Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 169: Air defense arrangement

"Mr. Jingyu, you are really bad enough."

At about noon, Sheng Tianzi called. This is the first sentence.

"Have the commander of the Self-Defense Force already reported to you?" Jingyu laughed. "You shouldn't quit."

"I will listen to you next, how can I violate your intentions." Sheng Tianzi sighed quietly.

"Hey, if you say that, I will misunderstand it. Not all of it will be heard next, but these days." Jingyu reminded her.

Sheng Tianzi stayed for a while, "Then, please forget the sentence just now." She coughed embarrassedly and changed the subject: "Oh, I'm here to tell you that the map has been sent to the Self-Defense Forces' barracks." You can take a look at it now, and the Self-Defense Force will arrange for someone to greet you."

Jingyu smiled again, "It's lunch time, you really can appoint someone." He paused, "Well, actually, you didn't eat lunch? You can't pay attention to your body."

"...I, I will eat it." Sheng Tianzi was very happy to hear that he was caring for himself. "You eat it before you go."

"Jingyu, the concubine brought you lunch." Through the receiver, Sheng Tianzi vaguely heard Yanzhu's very spiritual shout, and he then asked, "Who is he talking to?"

I don’t know if Jingyu had explained to Yanzhu. Sheng Tianzi heard the words at the end, "So, after the map is marked, I will contact you again."

He hung up the phone.

Sheng Tianzi slowly placed the microphone on the base. She looked down at the document on the desk, and after hesitating, she stood up and walked out of the door...lunch, to eat.

On Jingyu's side, eight people sat in the empty space between the two tents. Of these two tents, one is for girls and the other is for men. However, considering that a tent can sleep ten people, Jingyu decided to sleep with the girls regardless of Gongyue's protest.

In fact, except for her opposition, all other girls expressed their approval.

As for the remaining two men, they have now sat as far away from each other as possible to avoid suspicion. However, the girls are still very gossip about the two of them sleeping in a tent.

After finishing lunch, Jingyu walked alone to the self-defense force camp. At present, the military camp of the Self-Defense Forces is close to the No. 32 stone monument, two kilometers away from the camp of the civilian police forces... This distance, the civilian police forces simply cannot support the Self-Defense Forces in time.

After the Holy Son came, he must adjust it in the name of Holy Son.

Shortly after Jingyu showed his ID to the gatekeeper at the gate of the Self-Defense Forces, there was a civilian-style school-level officer who led him into the barracks. And in an independent tent, show the electronic three-dimensional map to Jingyu.

Compared to the inland area near the giant stone monument, which is an uninhabited outer area, the buildings near Tokyo Bay are significantly taller, and dozens of buildings can be seen everywhere.

Human settlements enclosed by giant stone tablets always have the disadvantage of limited territorial area. Therefore, trying to develop the building in the direction of the sky has become a way for people to expand the territory.

Not to mention, how many people have solved the housing problem. Now, it is very convenient for erecting anti-aircraft guns.

There are two giant stone monuments in Tokyo Bay, which are different from other blacks, and are marked in red. Presumably, after the dismantling, the height of the monument was reduced.

This method is not bad...although the height of the monolith will decrease a bit. However, if the scope of defense is reduced, the advantage of relatively concentrated strength will be highlighted.

The distance between the giant stone monument and the giant stone monument is usually ten kilometers. The two giant stone monuments that Jingyu needs to consider are twenty kilometers-five kilometers on each side and ten kilometers in the center.

At this time, anti-aircraft guns are two types of electromagnetic anti-aircraft guns and laser anti-aircraft guns. The object is gastrointestinal animals. Considering the suppression of gastrointestinal virus by Jing metal, Jingyu chose an electromagnetic anti-aircraft gun to launch a metal warhead.

The range is based on an effective 5km. He placed five forts on the top of the five buildings in the shape of M, occupying the five vertices of M. In addition, within the area surrounding this M, ten buildings at equal intervals are equipped with helicopters and ten thousand ranked civilian police groups.

When he marked these points one by one on the electronic map, the civilian officer carefully asked:

"Excuse me, can this be foolproof?"

"Foolproof?" Jingyu smiled sarcastically. "It depends on what the people on the scene do and what kind of gastroent animals come in. With the super high initial velocity of the electromagnetic anti-aircraft gun, the probability of interception is 99%. "

The remaining 1% is taken into account that the gastrointestinal animals can avoid the shells... Just like the previous spider carrying a box, which can use the cobweb to glide in the air, what kind of abilities can the gastrointestinal animals have, No one can tell.

Regardless of the officer's expression, Jingyu drew a semi-circle with a diameter of 20 kilometers on the electronic map, indicating: "If there is a gastrointestinal animal, enter from these two giant stone monuments, all the people in this area will be evacuated."

"All?" The officer was a little unbelievable. "Is this a bit exaggerated? And, where do you want so many people to live, and what materials should they live on?"

Jingyu glanced at him, "When the large-scale underground bunker evacuation is completed, it can absorb 30% of the total population of Tokyo, and there are many vacant positions. What you need to consider now is not where to live, but how to maintain Their order, and what kind of people are used to maintain their order."

"This..." The officer sweated as he saw his forehead, and he swallowed. "I will report truthfully to Lord Sheng Tianzi." Obviously, he did not want to take responsibility for this thinking.

'waste. Although he did not expect him, Jingyu scolded in the bottom of his heart. He dropped the electronic pen, "So much to say. If you have any doubts, you can call me."

"I'll send you out." The officer has been frightened by Jingyu's spirit, from the indifference at the beginning to the respect now.

While walking out of the barracks of the SDF, Jingyu looked back and forth at the formation of the SDF. The form is not optimistic, but after the establishment of the small stone monument, half of the military power will be moved above the stone monument, and Jingyu will be too lazy to think about the following part.

In other words, he has other uses for the other half of the soldiers.



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