. The teenager in front of him was very handsome, and the girl next to him was very beautiful. Then there are four little girls, one cute than one. Behind them are the two muscular big men.

Originally thought they would be the main fighting force. However, they seem to have been hit by some kind of trauma. In that state, does it matter to participate in the next battle?

The soldier carefully asked Jingyu about this.

"Nothing, they just lost their first kiss at the same time and would cheer up." Jingyu smiled with a smile.

This point came from the confession when the two men retched and complained to each other after he released his hand. At this moment, upon hearing him say this, Katsuragi Yushu is gone.

"Whose fault is that." He snarled at Jingyu.

"Do you want to come with the general again?" Jingyu looked at him with a kind smile.

"Woo..." Katsuto Yushu immediately wilted.

General Yixiong shook his head desperately, stating that he was a good boy and should not be implicated.

Jingyu pointed at the parts of the tent built by the stunned soldiers. The two men ran obediently and carried them without saying a word, as if running towards the distance like a race.

"Cut, that's how scared I was. It's really no good." Gongyue copied his arms and spit out his brother angrily.

In fact, she is just a bitter tongue.

"Then, that..." The soldier in front of Jingyu understood what a tragic thing had happened. He just paled when he imagined it. With a dry cough, he said carefully to Jingyu, who was "cruel", "They have already left, is it up to you to register for them."

"Their starters are still there." Jingyu gestured to Gongyue and Xia Shi.

The two girls came to the table and wrote down their group name and IP ranking. Then it was Mu Geng and Tina...the two of them just combined. Considering the influence of Tina's "Amnesia", they got a ranking of 9200.

After doing all this, as he walked towards the place where the tent was established, Mu even asked Jingyu: "Jingyu, do you want to participate in the next battle with this lineup? Or will you find another combination. "

"At least find two more groups." Jingyu replied: "This time, I will be the main target for Bi Suwu. Yanzhu will fight with me. You and me will be a group that will help me block those meetings. The gastrointestinal animals that interfere with our fight. There are only three groups, and the intensity of this task is too high, I am not at ease."

Mu nodded even more, especially looked at Gongyue. She knows that Jingyu has instructed Yixiong to exercise. She also asked for specific details about this... Jingyu said this:

"Teaching Mu to teach you more can be said to be the internal qigong of Qi training. The supervisor will learn the external qigong of the forging body. The external qigong is not without qi, but this qi is only concentrated on a specific part of the body to enhance strength, Speed, impact resistance."

The specific strength and weakness of internal and external work depends on the time of personal comprehension and exercise. Obviously, at present, General Yixiong cannot compare with Mugen. However, Yi Xiong's general supervisor is definitely stronger than Pian Tong Yu Shu.

And Jingyu also said that Xia Shi has the strength to cooperate with the general supervisor at this time. In other words, she should have the strength to override the thousands.

In this case, the combination of general supervisors will be much more than that of Pian Tong brothers and sisters.

Is it okay to let their siblings join this difficult task? Wood was even more confused.

"Mu Geng, this fight is not the end, but the beginning. Let them exercise a little bit," Jingyu said with a smile.

Mu was more stunned and nodded knowingly.



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